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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1953)
6 THURSDAY MAY 21, 1953 _____ ’ THE EAGLE. - VERNONIA, ORE. ————. CLASSIFIEDS MAY this express my sincere thanks to those who remembered me while I was in the hospital by sending flowers and cards. MRS. RUBY SMITH 21tlc FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate REPOSSESSED Spinet piano, like m w. Big reduction, for sale to responsible party. Terms. Phone or write Day Music Co., 808 S.E. Morrison St., Portland, Oregon, Fillmore 5389_____________ 21t4c HOMES 4-ROOM house, furnished. Price only $1000, easy terms. 4-ROOM house wired for range. Extra large single garage. Price only $2750, good terms. 4-ROOM semi-modern house, 2 bedrooms. $1250 full price, very easy terms. FARMS 4 ACRES with new 4-room house on year-round stream. Full price $3500, $100 down. 47 ACRES 7 mi. out on main high way. New, unfinished but live able house. Nehalem river through place; 10 acres in cul tivation. Price only $4500, good terms. DON BAYLEY. BROKER MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia 21 tic 15-Ft. DEEPFREEZE in | j i J good J shape. Just used 8-months. 1508 Nehalem St. Russell Ragland. Will deliver to buyer. 21t3 YOUNGSTOWN 66 In. double ; | j | sink in excellent condition. Also Superflame double burner oil cir culating heater with fan, practi cally new. Both reasonably priced. Call 3720. • 21tlc > ME ROTOTILLER, $250. Good condition. Inquire 959 Rose Ave. 21tl ONE GEHL field chopper. One I Fox ensilage blower complete with engine. For sal® reasonable. FOR SALE by owner: Modern Inquire Vernonia Eagle office. house including Spark oil heater, 21t3c electric range, table top electric water heater. Close to church and SEED and eating potatoes for schools. 209 B St. Inquire Sam sale. John Siedelman, Pebble (taring, 891 3rd St. 20t3 Creek road, Vernonia. 20t3 LARGE pansy plants 15c each; large fuschias, $1.50; glad bulbs | 65c; dahlia bulbs $2.00; tuber be- j gonias 50c each. Bedding plants j of all sorts 25c and 40c dozen. , Bouquets for Memorial Day $1 j and up. Order now, phon” 7719. We (I diver. Riverview Green house. 20t3 FOR SALE: 1 Hereford bull; 1 Hereford cow with second calf, a heifer; 1 Milking Shorthorn to freshen in July with second calf; 2 yearling heifers. Mrs. O. S. Poynter, Keasey Rt. 20t3 Oliver H-G-cle-trac, has blade and armored for logging; price $2550. Contract available on about 100,. 000 ft. of timber. Ed Tipton.' Vernonia, Oregon. 20t3 ROTOT1LLING by th? hour. Call Johnson's garage or write Mar vin McGaughey, Vernonia. 20t3 '41 CHEV Cabover, long wheel base truck. See Clair Devine. 19t3 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Order your Stout Irrigation Sys tem today. Free engineering and estimates. Proper irrigation will increase your present product many limes. , SIMPSON'S HARDWARE Uptown St. Helens _____________________________ 14tfc AUCTION: Every Friday. We have a good mark?t for your live stock, furniture, tools, poultry. We buy, sell, trade, every week day, paying cash for livestock, furniture, machinery, tools. Alt man’s Auction Mart. Forest Grove. Phones: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt Aitman. Auctioneer, selling live stock or general farm sales any where. lltfc AUCTION Bring your livestock and misc. to Clatskanie Auction yard where we have many buyors and sellers. Livestock sold by the head or pound. SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 12:30 P M. CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD Milt Butler. Auctioneer Phone 1600 7tfc HOME LAUNDRY—Phone 1107. Mu. York. Laundry, fluff dried, 15c lb Shirts, finished extra, 25c. Flat finish'd, minimum $1.00. On? day service on request on fluff dried. Also curtain stretch ing. 9tfc PRUNING, LAWNS. LAND SCAPING. ROCKERIES. SHRUBS Fruit, Nut. Shade Trees Estimates free. Call St. Helens 1214 W 1, Thornton's Nursery, box 23, Warren, Ore. 5tfc AL^> makes of sewing machines repaired Electrification of any make machine Park's New Home Store, 4816 N. Lombard or in quire Eagle office. 