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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
Arkansas Trip Started Sat. Mist Helping Circle Meeting Date Set TREHARNE — Albert Rey nolds left Saturday for Arkansas where his father is seriously ill. He is traveling by motor stage. MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap were in Vernonia Sat urday evening. Don’t forget the Mist Helping Circle will meet the fourth Thursday at the home of Mrs. Austin Corll. Shalmon Libel was a Port- land visitor Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds motored to Williamina Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds from Willamina were at the Albert Reynolds home Saturday morning. Also present was their daughter, Mrs. Frank Eden, Eurie Reynolds from St. Helens. For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products Call or Write « PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 8812 Timber Rt., Box 56 Vernonia, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Royce Newton and Darlene spent Easter Sun day with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker, celebrating a double occasion as Mrs. New ton's birthday was Saturday. Mrs. Clarence New, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Holce of Vernonia and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maish of Vancouver called at the Wil bur Thacker home Sunday. Mildred Thacker went to Port land with Mr. and Mrs. Royce Newton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Petersen and son, Jerry, and Don Palm of Portland and Cora McClaran of Hillsboro were Easter visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Petersen. Russel Stanton and grandson visited Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stan ton Sunday. Mrs. Shipley is visiting her son, Harold Shipley, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and son, Earl, and Cheryl Lee motored to Portland Saturday on business. Dickie Pierson has been on the sick list this week along with his mother, Mrs. E. D. Pier son. They have been having the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hansen and son, Norman, attended the wed ding in Astoria of Stella Bel lingham and Ronald Treholm. It was a large wedding. The bride is from Birkenfeld and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham. HARD OF HEARING Hearing Aid Special YOU CAN BUY A Sonotone Hearing Aid $1 J°0 ONLY W DOWN Balance Easy Terms Trade allowances on all makes of hearing aids For Further Information Call or Write SONOTONE OF PORTLAND Ray Van Loon, Mgi 321 Failing Building Portland, Ore. BE 2611 Adrertitemrnt sl .> JI From where I sit... Joe Marsh Gabby Enjoys Going to The Dentist One of my molars was giving me a bad time Tuesday afternoon, so I slipped over to Doc Jones, hoping to catch him free. When I arrived. Gabby Jackson was sitting there reading a magazine. I said hello to Gabby and he nodded. Doc comes out and says I’m next. "Wait a minute,” I says. (My tooth seemed to have stopped aching.) "How about Gabby — doesn’t he have an appointment?" Doc smiles and says, “Gabby? Why, he’s got the finest teeth in the county. He just comes up here and reads the magazines whenever he's in town!’’ As Doc went to work he told me that he’s glad to have Gabby come up and read magazines . . . they might not all be fresh off the news stand, but if Gabby—or anyone wants to while away some time who is he to stand in their way? From where I sit, this “live and let live” spirit helps make America what it is. If I prefer a friendly glass of beer with my supper and you prefer milk—who’s to say one's right and the other wrong? Copyright, 1950, United States Breuers foundation There are no price tags on things like precious letters, heir loom jewelry, wills, birth and marriage certificates, and other important papers and articles that properly belong in a safe deposit box. Get adequate protection for your valu ables by placing them in a safe deposit box in our vaults. There's a size to fit your needs — and costs are surprisingly low. Don't take needless risks — act now. Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank n Oregon AFFILIATED WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Return Here Sunday Ends Two-Week Visit TREHARNE — George Hult and wife are at the H. A. Wilson residence for a week or two. Ray Lesley and wife were at the Wilson residence for Easter. George Hult was also there. The Gus Hults went to Gales Creek for Easter and brought her mother home with them. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wienecke and daughters of Eugene were Sunday visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke. Mrs. Carl Wienecke returned home with them after spending two weeks in Eugene and Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wienecke, Hillsboro were Sunday afternoon callers at the Carl Wienecke’s. A sick car may be fatal to the driver. Study Lessons Planned Wed. TREHARNE — Due to a baseball game Monday evening Cub Scout Den No. 3 were not able to have their regular meet ing. They will try next Monday. Mrs. John Kirk called on the Kirkbride’s Tuesday evening. She discussed the lessons for the study group Wednesday and also plans for the P.-T.A. convention in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Rey nolds and son, Mike, drove to Dallas over the week end to see Mrs. Reynolds brother-in-law, Ernest Chambers, who is criti- cally ill. They spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Stanley Jones of Dallas who gave a birthday dinner for Mrs. Rey- nolds. Mrs. Weaver is staying in Dallas with Mr. and Mrs. Chambers and children. Activities of Easter Week End Tabulated RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Maxine Frank and children visited Mr. and Mrs. John in Sweet Home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eb: n John and daughter of Portland visited at the Elgus Frank home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Lloyd T”E EAGLE. VERNONIA. nRF. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1950 5 and family enjoyed an Easter dinner at the Jack Tomlin home. Ethel Hall of Clatskanie called on Mr. and Mrs. George Dodt Sunday and also at the J. A- Wirtz home. HANK'S PARTS HOUSE Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. except week ends COMPLETE BATTERY SERVICE THE ELECTRONIC WAY If you’ve got the pieces, I’ve got the parts Phone 773 — New and Used Parts — Riverview Oregon - American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon I