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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
2 THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1950 THE TOWN TOPICS Mr*. C. M. Binkley and (mall son. Skipper, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall, for the past month, returned home last Wednesday night to Fairbanks, Alaska. Here to spend the Easier week EAGLE, VERNONIA. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar George ORE. and Mrs. George Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Georg* Noyer of Portland were guests at the Lowell Hieber home over the Easter week end. Mr. and Mr*. Jack Childs were here to spend the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Childs. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whitsell end at the Charles Justice home were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jus tice and family and Glenn Jus tice, all from Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Justice and son, Larry, were in Vernonia Thursday of last week visiting at the Justice home and the home of their grandparents, Mr. •Joi/ Theatre The Fighting Kentuckian The Corsican Brothers The Lady Takes A Sailor Whirlpool MILLER’S The Friendly Store w here Quality Costs No More Here are a few reasons for Lee Leadership Shown here are only a few of the many features that make Lee Work Clothes the favorites with men in all types of jobs. America's working men choose ’’Lee” for longer wear , . . greater comfort . . . better appearance . . . more waibingi per garment. With each Lee garment you get a money-back guarantee of satisfaction. They’re Sanforized for permanent fit. Shrinkage not more than 1%. SEE US FOR YOUR LEE WORK CLOTHES NATIONAL DISTI LLERS PROD. CORP., N.Y.« 65* GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS .t. H H AT HOFFMAN’S H Trout Season Opens Saturday, April 15 H H H H H H H FLY FISHING OUTFIT-Com- H plete with Pole. CJ1C HC H Reel. Line, tapered 1J H Leader, ' Doz. Flies. fl $20 Vai. H H IN STOCK — Salmon Reels and Poles, Eggs, Sinkers, Leader, Hooks H H H — •-- •— - SPECIAL THIS WEEK - H H H H H X H X H H Close-out on 2-gal. cans Fleet wood 2500 Mi. Motor Oil. While They Last...................... $1.25 Regularly $1.60 Hoffman Hardware Co. Telephone 181 Vernonia, Ore. For Hardware See Hoffman VERNONIA BARGAIN DAY For Stamina in Sporta"SPEEDAIlCII Specials That Prove It Pays to Shop in Vernonia 11 I t’ These Special Prices fire Effective Saturday Only Pen and Pencil 15c Diamond Special Sets Dye Fresh Banana Special - - $8.50 10c Ea.. 3 tor 25c Cakes - — 69c Regularly $19. i; M p O) ■ a Nationally Advertised Vernonia Bakery Home of Butter Crust Bread and Arden Ice Cream i For hard near, indoors or out, Speedarrb is really built! Shock- |>r<M»f arch cushion and insole aiMMtrb punishment. Full breath ing uppers, s*hite rrej»e outsole. Mashahle Brown or black. Men's, boys’ and little I m ») s' aiaea. Kullander’s Jewelry Store 03 Nance’» 1 Sundries. Toiletries. Remedies OJ u H3 GU ÏKeds. Mens Sweat 50c Stationery 7k Sfa of ¿topan Shirts---$1.65 Now Miller9» I 19c Vernonia Drug Co. 20% Off on "aS Mirrore £ Bush Furniture •7S ¡ B oj ]s QJ 55 HZHZHZHXHZHHZHZHZHZHZHZZM ZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHXh and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whitsell were at the Zoe Whitsell home for the past week end. Mrs. Russell Whitsell will remain here for a longer visit. SENIOR CLASS PLAY, Arsenic and Old Lace, Friday. April 14. Washington grade school. Adults 50c, high school 35c, grade school 20c. 15tlc Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Kirtland and niece, Alice Noble, left Wednesday morning for Correc Vernonia, Oregon THURS.-FRI. APRIL 13-14 tionville, Iowa on a two-week vacation trip. H. H. King will fill Mr. Kirtland’s place on the city police force during the vaca tion time and Frank Slemmons will serve as extra deputy. SENIOR CLASS PLAY, Arsenic John Wayne - Vera Ralston _________ Oliver Hardy and Old Lace, Friday, April 14. SATURDAY APRIL IS Washington grade school. Adults 50c. high school 35c. grade school 20c. 15tlc Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. - Aiken Mr. and Mrs. Hale Graves and Tamiroff - Ruth Warrick children of LaGrande spent the SUN.-MON. APRIL 16-17 Easter week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves and Fred Oveson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brunsman and children left Easter Sunday Jane Wyman - Dennis Morgan for a two-week vacation trip TUES.-WED. APRIL 18-19 that will take them to California.. BAZAAR Saturday, April 22 for Azalea House by the four Ne halem Valley Extension units. Richard Conte - Gene Tierney Eagle's hall. 1512 91 DATES TO REMEMBER and children were here from Springfield from Friday to Sun Thur*.. April 13 — P.-T.A. execu tive board meeting. Washing day of the past week end to ton school, 1:30. visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Simmons, and other rela Thur*.. April 13 — Vernonia extension unit meets Grayc* tives. Bundy home, 10 a.m. STOCK-REDUCING sal* con tinues io April 30. Many prices Fru April 14 — Senior class play. Arsenic and Old Lace. below cost. Thomas Variety Washington auditorium. Store. ISilc C. F. Hieber spent the Easier Fri.. April 21 — Columbia Coun ty Livestock association meet week end at Salem as the guest ing. Washington school. 7:45 of his daughter and family, Mr. p.m. and Mrs. Douglas DeCew. THE VERNONIA GRANGE is Sat., April 22 — General bazaar of Upper Nehalem Valley sponsoring a pie social Saturday. home extension units. April 22 at the Grange hall. Come one, come all. All ladies Sat.. May 13 — Vernonia volun teer fire department Firemen's bring pies. 1412c Ball. Legion hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonsen Sat.. May 13 — 4-H club co returned Tuesday evening from operative sale, benefit park Phoenix, Arizona where they project. have been vacationing. Return ing with them was Mrs. J. J. son of Yamhill, nices of Mrs. Davies, mother of Jim Davies. Grayce Bundy were here to visit The Salomonsens have been her over the Easter week end. away over two months. Mrs. Calvin Davis visited at STOCK-REDUCING sale con the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl tinues to April 30. Many prices Davis last Thursday from Forest below cost. Thomas Variety Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Store. 15tlc Davis have sold their home in Pai McCabe was here to spend Forest Grove and Calvin is at the Easter week end at the tending morticians school in Los home of his sister and family, Angeles for the nine months Mr. and Mrs. Mike Anderson. schedule. Mrs. Davis plans to Coming with him was Jack Ryan leave for Los Angeles soon to a cousin. join her husband. SENIOR CLASS PLAY. Arsenic and Old Lace, Friday. April 14, STOCK-REDUCING sale con Washington grade school. Adults tinues to April 30. Many prices 50c. high school 35c. grade below cost. Thomas Variety 15tlc school 20c. 15ilc Store. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Gram and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson and daughter, Doris, wære at the three daughters of Portland ar Connie Anderson home over the rived at the Norris Soden home week end. Jack Anderson last Friday evening. Mrs. Gram also spent the week end at the is Mrs. Soden’s sister and Mrs Dorthea Pearson’s daughter. Mr. home of his parents. Mrs. Nan Johnson returned and Mrs. Gram and two daugh here Tuesday after visiting rela ters returned to Portland the tives at Waldport and a daugh same evening, leaving Marsha to ter in California. She left here visit her grandmother and aunt on the trip Thursday of last and uncle for several days. Mrs. Pearson has received word that week. THE VERNONIA GRANGE is she has a new granddaughter, sponsoring a pie social Saturday, born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter April 22 at the Grange hall. Pearson of Portland. The baby Come one. come all. All ladies weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces and bring pies. 1412c arrived April 4. Mrs. Norris Soden is recuperating from her Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burrow recent illness and is up and and children were here Sunday around, getting along nicely. as guests at the horn? of her A pot-luck Easier dinner was parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judd held at the home of Mr. and Greenman. At the Claude Norris home Mrs. Roy Brady Sunday. Pre Sunday to spend Easter were sent were Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Hartwick Liepold and Betty and Winnie Thomas of Portland; Mr. and from Banks. Edith Cary, niece of George Mrs. Roy Oglesby of Forest Koski, and Bonnie Lovely, both Grove; the Bud Borton family, of Portland were here to visit Mrs. Sylvia DeVaney and Janice, at the Koski home most of last the Bill Ritz family and the week during the spring vacation Rosa family all of Vernonia. On Sunday Mrs. Paul Gupta at Jefferson high where they are Miss Ann Smythe and Paul students. SENIOR CLASS PLAY. Arsenic Marks arrived from Los Angeles and Old Lace. Friday, April 14, to join Paul Gupta who has Washington grade school. Adults been holding evangelistic meet 50c. high school 35c. grade ings at the Christian church the school 20c. 15tlc past week. There were 21 mem Mrs Marie Laschinger was host bers re-consecrated, two added ess recently for the Past Chiefs by statement and six baptisms. meeting at her home on Stoney The evangelistic group left Mon Point. Nine members were pre day. sent. The next meeting will be held May 2 at the home of Mrs. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Harry Culbertson. Expert Tonsorial Werk Mr. and Mrs. John McGaniy Vernonia, Oregon and son and Katherine Thomp-