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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1947)
« THURSDAY, FEB. f, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. SPORT TOPICS By MEI.VIN SCHWAB This week saw the formation of two more bowling teams for the rapidly growing bowling league in Vernonia. The two new teams are Oregon-American and the Palace Cafe, which brings the total to four teams now compet ing in this new sport. First competition was excep tionally close With a total of only nine pins difference in the three games played. The teams and points made by the respective players were as follows: Oregon-American — ... 144 116 161— 427 Fetsch Hudson ...144 149 163— 456 . . 89 154 115— 358 McCord Riley . . . .... 99 119 139— 357 Byers .. .... 158 182 189— 529 720 767—2121 124 143 191 120 128 123— 167— 131— 156— 116— 411 43!) 480 409 373 Totals ...713 106 693—2112 The Oregon - American team averaged 141 per game while the The Scappoose Indians won from the Loggers Tuesday eve- ning there 41 to 35. The two Scappoose forwards tallied 29 of the Indians’ 41 points. High point man for Vernonia was By ers who scored nine. Lineups were: 41 Scappoose Vernonia 35 15 B. Baker f Anderson 5 14 J. Baker f Parker 2 Coulter c Cline 6 4 Engstrom Byers 9 K 6 Miller Grenia 1 g Substitutes: Vernonia—Renfro 3, Frank 4, Tapp 3, Walgomott 2; Scappoose—Eatson 2. Ofifcials: Eilers and Wilson. Palace averaged 140. Frank Chaney announced this week also that there is now in progress a singles championship in which anyone, that feels he or she is a pretty good bowler can compete. There is a $2.00 entry fee for the event and the playoff wiill start the 15th of February. The entry fee of $2.00 will be totaled up and awards for the event will be as follows: First will be 50 per cent of all entry fees taken in; second, 30 per cent and third, 20 per cent.; There will be another game Monday night. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler and son and Henry Hudson and the Mc Farlam family. Henry received many nice gifts. Refreshments were served. • evening by Mrs. Perry McFarlam. Those present were Polly Lynch, Sister Hart, Sister Hender, Jim and Helen Davis, Aleene and Bill Hudson, Joan Lindsley and Mr. Vernice Miller. Mrs. Polly Lynch and Bill Hudson took her as far as Portland. A surprise birthday party on Henry Hudson was given Monday ♦ PETE BRUNSMAN Atkins Hand Saws $3.75 Daisy Can Opener $1.30 BOLTS, ROPE, SAWS, CRESCENT WRENCHES, NAILS Bond Box ............... $2.50 SPORTING GOODS, FRIGIDAIRES, GUNS AND AMMUNITION Alarm Clocks ' Wrist Watch ......... $8.50 FISHING TACKLE, TOYS, MARSHALL WELLS PAINT Basket Ball Shoes $2.85 Hdwe.—Paints—Linseed Oil—Turpentine, Elec. Wiring SCAPPOOSE IS WINNER TUES. BOWLERS FORM 2 NEW LEAGUE TEAMS, PLAY 6'14 Totals . Palace Cafe- 164 Mdchener Bond .......... .129 .158 .133 Landers VanDeBog’rt 129 day by coming home on a week end pass. Mrs. O. M. Hudson was called away to Bend Sunday by the sudden illness of her sister, Mrs. Garbage Cans.............................. $4.50 and $5.50 5-gal. oil or gas cans......................... Special $2.95 Sport Weight Hip Boots...............................$9.90 True Temper Steel Rods.............. $6.50 to $16.50 4-Point 5-in. Galv. Barb (hog) Wire ......... $7.85 A Good Folding Clothes Rack..................... $2.40 Swedish Clothes Pins ............................ doz. 25c Shelf Brackets 4x5 ........ :.........25c Shelf Brackets 6x8 ......................................... 35c Shelf Brackets 4x10 ....................................... 45e The new Sunbeam Hi-powered Elec Razor $22.50 Two Speed Egg Beaters ,..............................$2.00 54-pc. Set Dishes, Rose or Gold Pattern... $16.59 Lifetime Automatic Ironing Board............. $5.50 Cement Laundry Trays ............................... $12.75 Closets .......................................................... $41.60 Lavatories .................................................... $19.50 Electric Water Heaters ............................... $99.00 Steel Shower Bath Stall............................... $65.00 $24 50 Water Heater ................... Special $10.50 55-lb. Malthoid Roofing ............. $3.25 New Alumni-Shield Roll Roofing ............... $5.95 45-lb Roofing ................................................ $2.95 Rural Galv. Mail Boxes............... $2.25 1 gal cans Black Fibre Roof Coating............. 80c 5-gal cans Black Fibre Roof Coating........... $3.30 Gleaming White Toilet Seats....................... $6.65 Outside White Paint.................... .......... gal. $4.95 New stock Paints & Brushes & Miracle wall Tone Camilius Cutlery Co. pocket knives $1.35 to $2.75 FULL STOCK GARDEN TOOLS, RAKES HDWRE. CLOTH 32-in SCREEN WIRE CELLO GLASS ONE-PANEL DOORS IN STOCK NAILS IN STOCK—Roofing nails, shingle nails and 3izes 6, 7, 8, 16, 20. 30 and 60. Also Staples Size 4 Finish Nails—CARPET TACKS in stock QUARTER-INCH PLYWOOD IN STOCK 4x8 sheets $3.65 Producer-Consumer Campaign —Now at SAFEWAY ‘ POTATOES __________ -______________ ___________________________________________________________ _ i ♦ ’ '•'i'.'’