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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1953)
Library, U of 0 VOLUME 31, NUMBER 41 Next Stop of Blood Unit Due October 21 Record Achievement Hcped for Again by Recruiting Committee 10c COPY THOSE WHO ARE IN IT , I j Army Private Raymond Shep pard. of Vernonia graduated with fellow members of his company as they completed basic infantry training at Camp Robert, Cali fornia last week. The Private was a member of Company D. 77 Armored Infan try Battalion, of the 7th Armored division. He is the husband of Mrs. Jean Sheppard, who resides at Templeton. California. During th? 16 week course, the soldier learned the duties of an infantryman in combat. The use of basic infantry weapons was particularly stressed. Private Sh.ppard also went through train ing maneuvers involving actual small arms and overhead artillery fire. Scheduled to take place here October 21 is a visit of the Red Cross Bloodmobile under arrange ments of the county chapter, word of which was given Monday i evening at the October meeting of the chapter board of directors. The unit will be located at the Odd Fellows hall and will receive donations from 2 to 5 p.m. that day. To date the response of this community to the appeal for Flood has been excellent and it is hoped that the same will be true at th' coming visit of the unit. The theme being followed by the recruiting committee to ar range fot donors on October 21 is: “If you can't donate, ask some one to tak? your place, but be Released this week is the quar responsible for at least one pint terly report of the Commercial of blood.” Bank of Oregon covering business of the combined group from June 30 to September 30 of this year. Not indicated in the release is the amount of gain achieved by the Vernonia branch of the insti tution. For the Vernonia branch de "Tie life of Alvin D. Wantland posits at the end of September was claim'd as th? result of a were $1.408.739.45. That figure logging accident which took place is an increase of $24,305.87 over peer Camp Olson last Friday at deposits here at the end of June, 3:07 p.m. Ha was employed by 1953 when th? figure was $1,- tn- C. N. Day Company as a log 384.433.58. Loans here totaled truck driver. Arrangements for $350.641.37 at the end of last the final rites had not be n com month. peted tip to yesterday noon be- Branches of the Commercial cause definite word had not been Bank of Oregon at Hillsboro are: '•'■•.’ived from one son who is in Vernon i a , Sherwood, Banks, the service. Cloverdal , St. Paul. West Slope, The deceased was born at Van Hood River, Newberg. Tillamook couver. Washington May 17. 1907 and Wheeler. and was 46 years of age. He is survived by: his wife, Marian; Death Claims Uncle three sons, Earl in the service. William James Llewellyn, 70. Do' and David; a daughter. Doris; o- brother, Richard, of Washou- uncl? of Mrs. Claude Shaw, was ga Washington; six sisters, Mrs. taken by death October 5 while A R. Williams and Mrs. F. E. h:re on a short visit from his H pkins of Portland. Mrs. George home at Milwaukie. Cause ot Gr:nia of Stevenson. Mrs. Harry death was coronary thrombosis. Ho-kins of Hood River, and Mrs. He had been riding in the police W liam Scott and Mrs. Emery car with his nephew at the time St-venson of Washougal and one and was not hunting when strick. sti’p sister, Alice Barlow of Man- : n. as first reported. Funeral ar rangements were handled bv the za ita. /—rangements are being handl 'd Bush Funeral home and S. F. by the Bush Funeral home and Peake at Milwaukie. Bank's Deposits Gain $24,305 Life Claimed in Log Accident commitment will take place at tt Vernonia Memorial. F rm Changes Location The office of Seawright’s Ver- no*.a cleaners is located now in th building space formerly oc cur i”d by the Apparel shop. The eh mge was made late last week from the former location on S<: *>nd street. Lions Hear Speaker Vernonia Lions club members heard Glen Hawkins, manager of the Columbia Tree Farm, as speakers at their Monday meeting. He told history of the Crown Zellerbach corporation and d-- velopments in tree growing on the tree farm her? as well as some future plans for the farm. Business Place Painted Police Report Issued Submitted Monday evening for th- first October city council m ting was the September report oi -he city police department pre- p. cd by Marshal A. D. Lolley. T"» report listed a total of $500 lr .‘inc* lcvird during th? month. Painting work on the exterior of the building housing Bush Furniture was near to comple tion the forepart of this week. The interior of the store has also been partially painted and new modern light fixtures are being installed. Red Cross Directors Hear Chapter Reports Th? regular monthly meeting of :he board of directors of the C imbia County Chapter of the R - Cross took place here Mon- d- evening. October 5. at th? V st Oregon Electric office The rre ting here follow:d a new ar- ra g.mcnt whereby the director re«-tings are rotated among vari- <<-,•? county communiti.s. Ssven prominent mention Mon. d; was the forthcoming blood- rr.