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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1947)
THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1947 CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—General WANTED BLOCKWOOD, fir, $8 a cord, you haul. One mile out North Rose, A. A. Newton. 5tl THREE sacks good, clean wheat. O. F. Lindsay, Vernonia, Keasey Rt. 5t3 --------------------------,--------------------- 1934 COUPE. R. E. Poole, Aus tin apartments, apartment 1. 5t3 GIRL TO answer phone and take job orders. Inquire Roper Elec tric Co. 704 First street. Apply Friday. Stic NICE RANGE. Also good cir culator heater. Both in good con dition. Sleeping room for rent. Nice and warm. 376 North St., L. M. Porterfield. 4tfc Loggers, Drivers Sawmill Men Pays monthly indemnity for 60 months, $100 a month from first day of accident. Vernonia Insurance Exchange Ph. 231 ___________ Bank Bldg. 3t3c 1935 CHEV. truck. Good, solid stake bed; 3-ton rear end; 3 ex tra tires besides spare. Motor, rear end and transmission all in good condition. Will accept car in trade as all or part. See R. M. Baker, 1st house on right on Stoney Point road. Box 45, Ver nonia. LODGES meeting*: Regular 2 & 4 Wed*. 8 p.m. O. T. Bateman, Commander B. J. Horn. Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meets: 1st & 3rd Wed. 4-47 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 I.O.O.F. Meets Every Tuesday ’33 CHEV. 2-door sedan, 3 new tires, fair condition. $200. Ir- vin Armstrong, Timber Rt. 5tl TROMBONE displayed at Fow ler’s Second Hand Store. Roy Miner. 5t3 MODEL A ’29 pickup, extra tires. Reasonable. Inquire 206 Bridge St., or phone 912. 5t3 FIRST QUALITY hay (shock cured). Ton lots. Horse and Cow. Elmer Bergerson, Timber Rt. 49tl3c BAILED oat straw, about 3 tons. Winter .Banana and Northern Spy apples, $1.50. Bring your own box. John Krinick, 10th St., Riverview. 4t3 QNE, round dining table and 5 leather-seated chairs, $30. One phonograph and records, $10. 987 Second Ave, 4t3 GOOD Monarch range with coils, $15.00 or will trade on or for good 22 caliber rifle. R. M. Baker, 1st house on right on Stoney Point road. Box 45, Vernonia. 4t3c 1946 22-FOOT Columbian Trailer house $2000. 130 S. E. 4th St., FoTest Grove. 3t3 SEMI-DRY slab wood cut to or der as ydu order. $12.00 cord delivered; $8.00 cord pickup your self. See P. F. Holt c/o Lee White, Riverview. 3t3 Orvel Edwards, Noble FGrand Calvin Davis, Sec'y__________ 4-47 FOUR, GOOD 6.00x16 4-ply tires and tubes. See John Elder at Union hall or inquire 2nd house on 7th St., Riverview. 3t3 Columbia Encampment No. 89 FOR SALE—Real Estate ------------------- —----- .-------------------- 8 P. M. will meet: the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the 1.0.0. F. hall. Carl A. Davis, Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe. l-48e Mt. Heart Rebekah e Meet* 2nd and 4th Thursdny evening* of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Noma Calllster. Noble Grand Juanita Edwards, Vice Grand Beryl Cline, Secretary Ella Cline, Treasurer $-17 Vernonia F. O. E. 810 Bridge Street V-erwonia Friday, « M. r. H. W. Carrick, pres. Geo. Armstrong. Sec'y. 7-17 Knights of Pythias Harding No. Lodge 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings: I.O.O.F. Second and Hall, Fourth Mondays Each Month Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meeting*: and Hall I.O.O.F. Wednesday Fourth of each month. 2-47 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, E. ' S. O. Regular com munication first and of Wed. 3rd each month at Masonic Tenw All pie. visiting sister* and broth er* welcome. Mona Gordon, Worthy Matron Florence Messing, Sec’y. 1-48 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. A.F. A Masonic 184 A.M. meet, at Temple Stated Communication firet Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. Herman Dickson, W. M. Ray Mills, Sec'y. 1-48 5 ACRES cleared, 2 B.R. house, Ch. hse.. Barn, 600 ft. Nehalem R. frontage (turk.hse.) Take '39- ’46 car and cash. Elmer Berger- son, Timber Rt., Vernonia, Ore. 6t3 WANTED J. E. FOSSUM electric service, 208 B St., Vernonia. Contract, day work, installation.?, altera tions, repairs. Home, commercial, industrial. Phone 283. 22tfc Business - Professional Directory Films Developed ZEMAN’S 714 3rd St. Riverview Beauty Shop Helene Curtis Park Avenue Machine or Machineless Permanents Phone 7712 NEAL BUSH Attorney-at-law Office at Joy Theater building every Monday BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland . Timber . Vernonia Sunset - El*ie - Cannon Beach Gearhart - Searide American Legion VERNONIA POST EXCHANGE One Print Each 35c a Roll Pythian Sister» Second FOUR ROOM house. 