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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1946)
C THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. SOCIETY___________ TEMPUS FUGITS AND HOW! (Continued from page five) A COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ACCOUNTS - . CHECKING —------------------------ I SAVINGS ACCOUNTS LOANS SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR YOUR VALUABLES 100 new boxes to arrive soon PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Washington County Bank Banks, Oregon Your Nearest Bank, Main Road to Portland Impressive Double Ring Ceremony Performed at them from the dark and the An afternoon wedding Sunday, woods were full of stealthy June 9, at the Monmouth Evan sounds, yet her children were not gelical church, Miss Erma Kent, afraid because their mother daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter showed no fear and it was only Kent, became the bride of Mr. Doyle McAninch of Newberg. Rev. in later years, 'so her daughter H. R. Scheuerman performed the told me, that sho ever confes-ed impressive double ring ceremony to the long hours of darkness in the presence of a small group when she lay watching and lis of relatives and friends. tening. I hope sometime to hear The bride, who was given in more of her life if I can ever marriage by her father, wore a persuade the daughter of this pio pale green afternoon dress with neer mother to stop her fishing, a spray of pink rosebuds and or setting traps for the skunks gardenias. She was attended by which firey on her son’s chickens, the groom’s sister, Mrs. Eddie long enough to talk to me. Maybe Heaston, of Canby, who wore a I can find out from her why I drefcs of delicate pink with a gar never seem to have time enough denia corsage. Mr. Ernest Read to accomplish all I want to do. of Monmouth was best man. Mrs. No use to ask any of my gen L. H. Dewey of Portland sang eration or the younger set. None “At Dawning” and “Because,” and of us ever stop rushing frantic the wedding marches and accom ally from this to that long enough paniments were played by Miss to think it out. Eleanor Newman, also of Port schools. land. Following the ceremony, a small reception was held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Scheuer man. The rooms were attractive ly decorated with rose buds and mock orange bldssoms. The wed ding cake was served by Mrs. M. D. ¡Cole of Longvew, Wash ington. Ices were cut by Miss Shirley Cole, also of Longview, and Mrs. L. H. Dewey poured. Mr. and Mrs. McAninch left Sunday evening on a honeymoon trip which will take them to Iowa for a visit with the parents of the groom. For traveling the bride wore a green wool suit with brown accessories. Upon their return, they will be at home at Newberg, where Mr. McAninch is an instructor in the public : Under or over 21 ■ i DRINK MILK i J Scientific facts prove that milk . I is good for adults and children | I alike. Keep your body strong! I with Nehalem Dairy milk at ! | mealtime and with be-1 | tween-meal snacks. • NEHALEM DAIRY • PRODUCTS CO. B. R. Stanfill Plastering & Stucco t Contractor ALL WORK Star Route your Phone 371 I GUARANTEED Buxton, Oregon ! ! Notice of School Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 47 Jt., of Columbia County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of the said district will be held at Washington Grade School, Vernonia, Oregon, on the 17 day of June, 1946, at 8:00 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1946, and ending June 30, 1947, hereinafter set forth, and to vote on the proposition of levying a district tax. , BUDGET Schedule ¡^Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balance« _______ ______ ITEM Total————— all Funds Estimated Receipts from— Delinquent Taxes ........................................................................................................ $5,000.00 County School Fund ...................................................................................................... 7,890.00 Elementary School Fund ............................................................................................ 8,500.00 State Irreducible School Fund 1,050.00 Sales of Supplies, Property or Equipment___________________________________ 1,410.00 $23,850.00 Estimated Total Receipts Estimated total Receipts and Available Cash Rslanco or Deficit_________ $23.850.00 ___________ Schedule II—General~Fund Estimated Expenditures 1 ~ Expenditures for 3 Fiscal Years Next Preceeding the Current School Year You don't nave to swing -C to kill that pesty thing! I Elementary Schools ITEM V Flies, mosquitoes, moths and other similar insects (with or without wings) take a permanent nose-dive when they run into a whiff of Standard Fly Spray. Used as directed, it won’t stain your finest materi als, it has no unpleasant odor, and it’s harmless to human beings. It not only gets rid of pest parents, it also destroys their eggs and larvae—before insects are born. And use Standard Animal Fly Spray to get rid of flies on milk cows — and as a genetgl insecticide for all animals. L.G. Hawken Ph. 502 c I. GENERAL CONTROL Personal service: Superintendent .......................................................... $ 3,650.00 $ 3,650.00 Clerk ........................................................................... 540.00 540.00 Stenographers and other office assistants .......... 1,000.00 1,000.00 Compulsory education and census ............... ,... 150.00 150.00 Supplies ............................................................................... 25.00 25.00 Elections and publicity ........... 150.00 150.00 Legal service (clerk’is bond, audit, etc.) .......................... 50.00 50.00 Other expense of general control Visual education ........................................................... 