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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1953)
Dec. 7, 1951—High school class 6.00 May 2, 1952—Rummage sale Study club ... 96.17 Nov. 21, 1952—Refund of park fund 2.29 Dec. 27, 1952—Interest on savings fund —..... 10.35 Nov. 21, 1953—Hughes memorial fund 107.50 Feb 3. 1953—Coffee hour fund 76.00 March 26-27, 1953—Rummage sale. Study club 113.03 TOTAL $1171.53 Efforts spent by the club and others who have cooperated show what can be accomplished toward a worthy undertaking. They rea lize that the present total is far from being sufficient to construct a building and they know it will take longer to earn enough. As long as the determination is there, the goal will eventually be achieved. From the Office By Marvin Kamholz Along with last week's publi cation of the amount realized from the most recent rummage sale sponsored by the Vernonia Study club library committee was a tabulation of the various sources of the total amount of the club's building fund. This building fund was started by the club in 1949 because of a belief that the city library should some time be housed in more adequate quarters where satisfac tory provision could be made for shelving of books and for use of the library by its patrons. This belief was and still is bas.d on the fact that present quarters will not allow sufficient room for expansion and arrange ment as suited to a library. The place has been reached now where there is no space for mor? shelving without a major change in the city hall building, yet new volumes are being added and use by patrons is increasing. As the fund now stands, through club efforts and the work of other groups, the total is $1171.53. A tabulation of the sources lists the following: Feb. 17, 1949—Carnival, all organizations $209.30 May 10, 1949—Study club tea 46.80 Aug. 19, 1949—Rebekah cooked food sale 32.00 Sept. 16, 1949—Rummage sale, Pythian Sisters 150.11 March 16, 1950—Rummage sale. Study club 94.20 June 19, 1950—Rummage sale, Pythian Sisters 35.00 Jan. 15, 1951—Study ciub tea ’ 55.41 June 7, 1951—Rummage sale. Study club 82.83 Dec. 7, 1951—Study club tea 44.54 Dec. 7, 1951—Card sal?, Florence Messing 10.00 i i | I | i ] ROCK CREEK — Two calves were killed by the logging train Monday afternoon near the De Witt home. Fences aren’t too good along the railroad tracks, but calves failed to see the easy places over which to jump and they couldn’t walk the trestle. Herb Counts and H. A. Dewitt moved their teams to Mist in order to start work there. The Borders family is living in the small house near McFarlands. Makes it easy for the sisters, Beulah and Edith, to see each other often. Kathryn Keasey was chosen as one of two Columbia county girls to live in the new Azalea House this coming year at Oregon State college. ROCK CREEK — The Keasey extension unit met at the home of May Krieger. Officers were elected for the coming year with Betty Brady as chairman. Eda Parker as vice-chairman, Necia DeWitt as secretary and May Krieger as treasurer. Project leaders May Krieger and Blanche DeWitt gave the lesson on Model ing and How to Give Home Sew ing a Professional Look. In ad dition to the ones already me»- tioned, those attending were Isola Morris, Vivian Counts, Mane Christensen and Hilda Kea sey. It was good to see Bill Usher on his leave at home. We hope that he has stored up many plea sant memories to carry him through the rest of his enlist ment. S P E C I Ä LÌ B1RKENFELD — The "Tea" ladies met with Mrs. Lawrence Jepson Thursday afternoon. Winema H.E.C. met with Mrs. Walter Carl Tuesday afternoon. There were 13 members and two visitors present. The visitors were Mrs. Nellie Jones and Mrs. Wanda Banzar. A dinner, to increase the budget, was planned to be served April 25 at the gym. Committees were appointed to fix the menu and take over various jobs. Prize for' the game went to Mrs. Reba Larson