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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1954)
THURSDAY’, JAN. 7, 1954 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. by VIF R.I.P.* Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olinger. Callers at the J. W. Wilcoxen home recently were Mr and Mrs. Sid Boles and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wanfolk and daughter of Delena. DANCE. IOOF hall. Saturday. January 16. Bill's Swingsters. It2c ' * | | i ' . | ; I l I YOU’LL ¥ rest in PIECES if you SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM IGNORE STOP LINES AND PEDESTRIAN WALKS Th« Traveler« Safety S*r»w« Way Changed on Trip to Home RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wells, daughters Patty and Ruby and son B:lly, visited rela tives in Washington New Years week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wells and daughters stopped in T.nino to visit Mr. Wells cousin and while they were parked the.e. their son Billy was passing through on his way home from Paine Air Bas?. He recognized his parent’s car and changed cars and directions and went with them on their trip. They visited Mr. Well’s sister, Mrs. George Misner, her son, Claude, and family at Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson at Seatti" an i Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bixby at Ta- Inch of Snow Falls Saturday MIST — Quite a snow storm took place Saturday night. Some where around an inch came, but rain came too, and it soon dis appeared. The Robert Mathews enter tained all of the L. P. Mathews family and the George Mathews three sons Christmas day at dinner. Don’t forget the Mis* He'ping Circle meeting the fourth Thurs day at Mrs. Max' • at Natal. Mr. and Mrs. Georg" Jones called at the Melis home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Wik- strom and children were down from Vernonia Sunday and visited his parents, the L. P Wikstroms. We are sorry to hear of the passing of Mrs. Emma Crawford at her home last Monday even THURS . FBI. JAN. 7 8 ing from a heart attack. Mrs. Chas. Sundland went to THE CADDY w.. rtin & L wis - Donna Reed I B.averton last week to bring her aunt and uncle down for a SATURDAY JAN. 9 visit. Mrs. 1. E. Knowles ac BELOW THE SAHARA companied her. (Color) Laurie Brown spent the holi Travel and Adventure In Africa I days here from Astoria with De- Plus loris Wilson. Laurie’s parents THE GUNMEN Whip Wilson and she lived in the village at SUN.. MON. JAN. 10-11 one time. Culver Payne of The D ai’.es THE MOON IS BLUE Will iam Holden . David Niven visit'd the Wesley Monroes Sun (Keen immended for Adults Only) day. Mrs. G urge Hutchins is in R W1 D JAN. 12 13 Longview for medical treatment. RAIDERS OF THE She has been ill with flu. SEVEN SEAS Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robbins (Color) and children returned to Port J< hn Payne Donna Reed X Angeles aft t spending the past few weeks with her folks, the Claud Kysers. coma. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shrak. of Salem spent New Years and Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Snook. Mrs. P.t ■ Wells and daughter of Grants Pass are visiting at th. home of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hud son. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Solomon. Mr and Mrs. Walter Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callister, son, Ronnie, and Mrs Clara Hill spent New Years day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hawkins and boys spent New Years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ford at Warrenton. Yes, our foods are the stars for the housewife. Whatever your food needs, we have them at prices that make the budget dollar go farther plus first class quality. Stai-s will shine when you trade at NEHALEM MARKET. NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 72! KHTVH3N dOHS — WTIVH3N dOHS — W3TVHHN dOHS now on display... New ’54 DODGE in 3 Great Series •foy Thpatrp I NEW OWNERS Of Established Auction I L.R. SENFF Of Brightwood, Oregon C. W. CHRISTIANSEN Of Twin Falls, Idaho ROYAL V-8 CORONET V-8 and « MEADOWBROOK V-8 anil 6 Most elegant, most exciting luxury car in its price field! Color-harmo nized interiors and distinctive Jac quard fabrics match luxury of most costly cars. Record-breaking 150- h.p. Red Ram V-8 engine, Power- Flite Drive and Power Steering. More massive length, more Hashing style, highlight the new elegance of the Coronet Series in both V-8 and 6. Lustrous Jacquard fabrics. Coronet line includes w idest choice of smart station wagons ever presented. All the time-honored dependability, roominess. riding comfort and solid goodness of Dodge—at prices below many models in the lowest price field. Red Ram V-8 engine, winner over all eights in Mobilgas Economy Run—or stepped-up Dodge “Six." FvHy ov*v«roli< «M eqv>pm«nf Wonuwaior o d M ' hm Fewer or« ovwlebl« or meuf modett Th« »cd»»o»« ew*»J cot brrfvyp iottevf reword« *• driving pievMtxe AUCTIONEERS » I J] f Wish to announce the purchase ot ALTMAN’S AUCTION MART Which will now be known as the Forest Grove Auction Market Sale Every Friday Misc. at It) a.m. Livestock at 1 p.m. ROAD TEST THE GREAT NEW '54 DODGE TODAY! HAWKEN MOTORS . 