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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1942)
Derno Thursday, April 9, 1942 Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon u O* 0 ’ Volume 19, Number 15 Lib***’’ City Council Vacancy Is Filled Mon. Classes in Forestry to Begin Soon at School State Guard Meeting Well Attended Senior Gets Try At Ambition $284 Used to Purchase Station Supplies Bill' Shephard, senior at Ver nonia high school, plans to fol Due to the shortage of men and The plan is to place the boys se low as a profession baseball. the increasing danger of forest fires lected for employment during the His ambition is to become a from sabotage, the State Depart fire season in camps to aid in spot big-time pitcher. Not every ment of Forestry is organizing in ting and eliminating fires; but the John Hatfield Named to the colleges and high schools class fact is made clear that mere atten young chap has the opportunity Twenty Signed for Duty Casualty- Station Is Now before he finishes high school dance at the classes will not a.sure Take Place of C.A. Van- es in forestry. to in Local Unit Now; to begin to step up the first Well Equipped; Sheets Alstine The classes for Vernonia young employment in the service of the rung of the ladder on the climb Forestry department. Start Training Soon for Bandages Needed The Vernonia city council acted men will start on Wednesday, April to success. 15, at the high school. They will The meeting held here last Satur- Vernonia’s Casualty Station which Monday evening at the first April Bill', with several other pro meeting to make a number of ap be two hour classes, 7:30 to 9:30 day afternoon drew the attention of has been organized by Mrs. R. D. mising pitchers, is working out pointments for duties which must e p. m., and will be 4 in number, Eby is perhaps as well equipped as a large number of men who came with the Forest Grove team, a performed soon. Foremost in the meeting thereafter on April 22, 29, the state guard to hear details of any in Oregon for a town of Ver member of the Tualatin Valley list of appointments was the nam and May 6. The instructor is John unit which is planned for Vernonia. nonia’s size, it was estimated this league. His try-out period will' B. Woods, who represents the For ing of John Hatfield to a seat on give him his chance to start re week when information on the On display in Miller’s store win Attending the meeting and explain the council itself. That action was estry department, with local forest alizing the fullfilhnent of his amount of supplies W..S made necessary to fill a vacancy which ry men and hi“h school faculty as- dow are the winning posters of the ing details of the guard was W. ambition. arose due to the Resignation of C. sisting. known. annual Poppy Poster contest spon Woodbridge, U. S. Army Major, A. VanAlstine who has employment All boys whether in high school sored by the American Legion Aux who answered queries and aided in In order to purchase the neces in the evening hours and cannot at or r ot are invited Io attend the the sign-up of men. iliary. The wo:(k was done by pu sary articles to equip the station to tend council meetings. cl rr s, Principal MccCrae states, The council’s list of appointments the only requirement being that the pils of the grade school' under the care for any possible emergency The total of men signed now was also included the names of those student be at least 16 years of age. direction of Miss Sylva Claggett, placed at 20. Twenty-seven men are several organizations were asked men who will serve as a budgec At the high school 53 boys have art instructor. Winning posters will needed to form a platoon and 61 for financial aid. Five of those committee in drafting the city’s signed for the course; anyone else be entered in the state contest. Approach of the vacation and rec groups responded to the extent of form a company, the numbei men to cost sheet for the coming fiscal interested is requested to see Mr. In group 1: First, Delmar Mc- signed here determining which unit reation season brings a reminder $284, Mrs. Eby stated. Those who year. McCrae. The budget committee is: Ray Donald; second, Martha Wells; non- will be organized. Whichever unit that all of Oregon’s many scenic, have aided financially are the Ore Mills, Harry Culbertson, Roy Ray- orable mention, Patsy Kent, 6th is formed, it will be a part of a historical, and recreational areas gon-American Lumber Corporation. mond, R. M. Aldrich and A. L. Kul- gi aders. In group 2: First, June battalion which will include men are open to the public and their use $100; IWA, $100; City of Vernonia, lander and alternates are Harry Snider, 8th grade; second, Bernice from Hillsboro, Forest Grove, Bea- recommended by government of- $75; A. F. of L. $5; and the Kerns and R. L. Spencer, Grange, $4. Judging by the number Borton, 8th grade; honorable ,nen- verton and Glenwood in addition to ficials. business of the council Other Information compiled from local, of articles still needed, about $50 Vernonia. for the evening was placing the of- ion, Cora Dusenberry, 7th glaae. legional, and national’ sources in- more will be necessary. ficial OK on first-of-the-month bills. The men who are now signed will Every man between 20 ana 44 Judges for the contest were Mrs. ' dicates that all major vacation areas In addition to the financial aid years of age who registered for Se- Paul Gordon, Mrs. Wallace McCrae meet for their first practice Sunday of the Western States, including na listed, merchants in the city gave lective Service on February 16 must and Mrs. Judd Greenman. Judging afternoon from 4 to 6 p. m. at the tional parks and forests, will re reductions on articles bought for fill out an occupational questionn was based on the following points: Legion hall. The training to be given main open “to help build mental will be the same as would be re » aire which his local selective service Appeal force, artistic ability, origin ceived in the Army, it was stated. and physical strength of our citi the station aid supplies, Emil Mes- Fifteen cartons of completed gar board will send to him within a few ality and neatness. zens and war workers for days of sing, postmaster, made two large ments, with an estimated valuation days. The form must be returned to crisis and emergency,” as forest medical supply boxes as well as a cf $875.00, were shipped from the the selective service board within medical supply box for each am- service officials put it. Columbia county Red Cross produc ten days after receipt. The famed Oregon coast remains bulance, Mrs. Eby stated. The lum- tion center in St. Helens last week, one of the state’s most popular va- ber for the boxes was provided by to Ogden, Utah, disaster distribut The purpose of this occupational cation areas. Resorts, beaches, and Oregon-American, ing center for the west coast. From registration, according to the United summer home areas are entirely the total of completed garments, a States Employment Service, is to Those people who reside in the open to the public. Visitors may be Mrs. Eby stated that there is a limited amount was also held for provide the government with a com The eighth grades of the Wash four Vernonia precincts and who restricted faom certain strategic need for sheets which may be con the disaster closets o>f the six' cities plete occupational inventory of its ington school are presenting Friday must register in order to vote at points and promontories, and such verted into bandages and that peo in Columbia county, Vernonia. manpower. This information, it was the primary election on May 15th ether probable restrictions as pro ple having sheets they wish to do night, April 10, at the school audi Rainier, Clatskanie, Prescott, St. said, will avoid induction into u«e will have to do so within a few days hibiting fires on the beach at night Helens, and Scappoose. These are armed forces of men more urgently torium, 2 one-act plays. “Herbie’s :n order to cast their ballot at that nate may leave them at Peggy’s considered as a loan from the Red needed in war production and will First Date,” directed by Lulu Ful time. Should an individual have will intei)fere little with the vaca Apparel Shop or the Oregon Gas changed his or her residence from tionist's pleasure. • Cross. also speed the output of war ma- lerton, concerns a young man who and Electric company office. The garments, made during the t erials by promoting the transfer undergoes a lot of trouble in mak one precinct to another or should Park*, Fore»!» Open past months by women of Columbia of workers from non-essential to ing his first date a success. “Girl that individual have moved here Mrs. Eby also stated that ar National parks and forests will county, included 80 boys’ shirts, 50 essential work. from some other place, registration rangements have been made so that Trouble,” has to do with the girl must be made. remain open, subject to necessary mens’ pajamas, 45 girls’ skirts, 30 the IWA Union hall may be used as fire prevention and military needs. trouble o>f 17 year old Bill Jordon, womens’ skirts, 53 toddlers’ packs. Two Identical Part* order to register, a person of In the Casualty Station headquarters Some trails and forest roads in ha- Ill girls’ dresses, of wool and cot and is directed by Dorothy Sandon. voting age must be a resident of z.andous fire areas may be closed should it be impossible to use the Each questionnaire is in two iden ton, 25 sweaters, 195 socks and 20 tical parts—one for the selective Included in the cast of “Herbie’s the state for six months and a resi during the fire season, and such I. O. O. F. hall in an emergency. knitted children’s sets. service system and one for the Unit First Date” are: Alfred Goer-tzen, dent in the precinct in which he or closures as are necessary will be ed Slates Employment Service. In Patty Romtvedt, Ruth Tackett, Ro- she will vote for 30 days. publicly announced, the forest ser formation is requested on the regis vice has declared. Do- The registration for the Vernon bert Condit, Billie Ol'linger and trant’s present job, his education The many scenic points along the ia precincts is being conducted by the othy Roland. Jack Riley heads and the kind of work for which he Columbia River highway are entirely Mrs. Leatha Tousley at the Oregon cast for “Girl Trouble” and is as- considers himself best fitted. Gas and Electric office. Registration open to visitors. Timberline lodge Richard Lewis, gjaduate wtith sisted by Jackie Rollins, Joyce Hat books will be closed within the next continues as the mecca of skiers Applicants needing help in filling the Vernonia high school senior The cooperative weather station, chard, La Rue Moon, Ralph Keasev few days, probably April 14. and mountain lovers. The Grand class of 1937, will be a delegate to out the form should ask asistance which is maintained here by Ed Coulee dam area is open to the pu I he national meeting of Sigma Gam from their employer, their labor and Mabel Hall. blic and visiting is encouraged. Can Sessman, has received additional union, the local office of the U. S. ma Epsilon, national honorary of ada welcomes visitors, and has len equipment to that which has been geologists and mining engineers, to employment service or from a mem ient provisions for tourists in its used in the past for recording temp be held in Columbus, Ohio, it was ber of the seletive service local ad gasoline rationing system. visory board. No fee will be charged announced recently. Summer vacation areas, in short, eratures and precipitation, Sessman Lewis, president of the Oregon for the service. rre relieved as much as possible of announced last week. State chapter of the honorary fra The same form will later be mail A squad of 10 boys with Coach any wartime restrictions; and those In future reports humidity and ternity, is a senior at the college ed to men who registered for selec Farmers of Columbia and Clatsop MdCloy leaves Friday morning for and is also an assistant professor tive service in 1940 and 1941, ex counties wishing to obtain infor Eugene to attend the 6th annual in authority advocate recreational wind velocity recordings will be travel as a means of bolstering both in the geology department. He plans cept to those now in the armed for made in addition to former data. Hayward relay. The cup whch has to spend another year at Oregon ces, and also to those from 18 to 20 mation regarding the Farm Security been on display in the trophy rase physical and mental morale. The station will be known as the State to obtain his Master’s degree, and from 45 to 64 who are still o program may do so by calling ac in the high school for the past year Fire-Weather station, Humidity and following graduation this spring. the office at Sentinel Mist building for winning Class C championship be registered. wind recordings will be especially in St. Helens, Elmer H. Lierman relays last year will be the stake useful during the dry sulnmw the boys will try for. To retain the announces. months when danger from fire is cup, Vernonia must win again. The office will be open after Wildlife is still on the increase if greatest here. Wednesday, April 8, on Monday License Examiner Due the annual wildlife census is ac through Friday from 9:00 a. m. to A traveling examiner of opera cepted as indicating such trends, Under auspices of the Public 4:00 p. m. and on Saturday from tors and chauffeurs is scheduled to according to the Forest Service. re As an aid to draftees who will hearing was Utilities Commission, a 9:00 a. in. m. to 12:00 noon. Super arrive in Vernonia, Tuesday, April Several successive mild winters have held here Wednesday evening at ceive in a few days their question- 14, and will be on duty at the city the city hall following the filing of airres, the names of those who will visors will hold office days tentativ hall between the hours of 10 a. m. temporarily alleviated the winter forage