38tfc DEAD STOCK PICKED UP Free of Charge ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE HORSES BOUGHT. Phone collect. Clatskanie 44R11 COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY Sltfc The Problem of Too Much Alcohol CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE—Insurance BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Ged. Bell, H. Hudson. 37tfc FOR RENT TWO-BEDROOM house in River view. Inquire Albert Schalock, phons 1322. 21tlc 3-ROOM furnished apartment for rent. Inquire Palace Cafe. 21tlc HOUSE for rent on 2 *4 acres June 1. Partly furnished. Cut flowers for decoration. Also gladioli bulbs and other peren nials. 5th house on 10th St., Riverview, Mrs. John Krinick. ____________________________ 21t3c FURNISHED Apt: three rooms, bath, electric range, refrigerator oil heat and laundry. Riverview Apts.________________________ 16tfc LARGE sleeping room, two beds with kitchen privilege if desired. Riverview Cabins, Riverview, Oregon. lltfc 3-ROOM nicely furnished house, 162 A St. See Mrs. Grace Currie, 176 A St., phon? 1104. 20t3c HOUSE to rent: 3 rooms partly furnish-d. Riverview, 1st St., Mrs. Frank Mills. 20t3c WANTED HELF’ WANTED: Housekeeper to assist in family of 3 and help care for invalid. t Live in. $75 per month. R. A. Peterson, Mist Rt., Phone 776. 21tl WANTED: Strawberry pickers. Camping facilities. Martin Stadel- man, Rt. 1, Box 230, Cornelius. 2'a miles N.E. Mountaindale. _____________________________ 21tl HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery. Forest Grov?. Oregon. Phone 126. I4tfc STRAWBERRY pickers register with Ruth St?ers or call 155 Banks or write to Alta Carsten, Banks. Oregon. Will notify when picking will start. 20tfc I WOULD like to plough that garden for you and have if ready for you to do your planting. All work guaranteed. Phone 253. ____________________________ 19tfc WORK baby sitting. Inquire at Vernonia Eagle office. 19t3 WANTED BERRY PICKERS BOTH HILL AND MOUNTAIN BERRIES Transportation furnished. Excel lent berriea. Register by post card to— ROLLING HILLS FARM Star Rt., Bankn, Oregon 19t5c SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE Crawford Auto Wreckers. 77$ S. Highway, £-t. Helens. Ore Phone 650 IStfc Approximately 24 per cent of the 83rd Congress are retired or reserve commissioned officers in the armed force». organization is spontaneous in By Dr. Frank G. Spaulding Before national prohibition we that it has no elected officers as heard and read much about the such, no parliamentary proced evils of drink. Nowdays we hear ures in its regular weekly meet little about the destructive ef fects of too much alcohol—too ings, no dues, no statistics, and little, in fact, for Mother Nature very little inter-communication still exacts from hard drinkers among its groups. Th? spirit and i the same severe penalties she has objectives of AA are the only J always demanded of those who means of perpetuating the activi- I disregard her laws. Th? most effective way of pres enting som? scientific facts about alcoholism, I believe, is to quote the words. of several eminent I physicians who addressed a re- Icent meeting of the American As sociation for the Advancement of Science. The unhappy ending of I 1000 drunkard lives was reported by Dr. Timothy Leary of Boston ■ as follows; "The alcoholic addict dies from I acute intoxication (about one- j third of cases); or he falls on the I street or down stairs or from a ' roof or window; or h? is asphyx iated by position or by unmasti cated food in the air passages, or vomitus he has inhaled; or he ruptures the caria by vomiting and dies of hemorrhage, or from acute pancreatitis related to vo miting; or he exposes himself to bitter weather and dies from lo ■ S bar pneumonia' or frost bite gangrene; or he falls into the water; is drowned; or is resusci tated, and dies of pneumonia; or he sets fire to his clothing or bed clothing while smoking; or he doesnt eat and develops avita As I am quitting the