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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1932)
VOLUME X. $2.00 per Year; 5c a copy Revision of NUMBER 13. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1932. SEED LOANS ARE ADVOCATED AT C. C County Coif Association Only two applications had been Lays Plans For Season turned in at the Bank of Verno FORMER WATCHMAN DIES IN PORTLAND Fine Fishing Reported Ry Local Men Cessation A’fred P. Verrender, 54, en gine watchman for the United nia for seed loans, reported Les Railways here until last fall, died apparently of a heart at ter Sheeley at the chamber of The fishing is fine, thank you, ches fighting for the permanent A trio of local golfers, Albert tack at his home in Portland and local Izaak Waltons are re commerce meeting Wednesday, Childs, O. T. Bateman and F. D. posesssion of the big trophy cup, It was apparent, he said, that1 early Sunday morning. He retired turning at the close of a day’s Macpherson, attended a meeting Vernonia gained the first leg on the night before apparently in the farmers do not understand; sport with broad grins on their County Golf as- the bowl and this year will be good health. | of the Columbia the proposition, as the borrow- faces and full baskets under their ,‘sociation at St. Helens Sunday, out battling to retain their foot of government money a March 20. Mr. At 1 a. m. Sunday Mrs. Ver arms—as full as the law allows, Development Association Childs, who is hold and add another mark to Special Tariff for Irriga ing 5% per cent interest would put but no fuller, of course. president of the association, call- wards the three which gives final render awoke to find her husband into use thousands of dollars in seriously ill, having difficulty in Particularly fine luck is report- Pleads for Work in tion Use Referred ownership of the coveted prize. ed the meeting of the three clubs the Nehalem vglley. breathing. He was sent to the ed along Rock creek Sunday, near in Columbia county which com This year these cup matches Thi* Section emergency hospital, but died on Keasey. Steelhead were very fine, to Committee payment de-1 prise the organization, to lay out Instead of full 1 will be played in a three-corner the way. manded after the sale of the the' I and perfect plans for this coming averaging around seven pounds, manner, all three teams partici Mr. Verrsnder worked for the and John Hansen caught a 14- Protest against discontinuance Discussion of reduction in wa- crops this fall, as stated in the1 season’s play. The association was pating at the same time and official circulars first received in of emergency relief employment ter rates for purposes of irriga j undertaken last year by golfers with the first of the series to be railroad company in the local pounder. The rainy weather and murky on state highways is being made tion during the summer months, Vernonia, Mr. Sheeley stated that I of St. Helens, Briarcliff and Ver- played at Vernonia on Sunday, yards for seven or eight years. He and of readjustment of rates to the government has decided to , nonia courses, with the idea of April 10. The next at Briarcliff continued in service until the waters this week promise well by the Northwest Oregon Develop n"Co ^mbia on April 24 and the final one way freight was withdrawn, when for further good luck. ment association, of which Wm. apartment houses, occupied most allow three years for repayment, ' promoting tne game [ in vuiumuid F. Woodward of Portland is of the attention of the city coun requiring the return of only one- !'j 1 county from every angle and af at St. Helens on May 1. Fifteen he was laid off. i ter passing through a most suc president and U. L. Upson of He is described by his acquain cil at the regular meeting Mon third in November, 1932. men teams will be the rule and President J. E. Kerr appointed cessful season last year now en Portland is secretary. day night. No definite action was the position in the favored circle tances as an exceptionally well taken with regard to either, the Mr. Sheeley, J. E. Tapp and Ray ters upon what appears to be an will be goverened by the “but- read man. He was an ex-navy Although the commission states questions being referred to the D. Fisher as a committee on pub even more prosperous summer for ton” board, the operation of man, and had seen the ! whole that inquiries to representatives water committee, Councilmen licity for seed loans. divot digging. which is well under