problem and big game ani serve on an advisory committee ¡3 ely on Tuesdays, Thursdays and a resolution by the Nehalem Basin and 4 p. m. All those wishing per According to Mrs. E. H. Condit, Peoples’ Utility District requesting pblished again this week for the Saturdays from 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 mits or licenses to drive cars are mals have escaped excessive winter losses. Population increases under most of the organizations voting to a rate reduction for this area. The benefit of those who must fill' out noon, it was stated. ex- asked to get in touch with the such conditions are higher than nor hearing was devoted to a discussion the forms. The advisory committee donate funds to furnish one ot the mal and the problem of too many Since Lierman will no longer be aminer during those hours. of rates changed for electric ser was formed several weeks ago at convalescent rooms of a soldiers' some game animals is increasing in vice and to the receiving of com the request of the draft board of in the county supervisor’s office in hospital for the Columbia County areas. Columbia county. Air Wardens to Meet plaints by those attending, as to Astoria, regular scheduled visits man- Basin Hospital and Camp Service As a new step in big game War- A meeting of the Air Raid troubles they have experienced in Named to serve on the local ad- wilt be made to that city and points dens of the district for Thursday- agement, estimates were made this Council have remitted the funds, operating electrical machinery and visory committee are: J. W. Nichols, in Clatsop county. evening, April 9, at 7:30 at the year by game ranges rather chan Some groups, however, have been a equipment. Harold Nelson, Herman Dickson, high school was announced Wednes (by ranger da4tridts or forest»!. The Public Utilities Commission C. F. Hieber, John Grady. C. L money, day by Chief Wallace McCrae. Pro Range-carrying capacity estimates little late in turning in the Two Taken to Hospital has the power of regulation and su Anderson, J. B. Wilkerson, Rev. Mrs, Condit states, and to those the distribution blems concerning the were also made which when com Orin Robbins was taken to St. pervision over the rates, services, W. O. Livingstone, Marvin Kamholz, discussed, Mc pared with populaton estimates show request is made that the amount be practices and regulations of . . . Harry Culbertson and George John- Vincents hospital Saturday by the of material will be Crae stated. possible increases for deer but an forwarded to her soon. public utility corporations includ son. Bush Ambulance following an in- over-population for elk. The estimat ing telephone, telegraph, water jury at the O-A mill. Robbins’ hand Commencement Speaker ed population for deer in Oregon is Cookie Makers Note gas, electric and steam heating com Ladies who send cookies to tK Victor P. Morris, Dean of the 200.000 with an estimated capacity panies. . . . This power extends to Willamette Man to Speak was caught in a chain while work At the hij^h school at 9 o’clocek ing on the monorail. Vern Ego, O-A School of Business Administration cf 232,000. Present population of toys at the Portlard Air Base are the investigation of the reasonable in the morning. April 16, Walter train crew brakeman, was also ta at the University of Oregon, will be elk is 26,000 and an estimated ca requested to take the cakes to Mrs. ness of fares and rates............ No action was taken by the com Erickson, registrar at Wilamette ken to St. Vincents Monday by the speaker at the annual high school pacity of 22,000. Thus it will be Richard Pletcher Wednesday of mission Wednesday in reaching a University, will speak to the student ambulance, following a« severe head commencement exercises to be held seen that there is room for 32,000 next week; she and Mrs. Dave Mar decision as to whether a rate re body and will discuss with the sen injury which may affect the sight Friday, May 15, it was announced additional deer but the elk should shall will send them at this time in be maintained at 4,000 less animals. stead of Mrs. Judd Greenman, from the high school this week. In one eye. ior class problems of education. duction will be allowad. Winning Posters on Display at Store Public Welcome in Recreation Spots Work Skills to Be Listed Garments Valued At $875, Said Eighth Grade Plays Registration Books Slated for Friday To Close Soon Richard Lewis Goes East as Delegate Weather Station Gets Equipment Farm Office Opens Track Squad to In St. Helens Wed. Defend Cup Commission Holds Committee for Hearing Wed. Advice Organized Wildlife Population Shows Increase Hospital Drive Not Completed