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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1931)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Bernnitia Pacific Coaat Representative Arthur W. Stypaa, Inc. plentiful and wages adequate. Yet it can be merry even for the jobless if those who have share with those who have not. It will be a more human Christmas, no doubt, because sympathy and helpfulness make us all more human. San Francisco OPERATOR’S EXAMINA Among Our Neighbors • Member of National Editorial Association and Oregon State Editorial Association. TION EFFECTIVE PAGE THREE I duration of the winter shutdown. I Work will be resumed around “ous^tOMm^ February first according to thé weather. PUMPKIN PIE D. F. O’Donnell and family will Mrs. J. W. Neurer spend the Christmas holidays with 2 cups Reamed or baked pumpkin relatives at Cornelius. During 1 cup sugar H. W. Jones is now working this time it is intended to have H teaspoon salt with the trail building crew at Pat’s tonsils removed. 1 level teaspoon cinnamon upper I.-P. camp. Norman Pet- Andy Olson and Dick Engstrom 1 level teaspoon ginger tijohn has been transferred to made a business trip to Verno 1 pint scalded milk the engineers. nia last Saturday. 2 large eggs Johnny and Gus Olson and Bill Rub pumpkin through a sieve Camp McGregor was without King are. batching in the same any electric power for two days and add to it the sugar, salt, quarters as last year. Ole Olson due to the heavy snowstorm. spices, milk and well beaten eggs. is living in camp with his broth H. C. Ridenour and H. W. Jones Then fill a large pie plate which er Andy Olson. spent Sunday with their families. has been lined with paste. Bake Smoky O’Donnell recently spent 1 Mrs. E. R. Estey and Mrs. F. in a moderate oven about 40 a few days with his brother with D. O’Donnell shopped in Verno minutes. When cool serve Frank. whipped cream. nia Tuesday. Arvid Johnson and Call Ander Mrs. Theodosia Lambert will I The Eagle will be glad to print son returned here from Buster Creek camp for the winter shut leave Friday to spend the holidays recipes which its readers have in Portland with her daughter found useful. They must be sign- down. A delightful bridge party was and son-in-law who are driving ed by the person sending them. given last Saturday afternoon by from Texas for the occasion. A Christmas celebration is Mrs. Theodosia Lambert. A very attractive luncheon was served planned for Thursday night in O1U/O Large cross-cut> dr»« AW A and carpenter saws first with two tables of cards , the schoolhouse. A program will A unttu gummed, retoothed, following, First prize, a box of be given first, followed by the jointed, set and filed accurate stationery, was won by Mrs. E. presentation of gifts from the ly by machine. Every tooth R. Estey and consolation prize, tree. A late lunch will be served. cuts. Better work. SAW SERVICE a linen towel, by Mrs. Tom Scott. Everyone is invited. The program PORTLAND 327 E. Morri.on St. The guests included Mrs. Bertha begins at seven o’clock. Dutro, Mrs. Wm. McCormick, Mrs. H. W. Jones, Mrs. Frank O’Donnell, Mrs. E. R. Estey, Mrs. T. F. Scott, Mrs. H. C. Ridenour and Mrs. Virginia Gilkerson. Richard P. Engstrom returned home from Cathlamet for the ( amp • • . McGregor Reasons for the failure of some persons to pass the new operator’s examination and to receive a li cense to drive an automobile in Four thousand delinquent tax Issued Every Friday $2.00. Per Year in Advance notices were mailed out to tax Oregon are covered in a tabula tion prepared this week by Hal payers of Columbia county by the E. Hoss, secretary of state. Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post sheriff's office early last week. “While 3,688 applicants have office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. ******* successfully passed the three parts Cars belonging to E. M. of the operators’ examination Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; legal notices. 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding Rhoades of Houlton and G. J. and have been licensed since insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, Nashif of Portland side-swiped July, a number of persons have 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. each other on the St. Helens-Ver- either failed or neglected to com- nonia road Dec. 15. Mr. Nashif pelte the steps necessary in the received several cuts on the face. • tests,” states Mr. Hoss. “Of these RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher • •*•*•* latter, some failed the first time The resignation of Ira E. Mc I on the examination relating to Intire as city marshal and J. W. ithe rules of the road. These per- Barr as deputy have been handed I sons with a little more study of VERNONIA NO LONGER A VILLAGE in to the St. Helens city council. the law would be able undoubted Many Vernonia citizens have been under the im- The resignations are understood ly to pass the examination, but to have come as a result of th« pression that the proposed city budget calls for an in- recent cut in wages of city em they have