way and from world. of upstate counties resulted in in Malmsten, Rogers and Johnson, He is survived by his widow formation that the unemployment At the meeting it was agreed appearances will this year prove a for consideration and report. and by one sister and three problem was not a serious one, to hold the annual field day at hot-bed of contention. Tax notices received in Verno thatt the demand for farm and The proposition to allow more The 18-hole triangle affair list brothers who live in England. the Briarcliff course and the nia this week from the office of Services were held Tuesday in other labor was rapidly taking water for the same money was county championship at St. Hel ed for St. Helens on May 1 will Sheriff Oscar G. Weed show a suggested by E. W. Holtham, who ens. Last year the championship also prove the qualifying round Portland, with commitment in decrease of 40 per cent under the up the slack, the association is convinced that in Multnomah was present in the audience. He tourney was held at the local for the county championship and Riverview cemetery. 1931 taxes. In some cases where county the problem is growing did not advocate any lowering course and there were over 60 scores posted in this play will be the assessed valuation was low increasingly acute. More than 50 of the minimum rates, but ex Walter Kent was elected water entries with M. E. Uhlshoeffer used as the basis for the various ered this year’s tax is less than per cent of the unemployed are plained that additional water for superintendent in place of Claude winning by a close margin over flight entries. Needless to say, 6th Anniversary 50 per cent of the amount the concentrated in Portland and vi- gardens and lawns could be sup Hillsberry at an adjourned meet- O. T. Bateman. Hale Greenman a number of golfers will be en taxpayer was compelled to pay Is Celebrated on the same property last year. cinity, say Mr. Woodward and plied at practically no extra cost ing of the city council Tuesday ¡was low medalist and a number deavoring with might and main Mr. Upson, Therefore, they as- to the city, and many people -*-*-% night. Mr. Hillsberry, who has of other local players won vari- to shoot real golf that day. The The statement of the assess- sert, it would seem that now in would thus be encouraged to use been superintendent for a little ous flights and many prizes, all first elimination rounds will be Vernonia temple 61, Pythian ment and tax roll issued this its hour of great necessity it water for irrigating purposes. over a year, tendered his resigna- of which, from a Vernonia golf- played the same day and on the Sisters, celebrated its sixth anni month by Assessor Fred Watkins er’s view, was as it should be, following Sunday, May 8, the versary Wednesday night with a shows that the levy for Vernonia should receive some larger share Claude Hillsberry, water sup tion. and they are again enthusiastical second eliminations and semi-fin number of Knights of Pythias is 56.1 mills, as compared with of the funds to which it con- 181 in Revision of Ordinance erintendent, stated his opinion tributed generously. that the extra pumping required accordance with the resolution ly warming up their heavy shoot als will be fought out over the and Pythian Sisters from St. Hel- 93.7 mills in 1931. During the 15 years of high- would cost the city five or six passed at the meeting of the ing artillery for an assault upon same course. May 15 will see the ens participating. The heavy local decrease is ac championship decided and played council March 16 was completed the St. Helens course in May. cents a thousand gallons. The anniversary program be- counted for by the fact that the way history, according to statis- In the intercounty team mat- according to where the final two gan at nine o’clock following the levy for School District 47 was tics compiled by the development in its final form at this meeting. Use of the diesel plant for contestants so desire. The revision stipulates a salary of regular temple session. Charlotte reduced from 18.7 mills to 6.9 association, the motorists of pumping was suggested by Coun Numerous other matches with Green played a piano solo, and mills, for the city itself from Multnomah county have received recorder at *80.00 a month, and cilman Johnson, who believed that various clubs in the state are be Marian Lindley presented three 43.4 mills to 28.1 mills, for the back less than 7 eents of each changes the wording so that