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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1953)
*4 THURSDAY, DEC 17, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i Items of Week Listed for Mist MIST — Sunday guests at the George Jones home were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hab-rman and Mr and Mrs. Halemoton from Clatskanie, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach from Brrkenfeld, Austin Dowling from the village and several others. The Ed Salomonsens from Ver nonia were Saturday evening din ner guests of the Chas. Sund- lunds. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reynolds and Susan were Sunday dinner guests a week ago of the George Jones. -------------- OAKES . RADIO and TV CENTER * Now showing and installing ! ISM Modrls of Admiral TV J sets. Also Radios and Record Players. • ADMIRAL SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 774 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robbins and children are here from Port Angeles visiting her folks, the Claud Kysers. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Monroe have been entertaining their little granddaughter from The Dalles the past week. Her mother came down over the week end. Two Couple» Become Parent» During Month RIVERVIEW — News was re ceived of the birth of a son, Lloyd Russell, born December 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Carver of Fair Oakes, California. Mrs. Car ver formerly was LaVonne Mc Cool. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Car michael are the parents of a girl, Barbara Alice, born December 13, weighing nine pounds, 14 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. E. W Cooper of Tacoma visited her parents, Mr. • and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell, Sun- 1 day. Cora Jean and Opal Kno-dler spent the week end at the Olof Jacobson home while their par ents were at Springfield on busi ness. Lunchroom Licensed Bonded AUCTION Livestock Sales SATURDAY, DEC. 19 I Miscellaneous 12:30 P.M. Livestock 1:00 P.M. For consignments see John Wilmarth or call home phone, CJatskanie 2437. AUCTION TRADING BARN—Clatskanie, Ore. BOY — SELL — TRADE — CONSIGNMENTS Open Daily E. of Clatskanie on U.S. 30—Sell Your Unwanted Hems. Buy Your Needs at Your Own Price. SURPRISE SPECIALS — SAVE PLENTY — PHONE 1600 XWXHXHXHXHÏHXHXHXHXHIHXHS We Wish You the Best of H Z H Z N Z H Z and here are some suggestions to help H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z Complete line of bull^J^hristmas candy and H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD AND H Z 3C ARDEN ICE CREAM H GOOD EATING at Christmas... FRUIT CAKES Christmas Coffee Breads and Holiday Cookies HUTS ? VERNONIA BAKERY YESTERDAYS WEEKLY FOREST MARKET REPORT . . . ONLY ONE I Issued Weekly by Extension De FIVE YEARS AGO From Th« Eagle. Dec. 16. 1948 partment. OSC end USDA The helicopter seeding of 1000 SAWLOGS: No. 2 second- acres on the Columbia Tree Farm I was completed December 14. Seed I growth Douglas fir sawlogs at ! consisted of a mixture of Port Willamette Valley mills ranged I Orford cedar, western hemlock. i from $30.00 to $40.00 a thousand, i I mostly $34.00 to $38.00. No. 3’s i Douglas fir and Grand fir. Long 1 The Vernonia Grange and the I were $25 000 to $29 00. Pythian Sisters have announced I camp-run logs sold from $30 00 to ■ the sponsorship of scholarships to i $38.00 a thousand, with mixed ! 4-H summer school for two par second and old-growth going up i ticipants of club work. I to $42.00. Eight-foot logs were TEN YEARS AGO I $15 00 to $16.50 a cord, or $30.00 , From The Eagle. Dec »6. 1943 to $38.00 a thousand. Mrs. Irvin Ackley, with Mrs. Old-growth Douglas fir saw Eileen Enos as accompanist, was logs brought $40 00 to $47.50 a preparing for the presentation of thousand for No. 2’s and $25.00 two Christmas cantatas December to $37.50 for No. 3’s Peeler logs 19 at the Evangelical church. sold within a $20.00 range up to j George Laird, who has b"en top prices of $75.00, $85.00 and i i stationed in North Africa, has $100 00 be.n promoted to captain. His POLES AND PILING: Forty brother, Lt. Desmond Laird, is and 45-foot barkie poles were in stationed in England fair demand at most Wiliam tte According to Mrs. Harry San- Valley pole yards. Forty-fit don. chairman of the camp and fot barkies ranged from 15 to 23 hospital committee for Vernonia, cents a lineal foot, depending on the quota has be'-n reached for diameters. Vernonia which was 100 packages CHRISTMAS TREES: Douglas | to go to hospitaliz d service men fir Christmas tre"? stumpage av and men in isolated units. eraged about 25 cents per tree. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Good quality trees brought up to From The Eagle, Dec. 16. 1938 40 cents. Cut trees at the road Word received by Lester Sheeley side ranged from 40 to 75 cents this week made known the be a tree, with some large, top grade ginning of construction of another trees bring a dollar a tree. Whole WPA camp near Manning for the sale prices averaged about 30 housing of men who will work on cents a lineal foot. the Wolf creek highway between This report, based on informa Buxton and Davies’ crossing. tion supplied by the State Boaad County Schoolmasters club met of Forestry and other sources, was Monday at the Evangelical prepared by F. H. Dahl, exten- ! church. Arrangements for the sion Agricultural Economist. meeting were made by E. H. Con- dit, grade school principal, who is vice-president of the group. THE VERNONIA EAGLE Have you ever read the article in one of our popular magazines. “Whos? birthday is it?” It is gratifying to see how stores and comemrcial firms are cooperating to put “Christ back into Christ mas.” One of the lovely traditions of Christmas is the singing of Christ mas carols commemorating the birth of our Saviour. Throughout the years, Silent Night has b.en the universal favorite, being trans, latej into 90 different languages and dialects. The history of the origin of this Christmas carol, as well as God Ye Merry Gentlemen, The First Nowell, and others, is available from our county exten sion office located in the Court house in St. Helens, telephone 411. Th name of this mimeograph is “Christmas Songs and Their Origin.” We also have a few copies of Christmas carols which may be “borrowed” by any or ganization wishing to use them for an evening’s entertainment. Dr. William A. Pollock OYLY A DOLLAR V but many dollars, deposited regularly at this bank, can help you build security, and have the other good things you want. Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher AROUND HOME... By Helen Sellie Home Extension Agent but 316,800 of them to gether on a film form the great feature production “Gone With the Wind ” £ Entered as second class mail matter. August 4, 1922 at Hie | post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else | where $3.50. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ | H H SPECIALS £ H FOR H H M H H H For Grade A ■ H H Pasteurized Dairy Products i xH M I I Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY i i i I | Telephone 16212 j Dr. L. K. Pollock ! Vernonia, Oregon j Dentist • Timber Rt., Box 56 H Z H H Z K I« Z H H J J X 1917 Pacific Ave. Over Bus Depot Forest Grove, Ore.—Phone 941 | CJ» With the cold weather, hot dishes become the M order of the day. For all the various vegetables, M meats and daily products needed for these dish es, SHOP AT KING’S. We have nothing but M the best for you, the consumer, at prices that can’t be beaten. X M Optometrist mxhxhxhzhxhxhxmxhxhxhxh I HOT Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon KING’S Grocery - Market Riverview Phone 91 "Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge H hxhzmxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxf * you get more in the ’54 Plymouth BRAND Yes, mor« of the things you want in a car. More styling with luxury that’s new to Moro •s ease, with full-time Power Steering*; Hy-Drive* no-shift ✓ FULLY driving. More romfort, V I I» mor« safety, more f Plymouth economy 1 The big new Plymouth I REV AUT Delu IS 101 CS90 ssas brings you 1954’s greatest advance in car value, Oregon's largest - selling J * straight bourbon ! Q headquarters for value and we ll be proud to prove it i C 4/5QL SA 10 L IMI WHISKEY 1$ 4 TEARS OLD • II PROOF • THE OLD HERMITAGE COMFANT, FRANKFORT, KiNTUCKT to you. Just drop in or phone for your demonstration. •Oe**»* «►odw*ata tim u< J