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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1953)
VOLUME 31, NUMBER 16 10c COPY VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON PHONE 191 THURSDAY. APRIL 16. IU5 I Pre-School Clinic Being Ambulance to Preparedby PTA April 30 Be Ready for There will be some 500 new ' examination. faces in first grade classes in This year for the first time an Columbia county next year and analysis of urine will be done to to help these children b? ready detect the presence of sugar and physically for school is one of the albumin. Instructions for obtain Applications Asked aims of the Parent Teacher as ing the sample will be included From Those Wishing sociation. in cooperation with the in the clinic invitation. To Serve as Drivers Columbia county medical society Should there be any who do and the Columbia county health not receive invitations to the At the Monday evening meet- departmt nt, the P.-T.A. is spon clinic and who will have a child i ing of the executive committee soring pre-school clinics during entering school for the first time, charged with working out details April. they are asked to bring the child I of handling this community’s am Invitations are being sent to to the Washington school April bulance, the group was informed about 95 children and their 30 by 1 p.m. that the equipment would be mothers in Vernonia and sur ready for use within a short time rounding area to attend the clinic The ambulance unit was taken to on April 30. Dr. R. D. Eby will Portland last week for equipment donate his time for the clinic to installation and was expected be held at th? Washington school back by the end of this week. from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m, Mrs. H. L. Two matters face solution by Russell is chairman of the Ver the committe? before the machine An auto accident Saturday nonia P.-T.A. health committee. will be ready to provide Since the county school super night on the Sunset highway One is the training of person intendent, family physician and near Elsie claimed the life of nel to handle the machine and the health department strongly re Carl Goodburn who resided at other is the purchase of insurance commend that every child have a Treharne. The accident took place It is hoped to have both solved by physical examination before en near the Nehalem river bridge the first of the coming month. tering school for the first time, when his car skidded and rammed The committee asks that people the clinic offers the opportunity a bank. He was wedged behind interested in serving as driver» for a screening examination with the steering wheel of the car and volunt er their names either to out charge. If anything is found his death was caused by head in Jewell Lloyd, secretary, to Jim that requires attention, the child juries. Cox, Jr., IWA business agent, or The remains were taken to is referred to his own physician. to The Eagle office. Drivers who Members of P.-T.A. will be on Voiles Funeral home at Sumner, make a trip to Portland will be hand to weigh and measure the Washington where the services compensated in th amount of children and help mothers fill out will take place. Information con $5. Training on both ambulance a history of growth and develop cerning survivors was not avail driving and first aid will be pro ment. Following the physician’s able here this week. He is the vided for applicants. examination of the eyes, ears, father of a son, Laverne, who is The matter of insurance will be throat, skin and heart, Miss Grace a student in the high school. examined by Wesley Bolmeier Roumagoux, public health nurse, and Mr. Lloyd to r-. ach a solution will talk with the mothers about of coverage for the vehicle and any recommendations for further occupants. The committee was informed that the ambulance fund totaled $2296.63 as of Monday on deposit in the bank. To that will be ad- A 4-H community meeting will d d the amount of $500 which be he|d ■ it the Winema Grange '■Fl 5-37 voted to the fund las' hallnu Uiikenfeld Tuesday night Thursday and some contribution.« . April 21 at 8:00 for club mem from logging companies, other Hard surfacing work on drive bers, leaders, parents and friends organizations and individuals. ways and the parking area at in the Mist and Birkenfeld area. . With these amounts, it is believed the back of the high school build Miss Frances Gallatin and Harold the fund will approach the ing is being asked in a bid call that the school’s board of direc I Black, county extension agents, needed to finance the project. Executive committee members tors authorized at their Tuesday will explain various activities and evening meeting. The work, when phases of the 4-H program. The are: Dessy Laird, Wesley Bol completed, will solve the present 4-H clubs in the area will also meier, Mikie Anderson, Henry