*- ' - •* lÄV’-* ' 's 'W, .« .1*7 • By the pound...BY THE BAG... ; & ___ ___________________ ■ 100 lbs. O Jz $019 û U. S. No. 2, 50-lb sk. 85e £4 VETERAN UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS DECLINE rn<' U.S. 15-lb. No. I Bog Grapefruit Desert White >/2 Box, $1.39. ______________ 5Hc lb. Full Box, $2.49 OCTOBER 1945 Here’s how you can make substantial re ductions in your food bills for the next several weeks: Lay in a good supply of potatoes—serve them at every meal. You see, because there’s a huge surplus, prices low. We suggest you hurry right over to Safeway and buy a good supply. Every time you add potatoes to your menu, you'll increase your savings and help farmers, too! ..... rMrMcMCMn OCTOBER 1946 Veterans of World War II drawing unemployment allowances, after hitting a peak of 1,808,000 last April, had declined to 1,027,300 by the end of Oc tober, according to reports by various State Unemployment Compensation Boards to the Veterans Administration. Each figure in the above pictograph represents 200,000 claims. Complete Service . . . for all makes and models of cars. Lubrication the scien tific way is yours when done at this modern 76 station. Assure yourself of the best with Union Jake’s Service KEASEY—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Forest Grove and Har old Gustafson of Banks visited at the O. M. Hudson home Sun- day. S2/c Charles L. Hudson and S2/c Don Bally, who have just arrived in the states after spend ing quite some time in Japan surprised the Hudson family Sun- "ARMY” DRIVE OVER TOP HERE ST. HELENS—With returns to talling well over $1000, the Sal- vation Army closed its fund raising campaign in Columbia county, Mrs. Rosetta Buchanan, chairman of soliciting contribu tions, expressed her satisfaction with the manner in which county people responded and thanked those who participated in the campaign. Approximately 3000 veterans were patients in veterans admin istration hosiptals in the Pacific Northwest at the end of 1946. Heinz Strained Heinz Chopped Gerber's Strained Clapp's Strained ASSORT MENT ASSORT MENT ASSORT MENT ASSORT MENT Apricots1 ’ e S e ^ aedves N o .2’/2 can 27* Fancy Grapefruit GÄEN' No. 2 can 17* J^ew store hours effective Feb. 10th: Monday thru Friday: 8.30 a.m. to 6.15 p.m.; Saturday. 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ;>w lb 9 c Winesap Apples Extra fancy and fancy, ib 13c box------------ $419 XU Sweet Potatoes Morydale No. con 2H arc No. 2 ’/, con 1 5 Pumpkin Moonbeom No. 2 4 0c can • w Vegetables M fixture , Masterpiece for salads “ ‘j Home Novize Fancy Com cSXX can • V style G. B. Pictsweet Com *^17* Choice Prunes tag No. 2% can 22c Grapefruit Juice X' i X can 10* Grapefruit Juice " natural No. 2 can 10* Blended Juice bgo E>0' 46-oz. can 23* Orange Juice f ^ ld 0' 46- oz . can 23* Kitchen Craft Flour »s ' it: 10-lb. Sack • • Apple Rings evaporated 8-oz. Dried Pears evaporated 12-oz. BLUE ; 12-oz. White Figs RIBBON 1 BLUE 1 Black Figs , RIBBON 1 12-oz. SMALL 2-lb. Dried Beans WHITE IDAHO 2-lb. Red Beans RED PORTER i 1-lb. Wide Noodles FRIL-LETS pkg. pkg. pkg. pkg. pkg. pkg. pkg. 25e 25c 35' 23c 47c 43c 25' 50- lb. 4 .29 29c SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS » 4 6 Fryers Ready for the Pan 67 Roasters Ready to stuff & cook Lb 67 Pirn ICC r HUHS Ready to EAT! 4 to 8 lb. average Eastern Bacon HAMS By the piece Half or whole Bockwurst Sausage Thüringer Luoch lb. 42* lb. 59* lb. 59* lb. 45* Meat lb. 55* Beef Pot Roast Blade cut lb. 42* Pork Loin Boast Loin or Rib end lb. 45* Stewing Chickens Ä Ib. 57' Chinook Salmon Soa/iA. Lifebuoy Soap. Stop« B. O. 3 bars 29c Lava Soap G«t. dirt! medium bar 9C Sweetheart Soap 17' ^5 3/29' Cashmere Bouquet Soap 2 bars 25' I)reft Granulated Soap box 33c Granulated Soap - box 33' Peet's Granulated Soap box 49« |C 25-lb.$d1.65 1 Sack 11 Slide—or No. 2 Tender Asparagus Ski Green Bow con Mince Meat Collins For Pies tasty 15-oz. jar 25* Flapjack Flour Alber's brand (Dhi&jdL J-oodL, This week we have some exceptionally nice beef and baby beef for your selection. Our everyday prices will please you and each cut guaranteed. Phone 776 for your complete food needs. Deliveries twice daily 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. Ortley Apples Extra fancy and fancy, box $3.39 ûajuuudL 3oodà, Lb It is smart to be thrifty. It is thrifty to make the Mill Market your food headquarters lb. 220 size and larger Half Box $2.19. Full Box $4.19 White Hominy Banjo brand No. 2/i con 17e An-i-i 1 Pet Food For Dog or Cat Per can 12' Sunny ,Dawn brand 46-oz. Tomato Juice Fresh Tomato flavor can 25' PREM or 12-oz. Luncheon Meat Swift's Hormel's SPAM can uXivJ/- J'CBdA, Two Sailors Home on Leave Oranges lb. 65* EDWARDS COFFEE 1-io 43c; 2-lb 85c Chase & Sanborn Coffee 1 -lb. can 44c Airway Coffee 1-lb. 37c; 3-lb $1.10 Nob Hill Coffee lb bag 3»c; 2-lb. 77c Krispy Soda Crackers 2-lb. box 44c at SAFEWAY 4