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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1953)
BUSINESS REVIEW Al» V ER T IS IN G SUPPLEMENT Vernonia Eagle T CRANDALL NURSING HOME PIGGLY WIGGLY Seaside Bowling Alleys. Inc. whose them many friends in this commun president is Lloyd Mead, is man- ity. Piggly Wiggly, managed by Earl tempted to send to distant cities i aged by M. E. Norwood in Seaside There is a homey warmth and congeniality about the place that is Fry, is located in Astoria at 545 for your supplies, Just stop to think, | at 215 Broadway. The manager purchased the best when you spend your money that immediately noticeable to their 1 Bond “Buy At This Grocery" is a fit far away it is used to develop the equipment to tiegin with and then many patrons and visitors. May we suggest that you tontact ting slogan for all people who wish distant cities and makes your pro ! has always kept it in the best of ' condition. the management here if you are in to keep their food bill at the low perty less valuable Here Is a place where you have Money spent at home tends to a position to require hospitaliza est possible figure. In this day and tion and health care for any of age the modem grocery store is create the community spirit and a the opportunity to roll a perfect percentage of this dollar thus spent game. The alleys are smooth and more than Just a grocery store. your family or associates It is a service station where one will actually come back to you in ; true and the balls are available In You will be surprised at the most I various weights to suit your indi reasonable rates and pleased with hundred and one articles of every i some form or another. This grooery is under able and vidual needs. the evidence of expert management description can be had for the house I efficient management. They see that Bowling is a favorite Indoor and care of every patient in this hold. When you buy it at this grocery their stocks are replete at all times sport. Bowling is a good, clean sport fine rest home. The work that this organization you save- money Why ? For the well with food supplies that every house and pleasant exercise that helps to 1 keep one in good physical condition, is doing for the community trans known fact that a grocery store op wife asks for and needs. cends the mere acquisition of pro erates on a smaller margin of pro-, Nationally known brands are car giving the muscles of the body fit for the interest of the public, I fit than any other line of business, ried. together with those of local enough exercise to build and is always uppermost in the minds [and for this reason they must turn I manufacture. If it can be had at strengthen them, thus making you of the patriotic citizens that direct their stock five or more times a| all, you will find it at this grocery. | more immune to disease. Do you year, thus Insuring fresh goods at On your next visit to town drop know the average bowler nine out activities here. in at this grocery store, look over of ten times doesn't have appendi This fine rest home is indeed a all times of the year. This local grooery is one of the their stock and it will surprise you citis? credit to the community and it is The cigar, cigarette and tobacco a pleasure to accord them promin vital elements in the health and to find such a variety. The housewife is cordially invit department is very complete. Here ent mention in this review of the prosperity of this section. Their motto is "Service and Quality ed to drop Ln and get acquainted you are sure to find your favorite business progress of the commun ity. 98 ' First," so the next time you are if buying or only shopping. —182 biand or kind, which you can en joy along with your game. Smok- Operated by George H and Hilja Crandall, Crandall Nursing Home is located in Astoria, Route 2. Box 18, telephone 1648-J Features Include a river view, balanced diet as well as registered r.urses on duty 24 hours. Considerate and expert care for the ill and convalescent Is the serv ice offered the people of this dis trict by this outstanding organiza tion. Many families of this district have learned with pleasure about the most satisfactory care that tills rest home la offering many of the less fortunate citizens of this commun ity The entire organization of this rest home is directed towards the comfort of the patient. No expense is spared in providing the finest of trained personnel, top-quality furn ishings and equipment. Although managed to assure the quickest convalescence of their pa tients, the management has skill fully blended efficiency with a per sonal friendliness that has won for Shop and Economize With Cash & Carry DEL BODIE CHEVRON SERVICE Del Bodie Chevron Station is lo cated in Warrenton on Main St. This station features excellent serv ice in Chevron Gasoline as well as oils, greasing and tires. Their gasoline gives the most power and speed as well as the quickest pickup of any motor fuel on the market. You do not have to ever change from one gasoline to another with the change In the weather If you patronize this oon- cem. It is ' scientifically arranged and tested to relieve the motorist of this trouble. This concern has had wide ex- perlence in this business and has demonstrated its ability as gasoline | POOLE'S MUSIC SHOP Everything In Music men and as competent executives, and as a result this service lias Poole's Music Shop Is located in come Into the prominent position Astoria at 587 Duane, phone 1107. it occupies today. Their store is a center for devotees From a small beginning it has ad of various branches of music. TTie vanced until today It has a tre whole store is devoted to the display mendous trade and a large capacity. of musical merchandise. A proper It has a modemly equipped estab center is necessary for the develop lishment and 1s truely a tribute to ment of the art and the concern the founder’s business sagacity and should be complimented upon the a commercial monument for future founding of a center such as this as generations to admire. it greatly promotes the study of We are pleased to point with i music throughout this section of the pride to this firm, and also to com state. mend them on the class of service They have a fine line of instru that they furnish to the trade, and ments They have been selected with m everyone that »when they a view to giving the patron a choice buy gas or oil from them they will of the very