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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1952)
i Plane Caught for Trip to Base j ’ . | i ! | j Office Desk . . . Saturday is the day when Ver nonia will play host to th? Na tional Model Railroad association. Fairly elaborate plans are being worked out to make their short stay here entertaining and en joyable. such as a barbecue lunch, stor? window displays, welcome signs, logging displays and the Oregon-American shay engine display. Merchants have b en asked and given financially held to offset expenses of providing th? lunch. In addition, quite a few people will give time to prepar • the noon lunch as w 11 as the dis plays. To the model railroaders no doubt the feature attraction will be the shay locomotive which the O-A has brought down from Camp Olson and is making ,<ady for th? guests' inspection. The effort that is being ex pended to make the railroaders' trip entertaining also gives Ver nonia the opportunity to play host to p op]? who will co.r.e from point' all ov r the nation. We hope they enjoy themselves thoroughly on what, for many, will be their fust visit to a logging community. The listing in last week's Eagp* of regulations gov rning truck operation brought quite a few requests for extra copies. Details of the rules wer? pre pared for publication by State Patrolman Claude Shaw as a means of helping truckers bring their equipment into conformity with the law. Not only did h? it.mize the material published, but through his efforts arrangements were made for the public meeting held earlier this month so d. tails could b? explained about the rules and questions could be answered. He is to be commended for this ac tion because it was a job done over and above his regular duties as stat? patrolman and because it proved of definite help to the operators whose attendance num bered almost 75. Here’s just one place wh-?rc your tax money goes! The Ten Commandmtnts contain only 297 words. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Ad dress contains 266 words. A fel low who counted ’em says that ther? were 12.962 words in an OPS order setting the price ceil, ing on manually-operat d fog horns. Wedding Anni ersary Celebrated Sur day TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Earl mo tored to Buxton Sunday evenmg to visit his mother, Mr. and MrJ. Wm. Riggle. Mr. and Mrs. Rig gle celebrated their 1st wedding anniversary. Others helping them celebrate were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weaver and daughter of Timber; Mr. and Mrs. Eura Rey. nolds and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Swanson and daughter of 'War ren; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Keller of Forest Grove and Mrs. Louis Holt of Caldwell, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Earl and Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds and Mike were business visitors in Forest Grove Saturday. THE VERNONIA EAGLE Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher - ------------------------------ . Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter. August 4. 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50. I TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs Albert Reynolds. Lin Reynolds and Forrest Reynolds motored to Seattle Thursday where Forrest caught a plane to fly back to Fort Richardson in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver and children motored to Portland Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weave.1 and children were in Forest Grove Monday. Paul can dart to school this fall but will have to report back after two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver and children and Earl Reynolds drove to the drive-in at Cornelius Monday evening. Mrs. Albert Walker called on Mrs. R. W. Clark and Mrs. Bvron Kirkbride Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Reynolds and Cathie left Friday morning for Arkansas. Glen" Reynolds is staying w ,.h his grandparents, the Carl Sny ders, for a month. Mr. and Mrs. B.rt Tisdale and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Beck and Susan spent last week at Tilla mook at the county fair. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Pierce ar.d Ted Marlott went to the b?a«.h Sunday. The Third Annual old timers picnic for the Buxton-Mannii-g communities will be held August 31 at the Shute Park in Hills boro. M rs. Rilla Snyder is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. A. Wilson, who has bten ill the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Purcell of Capitol Hill visited her nephew, Mike Long, and family Sunday and Monday evenings. Lb. 59 2 Tomatoes Tomato Juice Spaghetti Pork & Beans Columbia Dill Pickles r Mayday Salad Oil ? Standard Sunny Dawn American PUBLISHEKS association cans 46-oz. can With extra good sauce Van Camp No. 30C cans 25 25 39 25 49 53 Tuna Fish X”:«» 35c Fancy Peas Pie Filling Kre md tX0.nPk,. 