he Portland Speaker considerable money could be sav ing scheduled and from the way vocal numbers. A minstrel act Union high district 1 from 5.1 dollar contributed. “Now they is not responsible for delinquent ed the city because of the fav Secretary Walter Kerry’s corres was given by P. A. Dixon and mills to 4.3 mills, and the special and their neighbors are asking as well as paid water accounts. Addresses Chamber orable terms now obtainable from pondence is piling up, Columbia Mr. Murphy of St. Helens, Mr. road tax of 5 mills for district for relief in their great emer Request of the Nehalem Rod oil companies. gency, and what do they re county teams are a much desired Murphy’s songs were accompanied 16 was eliminated. and Gun club for a five year’s The personality of man built as opponent. One of the matches Ap artment Question Raised lease of ground in the city park The levy for the general coun ceive? Only the promise of *58,- by Mrs. P. B. Wiggins, also of an automobile is built was the ty fund was reduced from 16.2 000 for some preliminary work John Erickson appeared before for pheasant pens was discussed. the theme of an inspirational ad lined up includes a trip to the St. Helens. on the Fourth street highway and well known resort, Mt. Hood mills to 13.8 mills. Cards were played informally the council and asked for revision dress by Charles F. Walker, presi 'course, on July 10. Longview WALDPORT BUSY Economies in current expendi some surveys on the Wilson river and refreshments of cake, ice of the water rates charged ap Waldport is a busy place, re- dent of the Northwestern School Country club, Astoria, Inverness, cream and coffee were served. A tures and balances on hand from and northern short road to sea.” artment houses. He stated that ports Mrs. Lee Hall, former Ri- of Commerce, Portland, at the I City View, Peninsula, Meadow beautiful birthday cake with six savings of last year made possible In accordance with a resolution each owner had been compelled verview resident, who is here for chamber of commerce meeting brook and others of Portland and lighted candles was the center of the local decrease. passed at the meeting of directors to put in a meter, but instead of a short visit. A great deal of Wednesday noon. He stressed in I vicinity are also listed, assuring attraction. Tables were decorated of the development association being charged at meter rates for building is going on there, she particular the gospel of work. March 10 a letter of protest was I the daisy knockers plenty of with yellow daffodils. NAUMAN, NELSON the water actually used, he is re “Speed and power depend on' tough competition to while away says, especially of summer homes > sent to the commission. Decision Visitors from St. Helens in quired to pay two dollars for AT MILK MEETING of the commission not to engage for Portlanders, and a local mill the coordination of all the parts, their idle summer Sundays. cluded Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Bal- each apartment. At present ren has difficulty in turning out and they may all be renewed and No dues will be collected from lagh, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Swen Secretary Joe Nauman of the , in new construction in 1932, thus tals the owner cannot charge enough lumber to sifpply the de- replenished at the service station old association members this year son, Mr. and Mrs. Marcy Wilson, Coluntbia County Chamber of ' postponing indefinitely actual enough to make the tenant pay of faith.” he concluded. mand. and a receipt in full for dues this Mrs. P. B. Wiggins, Mrs. P. F. Commerce and County Agent construction of the Wilson river this, he claimed, and it has to In the business session preced year will be mailed them at once. Beaman, Mr. Dixon and Mr. Mur- George A. Nelson went to Port . and either the Vernonia-Hamlet came out of his own pocket. ing the address President J. E. New members will be welcomed phy. land Thursday of last week in i or Wolf creek routes, in large Park Board Appointed Suggests Gas Mask Kerr told of the work of the and received with the happy news Mrs. Beaman who is most excel support of resolutions from local I part occasioned the criticism Northwest Oregon Development that they will only be assessed lent chief of the temple in St. chambers of commerce urging , which the association is making. Mayor Owens reappointed the present park board with the ex- For Use At Fires association in seeking a more but half the