diary business and moving io Clackamas County minoses particularly those with I will sell the following described livestock and machinery at public nervous system manifestations; or auction on the Lew Choate farm, 14 mips from Vernonia on the Mist he ingests drugs or other agents I road end 2 miles East of Mist or 14 miles from Clatskanie on Mist which kill; or he becomes despon I Road on dent and commits suicide; or after i prolonged habits of intoxication Sale Starts at 1 P.M he dies with or from cirrhosis of I Thursday, May 28, 1953 Í Benefit Lunch at Noon th? liver.” Dr. Lawrence Kolb, assistant i ? (eon general of the United CASE 1948 MODEL PICKUP BALER. 9 MATURE GEESE AND 9 States Public Health Service, dis- I * 1 GOSLINGS. 5 TONS BALED GRASS HAY. cussing the causes of alcoholism, I I 28 HEAD OF GRADE DAIRY CATTLE 28 declared: < "The Unit d States has a higher I 1 3 Guernsey, 4 Jersey, 1 Jersey-Brown Swiss, 2 Holstein, 1 Holstein Jersey cows. 2 Holstein 2 yr. old fresh heifers. 2 Guernsey springing death rate from alcoholism than heifer 2 yrs. old. 1 Whiiefaced bred heifer, 1 Guernsey yearling heifer, most European countries» due 1 Whitfaced yearling heifer, 1 Guernsey heifer 6 months old, 3 Angus- probably to the fact that people here are more prosperous and Jersey heifers, 9 months old. 1 Registered Whitefaced Bull, 3 yrs. have more leisure in which to . old. 5 Calves. drink. 9 head have freshened since Feb. as follows: 3 in Feb.. 3 in "Conservative estimates indi March. 1 in April and 2 in May. 1 due to freshen by sale date- cate that there are at least 200.- A good clean herd. All dehorned but two and all double tested. 000 chronic alcoholics in the U.S. FULL INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN AT SALE. and 1,000,000 potential chronic TERMS: SEE CLERK FOR TERMS BEFORE SALE. drunks, Dr. Kolb declar d, and show that alcoholism is a public JAMES STOUT, OWNER health problem of as much im- A. H. Abts, of The portance as many of the major Walt Altman, Auctioneer, of Altman’s Auction Yard, Commercial Bank of infectious diseases. Oregon, Clerk “Alcohol is one of the major Forest Grove, Oregon causes of criminality,” Dr. Kolb added, “since studies have shown that almost 50 per cent of crimes committ'd are du? to intemper ance.” Judge Joseph T. Zottoli, of th? municipal court of Boston reported to Dr. Kolb that accord ing to his studies 90 per cent of the adult population of Massa chusetts prisons were confined for misdemeanors due to drunk- eness and 50 per cent of those convicted of felony were alco- holies. You can have 4-day Dry Alcoholics Anonymous is a fel- Cleaning and Laundry lowship of about 120,030 mem- bers throughout the country. The Service at Our Plant in WE WISH to thank our friends and neighbors for their help and contributions during the recent fire in which our home and be longings were destroyed. Claude Weaver and family. 21tl I WISH to thank all my friends who sent cards ^nd visited me while I was in the hospital. BOB THOMPSON. 21tlc Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PU3LIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the undersigned at room 36, State Office Building, 1400 S. W. Fifth Avenue, Portland, at 10:00 A M., May 25, 1953, to receive evidence and testimony relating to a pro posal to discontinue the Portland market pool and to establish dis tributor pools in the Portland marketing area. Dated at Portland, Oregon, May 12, 1953. W. S. Weidel, Administrator Milk Marketing Administra tion State of Oregon 21 tic Vernonia, Oregon AUCTION SALE NOTICE is h.reby given that the Oregon State Land Board will receive sealed bids at its office in the State Capitol at Salem, Ore gon, up to 10:00 o’clock a.m. on Tuesday, June 2, 1953, for the leasing of t de and overflow land, more particularly describ 'd here inafter, giving, however, to the owner or owners of any lands abutting or fronting thereon pre ference right to lease said tide and overflow land at the highest price offered, for a period of 48 hours after opening of sjpd bids, provided such offer is mad? in good faith, and provided the Land Board reserves right to reject any and all bids. Said land is situated in Colum bia County, Oregon and is des cribed as follows: All of the tide and overflow land lying between mean high and mean low water marks along the westerly shoreline of the Columbia River; beginning at the north west meander corner of Lot 1, Sec. 19, Twp. 6 North, Range 1 West, W.M., and ex tending northwesterly along said shoreline to the south east meander corner of Sec. 13, Twp. 6 North, Range 2 West, W.M. Bids must be accompanied by certified or cashier’s check or money order for full amount of first year’s rental, and no bids will be considered for less than $100.00 per annum, lease to be for a period of 15 years. In addition to amount bid, the successful bid der shall pay actual cost of ad vertising. All bids should be sealed and addressed to E. T. Pierce, Clerk, State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Bid to lease tide and overflow land.” Dated at Salem, Oregon, April 15, 1933. E. T. Pierce, Clerk. Stat? Land Board Dates of Publication: April 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28, Vernonia. YESTERDAYS FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle, May 13. 1948 County 4-H clubs have a mem bershop of 715. There are 63 clubs and 55 adult leaders. W. A. Davis became the owner of Cason’s Transfer last Thursday. Announcement of th? chang; was made by Dan Cason who has o^ned and operated the business for the past 25 vears. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. May 13, 1943 Thirty people are badly ne:d'd for volunteer service as watchers on the aircraft warning service post near her?. Chief Observer M. A. Oakes said Tuesday. Miss Roberta Sword, graduat ing senior at Vernonia high school, was appointed summer life guard for the city swimming pool by the citv council. Jonnibel Hatfield was elected worthy advisor of Rainbow Mon day. Other officers elected were: Gwendolyn Graves, worthy as sociate advisor; Lillian Laird, Charity; Nina MacDonald. Hope; Helen Fowler, Faith and Evelyn H aring. Recorder. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of CARL LEVI GOODBURN. De ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Carl Lvi Goodburn. Deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and has qualified. AU persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verifi.j as by law required, to the undersign -d at the office of David O. Bennett, St. Helens, Oregon, within six months from the date her-oft Dated and first published: Mav 7, 1953. Date of final publication: May 28, 1953. Dawavne Marvin Goodburn Administrator David O. Bennett, Attorney St. Helens, Oregon 19t4c FOR ATHLETES FOOT A KERATOLYTIC IS A MUST What is a keratolytic’ An agent that deadens the infected skin. It then peels off. exposing more germs, to its killing action. Get T-4-L, a keratolytic. at any drug store. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR, your 40c back. Today at NANCE S Quebec is North America’s only willed city. ties. For further information, a book is available called Alcoholics Anonymous, published by Works Publishing. Ing., New York City. Th? main objective of AA is to aid by specific process in the solution of the alcoholic prob lem in the individual. We recom mend that those faced with an alcoholic problem contact the lo cal chapter AA sine? it is a worthy organization offering immeasur able assistance. ALSO. WE WILL PICK UP AND DELIVER EVERY WEDNESDAY. JUST CALL 1211 WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS SEAWRIGHTS VERNONIA CLEANERS 1 ÍERMIIAG) « OLD I We have completed our expansion program at our main plant and are equipped to give excel lent service with top quality cleaning. We are in Vernonia to serve and will use Vernonia help. n 1J BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY ; ' i , : THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS 010 • 86 PROOF • THE 0L0 HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY »