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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1946)
8 THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1946 Strong America Best Peace Hope The new U.S. Army is main tained on the national belief that the best insurance of peace is an able force of men in a state of preparedness. Although the United States is more than wil ling to participate in the world disarmament, her armed forces must be preserved until that time, when there is no longer the dan ger of either another Pearl Har bor attack or a disruption of our commited policies and duties in occupied territories overseas. This was the announcement yesterday of Recruiting Head quarters, 6th Army, Presidio of San Francisco, which called upon the citizens of America to back up the preparedness program by according the professional soldier who is performing a necessary service for his government the stature and importance which is his due. "A high percentage of the ntembership of our new regular army at present are high school and college graduates,” the an nouncement pointed out “The army needs many more of this type of men, to be trained and become career officers and non commissioned officers. They now have adequate pay, security in employment and in retirement, but they lack the one thing, the all important thing, acceptance by our citizenry of their stature and importance which dignifies their profession to the point where they can announce to the world: ‘I am a professional soldier and I am proud of it’ " THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabe and Grant McCabe spent last Sunday at Sandy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. McKinnon where 25 people gathered to cele brate the second birthday of the McKinnon’s daughter, Collette. Mrs. McKinnon is a daughter of Mrs. McCabe. Milo John, discharged from the army early this year, but placed in the reserves, was called back into the service. He left Monday. Mrs. Charles Minger and Mrs. Arnold Counts spent the day in Portland Tuesday visiting rela tives. Earl King, who has been in the armed forces, arrived in San Francisco November 8 and was PETE BRUNSMAN BOLTS, ROPE, SAWS, CRESCENT WRENCHES. NAILS Auditors Check Books State auditors have been work ing on the city of Vernonia books siince Wednesday of last week and will probably continue for the remainder of this week. All city records inclcji-’g those of the lib rary will be checked while the men are here. • Minstral Shew Planned The music students of Vernonia high school will present a min stral show December 6 at the Washington grade school audi torium Mrs. Mary Aronsen, di rector, announces this week. • Examiner to Visit The drivers lincense examiner is scheduled to be in Vernonia Friday of next week, November 29, and will be on duty at the city hall from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. People wishing permits or licen ses to drive may see the examiner on the above date. • Jeffery Hudson, favorite dwarf at the court of England’s Charles I, was only 18 inches high up to the age of 30. 3200 Pressure Cooker $12.95 Bond Box .............. $2.50 Paints—Linseed Oil—Turpentine—Elec. Wiring ^REMODELING SALE To Make Room While Enlarging' Store, Here are Some Real BARGAINS 3-WAY FLOOR LAMPS ........................... $17.95 $35 SPERTI UL. VIOLET SUN LAMP $27.50 LARGE SIZE STEPON GARBAGE CANS $3.95 DUST PANS .................................................... 30c LARGE LONG HANDLED DUST PANS..... 90c 9-INCH STEEL SKILLETS ........................... 20c PKG. OF 100 WAXED SANDWICH BAGS 20c PAL BABY WALKER ................................ $6.95 LARGE CLOTHES BASKETS ................... 95c STEEL WOOD STOVE WITH OVEN..... $14.95 1-GAL. THERMO JUG WITH SPIGOT ....$3.95 ' PIN UP LAMPS ...................... ‘................... $3.60 SILEX COFFEE MAKER AND ELECTRIC STOVE ............... $7.65 & $9.45 ALL-METAL SCOOTERS .................... $4.75 PREMIER VACUUM CLEANER ........... $59.25 40-GALLON ELEC HOT WATER TANK $99.00 PLYWOOD 4x8 5/16-INCH ................... $2.75 $5.00 DOLLS ................................................ $2.25 BED LAMPS ................................................ $2.45 ^SAFEWAY Thanksgiving Food Guide EVERY PEOPLE UNIVERSAL, the safe SPORTING GOODS, FRIGIDAIRES, GUNS AND AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE, TOYS, MARSHALL WELLS PAINT A SALESMAN CAN’T CON TACT WEEK — BUT THE EAGLE CLASSIFIED PAGE DOES. W jj s easy and economical to plan your Thanksgiving Uay dinner from the appetizing foods listed below. Select the ones you’ll be needing, then buy them at bafeway. You 11 enjoy guaranteed quality foods, and save money too. A m Sy TO >' SERVICE Pork Loin ROAST Here’s a friendly reminder from your Chevro let dealer. Every car and truck needs these vital services regularly. For top motoring efficiency—for longer car life—drive in today for Chevrolet Super Ser vice, the service that saves and satisfies! ‘ Oregon Prime Quality Turkey* «>. 59" 43 ib •». 53 -- DUCKLINGS — ,b. 53e Warning! .111 i/yAL-V-ViV Quaeanteed tyfteats . Selected Hen Turkeys Ibs. Tom Turkeys Average *.251bs. Half Turkeys Ready »0 Tnjine Tune-Up Lubrication Brake and Clutch Sei vice Steering and Wheel Alignment Tire Rotation End rjc Cut. Lb. J I Leg of LAMB Grades AA & A LB. Cranberries Timely Item lb- Sweet Potatoes Peelers ]b J 2 Poiaioes "A NGeXd ^.59' r $298 Green Peppers lb ip« Crispy Celery Prime Rib ROAST Put some on the table fresh—add a little to the turkey dressing. lb .45 c 37 Sausage -- Pure Pork Ib. “fy Ground Beef — Ib. & Fresh Daily Vernonia Auto Co. APPLES GRAPES So tempting — you'll be eating one before you reach your home. Extra fancy, fancy. Oysters Fresh, /¿J Beef STEAKS ONIONS Orcqon Danvers, 3V&C SQUASH During the past several months we have con sistently tried to supply you with quality meats at the most reasonable prices. We are this week able to lower our prices on most meats. The following prices quoted will be our everyday case prices and not just week end specials. Al so, we wish to assure you, that at no time will we sacrifice quality for price. THE FOLLOWING PRICES ARE ON GRADES AA AND A MEATS All our meats are guaranteed to your complete satisfaction. BEGINNING MONDAY. NOVEMBER 25 WE ARE CHANGING OUR DELIVERY HOURS TO THE FOLLOWING: 10 A M. AND 3 P.M. S’VI SS ’¿bushel basket Wine- -J ne ’¿bu. saps lb. bask. lb.53‘ ¡0.49" DATES, $249 (Jn59 «pZ fresh 7!4-oz. cello Dockage Grape." uit Marsh Seeaiess from Arizona ib29‘ Ib 5“ I loduce features for Friday and Saturday only A — Jhank&givi/u^ Miami Mi&dA. — "Ar SsaAonbufA, Cinnamon schilling Æ ' 1 -11« Sage, Schilling ’V13« 8æ*.V Seasoning 2V' 13« SCHILLING riMpKiN B* C • rie opice Zffilidnij. MutA. Nut Meats Vn* 13« yniAccllgfioniiA 58c 58c 50c 42c 45c 50c 40c kcus T DELICIOUS Meat features for I < day and Saturday Only Mill Market & Lockers Pork Chops lb. T-Bone Steak lb. Rib Steak lb. Rump Roast lb. Beef Liver lb. Pk. Shldr Stk. lb. Pork Liver lb. Almerias 20c lb. Hubbard or Marblehead Phone 342 53c 55c 39c 45c - 38c 48c Farm Fresh Emperors, “A Safe Place to Trade” Round Steak Ib. lb. Loin Steak Ib. Chuck Roast lb. Rib Roast Daily Ground, Lean Beef lb. Pk. Shldr. Rst lb. Mr. and Mrs. T.L. DeHart had as th«ir guests from Thursday until Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jewett of Los Angeles, California and Mr. Jewett’s moth er from Bemidji Minnesota and Snohomish, Washington. All the visitors were on their way to California. Mrs. Lester Jewett is a cousin of Mr. Lange. came Sunday and visited friends and neighbors and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stevenson and two children, Evelyn and Ver non, and Ralph Krieger came from Camp McGregor. The men are brothers and the women are sisters. The H.E. Stevensons left Monday noon for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange and later sent to Ft Lewis. He ar rived there Sunday, November 17, a few hours before his wife, and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry King, brother Bob and Melvin Powell were there to vis it him. Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Stevenson and son, Wayne of Springfield, former residents of Vernonia, Mince Meat collins 'jar1 29c Pitted Dates row X-25« Fruit Mix MAH BUD X'49« Flnur riour HARVEST blossom 63« Fancy Pumpkin ubb^S 17« CRANBERRY SAUCE All prepared— 16-oz. Easy to «n serve. Dromedary brand 25' Airway Coffee baK 33« » 98« Hills Coffee ID?ipor lb. can 43« Canterbury Tea 36« Lipton Tea s-ib. Pk< 51« and. fyuxdwAA. Soda Crackers Krispy Soda Crackers FTake Grahams Hon.yMald 2-lb.< Vacuum Packed 7tT49« (MIXED) 42c IXL Almonds 42« Walnut Meats H-lb. pkg. 42c Brazil Nuts In Shells 1-lb. pkg. 55c Filberts iL. .39« Pecans JV 49c Mixed Nuts In Shells 1-lb. Mcr. 39« Ws reserve the right to limit quantities. All prices ubject to change Cheddar Cheese Made from whole milk Lb. /fc 03 Cheese Spreads Kraft assorted Large variety For your complete food needs, fresh fruit, veg etables and groceries call 776. 4