968 Bridge Street VERNONIA, OREGON Phone 501 311OP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEllALEM Emil Minger has arrived by plane from Oakland. California to visit at the home of his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Minger, Sr. Mr. Minger, Sr., is recover ing from a stroke suffered New Year’s eve. Three daughters also visited over the week end: Mrs. Chas. McNally, Mrs. Claia Reich and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Feldt of Cornelius and two granddaugh ters, Mrs. Wm. Gehlen (formerly Heidi Reich of Vernonia) and Miss Lotti Reich also of Portland. The four children of Mrs. W. R. Wolff, with their families, were dinner guests at the Wolff resi dence at Natal last Wednesday evening. Those present w,re: Robert Turner of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. George Turner and daughter of Oakridge; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Turner and son of Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve and daughter of Birkenfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Turner and son, Tommy, of Pendleton, who spent the holidays at the W. R. Wolff residence, left for Portland Friday to visit rela tives. They returned to Pendle ton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff spent Friday evening at the Bob Cone home on Beaver creek road | Obituary Joseph Andrew Wirtz was butt» MIST — Mrs. Robert Mathews is giving a party this Tuesday near Herndon. Iowa, January 8. honoring Mrs. L. B. Eastman 1880 and grew to manhood in Iowa. He was married to Jul a on her 80th birthday. Buchmiller in 1909 and moved to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hockman North Dakota where they re are here from Beaverton visiting sided until 1936 when they came at ths home of their neice, Mrs. to Oregon and bought a farm Chas. Sundland. near Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine had In 1943 they came to Vernonia Christmas dinner with his par and made their home here until ents, the Sam Devines. Sunday, the Clair Devines mo. January 2, 1953. The past yea tored to Hillsboro to attend a they have resided at Mt Sa birthday dinner given in honor Joseph's Home for the Ag;d i. of his grandfath r, Mr. Danielson. Portland. Mr. Wirtz passed awa/ Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding December 24, 1953 in Pendleton, were Christmas eve guests of where he had been hospitaliz. d their daughter, Mrs. Max Oblack, for two weeks. Mourners are: his widow, Julia; and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bateson one son, George R. Wirtz, uf came down from Cornelius the Sunnyside, Washington; one oth.r day and called on old daught r. Mrs. Mary Kempsr, <• Forest Grove; two sisters, Mr friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Eastman Lizzie Stover of Vancouver, Was) - were caller« at the A. R. Melis ington and Mrs. Frances Schun. home one day the last of the ! acher of New England, Nortt. Dakota and eleven grandchildre : week. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mrs. Floy Hammack, former Vernonia resident now living at Powers, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Laird from Christmas to Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Lulah Fullerton is in the Emanuel hospital as the result of a broken leg which came from a fall at her home Thursday morning of last week. She fell about 4 o’clock that morning and was not found until 1 o'clock Friday morning. Laster Shafer returned home Tuesday of last week from Provi dence hospital where he had been for two weeks and is showing improvement. Roger Quirin was here on busi ness the early part of this week from Lac La Hache, British Co lumbia where he recently lo cated the sawmill he formerly operated in this vicinity. Ralph Krieger was admitted to the Jones hospital, Hillsboro, Monday of this week for several (lays for treatment for blood poison in his hand. Hubert Fleskes, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.te Hubert Fleskes of For est Grove, recently pledged Alpha Zeta, local social fraternity at Pacific University. Bert, a fresh man, graduated from Vernonia high school where he was active in football and baseball. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Leath and Miss Ann Ortner were in Port land New Years day and attended the movie "Beneath The 12-Mile Reef." H. V. Holcomb returned home Sunday after spending three weeks in the hospital and one week at his son’s home in Port land. He is recovering nicely from a broken ankle and wishes to thank his many friends for the many cards, flowers and kind- otMes he received while in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slaucar w the parents of a boy, David Allen, born December 30 and weighing 7Mi pounds. Otto Barnell. Jr., and Jim Wel ler sp'nt the week end at Leba non visiting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. John Hash. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Norris, con Pete and daughter Loretta, visited at the home of Mrs. Bessie Norris at Longview Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olingar and children of Roseburg and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marl, of Reedsvill ' enjoyed Party Commemorates 80th Birth Anniversary