and hostess gift was won by Mrs. Helen Nord, strom. The next meeting will be May 5 at the home of Mrs. Leone Turner. Here is a Chuck Roast at its very best. It comes from top government grades ol grain-fed beef — the only kind we offer for sale in our stores. Rest of the Week Ground Round Burgers Ground Round li IV’ Steak MA VIRES i Tfdrr. Mtul) Riajf C*tl. _ BkJ MMj '¿a *K1 IM W! I Here is a main dish fit for a king at a price you wouldn't believe possible. Top quality, plus superi or trim gives you extra meat for your money and less waste. Try it tonight! I Look For the Federal Grade Stamp YOU Will WANT TO 8 UY SfVfRAl AT THESE PRICES', It Is Your Guarantee Of Quality FOR STORING IN YOUR IOCKIR OR HOME FREEZER! Judging beef quality by looking at a retail cut takes more experience than moil people possess. Federal grading gives you the benefit ef experienced, unprejudiced judgment. At Safeway you will find this newly designed U.S.D.A. grade stamp on every cut of beef. Boneless Top Quality Beef CROSS RIB ROAST BONELESS STEW ib. Kitchen Craft Green or While HERE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE MANY FINE OREGON PRODUCTS AT SAFEWAY OREGON PLUMS No. 2 Can--------------------- KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD M PROOF • THE HILL A HILL CO. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY THE VERNONIA EAGLE Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon ASSOCIATION 5 Theodore Roosevelt popular- ] ized the expression, "pussy I footer.” Home Ec Club to Improve Budget „Xi’""’*' I ’ SAFEWAY CHUCK ROAST ! Enriched Flour Get coupon 50 -lb. worth 50c with $3.98 • at display coupon NEWSPAPER ORE. THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1953 VERNONIA. ° 9rand buy this weekend Gehend-,ry FULLY AGED PUBIISHER$ EAGLE. I Richer-tasting because it's Entered as second class mail matter. August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Use where $3.50. THE Keasey Unit Selects New Year’s Officers 2 Calves Killed By Log Train 15c APPLE SAUCE Hood River, No. 303,can 18c GREEN BEANS Santiam, No. 303 can ...... 21c SUGAR BELLE PEAS No. 303 can ......... ~ 17c SMITH'S SPAGHETTI No. 1 can_____________ - 10c SALMON Bumble Bee, No. ’i can 39c BORENE SOAP 23-oz. pkg...... —................. 29c NOB HILL COFFEE 2 lbs............................ $1.81 AIRWAY COFFEE 2 lbs......................... $1.77 RITZ CRACKERS 1-lb pkg ........... 37c POTATO CHIPS Blue Bell. 4-oz pkg. 39c TILLAMOOK CHEESE American. 1 lb.......... 79c CANE SUGAR , 10 lbs------ $1.06 TOILET TISSUE Zee, 4 rolls 37c FACIAL TISSUE 400 count pkg._________ 25c WHITE NAPKINS 80 count. 2 pkgs 27c 25c 125-ft roll_____________ ZEE WAX PAPER i Coffee Mugs Regular 2 for 25c Each ] A 1UC Tantalizing Orange Flavor Hi C. Orangeade If. Grand 46-oz. can nt üvb 59c ib. 59c Short Rib»______________ lb. Ground Beef, lean_______ lb. Spare Rib»___________ lb. Cooked Salami, pc. or slice, lb. Fresh Oysters__________pint Chinook Salmon, slice___ lb. Peanut Butter » Tomah Catsup Soda Crackers Corned Beef Diced Carrots 20-oz. Jar Taste Teils 14-oz. bottles Snow Flake or Busy Baker Famous Libby Brand 49c 29c 1 lb. pkg. 23c 12-oz. Can 45c Marion Brand 25c 39c Potatoe Chips 29c Salad Oil .. ou 70c Tide Detergent47-os. pkg 75c Oxydol D'"”7S'„. pkg. 75c Detergent Cheer ............... 75c 51-oa. pkg. Ivory Snow 29c pkg. Dreft Detergent15-ot. pkg. 31c Coffee Edward's ni. $1.91 Salad Dressing DuchS 49c Fleet Mix ror^X 42c Cheese D",',’ TÏ, 35c Pancake Flour spTL,$1.25 Vanilla WwU9... 21c Another Safeway First Fresh Strawberries Cup 35c GREEN ONIONS or Red Radishes Bunch 5c Direct from Sacramento Valley ORANGES ASPARAGUS - - 2-lbs. 29c Fresh, Green California Navels ALL YOU CAN BAG RHUBARB----2-lbs. 19c 59c Fresh Local Prices Effective thru Saturday, April 18 PEARS Mellowest—2** can 4 FOR$100 — SORRY— NO SALES TO DEALERS— PLEASE LOTS OF ITEMS ON OUR Jumbo 10C Table I I I