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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1951)
(.»• Í« C7 Heaven will see many who lived before Christ. These are such as had faith to obey God. They ¿I, took a lamb from the flock. Then «* they drew the knife. The innocent F lorida ' s famous O vcrsias aaawa / blood flowed and this they put I /AíXZMtf TMZ 07/ OF MR/ WFS7 WTCR FO« A SCOTCH 7HC MA/ALAMD 8/ KlAy QF 7Hf MFyS IWAVELÉR.. on the altar. Now hear God — WAS CR/SMALl/ A O*C 7XACAC DAVID DOlASiA*.. ¿•AMROA0 “I have given you the blood •r, WHO INTRODUCED THE SPECIE« TO ?0. upon the altar to EN6LAHD IN 1927 *,/ r ¡5 make a covering IX.’J for your souls. Lv. x"''/z V. 17:11 — Bible. Centuries Pass— I C Then at length Ä)Wli46. came Christ and you hear John the one of ihh A(O«T AHCltbTT Baptist shout — OF SPORTS, je A LÍO ON< “Behold the Lamo OF THE MOST POPULAR . of God that takes UPWARDS OF /7 MILLION away the sin of AMERICANS ARE the world — John 1:29. Yes, A^ASfACVUSfTTr lU5 FJRXlSXt t> , REGULAR MOR« speaxirs FUR the U.«. -- J PARliClPArHf Christ’s blood washed away the IN “Ml HOUSE OF RBPWSENTATIME5 THAN ¡¡I h HIIII ' OTHfR STATE — S/X . KEMTUCK/ SPORT cins of God’s people of old. And IS SfCOHP WITH FIVE .. HOWEVER. TH! His blood washes away your sins PRESENT SPEAKER - -MR. RAYBURN - COMES FROM TEXAS also if you have faith, for — “The blood of Jesus Christ CHRISTIAN CHURCH cleanses from all sin—1 John 1:7. —Gerald F. Heskett. Pastor But you must lay hold on Christ’s 9:45 — Bible school. blood as blotting out all your 11:00 — Preaching service. sins. God is calling. What is 6:30 — Youth Fellowship. your answer? 7:30 — Evangelistic service. VERNONIA EVANGELICAL Spread the Good News. This 7:30 Tuesday—Soul winning class Paul D. Sisler. Minister pace paid for by an Oregon fam 7:30 Wed. — Prayer meeting and 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. Mrs. ily. Bible study. Lesta Garner, Sup’t. 7:30 Thurs. — Correspondence 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. course class. Sermon, , “The Cross Between 7:30 Fri. — Friday night crusade. GEMS OF THOUGHT Two Crosses.” FIRST BAPTIST HONESTY 6:30 p.m. — Youth Fellowship. —Rev. K. G. West I hope I shall always possess 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. The Church with a Bible Message firmness and virtue enough to Message, ‘ More Power For the 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School. maintain what I consider the Church.” 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. most enviable of all titles, the 6:30 p.m. Wed. — Church family 6:45 p.m. — B.T.U. character of an “Honest Man.” Night pot-luck dinner. 7:45 p.m. — Evening worship. George 'Washington 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayer service. Fear of punishment never CHURCH OF GOD made man truly honest. Moral LATTER DAY SAINTS IN CHRIST (Colored) —Elder J. C. Foster. Minister Sunday school convenes at 10 courage is requisite to meet the Services every Sunday at 1:30 a.m. under superintendency of wrong and to proclaim the right. —Mary Eddy Baker and 7:30. Russell K. Snook. Sacarament Finally, brethren, whatsoever services 7:30 p.m. M.I.A. and primary groups Tuesdays 7:30 things are true, whatsoever things p.m. H. T. Hudson, branch are honest, whatsoever things are president. Visitors always wel just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, comed. whatsoever things are of good ST. MARYS CATHOLIC report; if there be any virtue, and —Rev. J. H. Goodrich if there be any praise, think on —Rev. Crammond these things. —Philippians Mass at 9:30 There is no terror in your NAZARENE CHURCH Oregon Chain with FastFUg Tooth! Bett for threats; for I am armed so strong your power ¡gwl Speedy cuttingl Foit-filingl The church that cares. in honesty that they pass me by Long lasting! Ask your dealer for Oregon —H. L. RusselL Pastor Chipper Chain with Fast-File Tooth, the stand as the idle wind —Shakespeare ard replacement chain for all saws. Or write Residence — 1208 — Bridge We must make the world hon direct to factory specifying saw make, bar 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. length. est before we can honestly say Oregon Chain Goes With Any Saw 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. to our children that honesty is Any Saw GDIS with Oregon Cham 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service the best policy. LOOK FOK THl$ SIGN >*> 7:30 p.m. — Evening service —Bernard Shaw Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer OREGON meeting. Saw Chain Corp. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 7:30 — Preaching service. | SAW CHAIN SPECIALISTS Services on Saturday: 1 8816 5. £ 17»h Ave., Portlond 2, Or«. | 7:30 Wed. — Prayer meeting. 10:00 a.m. — Sabbath school. 11:00 a.m. — Preaching, mission ary programs or Bible study. 7:30 p.m. — Evangelistic service. z ÙOUOÌAS r/R . SOURCT OF ONE FOURTH OF 1X1 NAllOH-S LUMBER, 6** VMS MAMBO \ j\ à » u Ar tne Churches Oil 1 i LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES ASSEMBLY OF GOD Knights of Pythias Lodge Harding V. F. W. 11* No. Vernonia, Oregon Regular Meetings Legion Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month meetings: 2 & 4 FrU 8 pjn. fr.. Commander Rob't. E. McNair. Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meets: 1st 4 3rd Wed. Wm. D. Shafer. Chancellor Commander Oscar G. Weed, Secretary A. F. & A. M. Pythian Sister» Second and l.O.O.F. Fourth Vernonia Lodge No. Wednesday Communication 2-50 1*4 A.M. meets at Temple Stated A.F. 4 Masonic Hall of each month first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. VERNONIA LIONS CLUB Sam Hearing, Jr., W.M. Ray Mills, Sec'y____________1-51 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING Palace Cafe 153, O. E. S. Regular com 9:45 a.m. — Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. — Worship. 6:30 p.m. — Young People’s C.A. 7:45 p.m. Wed. — Bible study and praise service. Those Who Know Good Cleaning Bring their qarments to us be cause of our expert workman ship and cleaning that pleases. Try us today and become one of our many satisfied cus tomers. VERNONIA, ORE. under water and be lubricated by water. Philippine mahogany anu Western red cedar are tagged as insulating woods. Much of these Mr. Wilson’s Wood species went into construction of The traditional call, “Tim-buh- the Boeing cold-test laboratory. r-r-r!” is heard again in the Bert Pearce is a teak man. “A Pentagon, it echoes through the wonderful wood,” he declares. Office of Defense Mobilization, “As hard and strong as any wood and Boss Mobilizer Charles E. has right to be, and with a na Wilson relays it on to the woods. tural oil that preserves it.” There are the big planes. Boe ing—a name in the airways like i Teak is logged in Burma and that of Bunyan on the timber Siam by elephants and it is worth trails. Mighty angels of death just about its weight in gold when it gets to Seattle. It crowns for any foe, anywhere. Metal Boeing’s wonderful woodpile. But flying machines, but they want the bulk of it, and Mr. Wilson’s wood as never before. main ,concern, remains our own On an average day as much as Douglas fir. 800,000 board feet of Douglas fir —enough to build 80 five-room Home economics authorities of homes — is in the storage yards of the Boeing Airplane Company, ten say “too many women never Seattle. It is used to make crates have time to save time.” and boxes for the shipping of plane parts to world-wide bases. No substitute for the wood rail road tie has been found, and by the same token there’s nothing to take the place of wood for a rugged crating job. Some plane (2-Hole Punch) crates are big enough for house keeping in Dogpatch. Only J250 THURSDAY, MAR. 8, 1*51 and 3rd Bates Perforator Boeing's Mr. Chips Boeing, like other giants of American war plane production, imports immense amounts of rare foreign woods for special pur poses. “Around 20 years ago, whet: the company began to make all- metal planes, I figured the best thing I could do was to join the Navy and learn to be a metal smith,” says Bert Pearce, Boe ing’s lumber control supervisor. “But wood was still wanted. To day Boeing’s Seattle division alone is using more timber than we did whon planes were made entirely of wood and fabric. So