-cile unit visit scheduled here October 21. The directors also karoed that swimming certifi cates had been issued to 344 stu- de-ta who took advantage of the Hr-; Cross learn to swim campaign i- St. Helens during the summer. It s the desire of the Red Cress to have qualified instructors in all towns of the county to carry out th? learn to swim program. Representatives present for the meeting included: Mrs. Alice Wood and Mrs. Ethtl Miller from Rainier; Chapter Chairman Jay Austin. Treasurer Paul Gamin, Secretary Mrs. Milo Greene. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hudson. Mrs. Lew Winkler. Mrs Fred Bitte, Gerald Kelly and Rudy Rierson. all from St. Helens. Attending the session to repre- s*nt this area were- Mrs. L. L. Wells. Mrs Alice Buckner. Mrs. Myrtle Oakes. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs Guy Thom as and Bill Horn The board will meet again No- vemb r 2 at Clatskanie. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON 21 Agencies Combine for United Fund PHONE 191 Loggers Meet Improved Tiger Team, Win 18-6 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8. 14- Approval for Construction I Of Tank Voted The Vernonia Loggers journey I t am. Once again the try for ed to Clatskanie last Fr’day to | point failed. Twice mor-* in the take the Tigtrs by the tail in a third quarter the locals were with grid game which started out with in scoring range, but both times a growl and ended with a meow! they fumbled and Clatskani? re Greater Generosity Present Wood Tank j Vernonia defeated that *'le\ ?n 18- covered. The fumbles took place Asked Individuals 6 in a cl anly fought ball game. on the one-yard stripe and on Due for Replacement To Make Successful By New Steel Unit Vernonia gridrrr'n were sur the 10. Fourth quarter play was an October 18, is United Fund Sun prised by the strong and improved Approval was forthcoming M,>r day in Columbia county. On that Tiger squad which was constant ' even affair with the Vernonia day evening in a formal city cour day the united campaign of 21 ly threat, ning throughout the team’s final tally taking place cil decision that gave the go- organizations will get underway. | game giving Coach Vlcek no midway. The locals’ TD cam-’ ahead for steps that will lead to This will result in a decrease in chance to use his reserves. On after a 40-vard march which was construction of a new settle n: the combined administrative ex the opening kickoff Clatskanie re climaxed by Braun scoring from tank at the city water pumpm^. penses in that one big drive will ceived and drove the ball from eight yards out. A wet ball made plant at an estimated cost ot be made rather than many small their own 30 all the way down the kicking of extra points prac , $21,000 ones; also, there will be a large to the local's 8-.vard stripe before tically impossible with the Log The decision made Monday saving of time on the part of the drive could be stemmed. The gers extra point specialist. Hank came aft r the matter had been organizers and solicitors, as well rest of the first quarter was a Bass, once again missing the up postponed from the last previous as those solicited. For each per see-saw affair with both teams rights. Final score was 18-6 with council meeting when prelimin the Loggers sporting the edge. son will b? approached for a con not seriously threatening. ary engineering plans were con- tribution only once rath-’r than On th? first play from scrim Friday night th ■ Vernonia ele sid red as presented by S. .t. 21 tim.s, as regards the agencies mage. starting th ■ second period, ven will play host to the Scap Ross, who is employed as city in the United Fund. Fred Drips broke through c liter poose Indians who are an up and engineer. from the Clatskanie 35, outran coming team after being a slow His presentation at that time MORE MONEY ASKED the secondary, and crossed th.- starter. The Indians defeated the included several alternatives for This means of course, that . goal line standing up for the Seaside team last Friday by prac th ■ tank construction and the one contributions must be larger than I Loggers. The try for point failed. ( tically the same score as the Log- chosen Monday was the next t > g rs. would b-* given to one individual lowest in estimated cost. By agency if the United Fund budg t LOWER COLUMBIA LEAGUE choosing this plan the present for the county of $26.000 is to be STANDINGS tank can be used until such tir.w met. It has been suggested that Team W L Pct, as the n w one is ready for use. each employ, d person give the St. Helens . 2 0 1.000 Th? differential between the low equivalent of a day’s pay toward Rainier 2 0 1.000 est cost plan and the next to these worthwhile social agencies. Vernonia 2 1 .666 lowest is accounted for in rxtr> 1 1 .5011 piping expense. On the same day, October 18, Warrenton 1 2 Governor Paul E. Patt ’rson was .333 Should the low •'st price plan th? Unit'd Fund campaign in Clatskanie 1 2 .333 invited this week to sp ak at a have been chosen, it would be Portland and Multnomah, Clack Scappoose 0 3 .000 dance to be sponsored by the St. n cessary to tear down the tank amas and East Washington coun Seaside Fridays Scores Helens ground observers at the now in use and operate th” pump ties will begin. Much is heard Columbia county fairgrounds Oc. ing plant without it during con these days regarding the United St. Helens 2.5, Warrenton 0. tob;r 10. It was not known struction of the new unit, a pn Fund on the radio, on television, Scappoose 31, E-caside 19. whether