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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1953)
advertising su pplement Vernonia Eagle MIKE'S UPHOLSTERY Tailored Seat Covers — Cafe Booths Furniture Upholstery Giving complete service on tai lored seat covers, truck cushions, tractor cushions and complete cus tom interiors as well as cafe booths, bar stools and furniture upholstery, Mikes Upholstery is located in As toria at 79 Seventh. The firm is op erated by Mike Myrick. Because of the quality of their service they have gained many sat- j isfied customers over this territory. J Everyone who owns a car should take pride in its appearance. There I is no need that a car beoome weath erbeaten. for such experts as those of this firm can effect a great trans- formation within a few hours. Nothing detracts from the ap pearance and comfort of a car so much as shoddy and worn uphol stering. They make a specialty of making your upholstery new at very attractive prices. The trimming department is also quite a modern and scientifically equipped one, and in charge of ex perts who have turned out the many fine jot» that have won for this es tablishment such an enviable re putation. This is work that appeals to the finer sensibility and harmoni zes with the lines and adornments of the automobile. They have taken many a used car and made it look almost like new through their excellent uphol stering work. Don't think that your car is gone beyond recall. In many cases it does not oost nearly so much as you might think. In making this review of our on ward progress we are glad to compli ment this firm on the position they occupy in the life of the county, and call their excellent and satis factory service as well as reasonable prices to the attention of the pub lic. —262 SEASIDE AGATE SHOP Collectors’ Paradise Handling a full line of china, costume jewelery as well as agates and gift items, Seaside Agate Shop, operated by Paul J. Schinderle, is located in Seaside at 408 Broadway. This establishment is headquar ters in this section for suitable presents for every occasion, enjoy ing a large and well merited clien tele from all surrounding territories. Unusual gifts are featured at this shop as well as rare antiques, many being purchased from individuals and estates. Whether selecting gifts for your self, for a wedding, or for any occa sion, you will find that when you make your choice from the stock offered here, you will not only be choosing in good taste but will be selecting something that will give pleasure for years to come. This shop compares favorably with the largest establishments of metropolitan centers and is known throughout this section as one of the most reliable and progressive establishments in the state. The success of this shop is a di rect tribute to the business ability of the management. Their object has been to secure a fair price and an honest profit but never an ex orbitant one. In this review, we are proud to compliment this firm on the posi tion they occupy in the business life of the community. We recommend this firm to those who appreciate gifts of rarity and gifts of good taste. 228 BETTY & JOE'S STEAK HOUSE Betty & Joe's Steak House is lo cated in Warrenton on Main St. This cafe draws customers from the traveling public as well as the patrons of the city. When you want a tasty bit of refreshment be sure to come to this cafe where you can get a most nourishing and s itlsfying dish or drink made of the very best obtainable ingredients. Maybe you want to be like many others and go to this desirable place for your lunch or dinner. We are sure, you too, wiH be so pleased with your meal that you will bring your friends and return many times. The excellent service is one of the reasons for the growth in vol ume of business at this establish- ment. Any little change you desire to make will always be made cheer fully. This agreeable willing attitude to please the guests accounts for the enviable reputation ‘held by the management of this place. They are equipped with excellent fixtures which also aid in speedy and ef ficient service. The cafe business is a business within itself and does not end with the kitchen and other places that are only frequented by the manager and assistants, but extends to the places where dishes are sterilized and silverware is polished. It is a pleasure to have a clean, modern place like this cafe in the community. We are proud to refer the stranger or local inhabitants to a place that always serves deli cious food prepared in such an ap petizing manner. It is always re commended as "the good place to eat.” The management has years of experience to its credit. They strive to keep the service courteous and prompt at all times, come in to be served a delicious meal by these efficient cafe people The surround ings are very attractive and the decorations pleasing and restful to the eyes. We do wish to compliment this cafe, in our review, on its high standards and we do not hesitate to refer it to our readers as an excellent place to eat. 171 SEASIDE CLAM CO. z “Eat Food From the Sea For Vitamin D” With retail store in Seaside at well known to all the people in the from them you do not get a curt or hurried reply. A courteous response 427 Broadway and cannery in War city and surrounding territory. with comprehensive knowledge is renton, Seaside Clam Co., handles Whether it is breakfast, lunch clams, crabs and fish of all kinds. eon, or dinner, a little 'spread' or a returned to every request and you When this well known firm start banquet, it matters not to the are not obligated in any way merely ed in business they determined to housewife who puts good sea foods because you asked questions. handle this business thoroughly into her menus and prepares them The leading health authorities of and arranged to offer the best there correctly and this establishment is the country advise the public to eat is