65.00 65.00 Total expense of General Control II. Vernonia A STANDARD OF G III. $ 5.630.00 $ 5,630.00 INSTRUCTION—Supervision Personal service: Principals ................................................................. $ 2,450.00 Supervisors .................................................................. 100.00 Substitutes -............................................................... 300.00 $ 2,450.00 100.00 300.00 Total Expense of Supervision $ 2,850.00 INSTRUCTION—Teaching Personal service: Teachers .............................................................. . . $45,305.00 Library supplies, repairs . '.................................. 150.00 Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) ................................. 1,000.00 Textbooks . . .......................................... 800.00 Tuition to other district! ....................................... Other Expense of teaching (work books).............. 200.00 Total Expense of Teaching IV. .............. $ 2.850.00 $ 2,930.00 540.00 529.00 93.50 27.75 99.80 50.00 65.00 50.00 $ 5,330.00 $ 4,320.00 $ 2,200.00 100.00 470.21 $ 3,487.00 $ 2,770.24 • $ 3.487.00 $41,208.00 150.00 1,000.00 900.00 200.00 $47,455.00 $47,455.00 OPERATION OF PLANT Personal service: Janitors and other employees ........................... . . $ 5,191.00 Janitor’s supplies .................................................. .. . 1,000.00 Fuel ........................................................................... G00.00 Light and power ...’............................................... 600.00 Water ......................................................................... 375.00 Telephone .................................................................. 150.00 $ 5,191.00 1,000.00 600.00 600.00 375.00 150.00 Total Expense of Operation $ 7.916.00 $ Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs $ 1,000.00 AUXILIARY AGENCIES Health service: Personal service (nurse, etc.) ............................... $ 45.00 Supplies and other expenses ................................. 25.00 Transportation of pupils: Personal service ........................................................ 8,000.00 Other auxiliary agencies: War surplus .............................................. 200.00 $ 1,000.00 Total Expense of Auxiliary- Agencies ........ ......... $ 8,270.00 VII. FIXED CHARGES Insurance ........................................................ ......... $ 300.00 Other fixed charges: Boiler inspection ............................................ .......... 14.00 Retirement .................................................... ............ 3,500.00 $ 8.270.00 VI. $ 2,850.00 $45,305.00 150.00 1,000.00 800.00 $ 7,916.00 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Repair and maintenance of furniture and equipment .................................................. ... $ 100.00 Repair and maintenance of Buildings ................................................................ 500.00 Grounds .................................................................. 400.00 V. $ 5,630.00 $ 3,300.00 540.00 1,000.00 150.00 25.00 200.00 50.00 100.00 $40.687.38 $ 5,191.00 1,000.00 600.00 275.00 150.00 $ 4,343.10 1,546.06 966.00 886.85 206.16 190.85 7,216.00 $ 8,139.02 100.00 $ 330.97 1,000.00 400.00 525.24 $ 500.00 400.00 $ $ 1.000.00 45.00 25.00 8,000.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 856.21 $ $ 70.95 45.00 100.00 $ 2.866.80 $ 3,454.92 $38,200.65 $29.302.50 $ 7.775.36 $ fi 4fifi nft 926.53 903.85 182.00 $43,458.00 $ 7,916.00 $ 4.103.50 $38,675.00 200.00 $47,455.00 $ 4,832.10 8,000.00 8,106.50 $ 8,145.00 $ 8.177.45 $ 686.75 $ 422 00 200.00 $ $ 8,270.00 300.00 $ 475.00 14.00 3.500.00 10.00 $ $ 8120.51 ç ö.uoD.uiF s ì \ ì \ •p 472 4fi 10 00 Total Fixed Charges $ 3,814.00 $ 3,814,00 $ 485.00 $ 482.46 S 831.15 $ 260.00 VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS Alteration of buildings (not repairs) .... $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 3 160.00 New furniture, equipment and replacements . 2,000.00 2,000.00 350.00 246.49 Other capital outlays: Library books ............................................. 150.00 150.00 150.00 129.90 Teachers’ Reference Book............................... 60.00 300.00 Total Capital Outlays $ 2.250.00 $ 2.250.00 $ 2.250.00 $ 660.00 $ 836.39 S 415,71 $ 400.00 X. EMERGENCY . —-....... « - $ .i.OOO.OO $ 3.000.00 ----- $ 3.000.00___ »^000.00 $3.0000.00 $3,000.00 $ 2 non on Schedule 5T—.Summary .»T T-.xpenaiturcs. Receipt, and Available Cash Balances, and Tax T-ev i; estimation oF fAX ---------------- - ------- - ---------- —-------——---------------- ------------- Lt.11 funds Total estimated expenditures....................... ...............................................................................$82,185.00 Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule I)............................... ,. 23,850.00 Amount necessary to balance the budget................................................................................. 5g 335 (g> Balance to be raised by taxation........................................................... . 58335.00 Estimated amount of taxes that will not be collected during the fiscal year for which this budget is made...................................................... ................................................ 3 750 Total estimated tax levies for the ensuing fiscal year Analysis of estimated tax levies: Amount inside 6T limitation............ ___________ ___ A mount outside HI limitation______ Dated this Uth day of May. 1545 Signed: Lee Schwab. District Clerk »62,085.00 ............................................. $ 5.867.44 ........................................... WM17.W________ ^PProveTTyTRSIget Committee May Signed: J. J. Grady, Secretary, Budget Committee ___2j_G^_Heath;_Clmirman. Budget Committee 22t3e A