the governor will b? able cedure councilmen believed would and in the Portland papers. This Vernonia 18, Clatskanie 6. to attend, but he was ask-'d to I be unsatisfactory. for the most part applies to the Camas 44. Rainier 12. speak briefly on the civilian air A call for bids for the work United Fund in Columbia county. d fensc program and to present will b” published as soon as fina In th? latter part of the second 16 AGENCIES PARTICIPATE quarter th? Tigers were forced awards to several observers of engineering plans are drawn. Th- The Sixteen Agencies of the to punt on fourth down to the the county. proposed new tank will be of steel Or gon Chest are included in the locals’ five where a Logger back The dance will be held to raise construction almost thro? times Columbia county United Fund was downed with a vicious tackle funds to improv? the St. H lens th- size of the present word. budget for 1953 in the amount of causing a fumbl? and a Tiger re ground observer post and help es : tank, which increase in size will $6.000. covery. On the fourth down try tablish other posts in the county 1 raise the efficiency of th? pump These agencies are: The Al th? Indians pushed over, tieing as well as to create interest I ing plant and eliminate much if bertina K”rr Hom s. Inc., includ- th-' score at six all. Their point throughout the county in th? i not all overtime pumping durin s in the Albertina Kerr Nursery and try failed. GOC program, according to Mrs. summer months. By doing away with the sum the Louise Hom?; The Boys and The l.oggcrs took the kickoff in Dorothy Petersen, post supervis mer overtime work a h avy sun Girls Aid Society of Oregon; th? third quarter and promptly or, St. Helens. Catholic Services for Children; drove the pigskin downfield to Air fore? officials of the Port nier expense will be saved for Children's Farm Home— WCTU; the oppositions’ 30 From that land air defense filter center and the city. Councilmen also hoard a pnx- The Christi? Home for Guls; point Sf ?d Lusby broke loos? representatives of McChord aid i Our Lady of Providence Nursery; for a nice gallop which ended with force base, Washington are ex- posal from city employees for a change of working schedule so The Salvation Army, White another six points for the local pect.'d to attend. utility jobs could be more satis Shield Home; St. Mary's Home factorily handled and ordered tt-. for Boys; St. Rose Industrial change made. School, Inc.; M- ntal Health As sociation of Oregon; Waverly- Baby Home; The Volunteers of America. Mother’s and Children s Hums; The Oregon Prison As sociation; United Def?ns' Fund; YMCA, Youth and Government program. Published Friday of last wee'i 108 GIVEN HELP was the second series of issues o' The Timberline, high school stu In the child care agencies of dent newspaper. Editor for th# the Oregon Ch st. 108 children publication is June Cunningham from Columbia county wars serv Other memebrs of the editorial ed during the past three years: staff are: assistant editor, Foye? These children received a total Akers; news editor, Kathl en of 13,919 days of fre? care In Sauer; assistant news editor, these homes. Sharlee Powets; featur • editor, The remaining five agencies in Pat H ickman; exchange editor. cluded in the county united drive Marylyn Good; assistant exchange are: the Red Cross, The Ameri editor, Yvonne Sussom; »porta can Red Cross. The American editor, Joe Taylor; assistant Cancer Society. The Girls Scouts, sports editor, Jimmy Davis; fash The Boy Scouts and the Arthri ion editor, Joyce Jones and arc tis and Rheumatism Foundation. staff, Margaret Buckley and Bo -------- . >.' nita Rainwater. Th - business staff is: busin?.-.» manager, Dorothy Gwin; circula tion manager, Pat Stiff and ad visor, Myra Sorenson. Governor Asked To GOC Dance Staff Publishes School Paper Directors Go to Regional Meet Leaving here this w.?k for Billings. Montana were several directors of West Oregon Electric and the manager. Guy Thomas, who will attend a two-day region al meeting of the National Rural Electric Cooperative association. Directors and their wives mak. ing the trip w?re Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roediger, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs Ly man Hawken, Mr and Mrs. Louis Kelly and Lee Wooden Keiiy represents the Buxton area on the W st Oregon board and Wood en the Jewel) area. The latt?r is also a director of the national as sociation and an official of the • The regional me?ting at Bill ings is being held to plan for the national meeting scheduled to take place January 11-14. 1954 at Miami. Florida Women Wrestlers Dated by Legion HOMER FULLER. 130-pound right half nt this year’s Logger eleven will direct Coach Vlcek’s aerial attack when the local eleven meets Scappoose here Friday night at 8 o’clock. Something new in the field of sports entertainment is scheduled to take place here Friday of next week, October 16, because of ar rangements being made by th - American Legion post Post of ficials have dated the appearance of six women wrestiem for that evening at the Legion hall. Three matches will be staged plus a tag team match for th.- evening's entertainment. Commander Vern Sykes sard other matches would b’ schedule.1 in the future if public acceptanc was good for the bouts to bo viewed next Friday.