problem of th? heavy rock sur take an active part in the meet Ade, Sr., Sherman Fisher, Ed Burton, Sam Hearing, Sr., L. O. face now being used and will be ing. Included in the program will be Closner, Earl Atkins, J. L. Lloyd, another step towards completion of the new structure and grounds. a demonstration, a judging con Jim Cox, Pat Wallace, Bill Wil The locker problem, a matter test, and a showing of slides son and Marvin Kamholz. — ! taken during the 4-H dress revue that has given trouble since they at the Oregon state fair in 1952. were installed, is nearer to solu The purpose of 4-H club work, tion, board members were inform the parents part in the 4-H pro ed by Superintendent Eugene Dov?. The National Lock com gram and activities at the county pany has authorized return of fair wiH also be emphasized. Anyone interested in club work the present unsatisfactory locks The board of school district 47, and will give the district rull is invited. A similar meeting will be held at Vernonia on April 29 at its Tuesday evening meeting credit for them. The school will took official action on two mat in turn purchase Yale and Towne for clubs in the Vernonia area. ters in addition to the routine locks, which are known to give business of the evening. satisfactory service. The directors studied a report Approval was given for removal on the schools submitted by Ben of the old orchard at the back of Rinehart, county sanitarian, in the grounds, part of it now being which it was suggested that th * in the way of the track as plan drinking fountain fixtures be ned. Board members believe, Free Port Orford cedar seed changed and that closets and stor that by removal, the orchard wil) lings are again being made avail age bins be installed in the cafe not provide ammunition that able to any person interested in teria kitchen. Suggestions in the might result in broken windows. planting and caring for them, ac report will be given compliance, Final board action was taken in cording to an announcement this the board decided. respect to the old building and week from the Vernonia head Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Welsh property by the signing of the quarters of the Columbia Tree Washington school custodian«, deed to Harry Culbertson. That Farm. These trees are suitable were rehired for the corning yea. action, along with preliminary ! for ornamental or hedge planting as was Miss Delores Thompson, consideration of n?xt year’s bud as well as for field planting to school secretary. get comprised most of the remain produce timber. With a minimum ing action of the evening. of care they will grow rapidly j and if desired, may be easily I pruned and shaped. This will mark the seventh ' consecutive year that the Colum- ! bia Tree Farm division of Crown The Inner Willy, the student l Zellerbach corporation has made gift trees available to the residwits body play that is being presented A public meeting Friday even of Columbia county. It is hoped at the high school gymnasium ing of this week at the Natal that everyone who plants and April 17, is the play to see for Grange hall was announced Tues grows a tree will thus be taking pleasant entertainment. day by Lew Choate for Nehalem ■ part in the current movement to Have you ever wondered wha: valley residents when they will grow more trees. Everyone can happens when a boy has several have the opportunity to learn the be a tree farmer in his own right. dates at the some time? This is uses and types of commercial The gift cedars will be wrapped just one experience that faces farm fertilizers 1 in peat moss in packages of 25 Willoughby Adams in The Inner Keith Boyer, field representa trees. Normally this is enough Willy. This delightful comedy is sure tive for Swift and Co., will trees to meet the planting ne?ds handle the topic at the meeting of most individuals. Printed in to "keep you in stitches” with which is free to the public. It structions for planting and car the problems Willoughby ha« will begin at 8 p.m. He will also ing for the trees will be given with his three “old maid" aunts who are struggling to dominate explain to farmers how to take with each bundle of trees. The trees are now ready for him and with Inner Willy who soil samples which they may have In this area they keeps him in hot water. analyzed in the company labora distribution Inner Willy by Bettye Knapp may be obtained at The Vernonia tory. The Vernonia Trading com Eagle office and the Columbia will be presented by the Vernonia high school student body. pany is sponsoring the meeting. Tree Farm office. Use Here Soon Auto Accident Cause of Death Board Asks Bids On Drive Surface AT LEAST three girls will participate in Vernonia's competition to select a representative who will vie for the title of Miss Columbia County of 1953. They met Sunday evening to receive instructions from Miss