regular fee. Every Helens once lived in Vernonia, the city of Portland to repel any J. E. Kerr of Vernonia, W. A. equitable allocation of highway old member is urged to bring in where she taught in the schools attempts of outsiders to invade , Wood of Rainier and E. E. Wist ception of F. E. Malmsten, now Suggestion that the fire de funds for the northwestern coun at least one new player. The en for four years. Mrs. Wiggins is the Portland market with milk. of Scappoose are the Columbia serving as councilman. J. B. Hair was named by the mayor for partment purchase a gas mask ties, and urged membership at the try fee for the county champion- also a former Vernonia resident, About 25 representatives from ( counTy representatives on the board of directors of the North- this place. The board now con and a contribution of *25.00 to nominal dues of one dollar a jship has also been sliced, yet having been active in local musi different chambers were there. sists of R. M. Aldrich, chairman. wards such a fund was made Fri year. Mr. Nauman, newly elected sec . west Oregon Development associa withal, cups, trophies and prizes cal circles. C. F. Hieber, J. B. Hair, Matt day by Judge and Mrs. W. A. Lester Sheeley reported on the are promised in profusion for The evening’s entertainment retary of the county chamber, tion. Gibson and Mrs. Judd Green Harris. Their letter expressing meeting of the state game com- both the field day at Briarcliff was planned by the past chiefs reports that new members are be BIRTHDAY PARTY their thanks to the department mission in Astoria last week. man. and the big meet at St. Helens, of Vernonia temple, and refresh ing added daily. is as follows: FOR FERNE GOUGH Guests were Miss Elizabeth ments were in charge of Miss complete schedule of all Ver- A The park board is to meet with To the Officers and Members Murray, county school superin nonia club activities will be print Macile Roberts, Mrs. James Nan- Just Eight Club the city council April 5 in the of Vernonia Volunteer Fire Dept. St. Patrick’s day was the birth tendent, Miss Nettie Alley, county ed in the next issue of this paper son, Mrs. Harry Kerns and Mrs. city hall. Gentlemen: We wish to thank nurse, and Mr. Patton of Clatska and all members are then request Tom Crawford. Meets at Mrs. Timmons’ day of Feme Gough. A party was held after school to which were Mrs. E. S. Thompson was ap- you for the very efficient work nie. ed to familiarize themselves with Mrs. J. L. Timmons entertain- j invited the girls of the second- pointed a member of the library performed by you upon two oc- its text. ed with three tables of bridge,'grade. Games w%e played and board in place of Mrs. Van casions when our property has BASEBALL SERIES Sunday, March 27, will see the Churches Plan Thursday evening, March 17, for'cake and ice cream enjoyed. Peebley, resigned. been threatened by the demon members of the Just Eight club RESUMES TUESDAY start of the spring handicap and Fire, and especially we wish to the handicap committee urges that Easter Services and guests. compliment you upon the very The indoor baseball series, in every player arrange to turn in Mrs. E. H. Washburn received HAND LABOR IS excellent record made by you in the guest prize for high score the fire in the hotel building on terrupted during the past few to the club house a card for ev Special services for Easter are avenue on the 17th day of weeks, will be resumed next Tues- ery round played for the next planned by the Evangelical and and Mrs. Frank Hartwick the con USED ON JOB Rose solation. Among club members the March, 1932. I have been in- day, according to Dr. M. D. Cole, two weeks. This day will also be Christian churches. formed that the alarm was sent manager. That night the Federals observed as “Beginner’s Day,” Today at 3:30 there will be a high score was held by Mrs. W.