headquarters for people who know more fish and sea foods. They con But did not stop there, for this lobster, clams, oysters, crabs, tain the proper amount of iodine firm was Indeed wise in their busi shrimp, and scallops and fish of all j t he body demands. By that stand ness and appreciated the necessity kinds. They deal on a large scale ard the average length of human of real, magnanimous service. They and receive their stock directly life will be prolonged. equipped themselves to furnish the from the waters. This firm has always had at trade with service second to none They are prepared to give you heart the best Interest of the coun and the success of their enterprise ty and has done the best at all any and all Information regarding since they have been In business testifies to the wisdom of their products they offer for sale, and times to serve the people to the best they consider it a part of their . advantage Under the acute busl- course. Their slogan is. "If it creeps, business to serve you in this man ■ ness direction the business has al- crawls or swims, we have it,” is ner. When you seek Information > ways prospered and expanded 373 SANDSTROM BROS. BODY SHOP Dick and Bob Sandstrom Bros Body Shop is located in Clatskanie, phone 2141 This firm has expert body and fender repair men who will make your car look like new and ride like new. If you acquire a bent fender or have the body of your car smashed, just get in touch with this firm and they will relieve you of your worries and will sur prise you how they will make your car body and fenders look like new. You can drive your car in this station and they can take care of it in every detail. Fenders, bodies »nd frames are straightened for any bend or dents. one class of ser vice that comprises every phase of automobile service successfully ac complished by skillful workmen No problem is too difficult for their staff. Automobile painting is a very im portant business and they are equipped scientifically to do this work properly. Their men are ex perts in the work and their prices are most attractive. They can be reached by phone, letter or per- -onal call, and are known for their prompt and efficient work. When it comes to body and fen der repair, this shop is very com petent and you will readily learn why it has come to be known as BUSINESS RB\ Il W GAS HEAT- ASTORIA Excluding Vernonia, the gas Heat- Astona serves the whole area, in cluding Mist and Clatskanie west, according to James L. Hope Jr . owner of the firm located in Astoria at 1894 Leif Ericksen Drive Mr. Hope indicated that their propane fuel service is cleaner than using other fuels, since there is no carbon involved—no worry, no muss Ideally. Mr Hope added farmers use one large propane tank, which supplies fuel not only for farm equipment but also for appliances in the home. They feature a full line of ap pliances. They also maintain an installs-1 to handle only the best quality fix tion and repair department, offering tures in order to better satisfy their service over a wide area. customers They feature projiane ranges, It is to your advantage to buy heaters, furnaces, water heaters fixtures of the better quality be and unit heaters. They carry a large cause in the long run they are really stock of parts and accessories for all cheaper This firm has a large stock these fixtures. of these fixtures which they will Propane gas has been a lifesaver be happy to show you. Stop in the for folks in the rural community. next time you are in town or tele Many prefer to use butane when all phone for information. types of gas is available This firm has the equipment and For propane to be really satis factory and desirable, you must have tixtures of a good quality This well know'll firm makes it a special point experience to properly service all your gas burning equipment. Be sure to call them for all your needs of this type. —175 UNIQUE CLEANERS & LAUNDRY For the best cleaning value in experience and they employ only manner At this establishment, the latest years, call the Unique Cleaners in practical help Their assistants are Clatskanie, phone 1465. Insured Ï all able and efficient workmen who process is used, as a consequence mothproofing for all your woolens, know their line thoroughly and thus when garments are returned to you chlorophl cleaning process and at you are assured the most careful they look smooth odorless and in press according to the styles of the no extra cost and painstaking work Make additional cash savings of ! Many people have learned day. They specialize in all classes 10 Percent Discount for cash and through this service that they can carry. save the expenditure of many dol | of dry cleaning, both for men and ladies, and the most delicate dresses There is no one establishment lars for new clothes Every day brings more work from are handled in the most careful that has done more for the good of the public of the community than patrons who have been saved the manner. The management is among the this modem cleaning and dyeing purchase of new garments through the excellent work this firm dot's leading business men of the com establishment. The fact that they are able to in the cleaning and pressing of old munity who have always taken an active interest in the community's take clothing that fades or needs ones. cleaning and turn it out so that it I Both men and women have found onward progress and are among the looks like new has saved many a that the most delicate fabrics are valued residents, whom we wish to high priced purchase and helped to carefully and efficiently handled compliment upon the modern place lower the cost of living. here and returned to them cleaned and the admirable policy followed 7 This is a business that requires | and pressed in the most sanitary < in its direction. RAY'S GENERAL AUTO REPAIR Ray’s General Auto Repair is lo cated in Seaside at 327 Ocean Way. This service is backed by a re putation