Elaine Haling, St. Helens, on details concerning their appearance at the talent show sched uled to take place at the high school April 30. Miss Haling will arrange the show for that date and the Lions club will take care of publicity. The three girls who have already said they will compete are Frances Kaspar, Barbara Howard and Knightwine. Wet Weather, Wet Field Cause Baseball Delays Hope runs low in Mudville to ficulty to date is due not only to night as ole man weather, the weather conditions, but also lies in the fact that the new ball ourse of baseball fans, has once diamond has no drainage and is again caused havoc with the like a huge swimming pool, which, Vernonia Logger nine with nasty until sunny skies apprar once old rain and inclement weather again in this part of the state, washing out all the future Caseys’ will be practically impossible to games to date except the first play on. To dat?, the local ball-sluggers encounter with the St. Helens have had little chance to show Lions. off their potential talents aven The Loggers aren’t alone in in practice. Th? only workout their plight as the other partici i Coach Bill Vlcek was able to pants in Lower Columbia league give his charges prior to the St. p ay face the same handicap as Helens game, which was original Vernonia. Vernonia's biggest dtf- ly schedul'd here but played there because of field conditions, was Shoot to Aid Scouts a light infield workout. St. Helens A benefit trap shoot is sched- defeated the local nine 7 to 4 in u 'd to take place Sunday. April this one and only game of the 26 at the O-A ball park and the 1953 season. Vernonia has had to cancel funds from the venture will go to games with Warrenton, Seaside, assist in financing local boy Scouts on a trip to the Scout and Rainier to date. The hope of Jubilee in California in June. the local lads is to be able to Sponsor of the shoot will be the play their second contest of the season scheduled for Friday, the Vernonia Trap club. 17th, against the Clatskanie nine at Clatskanie without once again being disappointed by the actions PTA to See Cancer Film of Mother Nature. At the regular monthly P.-T.A. Very likely the games the Log meeting next Monday evening. gers are now being forced to post, April 20, part of the program at pone will be made up in the next that time will be devoted to show few ensuing weeks by playing ing a cartoon film concerning double-headers. cancer. Announcement of the Sub-district representative from showing was made by Mrs Bill this league will be decided on Horn. county cancer official. The May 7 regardless of how many association will also elect new games each team will have to officers Monday make up. The team picked from | this league will be the one with * the best record. This squad will Date for Play» Set then play off with the Mid-Co- The eighth grades of th? Wash . lumbia league, and the winner ington school will present their | will represent A-2 schools. The annual plays April 22 at 'the : victor wifi then take on the win- auditorium The presentation wil. ! ner of the A-l schools, comprised include two one-act plays and a • of the Portland institutions, and pantomime with musical numbers '< the winner of that game will between the acts Directing are proceed to battle it out with the Darrold Proehl and Mrs. Harry seven other districts in the state I for state championship honors. Sandon. Scouts Express Thanks for Sale , I j I Vernonia Girl Scouts who par ticipated in the recent sale of cookies have expressed their ap preciation to the people of this ar. a for their cooperation in mak. ing this year's sale a success. Word of their appreciation Wed nesday also brought the informa tion that 600 boxes of cookies were sold. Forty-three girls were taken to the Oak’s rink in Portland last Sunday as one part of this year's scout activity. Chaperones that day were Irene Minger, Lucillç Fowler, Ruth Sullivan and Faith Reynolds, The trip was made in the Dan Cason bus. Former Valley Resident Dies . I I [ William Henry Ruddiman, a j former resident of the N'halem ! valley, passed away at the Pacific 1 Communities hospital in Newport April 7. He had been in ill health for the past 12 years. He was bom at Natal February 26, 1898 and was married to Louise Iler November 4, 1921. Survivors include: his wife, Louise; two sons, Ronald and Russell, both of Newport; two grandsons, Walter and David: brother, Earl, of Newport and a sister, Ruth McMullen, of Leba non. Historical Meet Due The Columbia County Histori cal society will meet Tuesday. April 21 at Columbia City in the little school house. Those coming are ask"d to bring silverware, , plate and cup. Program will be based on local early history. 2 Meetings Due in Valley on 4-H Board Acts on Report, Rehires ; Tree Farm Offers Free Cedar Trees Fertilizer Use Topic of Meet Students Prepare Play for Friday