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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1945)
FAST, CONVENIENT ADS LEGAL NOTICES - LODGE ANNOUNCEMENTS - DIRECTORY SERVICE FOR SALE FOR SALE CARD OF THANKS 5-room house. 50 x 210 ft lot, woodshed & garage, chicken lot & garden room. Vernonia side mile bridge, Riverview. Merle Warren, Lebanon, Ore. Rt. 3 34t3 MODERN 2 bedroom home. New ly redecorated. Located on 50x 100 lot. Woodshed or garage, nice shrubbery, good lawn, new sidewalk. $2,000 with half down or $1900 cash. Immediate posses sion. 441 South First Ave. Get keys from 442 across street. 33t3 WE WISH to. express our sincere thanks for the kindness and flowers at the time of the death of Darrel Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. John Winslow and family and relatives A FEW TONS of oats and vetch hay. 2 feeder pigs. 4 cows. C. R. Miller, Timber road, box 82. 34t3 ROOM SIZE Wilton rug, $20.00 Carpet Runner, $3. 314' yds car pet runner, $3.00. Several yards brussels carpet cheap. C. J. Con ley, 2 miles north of Sunset camp, Timber-Vernonia highway. __________________ 34tl— BIG KALE or curley kale plants. G. W. Thacker, 958 First Ave. Vernonia. 32t3 REGISTERED milking shorthorn bulls. Reasonable or will trade for good baled hay. Guptill, Mi3t Rt„ Vernonia. 33tf— BALED cats and vetch hay. Mild red Hult, airport road. 32t3 RIVERVIEW: Large lot, 2-room house, new paper and paint, some furniture. Winter’s wood. Water and electricity in. Bargain. H. E. Palmer, Mist Rt. 32t3 LODGES meeting*: 2 & 4 Weds. 8 p.m. Cleo Walrath, Commander L. E. Stiff, Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meets: 1st & 3rd Wed. 4-46 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 O.O.F. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Cecil Johnson, Noble Grand W. D. Shafer, Sec’y 4-46 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in I. O. O. F. Hall. Alice Gwin, Noble Grand Faye Davis, Vice Grand Silvia Turner, Secretary Juanita Edwards, Treasurer 3-46 Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Order of Eagles) I.O.O.F. Hal) Vernonia 2nd and 4tb Fridays 8 P. M. Wm. Anderson, W. Pres. Lee Miller, Sec’y. Harding Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesday 2-46 of each month. Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular com munication first and 3rd Wed. of each month at Masonic Tern» pie. All visiting sisters and broth ers welcome. Marie Hawkins, Worthy Matron Dorethy Sandon, Sec’y. 1-46 1 HAVE 12 cows; 6 heifers, yearling; 2 heifers, 2years; 1 buck rake, 1 roller mill; straw and hay,; 1 4-wheel trailer. Bert Davis, Birkenfeld, across from store. 34t3 Shippelhute, Keasey 34tl Fiy.L BED, springs and mat tress. J. E. Tapp, 924 State St. 34tl— PREWAR reed baby buggy. Also electric iron. M. L. Porterfield, 376 N. St. 34t3— FAT HENS suitable for canning or roasting. Call after 5 p.m. or later. Mrs. Vester Christensen, Timber road, box 76. 34tl SIX-FOOT Adriance Moline bind er. Slightly used. Sacrifice at $75.00 Wolf Creek highway half mile east on Scoffield road. E. Feldt. 34t3 LOTS OF BOOKS, 2 iron bed springs, coaloil heater, 2 radios, lamp and shade, kitchen table, 2-tub wash stand, pillows, glass ware, dishes, silverware, baking pans and numerous kitchen gad gets. All for $25. C. J. Conley, 2 miles north of Sunset camp, Timber-Vernonia highway. 34tl— ’38 DODGE four-door sedan. *35 Chev. coupe. Greenwood Motors. 34t3— HENS for sale. $1.50 apiece. Phone 12F51. Lode McDonald. 33t3 Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.F. A A.M. meets at Masonic Temple Stated Communication first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. Paul A. Gordon, W. M. Glen F. Hawkins, Séfe’y. 1-46 American Legion VERNONIA 11» Meets first and Third Mon. of Each month. AUXILIARY and Third Mondays 1-46 NOTICE HOP PICKING will start Sept. 3rd at Hartwick farm at Banks. 34t2— WANTED $700 CASH for good used car. L. G. Bowerman, 114 O-A hill. 34t3— WANTED TO BUY: 50 or 75 purebred New Hampshire pullets or R. I. Reds of good laying strain. Rob’t R. Sullivan, Mist Rt. Vernonia, Ore. 34tl SAW FILING and gumming, light grinding and repairing, scissors, tools, etc. All tools registered against loss or theft. Spencer’s Shop. 847 3rd St., behind Bakery. 34t3 DRESSMAKING. 470 A St. 32t3 NURSING. Undergraduate, 28 years experience. Also masseuse. Days only. Mrs. Spencer, 847 3rd St., Vernonia. 33t3 HOP PICKERS. Register at 192 North St. or call 1042. Mrs. Frank Hartwick. 32t3 CARPENTER work of all kinds. F. Lundgren, 924 2nd Ave. 33t6 FIR AND CEDAR poles and pil ing, all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Ore. 30t7— FOR RENT THREE-ROOM apartment with bath. Unfurnished. $15 per month. Mrs. Frank Hirsch, Call 462. Adults only. 33t3 LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Grubbnig hoe on Rock creek road. Owner may have same by identifying at the Eagle office. Lost: 5.50 x 17 spare tire. Return to Mrs. Herb Counts, Keasey Rt. 34t3— LOST: Billfold containing money, driver’s license and social security number. Reward. M.A. Schmidt, Timber Rt. 33t3 MISCELLANEOUS 30 CAT, hydraulic blade. Good condition. See Herb Counts on Keasey Rd. 32t3 REGISTERED Milking Shorthorn foundation herd FREE. Write E. Guptill, Vernonia, Ore. 34tf— FOR SALE: 1 oil brooder, new, 375 chick. $15.00. E. M. York 108 A St. 33t3 FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf— FOUR-ROOM modern house, 2 lots, good garden, garage, wood shed, cellar, chicken house. W. T. Jacobs, 941 First Ave. 33t3 MY 6-ROOM modern home at 872 Weed Ave. Ph. 1063. Mrs. Edna Gwin. 32t3— 4-ROOM furnished house. In quire at M. J. Lamping home, 758 Weed Ave. 32t4— ALL KINDS of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and fire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf- PERSONAL FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Vernonia Drug Company. 11-29-45 POETRY NOTICE OF-VACATION All persons interested in or concerned with that portion of the “Old Timber Road” commenc ing on the East Boundary of Hwy No. 47; thence running East along the North Boundary of the Northeast Quarter of the South west Quarter of Section 13, Township 4 North Range 5 West of the West Bank of the Nehalem River are hereby notified that said road has been examined by The County Court and Deputy County Surveyor and has been found useless to the general road system of Columbia County and will at a meeting of said Colum bia County Court thirty (30) days hence order said road va cated. Any objections must be filed in the office of the County Clerk of this County on or before Sep tember 12, 1945, or the road herein described will be declared vacated. July 12, 1945 Wm. Pringle Sr. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Glen F. Hawkins DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR NOTICE OF VACATION NOTICE OF VACATION OF THE OLD VERNONIA ROAD FROM THE SWU of NEU of Section 23 T5N-R4W W.M. TO THE EAST AND WEST CEN TER LINE OF Section 27 T5N- R4W W. M. in the SEU of the NW 14 of said Section. All persons interested in or concerned with that portion of the (Old Vernonia Road) com mencing on the North Bank of the Nehalem River; thence run ning in a Westerly direction through the NW U of Section 23, the EU of the E% of Section 22 to the East and West Center Line in the SE 14 of the NWU of Section 27 all in T5N-R4W of the W.M. are hereby notified that said road has been examined by The County Court and Dep uty County Surveyor and has been found useless to the gener al road system of Columbia County and will at a meeting of said Columbia County Court thirty days hence be ordered va cated. Any objections thereto must be filed in the office of The County Clerk of this County on or before September 12, 1945 or the road herein described will be declared vacated. Wm. Pringle Sr. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Glen F. Hawkins DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR 1 TWO-SECTION spring tooth harrow, 1 horse garden cultivator and plow. C. J. Conley, 2 miles north of Sunset -camp, Timber- Vernonia highway. 34tl— Business - Professional Directory G. J. Ten Brook, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland • Timber • Vernonia Sunset - Elsie - Cannon Beach Gearhart • Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 We’ll -build a bridge TO RUSSIA; Alaska to Siberia, RUSSIA. Fortify the North, Travelers will go back and forth; Indians watch and see From wigwam and tepee: "THE WHITE MAN’S GREAT WHITE BRIDGE OF THE NORTH." By Eva Cummings Clark Hyland Apts., Portland, Oregon 34tl RATION STAMPS GOOD CLIP THIS CHART for FUTURE REFERENCE Use of 2 Handy Bleaches Told Sodium perborate, sometimes sold as a tooth powder or mouth wash, and 20-volume peroxide are two handy materials to keep in the cleaning cabinet to bleach out stains, especially those caused by mildew, says Miss Lucy Lane, extension specialist in clothing and textiles at, O.S.C. Fresh mildew can be removed with good soap suds followed by thorough sunning, but old mildew stain is one of the hardest to re move. If the material is white, bleaching agents including a mix ture of lemon and salt may be used. Two of the Safest “Sodium perborate and 20- volume peroxide are two of the safest bleaches for all types of materials,” Miss Lane explains. “The sodium perborate treat ment must be rapid, followed by thorough rinsing or the bleach will affect the color. “For small, fresh stains, sponge with a liquid made up of four tablespoons of perborate to a pint of soapy water. Another way is to stretch the stained cloth over a bowl of hot water, dampen the stain and then dust the powdered sodium perborate on it. Let stand for a few min utes, then rinse well. For a large stain soak the entire article for a half hour or longer in the so lution.’’ ing one level teaspoon of the former to one pint of the perox ide. A medicine dropper is help ful in treating a small stain. In any case a final careful spong ing or rinsing with water is es sential. These two bleaches are satisfactory stain removers for scorch, beverage and grass stains and others where a bleach is needed. NATURAL PRIDE Sure we’re proud of our restaurant service. As long as we are in business, we guara- tee to furnish our customers dainty but sturdy meals, that are served with courtesy amid clean, pleasant surroundings. CHAT ’N NIBBLE Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bass Peroxide Easy on Color The 20-volume peroxide, which NOTICE is hereby given that is stronger than the medicinal School District No. 47, Jt., Coun variety, is also a safe bleach for ty of Columbia, at Vernonia, all fibers and is not as hard on Oregon will receive bids for the color as chloride bleaches. It may following property owned and be applied full strength or dilut offered for sale by District No. ed, depending on the fragilness 47, Jt. of the fabric. The action is Sealed bids to be in the hands speeded if a few drops of am of Lee Schwab, School Clerk on monia are added just before use. or before 8 P. M. September The perborate and peroxide 8th, Ì945. may be combined successfully us. Building and land of former School District No. 55 (Kist Dis FISHING FOR BARGAINS? trict) located on Beaver Creek DROP YOUR LINE IN THE Road. Building and land of for CLASSIFIED COLUMN. mer School District No. 87 (Woodland) located mile (N) Wolf Creek Junction, and for NEW AND USED PARTS mer District No. 15 at Keasey. Expert Auto Repairing Gas and Oil The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Open at 7:30 A.M.; Closed at 7:30 P.M. ATTEST: GLENN HAWKINS WE CLOSE ALL DAY SUNDAY Chairman LEE SCHWAB Clerk Pub. Aug 23, 30; Sept 6, 1945 LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RUSSIA Wo shouldn’t fear RUSSIA; A country dear RUSSIA; Will prove to be EVENTUALLY. VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday August 23, 1945 T NOTICE TO STALIN Office Phone 72 Residence Phone 1026 A. F. & A. M. First MILK COWS and heifers. Pure bred Guernsey. John Winslow, Birkenfeld. 34t3 7-45 Knights of Pythias POST STOCK AND machinery for sale. Five cows % guernsey, 2 to 8 yrs old, one heavy milker, just fresh, 3 spring heifer calves, 1 Reg. Guernsey bull 20 mo. old, 1 good farm or work team with or without harness, weight about 3000 lbs., 1 four-year-old colt, has been worked a little, weight about 1600 lbs. Full line horse drawn farm machinery, also a lot of small tools. L. E. McGee, 2 mi S. of Mist, Burn road. 34t3 RABBITS. Rt. V. F. W. Regular COOKED FOOD SALE. Sat., Sept. 1, 10 a.m. at Chat ’N Nibble Cafe. Sponsored by Ver nonia Grange 305. 34t2 Legal Notices Keeping Up With Rationing MEAT, BUTTER, FATS AND CHEESES: Book 4— Red stamps Q2, R2, S2, T2. and U2 val. Ma y 1 thru Aug. 31. Red stamps V2 thru Z2 val. thru Sept. 30 Red stamps Al thru El val. thru Oct. 31. Red stamps Fl thru KI val. thru November 30. Then green staimps will be used. There will be no ration book 5.) Hats Cleaned, Blocked RIVERVIEW 85c DRY CLEANING PRICES REDUCED Pants ............... 50c Overcoats $1.00 Dresses ........... $1.00 Suits ................ $1.00 Sweaters.................50c Pick Up and Delivery Weekly on Thursdays Office: Ben Brickel’s Barber Shop Oregon Laundry and Cleaners SUGAR: Book 4— Sugar stamp 36 val. May 1 thru Aug. 31. Endorse canning sugar coupons with ration book 4 number and your name. SHOES: Loose stamps invalid. Book 3-Airplane stamps 1-2-3-4 A YEAR-ROUND HABIT Put out your match, extinguish valid indefinitely. . your cigarette, put cigar and pipe GASOLINE— No longer rationed. ‘parks in the ash tray of your Keep mileage rationing record to car, never throw burning mater use in making tire applications. ial from your car window—that’s PRICE CONTROL: Refer inquir what your ash tray is for— nev ies and complaints to price clerk Pay no more than ceiling price er leave a compfire before you’re positive that it is out. Keep Ore to help prevent inflation which followed world waT I. gon Green! The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK INVITES YOU TO BANK BY MAIL IF INCONVENIENT TO COME IN PERSON A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank