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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1953)
Hatchet Causes Scalp Wound Picnic of Pioneers at Park Attended Sunday ROCK CREEK — Jimmy De- picnic at Hudson park near Rai Vaney is having a vacation with nier Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thiboda his a>int and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Westerberg. and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Smith Jack Crozier has gone to Wyom- i of Metzger, Mr. and Mrs. Albert ing to be with his mother. It has been only a few weeks since Schalock and her niece, Billye his brother, Jerry, left for the John of Willamina, enjoyed a pic same place. nic Sunday at the home of Mr. Ruby McDonald made a fast trip and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell. Mr and Mrs. Pete Wells and to town when Curtis Roetter tangled with a small hatchet and daughter. Sue, of Hebo spent the week end here visiting relatives. received a scalp wound. Mrs. Van Wert brought a car On Monday the Wells and Mrs. full of relatives out from Portland Hank Hudson made a business to show them her prospective trip to Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Goodman new abode. The Ted D Witts have until September 1 to make their are the parents of a girl Donna Rae, born August 6 and weigh new home livable. Carroll Buckley finallv was able ing seven pounds, 12 ounc e. to finish work with his pick-up baler on th? Ron McDonald hai Since 1949, school buses have field. Rain had delayed the work. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harwood regularly totaled 70 per cent or of Wattsburg, Pa., visited the De more of U. S. bus output. Witt families this past week. Ruth Harwood and Blanche DeWitt were school chums in California and hadn't s en each other since. 1939 when the DeWitts visited them in Pu. OAKES RADIO and T V CENTER : i I I Homes Occupied RIVERVIEW — Mr and Mrs. Virgil Powell attended the pioneer In Riverview j I 1 . I ■ I FIVE YEARS AGO I From The Eagle. August 12, 1948 This summer’s paving program RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. j Elvin Long and family have for city striets will begin within moved into the Bassett house, a f w days Mayor Geo Johnson The moving from Second street in indicated early this ueek Vernonia. family, Mr. and Mrs Carl Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Borders at Missoula. Montana. moved into the Robert Wyckoff Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olin and house on Fifth street Sir ’ay. children of Portland spent the Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wauace of week en<j at th? home of his St. Louis, Missouri are visiting at grandparents. Mr and Mrs. F. R. th« home of their son and family, Olin. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Thomas of Mr. and Mrs. John Normand Mist are th' par nts of a girl and baby. Ralph Anderson and born August 7 and weighing Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skach of seven pounds. 12 ounces. Mrs. S. J. Parsons returned on Portland p nt Sunday at Cannon Beach. Monday after spending a week Mr. and Mrs. Myron Vlcek and at the Christian Advent camp children spent Sunday at Salem meeting n nr Troutdale. visiting at the home of Mr. R.cent visitors at the J. W and Mrs. Gerald Harrington. Wilcoxen home in Riverview were Mis. Blanche Millis and daugh his mother. Mrs. K M. Wilcoxen ter. Mary, returned home Wednes of Jewell and his brother and day aft r . pending three weeks wife, Mr and Mrs. Jesse Wilcox, n at the home of her daughter and of Applegate. I I • » i t Now showing and installing 1954 Models of Admiral TV sets. Also Radios and Record Players. t 1 Ì I I I I 1 ADMIRAL SALES AND SERVICE • RIB ROAST PHONE 774 Spare Ribs, 3 to 5-lb. each lb Leg O' Lamb lb. Lamb Rib Chops, or Lge Loin lb Lamb Shoulder Roast lb Rush d Direct from Astoria Veal or Lamb Breast lb Fresh Ground Beef lb SLICED Boneless Corned Beef lb. I ISpecialll {The Internationally-Fa-{ } mous Multncmah Court-! ! ty Sheriff’s Motorcycle ! Drill Team Featuring a{ {Thrilling Array of Daz-{ { zling Cyclists in { • Flaming Wall Crashes HALIBUT Here is a value of values V S GOVERNMENT GRADED “CHOICE” Beef. Guaranteed tq literally melt in your mouth Care fully trimmed of excess waste be fore weighing. Swift Canned Ham Per Pound . . . the Juice with Hawaii in its Flavor! GALANI NBC Broad Jump Flaming Hoop 1 : I i : : PINEAPPLE JUICE Many Other Stunts Too Numerous to Mention. ONE NIGHT ONLY Fri., Aug. 14 White Napkins Dole, Del Monte or Libby Sliced Pineapple No. 1’4 Flat 15 Wizard Wick 2 69c Tumblers 5^°' 6 69c Wrisley Soap 8 bar ba9 59c While Magic Soap X*’ 20c White Magic Soap pk°1- 38c All Detergent i0.ib. pk3. $2.89 Liquid Starch Kauntl ,„Lt 21c COLUMBIA COUNTY i FAIRGROUNDS « »'FA DEER ISLAND Adm: Adults Ad $1.00 50c L h Children Under 12 TOMATOES *** '- ¿si* »Z Selected for color and just right firmness for slicing Brighten up your salads, enjoy their garden fresh flavor. Cantaloupes Seedless Grapes Golden Peaches z Ripened THE VERNONIA EAGLE Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia. Oregon Entered as second class mail matter, August 4, 1922 at #ie j post office in Vernonia, Oregon, i under the act of Marcn 3, 1879. I Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50. U. S. No. 2 POTATOES 50-lb. 89c H a II O NA L % * Z lb. EDITORIALI I I A Sib CÍA TIO, N I I » 1 Slicing ib. lb. Cucumbers u». Watermelons .. u». Juicy Lemons ib. Sunkist Oranges »iT Yellow Onions_ _ . 19c 15c 10c 5c 19c 69c 3-10c Beef Rib Steaks Ch.,.ie 49c 79c 89c 59c 29c 39c 49c $5.79 43c HORN EL’S FINEST Skinned Hams 10-12 lb. Range Whole or Half oidMi11 ¿«i. 85c 25e C 33c SANDWICH TIME i All the fixings for Swell-lasting Sandwiches >£ I oP,k?C 10C PEANUT BUTTER Rea! Roast CANNING NEEDS Mason Jars, Kerr Reg dos. pts. Mason Jars. Kerr Reg doz. qts. doz. qis. Wide Mouth Jars doz. pls. Wide Mouth Jars Jelly Glasses. Kerr dor. */t pts. doz. Kefr Reg. Caps Economy Caps. Ker r doz. doz. Kerr Reg. Lids MCP Pectin 3Vn-oz. pkg. Sure Jell 2'z-oz. pkg. $1.09 $1.27 $1.43 $1.23 73c 32c 35c 14c 2/25c 2/25c »... „... FlOUr Kitchen Craft pkg. 26-01. Sno White Salt sis* quart Mayday Oil 3-lb. can Shortening sain' Luncheon Meat Rath12-oz. Rath Sausage eakfast 8-01. can Duchess quart Salad Dressing n Fresh 6-oz. Steak Sauce Sunshine Hydrox Cookies pkg. Nob Hill Cofiee 2-lb. $ Airway Coffee U.I Edwards Coffee 2 lb. 5 Zq 20-oz. pkg. 37c 59c Dried Beel Boned Turkey ü I SANDWICH SPREAD Lunch Box quart i., 59c Mayonnaise Preserves 10-lb. I » I ♦ „„„„ pkg» 2^ Wheal Chex Rice Chex 8 P.M. » i Vanilla Wafe:rs LaLani 5-lb. can Fillet of Sole. Bumble Bee Pyramid » THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE, THURSDAY, AUG 13, 1953 5 paving will include some streets Th O-A mill will be down from that have had only gravel before August lrt to August 23 so ti a'. and some resurfacing of some bricks in the furnaces may be re. streets that have been paved in placed. The shut down usually former years. In addition, pave- during the week of July 4, was m.nt will b«' extended to the postponed because the arrival of cemetery and will include pos the bricks was d.'layed. sibly the driveway in the ceme- The Nehalem Valley Goat-Milk t‘ i.v. Producers association will hold a The Christian church has meeting at the Vernonia high launched plans for a great yar school Friday, August 13, an of progress as mdicat d by an an nounces Mrs. L. O. Gillham, sec nouncement this week of a pro retary. gram to increase the building fund by means of a bank which FIFTEEN YEARS AGO will be circulated among mem- From The Eagle, August 12. 1938 b'.rs. The church will commemo A total of 120.000 steelhead rate its 25th anniversary on De fingerlings were liberated Sat cember 23. A trap club, recently organized urday in th«1 swimming pool on under the presidency of Bill Rock Creek, a check with the Heath, held its first practice af N camcum hatchery officials has fair last Sunday at the O-A ball shown. Under the sponsorship of the park. Other officers are: vice presid nt. Otto Cantwell; secr - Vi rnoma Chamber of Commerce, ’H'-v. Carl Davis; treasurer, Louis 15 carloads of local people will Schroeder; directors: Bob Spencer. make th trip from Sunset camp t i th«- Nehal-'m brid"' on the Calvin Davis and Mike Willard new route to the sea. This is the 1st complete trip made by private TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. August 12. 1943 cars. YESTERDAYS Empress Strawberry 20- 01. 49c 49c 20c 20c Torpedo TUNA FISH 99c Chunk No. D can 30c 12c Peanul Buller 59c 59c Fresh Bread M" W'S.'¿. 24c 89c MULTI GRAIN BREAD 47c Skylark 41c Brand 55c Margarine Sun,,,S.keiflw ¿Qc 10c Cheese Food r pkg. 32c 39c MILL CHEESE 1.71 * DUTCH • ot. Sliced American 1.67 Sliced Swiss 33c 1.81 • Sliced Pimento pkg. • P SAFEWAY j