I’m still Boeing’s Mr. Chips!” A trip around the yard with Bert Pearce shows a wonderful variety of airplane woods. Each has its own special qualities and particular values for use. Sitka spruce, of course, is valued high ly as it was in World War I as airplane lumber of uniform strength with lightness and work ability. Balsa is the wood that amazes. A lumber-handler can waltz with a 4x10” balsa plank ten feet long held high in each hand. It is stronger than cork and just as good as a vibration dampener. Boeing’s Mr. Chips scouts for airplane spruce not only on our West Coast b'ut on the Queen Charlottes and in Southeastern Alaska. It goes mostly into mock up work and into fittings which metal has never been able to re place. • THE VERNONIA EAGLE Style and Service — You can expect both when we pres cribe glasses — modern frames io enhance apearance, lenses to cor rect your sight problem. DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Kinlander's Jewelry Store "You Can't He Optomistic if You Have Misty Optics” £HZHKHZHZNZHZHZNZHZNZHZHX H H Special Uses West Coast hemlock, ranked as an airplane wood in World War II, has a corner in the Boeing yard. Alder, larch, white pine, the Port Orford and the Alaskan cedars, walnut, oak, poplar, birch, are there, and even magnolia is there, in thick timbers, in thin veneers. There is much eastern maple. There is a plank of Honduras mahogany that cost $107 whole sale. It goes into the making of patterns and models which have hard use. Lignum vitge from South America is called for when there’s need for a bearing to do a job Check Your Food Supplies H it you find yourself running low on something. H pick up your telephone and call KING'S GROCERY. be glad io rush it over io you. Simply We’ll No charge for delivery. KING’S Grocery - Market “Whtfre Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge H Phone 91 Riverview Vernonia Lodge No. 246 i^CX^I.O.O.F. sisters and broth month each at Masonic Ten* pie. ers All visiting They Serve This Cismmuiiity Meets Every Tuesday « P. M. Otto Cantwell, Noble Grand Wm. D. Shafer, Secretary 1-51 Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Order of Eagles) *10 Columbia Encampment No. 89 Bridge Vernonia Meets Every Friday Louis Schroeder. Chief Patriarch 8 P. M. 1-51 S. A. Hoyt, W. P. Meets 2nd and 4th Tharsday evenings ot each month ia IO.O.F. Hall. Louisa Hamnett. Noble Grand Opal Counts. Vica Grand Gladys Strong. Secretary Anetta Pearl. Financial Secy. Reatha Horn. Treasurer 3- Laundry and Dry Cleaning Street will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the l.O.O.F. hall. Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Vernonia Cleaners I _____ welcome. Frances Mullins. Worthy Matron Mona Gordon, Sec'y. 1-51 Rex Normand, Sec’y 7-50 American Legion VERNONIA POST 11* Meets first and Third Moa. of Each asoatk. AUXILIAR* First and Third Tuesdays 1-51 SPECIAL Winter coats shortened, cleaned and pressed Only $4-95 Hats Cleaned and Blocked $1.50 BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners H KZHZHZHZHZNZHZHZHZHZHZHZfC Wed. of T 8TANDARD TYPEWRITER FOR RENT munication first Luther Choate. President Bill Wilson, Secretary______ 3-50 Wm. D. Shafer. Scribe —Rev. W. A. McBride, Pastor 4-5« Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” EAGLE, THE Who in Heaven? OUT OF THE BY GEO. N. TAYLOR WOODS . . . Portland. Oregon I Our Great America ft fy Nack From Left: Mr. and Mrs. Brunsman, Dave Brunsman. Marie Fraxee. Bob Curl. Oakley Cripps Brunsman Hardware and Electric This (lore opened for business six vears ago wi:h a small floor space and since then has grown to over 4.000 feet of space featuring hardware, furniture, clothing, sporting goods. Frigidaire appliances and Coleman stoves. The store is ala -ting Its seventh year th’s month. Two trucks are used to haul freight and deliver merchandise, trips having be?n made as far as Tillamook and Ocean Lake. See the Brunsman display a thi bank t*-!s week. This Vsrnonia business deserves the recognition of this community which it serves with the— Vernonia Branch, Commercial Bank of Oregon Member Federal Dopes it Insurance Corporation