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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1931)
PAGE SIX VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON ■se Study Club Has Unique Party COYLE AND EMMER SON BOUND OVER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1931. DON’T BLUSH, PLEASE MR. JUDD GREENMAN Water from Crater Lake, nam- : ed as one of the eight wonders : of the the world was selected The house of Mrs. M. D. Cole (Columbia Informant) by Governor Julius L. Meier to (Continued from Page 1) was converted into a radio studio l be used in the dedication of the We will repeat the head line, and that there was probable Those from Keasey to shop in S. S. Manhattan at Camden, New CHRISTIAN CHURCH Tuesday afternoon for the an County budget meeting, court “Don’t blush, please, Mr. Green cause sufficient to hold the two nual Study club Christmas party. house, St. Helens, Saturday, Dec. man” for the compliment paid Vernonia Saturday were C. O. Jersey, Dec. 5. The governor of defendants for further trial. The F. Claude Stephens, Minister Herbert Hoover, Benny Walker, 26, 10 a. m. you came from an intelligent Evers and family, Mrs. D. K. each state in the union was asked Happy New Year to You! state had established the pres Mendenhall, J. O. Devaney, Mr. to send a sample from his state Will Rogers, Cecil and Sally, City budget election, city hall, farmer of the Warren district, L. Last services for 1931—Decem Amos and Andy, Sherlock Holmes ence of motive on Coyle’s part, Lindsley and Mr. and Mrs. L. from some historic of scenic A. Snider, and moreover, he hasn ’ t Monday, Dec. 28, 1 to 6 p. m. Gilham. he contended. ber 27. 9:45 a. m. Bible school. (and other prominent radio artists ! source. Indoor baseball, Legion hall, the slightest idea that he would be 10:45 a. m. Divine morning wor | were heard during the afternoon. Tooze Denies quoted, but here is what he said: J. O. Devaney is sawing up Tuesday and Wednesday, 7:30 Walter L. Tooze of Portland, ship. Theme, “Hitherto Hath the The Modernistic Moth Ball Glee 3,863 passenger automobiles “I was at the budget meeting some wood logs for Mr. Lindsley. p. m. attorney for Coyle and acting Lord Helped Us. club and South Africa Sob Sisters were registered in Columbia coun and took up several matters with Rebekah card party, I. O. O. F. Mrs. L. H. Young spent the ty the first nine months of the counsel at this hearing for Em Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Symphony made their first ap hall, Wednesday, Dec. 30, at the budget committee. I am not weekend in I.-P. camp, where year, a decrease of 338 under merson, admitted that the fire The last service for the last day, pearance over the air. saying that all did not do their 8:30 p. m. her husband is working. was not of natural origin, but de but we hope not for life. The The prize for the best perfor- the equivalent period in 1930. duty and work for the best in nied that sufficient evidence had theme is “Elim.” mance was awarded to Cecil and Norman Pettijohn was in Kea terest of the county but that man The Natal school will have been shown to warrant holding Sixty-three per cent of the You surely are welcome to be Sally. A heavy load of fan mail their Christmas program Thurs Judd Greenman was worth several sey Saturday on his way to either man, and particularly with us in our enjoyable ser- including presents and letters day afternoon when school ad thousand dollars to the county. I.-P. camp. The Wolf creek crew tourists registering motor ve- i hides with the state department Coyle. arrived during the afternoon and journs until Monday, January 4. No matter, big or little, got by that he works with moved there vices of the day. in 1931 were from California, Justice Hill, in giving his de was distributed to the artists. Saturday. , him without his knowing exactly | the list reaching a total of 57,- Best wishes for Christmas and cision, stated that he was con This unique and amusing pro what it was all about. I consider Mayo Pettijohn got a few days 825 cars. Washington was sec the New Year! ond with 14,455 automobiles. vinced that a crime had been gram was arranged by Mrs. E. A. that he did a big service to the work at camp last week. committed, and believed the evi Green, Mrs. H. V. Holcomb and county and knew what he was CATHOLIC CHURCH Anna Devaney attended the Storage space required for mo