best in a wide range of gat the very best. 434 prices. The buyer of limited means will find here an instrument within his reach which will be the very highest quality obtainable at that price. Those who can afford the higher priced instruments will find that their line provides those which JOHNSEN'S OLD AGE HOME Convalescent» and Elderly People CMtering to convalescents and el- derly |>«>|>le. Johnsen's Old Age Home Is located In Astoria at 2401 Cedar. In these days more and more people are turning to rest methods In their search to regain health, and this establishment is fully equipped with the best and latest scientific modalities for taking care of the sick. It is an ideal place for convalescents. It la seldom that one finds such a well organized rest home as thia one. The home itself is well located and la particularly well adapted for a home of this nature. It la tastefully furnished and the equipment Is of the wry best. In fact, this community may well be proud of thia establishment. I The rooms for the patients are large, comfortable and homey. It Is quiet and restful, making it an ideal place to recover health and strength. Here you are assured of the very best care and attention. Everything Is kept scrupulously clean and sani tary at all times and there is an air ot happiness and cheerfulness about the place which is always an aid to speedy convalescence Special attention Is given to the diet of tlje patients. The food is not only nourishing, but It is prepared In such a manner that It is attrac tive and appetizing. We wish In this review of the on ward progress of this section to call attention to this rest home and to the service it Is rendering 49 HARRY'S CAFE Specializing in seafood, full course dinners and home made pies, Harry's Cafe Is located in Astoria at 439 Commercial. , This up to date place has gained a name that has spread far and wide as a place where the local and traveling people can more than satisfy their demands in the matter of obtalnuig food Their products consist of not only the prime neces titles of life, but delicacies are of fered to the taste of the most fasti dious. Cleanliness la one of the most outstanding features of this modern place, and is not confined to the counters which are brought to the attention of everyone, but extends throughout the establishment and those places frequented by the man agement and assistants The food la prepared in such a SEASIDE BOWLING ALLEYS, INC. Write for detail» C. R. REYNOLDS, P.O. Box 327E Pasadena 8, California This firm and their sales people are musicians of note and stand ready to demonstrate all Instru ments. They can show you their tuneful qualities whether playing the classical or popular music and aid in the selection of an instrument that will conform to the furnishing of your home. In making this review we are glad to compliment this firm upon their activities and the high quality of the stock and services rendered for the accommodation of the pub lic. 407 CLATSOP FEED STORE Albert» Feed»—Alli» Chalmer» Farm Machinery Handling Albers "Quality Con In feeds and allied lines they have trolled ' feeds, seeds, fertilizers, ln- afforded the ranchers of this sec sectlcidies and Allis Chalmers ma tion a moat advantageous market chinery. Clatsop Feed Store, owned right at their door. by Edwin Sotka, is located In As They bring thousands of dollars toria at 264 Taylor Ave. into this section each year that Their feed has proved its worth would otherwise go to some other as a superior feed for stock. Ac center were their policies and serv tual records reveal that the best ice not quite so entirely sarisfac- results were obtained with stock [ tory in every particular. when their feed was used This The management Includes lead establishment offers this reliable ing businessmen who brought this feed for hogs, cows, horses and poul istablishment into the leading posi tion that It occupies today in the try. Through their straightforward commercial and agricultural life of and above-board policies they haw I this section. an enviable reputation In these parts This establishment has always and the ranchers and the people been a booster for this commun generally have come to look upon ity. and in this business review we this firm as one of the prominent wish to compliment them on the admirable manner in which they concerns of this section. 150 Through their extensive dealings are serving the public. way that to the uninitiated the thought at once comes that never was there such a good place at which to eat. Poor eating places are not the exception by any means It Is a pleasure to have such a mod ern and up to date place to refer the traveling patrons as well as local people. The management made a special study of the business, and conse quently is striving to give the peo Headquarters for complete sports ple something just a little better all the time They have arranged equipment. Recreation Sports Cen their place so that it is very at ter is located in Astoria at 516 Com tractive and insists that the service mercial. phone 2441 be kept prompt and courteous Known throughout thia section as We take great pleasure in com Sportsmen's Headquarters and as a store that carries a large stock of plimenting this cafe on the order everything pertaining to indoor and of the establishment and refer them outdoor sports, camp equipment and to our readers without hesitation men's apparel is this popular sport —1 ing goods store RETIRE IN 5 YEARS RAISE CHINCHILLAS are unsurpassed anywhere. They feature radios which give their owners the command of the air day and night. No matter what your favorite may be, whether it is in the line of general news, music or any thing that comes up they will pro duce perfectly. RECREATION SPORTS CENTER At The Sign of The Royal Chinook During years of catering to dis criminating sjxirtsmen throughout this district, this firm has adhered to one policy of "Satisfaction or Your Money Cheerfully Refunded ' This rigid principle, coupled with popular merchandise at popular prices is the secret of the big sue cess enjoyed by this store They realise that a satisfied custixner is their biggest uwt. not only because of his own purchases, but by ad vert King his satisfaction among ht« friends This firm's management keeps In close touch with Sporting Goods In dustry. in addition to being a prac tical hunter, fisherman, and out door enthusiast and knows what to buy for