8c No. 303 cans 8-oz. can Palmolive Soap 3 ”... 25c 2 / 29’ 10 Lux Soap Mild 3 bars 25c CO« Tomato Catsup MlCeZc Detergent-price includes dish towel 31-oz. Uvv Tide Detergent 19-oz. pkg. 30c 2 bottles Dreft Detergent 15-oz. pkg. 30c Sardines White Magic G?2^p Du,.39c ’ No. ».it HEC Niagara Starch 12-oz. pkg. 20c 3 cans Shady Lane Butter i-n>. 83c Beer Sunnybank Margarine^Oc Western Eastern 17c 20c Canterbury Tea 48 bag. pkg. 53c « qc TEMPEST MAINE FAMOUS BRANDS I : ! PicnicsSnokcd lb. 53 88c 52c 55c Turkeys lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. (b. lb. lb. lb. lb. Spiced Luncheon Meat Olive Loaf Fresh Bologna Smoked Liver Sausage Fricassee Fowl, pan ready Silverside Salmon, whole or half Halibut Steaks, pan ready H & D Whiting, pan ready Rock Fish Fillets, pan ready IN VALUES GROCERY OUR 59c 59c 59c 59c 5£)c 59c 59c 39c 59c 29c 39«. SECTION Skylark Bread CANTALOUPES LB. 5c PINK MEATED — SWEET AND JUICY — CALIFORNIA’S VERY FINEST! CANNING PEARS - - - 28-lb. Lug $1.49 Bartletts HALE PEACHES - - - 22-lb. Flat $229 Fancy Packed in new cupcake par k—Designed to avoid bruising P ot lb. ISc ITALIAN PRUNES - - - 12-lb. Flat $129 Buy several crates for canning—at this Low Price Per Lb. 15c WATERMELON.......................... lb. 4c Thumpin' Ripe—Cut Sunkist LEMONS Crammed With I.B Prices Effective Thru Saturday, August 23 Fryer Hen Turkeys 20c ZTob Fill Coffee 21b. $1.69 Crackers Tea TTiLPkg. 36c Airway Coffee ,.lb. 83c Pancake Floui 45c Airway Coffee 24b. $1.62 Flee! Mix pls. 45c Edwards Coffee , lb. 90c Marshmallows 31c Edwards CoHee , $1.79 Shortening 78c Salad Dressing 31C Tissue 4 39c Bread’ ''"‘'“’ iuu ,. 23c Facial Tissue 25c SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT SAFEWAY For Athlete s Foot Use T4L for 3 to 5 days. If not pleased, your 40c back. Watch the old. tainted skin slough off io be replaced by healthy skin. Get instant-c ying T-4-L from any druggist. Now at— NANCE DRUG STORE Mr. and Mrs. Gene Drips, son Bobby, niece Myrna and nephew Fred attended the Multnomah county fair at Gresham Monday. Koii Hill Coffee bUl BACK-TO-SCHOOL NEEDS SAFEWAY I MORE TASTE TELLS 14- oz . ' 1 I j I ! 75c 98c lb. $1.08 lb. 29c lb. 59c lb. ggt lb. 89c lb. 42c SUGAR BELLE 5 Mrs. Ra? helped Mrs. Collins in the store while they were gone. Mr and Mrs. Byron Kirkbrid» Stephen, Jo Ann and Walter; George Minor, Rose Mary and Carolyn Lxing attended th > coun ty fair Saturday. Mrs. Robert Reynolds exhibited her round pineapple tahle cloth at the county fair last week and took second on it. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Earl at tended the fair Saturday. TREHARNE — Rosalie and James Kirkbride exhibited ’heir i . gistered holstein heifers at the county fair last week and pluc d as follows: Rosalv’s heifer took first in the class and they placed fourth in showmanship. James heifer took fifth in the same class. The Maple Meadows dairy club tok first in herdsmanship. The judging team, Rosalie and James Kirkbride and Margaret Buckley placed second. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Beck. Susan and Speed Lusby went to Gres- ham Monday evening to tne races. Btef Short Ribs Boneless Corned Beef Veal Shoulder Roast Veal Rib Chops Veal Breast Lamb Leg Roast lb. Sliced Bacon, standard lb. Piece Bacon, economical _____ ___ lb. No. 1 THURSDAY, AUG 21, 1952 ORE VERNONIA, Places Won at County Fair lb. lb. Sirloin Steak, choice grade Consistant high quality • All beef EAGLE. lb. 75c Chuck Roast, choice grade Round Steak, choice grade Be NtWSHMI RIVERVIEW — Luncheon guests at the Claude Gibson home Sunday were Mr.s Clara Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. James Lange, Mrs Keith Laloli and son, Mrs. Lsla Cook and Mr. Grayson. Celebrating the 30th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Louis Huntley, a party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Feil at Beaverton Sat urday evening. There were 40 guests present and the Huntleys received many nice gifts. Going from here besides Mr. and Mrs. Huntley were Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Perry and children. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Tarrach and daughter of Merced, Cali fornia .visited his sister and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley, Monday and Tuesday. Pure Ground Fryers Beef '• •HE 30 ¡h Date of Wedding Noted 19 Melon Vin. Rijxn.d Swett-Table TOMATOES GRAPES Perfect Canners It to 17 $1 1« P' I- IM A Seediest lb. 12c lb. 12 >c Red Malagas lb. 15c U». 4Yic Gravensie'n APPLES Grand Cooking Apples LB. I 1