dence sufficient for binding the doing all the time.” St. Mary’s Sunday school will Mrs. A. J. Hughes. A delicious basket ball game in town Thurs tor vehicle records in the Secreta- defendants over to the grand enjoy their Christmas tree next lunch was served by Mrs. M. D. All right, Mr. Greenman, there day. tary of State’s office has grown jury. from 2,600 square feet in 1925 Cole, Mrs. D. Marshall and Mrs. are others who share in Mr. Sunday at 2 p. m. University of Oregon, Eugene. — Clarence Reed was called to 6,178 square feet in 1931, in The trial took place before a E. S. Thompson. The tables were A trip to the colorful Orient, with Snider’s opinion and give proper dicating the constant growth of good sized audience in the city EVANGELICAL CHURCH decorated with holly and tall red a chance to study the interesting credit to Messrs. Evenson and to serve on the jury at St. Hel the licensing activities in Oregon. ens last week. hall. A court reporter from Judge candles. The following were pres economic, racial and social prob White, your fellow members. All G. W. Plumer, Pastor Bagley’s circuit took down the An O.-A. truck made several Phone or mail your want ads ent: , lems there, is the experience which of you must be appreciative of The Sunday school contest was testimony. Mrs. J. Greenman, Mrs. E. M. next summer awaits some student the fact that the pubic at large trips Saturday to Keasey, haul to the Eagle. All its readers are Tom Garland of Portland is a great success. The Reds won by Bleile, Mrs. W. W. Wolff, Mrs. now enrolled in the University of has placed the stamp of approval ing stuff from their store at interested in the classified col- the attorney for Emmerson, it 17 points. umns. C. Richardson, Mrs. D. Marshall, Oregon. The trip, at an estimated on your efforts. For the Inform camp. Last Sunday was a wonderful Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. E. A. cost of $500, will be the first prize ant, we thank Mr. Snider for hav was announced but was not pres in the annual Murray Warner es day. In the morning both choirs Green, Mrs. L. H. Dewey, Mrs. ent. ing called our attention to this sang and the pastor preached j [ E. E. Yeo, Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, say contest on international rela otherwise no comment would tions, it is announced here by Dr. the Christmas sermon to a full INSTALLATION AT Mrs. E. Hanson, Mrs. E. E. Garn John R. Mez, professor of eco have been made, probably be MASONIC TEMPLE house. In the evening the sen er, Mrs. C. W. Reithner, Mrs. E. nomics, who is chairman of the cause we thought all taxpayers ior choir gave a musical and the S. Thompson, Miss Zella Cady, contest committee. should realize the importance of pastor spoke on the subject, Miss Charlotte Green, Miss Poe- (Continued from Page 1) Besides the trip, which is one of the work done by the three meri the most substantial prizes given ‘Were the Wise Men Wise.” be Grenman. mentioned without their names matron’s jewel, the presentation in any such contest in the country, The Christmas program by the being made by Mrs. Macpherson. Sunday school was held on Tues there will be a second prize of $50 being in type. As the Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. E. H. A past patron’s pin was pre day evening. in the first division which is for Eagle states, “they (the commit Here s to a Christinas day students who are citizens of the tee) faced a tough problem and sented to Emil Messing by W. Condit Entertain Next Sunday will be the last Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Condit United States. There will be a went at their task courageously.” H. Hurley, and another to Mr. Sunday of the year and every so happy as to cast its Hurley, who had not received one body should be present. Sunday were hosts at a jolly Christma» first prize of $100 and a second of “Beans” and “Peas” at the conclusion of his term of school at 9:45 a. m. The pastor party at their home on B street $50 for students from the Philip pines and foreign countries. There is much confusion in the glow over your entire office a year ago, by F. D. Mac will speak on subjects suited Saturday evening. Appropriate The essay contest, which is spon popular names of the various mem enlivened the evening, games pherson. bers of tlie bean or legume family sored by Mrs. Murray Warner, to New Year thoughts, 11 a. m. Maaonic