the sportsman and what he wants to pay. Quantity buying gives this store the advantage of tow prices while the difference Is passed on to the customer. They also give Mall Order custo mers the same prompt, careful and courteous attention they would re ceive if they called personally at the store, mall orders being filled the same day received and shipped pre paid Every sport today demands equip ment specially developed for the purpose intended We recommend this firm and Its service to our many readers over this section of the country because to fill your desires in sports is their alm Ml, ers' supplies of all kinds are to be had here. Buy a box of cigars or a carton of cigarettes to take home, or they would make an ex cellent gift for that pal of yours. All are kept in the finest and freshest condition. The people of this community are indeed fortunate to have such a modem and up to date bowling center as this to enjoy their favor ite sport. The manager of this es tablishment has always taken an active interest in the above sports and is always glad to welcome his old friends as well as new ones here. He will always Instruct and give you pointers on the game if you care to have him do so. You will find him congenial and of likeable char acter. Take a tip from one who knows and roll a game here and meet your friends. We take great pleasure in this review to compli ment the manager and to refer ills establishment to all our readers when they want an hour or so of real enjoyment. 156 HINSON'S JEWELRY We Give S & H Green Stamps Hinson's Jewelry Is located in Sea side at 319 Broadway, phone 467. This store has merited the posi tion this place has attained as one of the leading Jewelry stores in this section of the state, and because of its unequalled quality and metro politan service during the time It has served the public, has merited the large custom it receives. The gift season is always on, and the Jeweler receives his share In making possible the wisest selection of presents for all occasions. An up-to-date Jeweler is indispensable to every community of taste and refinement and he whose work shows marked skill is sure of liberal patronage. The people of this sec tion ars in no way behind in this respect and the generous patronage extended to this popular jewelry firm shows how the community ap preciates their efforts. The stock has been selected with rare judgement and includes every thing necessary to conduct a mod ern and up-to-date store. Here will be found the leading makes of watches, diamond rings, pins, studs and ornaments, costume jewelry, novelties in silverware, and an ex tensive variety of jewelry. Particular attention is given to fine watch repairing and there Is no watch too complicated for them to adjust or repair. They also do general jewelry repairing and if you have any piece of jewelry that you thought useless because a clasp was broken or a part missing, take it to them and it will be repaired to your entire satisfaction. We take particular pleasure In directing our readers to this firm and to point to this store as one of the business enterprises of the country that is aiding in making this a more progressive place to live. We take great pleasure in complimenting them on the char acter of the establishment and the quality of merchandise they have chosen to offer the public. —88 PALM BEACH CAFE A Haralampus, Owner The attractive, newly decorated Palm Beach Cafe is located in Sea side at 227 Broadway. This is a very popular restaurant of this section and the ever-grow ing and large patronage it receives is due to the fact that it is clean and sanitary throughout; serves at all times the most palatable foods and receives its patronage from the city and surrounding territory, as well as from the traveling public. The local and traveling public have learned that this is a good place where the demand is more than satisfied in obtaining food Cour- of this cafe, for it is a pleasure for them to serve the public. The cafe business is a business within itself, and does not end with the service of food on the tables, but extends to the cleanliness of the kitchen and other places that are only frequented by the manager and assistants; where all silverware Is polished and dishes sterilized. It is a pleasure to have such a clean and modern cafe as this to refer the stranger and local peo ple to as good cafes are not com mon, and at this place the food is prepared in such a manner that the thought at once comes, “this is a good places at which to eat.” The management has had years of experience in the cafe business, striving to keep the service cour teous and prompt at all times. The interior is attractively decorated, pleasing to the eye and arranged for the general comfort of their patrons. We wish to compliment them on the standard of their cafe, and do not hesitate to refer it to our read ers as a good place at which to eat. —7 COFFEESAN Betty Chillquist, Owner Featuring homemade pies and Cakes. Oof fee-San is located in Seaside at 34 N Holladay The menu consists not only of the prime necessities of life, but many inviting and tempting deli cacies. Lunches or dinners are good, wholesome and deliciously appetizing The service is equally offered to satisfy the tastes of the most fastidious. In traveling over the country you will find nothing in greater pro fusion than poor eating houses This is why it is Indeed refreshing to find such an up-to-date establish ment as this. It is unsurpassed by any earing place in surrounding or accommo dation of service When the pro prietor went into the business it was with the idea that a modem cafe would be appreciated by the local and traveling public That this principle was well ac cepted is proven by the success they have attained. Here you will find well cooked, satisfactory meals, whether your order be large or small, and you will be made to feel that your trade is desired and appreciated by the n.anagement. There is no better equipped place in this section of the state than this one, and there is none that has attained a greater measure of popularity. There is none In which the service and courses are more pleasantly satisfactory. Ranchers and aU other parties will find this a pleasing place to visit while in town shopping for the day. We are pleased In this review to compliment the proprietor on the high character of this cafe, which is rendering a much needed service to the community —M