never returned to take a second examination. We make creased tax. Why there should be an election at all if ployes. j every effort to help them and ******* the budget does not call for an increase is perhaps con i supply applicants with questions Harry Inman of Vernonia was fusing to the non-legal mind, but_____________________ ia is a fact nevertheless. and answers prior to their ex The budget calls for a substantial reduction in taxation, kound over to the ^ran^ ju^ry by aminations. Justice of the Peace Fullerton at but it must be voted on in accordance with six per cent' ¡St. Helens Dec. 16. Inman was “Applicants are privileged to try again and again if necessary limitation law just as if it called for an increase. I alleged to have stolen a gun. until they successfully pass the * * * * * It is a faulty law, we all think, but it exists and it I tests, and our examiners have must be obeyed. Legally Vernonia is still in the isolated) The Prescott mill, according to been instructed to aid in every has received the Rainier Review, village class, and it cannot levy for its operating expenses way possible the applicant who may be taken to counteract any which have required the has difficulty with any part of more serious difficulties later. without special election any taxes except such as a strug orders return of some of the men who the examination.” At present, 233 persons have gling mud-bound village could levy. were laid off some time ago. passed the tests on knowledge of Included in the group who have ******* The surprising part of it is that a number of persons, not completed the steps required the motor vehicle laws and the because they do not like this or that minor detail of the Mrs. Lillian Rader has been in are 54 persons who failed on the vision and hearing tests and are budget, are working hard to put Vernonia back into the stalled as worthy matron of Wis first driving test. These appli driving with temporary instruc village category. They say in effect that if it means no teria chapter 100, O. E. S. at cants are perhaps taking further tion permits until they have suf Rainier. j ¡jaiiii instructions and may return for ficient familiarity with the ac street lights, no marshal, no paid recorder, let there be tual operation of a car to enable no lights, no marshal—and maybe some one will volunteer William Lyman has been chosen examination at a later date. On them to take the driving test. ly a few have failed on a sec his services as city clerk, The budget is not perfect (they 'as worshipful master of the Ma- ond try at questions on the rules These permits are good for 90 seldom are), hence there should be no budget, Let the' sonic lodge at Clatskanie. Mel- of the road and on their second days and require that the appli city limp along without funds, pay for what it must ini I vina L. Steele will be worthy mat- trial at actually demonstrating cant have a registered driver with ' ron of the Eastern Star chapter. iJiieir ability to operate a motor him in the front seat of the’ car promises that no bank would cash, promises that the tax ******* while he is learning. payers must themselves redeem sometime at heavy cost. Thirty-five out of every 100 , vehicle. “An outstanding fact in the to pass the vision tests , Failure Had the law permitted the ballots to be worded, “Shall families in Columbia county have given by the division examiners conduct of examinations thus the council of the city of Vernonia levy upon the taxable radio sets, according to the Ore- has kept several persons from far,” states Mr. Hoss, “is the 4 completing their examination. revelation that even those per property of the said city the sum of $1,536.00 less than gon Voter. the tax for the year 1931”—which is the exact truth—how Albert Tichenor was arrested They have been asked to obtain a sons who have failed to pass cer certificate from some competent tain portions of the tests have many would vote against it? Not many. Dec. 12 by state police officers authority that they would be con seen the value in such examina Birken- It is too bad that the law confuses the issue, and puts at the grange dance in sidered safe drivers and if pos tions and have expressed their well managed and economically administered cities in jeop feld and fined $100 for posses sible to have their vision correct satisfaction with the law and the ardy of having to finance city expenses on a village in sion of liquor. ed. This permits the person who methods which have been follow • •«•*•* come. The hope lies in an enlightened electorate who real The Clatsop county budget was fails to pass the department test ed in carrying out its provisions.” ize that Vernonia is no longer a village. adopted intact at the budget meet to get expert optometrical ad I ing in Astoria Dec. 16, the only vice as to whether he is able to change being that $1500 was ad see sufficiently to drive before MORE SNIPING ded to the $1000 publicity fund a license is refused him. Many with the request that a similar persons have learned for the first during the vision tests that City budgets are not alone the targets of short- sight amount be eliminated from the time they have minor eye troubles, emergency fund or some other ed taxpayers. which while not sufficient to pro item. A motion to abolish the For example, there is the county budget, which a county agent’s office was voted hibit them from driving are such A MERRY that the individual is glad to few farmers are preparing to attack at the hearing Sat down 103 to 30. know about them so that steps CHRISTMAS urday because the county agent, the county nurse, the We say it with all sincerity, county roadmaster and the home demonstrator are still W. D. Pine, for 11 years county trusting that those who agent in Tillamook county, has retained, though on reduced allowances. have contributed to our Certain ones of this group appeared before the bud resigned in order to accept a success will know the full similar position in Humboldt and meaning of the words. get committee and the county court and asked for abolish Del Norte counties, California. ment of these offices. Had the reply been, “Gentlemen, we believe you are right and will adopt your recommenda tions in the interest of economy,” the delegation would have gone home rejoicing that the taxeaters had all been fired and the taxwasters routed. Had there been no fur ther reductions—and the group had nothing to offer along that line—they would have gone home, also, to a $54,000 increase in taxes next year. $60,000 additional had to be raised to take care of outstanding warrants, and the sug gestions for reduction totaled approximately $6,000. The budget committee saw the problem more clearly than did their advisers, and accomplished an effective re duction despite the unavoidable increase in the warrant item. Yet the snipers are still at it, because their own pet economy was not adopted. *•••«•• That portion of the Forest- GrOve-Banks-Vernonia road from Buxton to the Columbia county line has been included in the list of secondary highways recom mended by the Washington coun ty court. Certain designations are being withheld pending decision as to the road to the coast. Eugene ed law in ago, has torney at E. Marsh, who practic Vernonia several years been chosen city at- McMinnville. To buy, sell or trade, us» Eagle classified ads. FOR HAY -------------------- — -------- GRAIN --------- ----------------------- FEED FORD MODEL “T” PARTS AT AS TOUNDING DISCOUNT Spindle with bushings — each 1926-27 Brake Bands with Lining — Each ........... Coil Box — Each .................... Standard Piston with Pin and Bushing—Each Hub Caps — Each .................. Pinion Gear — Each................ Starter Armature — Each Connecting Rods — Each ....... Side Curtains, on hand — Each Cranks — Each ....................... Fan Assembly, old style — Each .. Beauty Shoppe Vernonia Hotel Building Agency for McCormick--Deering ------ TRACTORS ------ f ^77 ' ' e Mor« ftr fu» your you» money a» surprising Surprising More economy, economy. Rate» horn Rates from $2.06 wfU wiU Beth. Bath. $1.00 .... 5c $1.00 $2.00 60c — 25c 25c 25c FORD DEALER Vernonia Oregon Phone 1261 Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. DENTISTA GLENN E. DEAMER B BARBER shop Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed Our Yule+ide Wish PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Physican and Surgeon ■ Willard Batteries Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oil. . . . Expert VERNONIA SERVICE STATION CONTRACTORS JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building Popular priced restaurants. May "Santa” shower you with gifts in profusion New lobby, new furnishings, new serv ice, a nd ne w ma n y-other-th In gs. BAFFORD BROS. and leave enough cheer and joy to last long General Plumbing Vernonia ............................. . Vernonia Bakery Parts for all radios either in stock or manufactured to order. House 18, O-A Hill Residence Phone 1061 DOCTORS DR. J. A. HUGHES C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Vcrnoaia, Oregon TRANSFER — TRUCK Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Rea. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon I RESTAURANTS after Christmas—that is our wish. RADIO SERVICE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon / Absolutely FIREPROOF. Complete M. D. COLE CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Lloyd Baker, Prop. Chen in Portland »top stop at // If "Tiie Tiia Multnomah." Multnomah. 40c $1.00 USED CARS Kerr Motor Co. CARD ROOM 7 / y I DON’T FORGET WE HAVE BARGAINS IN J(Jy T i 7 —/ 1— 50c ALL MODEL “T” FORD PARTS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Have Your Work Done Now — SAVE MONEY Milady’s Vernonia Trading Co. Christmas this year is not as merry for the unemploy ed as have been past holiday seasons when work was —n— TT m T ---- Model T Ford Owners PHONE 681 CHRISTMAS. 1931 Ï Christmas SPECIAL Mary Kato Chop Siiey Restaurant OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 THIRD STREET CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Reiidence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance I HAULING I Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store