Installation year. Stunts were performed by the director of the Oriental Art Mus of plants. Botanically, the seeds and 7:30 p. m. and a mock wedding cere- The Masonic installing officer eum at the University of Oregon, generally called black-eyed peas, Both Endeavor societies will guests “Dollchos sphaerosperinus,” are was W. H. Hurley, and the in meet at 6:30 p. m. i money proved very hilarious. for the purpose of fostering bet really beans, and In southern Cal I Christmas refreshments ter relations between the United Ifornla, «here these seeds are were stalling marshal, J. E. Tapp. There is a welcome for you. | served cafeteria style. The guests States and the Orient, has been grown on a large scale for market Officers installed were: Wor Come. I shipful master, Kenneth McNeill; i reported a very enjoyable time. carried on for a number of years purposes, they are correctly known black-eyed beans. j me were present The ionowing following were present ; : nr. Mr. so successfully that it has attract as On senior warden, Ernest Yeo; jun 4-H Club Leaders the other hand, the European ! and Mrs. Fred Spring, Mr. and ed national attention. ior warden, Emil Messing; secre broad bean, “Fabra faba,” is really Council Convenes a pea. The broad bean was the tary, W. E. Bell; treasurer, A. Mrs. II. Reeher, Mr. and Mrs. E. first plant to which the word "bean” | E. Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dun- L. Kullander; senior deacon, Eastern Nations First (Continued from page 1.) was applied, and the seeds, served I can, Mr. and Mrs. H. McEntire, Glenn Hawkins; junior deacon, in Use of “Fireworks" with bacon, were a favorite dish Frank Hartwick; marshal, Ray per cent and many of these club Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Tucker, Mr. among the Romans. Oddly enough, The origin of pyroteeliuy is un Mills; senior steward, Harold miqjjbers are carrying new pro- an(| Mrs. C. G. Whitlock, Mr. known, but the art was early prac tlie common cowpea, “Vlgna sine Shipley; junior steward, C. L. jects during the current school and Mrs. H. G. Sandon, Miss E. ticed in the East. Although inllani- sis,” is more closely related to the beans than It is to the peas, and year. Brock, tiler, W. T. Lilly. ¡White, Miss E. Bolton, Miss M. tnable compositions (known as many people refer to them as I he The value of the 60 animals Kirkpatrick, Miss Amy Hughes, Greek tire) were used 111 European black-eyed bean rather than the A past master’s pin was pre warfare before gunpowder bad be sented to E. G. Anderson, retir in the livestock clubs, under the Mrs. L. Fullerton, Miss M. Drake, come known among the western na cowpen.—Pathfinder Magazine. direction of Geo. A. Nelson, Miss B. Gray, Miss V. Pfister, tions, tireworks, in the mudern ing master, by K. A. McNeill. After the ceremony lunch was county agent, is $2348.86. The Miss C. Hilts, Miss M. Grayless sense ot the word, became known them about the middle ot the served downstairs, and speeches cost was $1634.56, which shows a Miss__________ M. Erickson, , „ Miss _ C. Bough- to Fourteenth century and record Is (er, Russell Mills, Ray Mills, Wal- found of their having been used as were made by the incoming of profit of $714.30. Four garden clubs with lace McCrae, Enoch Dumas, Vel- an accessory of public pageantry In ficers. the year 1588. The eurly develop This was the last joint instal members showed a profit of $39.-' I don Parker. ment of tireworks in Europe was lation of the two lodges permit 90, the value of the produce being' due to the Florentines. Fireworks ted under the rules of the grand $58.80. have been associated with the The home economics clubs in lodge. Each will in the future Fourth of July from the beginning. At the time of the signing of the the county under Mrs. Sarah V. have its own ceremony. Declaration ot Independence John Case, home demonstration agent, University of Oregon, Eugene.— Adams, in a letter to his wife, said: number 79 with an enrollment of Development Assoc. “It (Independence day) ought to be The University of Oregon in the Formed in Portland 811 members. The articles of west and Harvard University in the solemnized with pomp and parades, clothing made, food prepared and east have again been chosen as with shows, games, sports, guns, served, canned food and handi summer session teacher training bells, bonfires and illuminations, (Continued from Page 1) craft articles made are valued at centers in art by the Carnegie Cor from one end of the continent to Koehler of Scappoose; and Bar $3069.38. The cost was $1836.