| 7,000 yards of fill adjoining in at 3:18 p. m. and at 3:22 p. m. will play the Athletics, and the the intention being that every Good Friday service at the Evan J. Armitage and low by Mrs. the bridge over the Fishawk near you had a stream of water play balance of the schedule will be I member bring a beginner and gelical church, the pastor, Rev. Rose Fletcher. I vouched ■ this novice, upon I being — Birkenfeld are being put in by ing upon the building, which is announced at that time. The hostess served a lunch ofi Doc Colo made a hole in one G. W. Plumer, preaching on the I for will receive an absolutely free hand labor, according to County a time record hard to beat, as fruit salad, wafers, chocolate's few days ago—only the hols subject, “He Died.” Commissioner T. B. Mills. This you had to make the run and NOTED WRITER VISITS HERE round of golf, fees, clubs and 'was in the windshield of A. E. Sunday morning the services eclairs and coffee. Wallace Smith, noted novelist included. is being paid for out of the to connect up and string out at Those present were Mrs. Wash-jAdams’ truck pa^- ng unsuapect- in both churches will be appro ~ ~ 7 general road fund, he states, and least 350 feet of hose to reach and scenario writer of Hollywood,' — ingly along the highway. priate to the occasion, with spe b'jrn, Mrs. Dan Brown, Mrs. Hart- California, was a guest Saturday1 Qui'ting Party • • • will mean the distribution of the fire. cial music. Mr. Stephens' subject wick, Mrs. Loel Roberts, Miss >1500 or *1600 for two months. I would suggest that if the and Sunday at the home of Mr. For Mrs. Morton C. Bruce spent moat of Sunday in the Christian church will be Macile Roberts, Mrs. W. M. Hen- * Registration for this work is company was the owner of a gas and Mrs. J. E. Kerr. “Arguments of the Open Tomb” derson, Mrs. Lloyd Baker, Mrs. fishing in Rock creek near the A party of Relief Corps ladies and Mr. Plumer’s “He Arose.” James with W. R. Johnson at Mist. Harry concrete bridge. What he caught Mr. Smith’s latest picture, Nanson, Mrs. mask so that one could enter the I, At the evening services of the Kerns, Mrs. Armitage and Mrs. was mostly advice and kidding. He Emergency relief work under smoke to ascertain just where “Dawn Patrol” has been showing ¡surprised Mrs. Morton on Tues- " " " quilt they knew day to finish a Fletcher. the fire was located it would be was happy, though, till a pseudo in Portland to crowded houses. Evangelical church there will be the county will continue accord warden, Ken McNeill and the rest Mr. Smith is very fond of out- she had started but was unable two pantomimes, “The Old Rug ing to need, Mr. Mills says, as of big benefit in fighting any about *6,000 still remains of the fire, and as a starter towards a door life in the Oregon country, to finish. All brought basket ged Cross” and “The Risen MAN SENTENCED TO »0 DAYS of the gang, persuaded him it and had a very pleasant Lord,” and special music by the Everett McCollum was sen- was against the law to fish within I amount budgeted for the purpose, fund for the purchase of one, I and with Mrs. Smith spent several launches fenced Thursday in Justice H ill's a hundred feet of a bridge. junior and senior choirs. *10,000. State relief work ceases enclose my check for (25.00 winters at Cannon Beach, where ,^ay- e • e court to 90 days in jail upon at the end of this month, accord which I hope will be accepted in many of his books were produced. I Those present were Mrs. Mae Mrs. D. K. Mendenhall and pleading guilty to larceny of a "Tim” says he deserves credit He is also an accomplished ar-’ Mellinger, Mrs. Deerberry, Mrs. ing to a recent decision of the the spirit in which it is present ed, for the best interests of the tist, one of his posters for the ^* Johnson, Mrs. Irene Spencer, Edith Lindsley were in town drag saw upon complaint of T. for cleaning up the alley beside state highway commission. V. Holsflne. He was arrested the O. G. E. building a while community. Pendleton Roundup attracting ” Mrs. . Lena Stanton, Mr». Ora Wednesday. Glassner, Mrs. Chas. Uhlin, Mrs O. H. and J. O. Devaney were Wednesday and was taken to St. back. He does, and thia la it, Tim. Oregon State college students Thanking you for past favors, wide attention. ‘ — Helens Thursday. Joseph McCol Beulah Baslington, Mrs. Laura in town Wednesday. who arrived Wednesday to spend wishing the company the best of Folks have been wondering Judge P. Hill is able to be out lum, his brother, was arrested at Dr. Roland Eby of Portland i Sauer, Mrs. Margaret Lines, Mrs. the spring vacation at their homes success. visited his brother, Dr. Marvin i Eula Stanton and Mrs. Alma again after a couple of week’a ill the Mme time, but was released what became of the Early Bird. include Catherine Hoffman, Nor We are respectfully yours. ness. by Justice Hill. Must have been getting up late. | Mills. man Green and Veldon Parker. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harris. R. Eby, Tuesday. Water Rates Draws Fire Considered . I Vernonia’s Tax Decrease Heavy Kent Elected I Feathers and . .Talons