941 Rose ave. 5t3 ----- - ------------------------------------- --- HOME with good income. All nicely furnished and another 3- rocm furnished all modern house on rear of lot. On another lot, a warehouse 76ftx28ft and garage 20fexl2ft. L. M. Porterfield, 376 North St. 45tf Eaglet) • f Order (Fraternal TWO 5-room flats, up and down; 30x165 business lot, full basement. Each flat rants for $22.50. Priced at $2150.00. Buyer to assume $800 mortgage at $11 a month. Trade for Vernonia property and cash. Call EA5324 or write 1021 S. E. Woodward. Portland. 5t.l Vernonia Phone 1042 11» Quick Guaranteed Meet, first and Third Mon. Each month. of AUXILIAR* First and Third Tucday, 1-47 Radio Service ZEMAN’S 714 3rd St. A WORD OF THANKS: To the kind-hearted people of Vernonia goes most of the credit for fill ing two good-sized boxes of warm clothing and shoes to be sent to the destitute overseas. This ship ment has been on its way now over a week. S.D.A. Church of Vernonia. G. F. Brown. 7 Official End of War to Effect G.I. Bill Most The veterans administration has domiciliary care and burial al found officially that President lowance, will be accorded only to Truman’s recent proclamation those who served between De ending hostilities has no effect cember 7, 1941, and the date of on mo3t of the laws administered the president’s proclamation De SAW FILING. Hand and circular. by that agency, Thomas M. Craig, cember 31, 1946. VA contact representative for this H. H. Frank 1233 Ruth Ave. ,2tfc NOTICE Ruling Explained Further area, announced this week. WISH TO find homes for one DOG licenses are due now. Must Foremost among these is public Also affected, the VA repre pup and two grown cats. After • be paid by March 1 to avoid law 346, the GI bill: sentative said, are army and coast Craig explained that the VA noon or evenings, 125 B St. 3t3 payment of penalty. Males and guard cadets and navy midship- spayed females, $1.00; females, has held that the date of the of WANTED: Cottonwood logs, all $3.00. 5t3c ficial tqfmination of the war rath men. They no longer have an sizes, also lumber and poles, all er than the cessation of hostilities active duty status for the pur- will be the determining factor in poses of laws administered by sizes. Advise prices f.o.b. ship IN MEMORIUM the VA. Therefore, their service ping point, earliest shipment. IN MEMORY of our son, Ensign establishing a deadline for the after December 31, 1946, as cadet3 educational, loan and readjust Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding Homer, who gave his life for his ment allowance provisions of ee or midshipmen may not be credit Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. 3t7c country three years ago today. ed for veterans’ benefits. GI bill. Tressie and Otto Michener The VA ruling specified that WANTED: Douglas Fir second Disabled Also Affected and family. Stic growth timber, suitable for small The same ruling applies to vo- wartime rates of compensation mills, in quantity of 1,000,000 LOST AND FOUND cational rehabilitation under pub will continue to apply to service board feet or more, on accessible lic law 16 for disabled veterans, connected disability and death case3 for members of the armed road. Inquire at The Eagle of- REWARD for information of 22 Craig stated. forces until official termination of fice. 2t7c Sportsman Automatic pdstol and Under the GI bill loans may be deer horn handle hunting knife in guaranteed or insured by VA up the war. SELL your cream and eggs to the case stolen from Plymouth sedan. Craig meets with veterans each to 10 years after the end of the Forest Grove Creamery. Build Leave word at Western Store. war. Education or job training Wednesday morning in the City a market close to home good as 5tl may be started up to four years Hall at Vernonia. Portland. Write or phone us for after the war. Readjustment al pick up arrangements. 30tfc ONE 16 inch size rubber shoe for left foot. Return to Eagle office lowances for discharged veterans n J. E. FOSSUM and leave name. Stl expire two years after the war’3 end. Electrical Service PARTIAL PLATE of false teeth. Disabled veterans eligible for Inquire at Eagle office. Owner education or training under public 208 B St. Vernonia Men and women for berry work. may have same by paying for this law 16 face no specific deadline Telephone 283 Work to start, weather permitting. ad. 4t3c but must complete their training CONTRACT DAY WORK Transportation furnished. One within nine years after the end man to work and drive bus. Regis FOUND: Red and white fox ter of the war. INSTALLATIONS ter by post card to rier at Old Wilark on Jan. 16. ALTERATIONS REPAIRS In non-service connected death Rides in car. Owner please call and disability cases, rights de Home, Commercial, Residential ROLLING HILLS FARM for dog. A. E. Wood, Keasey pending on war veteran status Rt. 4t3 alone, such as hospitalization, Banks, Oregon 3tfc LOST: Boy’s Kelton wrist watch WANTED WE ARE looking for listings in Vernonia on farm and city prop erty. If you want to sell, come in and see us. Reeher’s Real Es tate (Howard and Arthur Reeher), 18 First Ave. N. W., Forest Grove. Phone 33. 