- poration and the American Insti the other, from this time forward for evermore.” ney Garrett, secretary of the Co 31, which leaves a profit of tute of Architects, it is announced lumbia County Chamber of Com $1233.07. here by Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the University. The merce. Other representatives had Sound's Travel grant, which is used both for been designated by County Judge Students Home The bureau of standards says the scholarships and for providing in distance at which a sound can be J. H. Wellington, but were un For Holidays struction and material, has also heard depends principally upon able to be present at the meet been increased for the University the sensitiveness of the ear to ing. Adding considerably to the life of Oregon from $5,000 for the sea sounds of different pitches. Or The Columbia County Chamber and gayety of Vernonia this son to $7,500. dinarily the human enr Is most seA of Commerce has been designated Christmas are the many college Scholarships will be given by the sitive to sounds of a frequency of as a registration point for non students who have arrived since Carnegie Corporation to a large from 1,000 to 2,000 cycles a second. soprano high O is approxi resident motor vehicles. Supplies Saturday to spend the holidays number of college instructors in The mately at the lower of these two art, and to others in this field, and freonencies. for this work have been turned at their homes. over by J. L. Storla, secretary Included in the group are Phoe these will tend to build up the of the St. Helens Chamber of be Greenman, Hale Greenman, graduate school materially and still further improve the quality ot stu Commerce, and the work of reg Glen Ilieber, Neal Bush and Mar dents by bringing in this outstand istering and contacting tourists vin Porterfield from the Univer ing group, Dr. Hall points out. will be handled in the office of ity of Oregon; Charlotte Green, the Columbia County Chamber of Norman Green, Catherine Hoff Two Full Moons in Month Commerce. man and Kenneth Whitsell from The period of one full moon tn Membership work is proceeding Oregon State college. Bob Hol-| another full moon Is 20 days 12 in the Columbia County Chamber comb from Pacific university, and hours 4 minutes and 2.87 seconds, of Commerce under A. W. Stone Charles Hoffman from Standford.' of 29.53059 days. When one full I and Charles Van Horn. As a re Enoch Dumas and Wallace Mc moon occurs on the first or second i day of the month, there will he an j sult of their work in Clatskanie Crae of Willamette university' other full moon before that niontl I the past week over 40 members are also visiting in town this] ends. In August, 1928, there nor, two full moons, one on the first ant I have been added from that locali week. th« Other 'I'lr’letb____ ! ty. They will be working in Rain ier during this week and probab ly part of next. They are work ing under the direction of the board of directors and Barney Garrett, secretary of the county A FINE, ROLLICK organization. I KEASEY Winner of Contest at U. to Receive Oriental Voyage CHRISTMAS Oregon Gas and Electric Co. ANNOUNCEMENT! U. O. Again Chosen Summer Art Center Beginning January 1st J. C. PEN NEY GO SCAPPOOSE — Members of •the Parent Tencher association in Scappoose met recently and made definite plans for providing a school cafeteria to serve 165 children. Sarah V. Case, home demonstration agent, cooperated in working out plans which will provide these school children with hot school lunches. Within recent weeks Mrs. Case has given 13 de monstrations of school lunches and carried lunches for any member of the family. MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year to ail GOODYEAR SHOE RE PAIR SHOP Emil Eloranta DEPARTMENT STORE NUMBER 1436 ♦ STORE VERNONIA. OREGON Our joyous Christmas is due to you and we, therefore, wish that yours may be filled with old-fashioned happiness and joy. We will reconstruct our business on a Cash Basis, al lowing us to sell the same high quality of merchandise at greatly reduced prices. ING CHRISTMAS, AND BOUNTEOUS Watch Our Ads DAYS TO FOLLOW. ALL THIS AND MORE WE WISH YOU For Prices That Will Save You Money Armitage Drug Co. Vernonia Market And Grocery