honorably earned. It is the result of good workmanship by men of recognized skill along these lines. Experienced authomobile mechanics are employed to insure you the best in riding comfort. An automobile is only a machine. A machine will not run forever without some repairs. So every one of you car owners at some time or other must seek a reliable repair man to put your car in order. You can drive your car in this garage where they will repair it in every detail. This is a class of ser vice that comprises every phase of work and what a satisfaction it is to know that your car is in good hands, automobile repairing, successfully accomplished by skilled workmen at this garage. It makes no difference what make of car you may be driving or what reputation it may have for sturdi- bility, the years of service obtained from it has depended largely upon the care that has been taken of it and the class of service it received in the hands of mechanics. The careful motorist will not wait until he has a breakdown to bring his car in for inspection, but will at the end of 500 miles or less have the car oiled, greased and carefully inspected for any trouble. Their reputation is a guarantee of good workmanship, by one of the busiest repair and service shops in this section of the state. If every motorist could only know the greater mileage obtained with his or her car when properly greased or oiled and parts adjusted say every 500 miles, everyone would save money by patronizing this ef ficient garage Ordinarily you are careful the first three months with your car — why not keep it up the life of the car? This shop is on the Job at all hours of the day. The autoist re ceives here quick and efficient ser vice in the face of any mishap. —31 JENS HERMANN PLUMBING & HEATING Headquarters for plumbing fix If you are building a home, con house, the latest kitchen plumbing tures Jens Hermann Plumbing & j sult this firm They will advise you supplies. All those conveniences Heating is located in Seaside at' as to the very best that can be ob which take away the drudgery from 130 N Holladay Drive, phone Sea tained in the way of plumbing sys kitchen work. Sinks which contain side 9. tem for your home. Their work is the latest convenient device to make What the arteries are to the body, guaranteed and their prices are the such tasks as dish-washing far less a plambing system Is to the home most reasonable possible, consist annoying. This comparlsion is Indeed not far ent with the high quality of their Needless to say, the enviable rep fetched Both require careful and service. utation of these popular plumbers expert attention when they need To visit the stock rooms and dis has been achieved only by doing busi repair. If your circulation system is play rooms is to see the best that ness on the fairest basis possible bad. you are doomed; if the plumb People instinctively fear sanitary can be bought in the line of plumb ing system of a home is defective engineers because of their fees. ing supplies. The fixtures are ofI you are never at peace There is not a home in this or sur the latest design and have the most The manager and his employes rounding communities where they have gained that mastery of their modern scientific appliance to as hsve worked that will not vouch sure their convenience. Here in j trade which only comes with care for the high quality of their work. ful study and long experience. If j the large display room you will find I They carry this same ideal of ser a complete bathroom fitted out in you have plumbing troubles you vice in life as citizens of the com need look no further to have them the most modern style. —94 eliminated. You will find on display in this munity. ANDERSON EUNERAL HOME A. G. Anderson and Vera Anderson Day or Night Ambulance Service Any Place — Any Time the house of quality and service The best of quality, the highest Anderson Funeral Home is located class service and the most reason able price possible are features in Clatskanie, phone 200Q Among the professions which have that bring them an ever-increasing developed rapidly within the last patronage. few years is that of the modem The management is in the hands funeral director. Indeed this profes- of a prominent citizen of the com sion has reached a high slate of munity actively interested in home efficiency No concern has given the progress We are pleased to com business more careful and painstak pliment this well-known and justly ing attention than this well known popular establishment and to sug concern They have become leaders gest to our readers that they take tn this special field of endeavor their auto troubles here You will throughout all this community, and find that all the other features of have merited the commendation of this service are metropolitan and the public. They occupy a funeral home that efficient to the last degree. —39 anables them to render a service ed up by mellow light and beautiful that meets every requirement. It is furnishings. In these rooms ser- indeed a real convenience to the vices are held and every detail is patrons of the company and shows arranged as if the funeral were a progressive spirit which permeates being held in your own home every department of the firm. The business Is under the diiec- Entering this home one is lm• tion of modern forward looking busi- pressed by the atmosphere of inti- ness men who appreciate the value mate privacy and homelike com- of good service, as a trade winner fort and is filled with a feeling of and they and their associates are confidence in newly made friends always willing and anxious to ac- who are to guide your actions dur- commodate their patrons They have ing your visit or take care of the always taken an active part in the little details which are so dlstres- development of the country and are sing in the hours of deepest sorrow known as among our foremost cltl- The funeral parlors are brighten sens —IM