41tfc LISTINGS on your homes, farms and small acreage. Free apprais als given. We have cash buyers waiting to buy your place. Call or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay ter Realty comps y, 528 S. W. Salmon. Portland 4, Oregon, phone BRoadway 1146. 43tf— close to grade school. Stainless steel band. Mrs. A. E. Wood, Kea3ey Rt. 4t3 MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION land owners and farmers, we can sell your stand ing timber now. Lena Holmes Realtor, 816 E. Hawthorne. VE 2418. 4t6c JO3S! I JOBS! 000 OF THEM AND ALL ARE GOOD HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES Surveyors Athletics Instructors Power Linemen Construction Workers Warehouse Foremen Guard-Patrolmen Opticians Finance Clerks Armorers Sign Painters Structural Steel Workers Weather Observers Forty Thousand That's the number of good jobs now available every month In the new Reg ular Army. Jobs so numerous and di versified that they appeal to all types of people and -utilize all sorts of talent. Jobs that may mean a turning point in your career giving it the direction and Consult purpose that leads to success C------ “ the fun list at your nearest U.S. Army Rec ml ting Station. Then make your choice. Good Jobs Whatever trade or profession you choose, your Job In the United States Army will be a good one. It win mean high pay. Statistic* show that in order to eqsal the benefits provided by the Army -in base allowance, maintenance, privileges, and retirement—a civilian who is single, weuld have to earn $3300 a year It will mean maximum security both now and in re tirement. A Month While 40 000 good jobs are made araHatle each month, the choice range is con stantly being narrowed as quotas in the various branches are • being filled. To take full advantage of the Army's new program you must act now If you are between the ages of 18 *Dd 34 <17 with parents' consent* and physically and mentally fit. inquire today at Longview Post Office Longview, Washington CLASSES NORMAL DESPITE COLD ST. HELENS — Classes were normal at the four St. Helens public school?, Wallace McCrae, city school head, said last week. All buses were operating their usual routes. There was increased absence in the primary grades, but this con dition was believed due to an in vasion of chicken pox rather than to the cold weather. . . . with Chevron service from top to bottom and Chevron gas in the tank. ROSE AVENUE GARAGE ALL KINDS of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and lire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf— LOOK FOR THE S'GM OF THE FLYING RED HORSE FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- JUST AS YOU are read’ng JOBS! Until your new car comes along We’ll keep your old one going strong! classified, are *o thousand* results quickly and /Aillions of other*. Moral: >>«e Eagle ad* get where thi* to cheaply. Classified Ad Rates MINIMUM charge 30c for 25 words or les*. Words over min imum, 2c each. Three for the price of two. «»CUU» MOTORISTS ¿fop ewuf clou / insertion* CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c BOLD FACE ads, minimum 50c . ea., 3 for the price of 2. Words over minimum, 3c each. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 75c. No information given relative to s«cli ads. THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads published in its columns, bat in cases where 'his paper is at fault, will re Krint that part of an adv. in which the occur*. typographical mistake NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. Approximately 6000 Pacific Northwest veterans in education or training programs under GI bill provisions were added to sub sistence rolls during December, bringing the total to 56,909. MOBIL TIRES A few 16’s in stock now. Mobil tires are man ufactured by General Petroleum Co. They are made of the new, postwar natural rubber and are guaranteed against workmanship.) MOBIL FREIZONE ANTIFREEZE Regularly $1.70 Gal. Special $1.30 Gal. We are still selling our gas at a cut rate and will continue to do so. GET THE BEST FOR LESS MOBIL GAS, Regular ........................... 22.5c MOBIL SPECIAL ETHYL ......... $24.5c The lc-per-gallon saving can amount to many dollars in time. MOTOR OILS 15c—30c—35c Send your Laundry & Dry Cleaning to Portland’» most mo dern plant. Two pick ups and deliveries weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and Dry Cleaners We wish to take this opportunity to thank our many friends and customers for the busi ness they have given us in this, cur first year in the Valley and sincerely hope we can serve everyone for many years to come. HOURS: 8 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Closed Tuesdays SUNNYSIDE SERVICE & FEED GAS, OIL & GROCERIES IMPERIAL FEED PHONFJ 887 We give valuable Green Stamps