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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1931)
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX « FEDERALS TAKE TEACHERS INTO CAMP TO 20-12 TUNE (Continued from Page 1) this second league will be the high school boys and the Outlaws. The Outlaws played the boys a practice game a while back and both teams showing a lot of class. The Outlaws had consider able difficulty in defeating the high school team. The Mildews played a practice game with Doc Cole’s "specials” Tuesday which the Mildews won quite handily. The local basketball team would get organized and play a few games if they could find their ball. Carl Davidson turned it over to someone last year but to date that “someone” hasn’t been found. The indoor team that wins the pennant this year is going to be the team that licks the Federals in our opinion. Crowds are getting larger at the Legion hall these days. The Teachers always get lots of coaching from various high school students every time they play a game. Maybe the Teach ers will be able to return the compliment one of these days. CITY BUDGET GIVEN “O. K.” ON MONDAY (Continued from Page 1) assumed that the additional tax then voted would form a new base. This is not the case, the county assessor has been inform ed, and elections will again be re quired. i 4|J| The base in 1917, when an election on the limitation was first held, was $160.86, accord ing to records in Judge Reason er’s office. The yearly allowance of six percent increase has brought it to the present figure. Levy Is Lower Despite the fact that the el ection asks authority for an in crease, the tax levy asked for according to the proposed bud get is $1,536.00 lower than that of last year. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kerr are the parents of a seven pound, 13 ounce boy born November 19 in Grants Pass, where Mrs. Kerr is staying with relatives. Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer spent Thanksgiving at the home of their daughter, Mrs. T. Mc Graw of Portland. Classified Ads FOR RENT 3 and 4 room Modern houses with bath for rent, also cheap er houses. T. B. Mills. (68tf FOR SALE CHESTER WHITE PIGS—A. E. Hiatt, one mile from Natal, 3 miles from Mist. (702* TURKEYS—For dressed or live Turkeys get your order in early. See me %-mile north of Golf course, or write F. B. War- field, Star Rt. Vernonia. (683* hunger. I’ve ketched the rheuma- tlz. Go nml get the ax and put me out o' my misery, Mrs. Samp.” I Mr. Samp did not tell her, as he I later told others, that he had seen •> I a mereman of great size rise out Meetings, social events, ath of the sea and tip the shallop with his hands. She was already “too letic contests, charity sales, etc., skeered o' water.” of community interest or public JI Tale oj the Beqinninq Invited to ho his executioner, benefit will be listed under this Mrs. Samp's heart and coun- oj New England head free of charge. This offer tenance underwent a sudden does not include enterprises for change. “What Is a house for I would like private gain, or mention of ad to know, Mrs. Samp? And what Is bq Irvinq Bachelier mission or other fees. a man's wife for?” He turned to her with a severe City budget election, Nov. 27, look. WNU Service 1 to,6 p. m., city hall. “Alnt' they to be lived In and to Copyright by Irving Bachelier be lived with? And wluit is a man Christian Endeavor society of for? Is he Intended to be fish or Christian church taffy pull, to THE STORY a huimin. Mrs, Samp? He ain't got night, at home of Mrs. H. Veal. no gills in his throat, has he?" “Don't lie to me, .lolin Samp— Christian church bazaar, food don't The steps In Mr. Samp’s philoso lie to me." she demanded. sale and cafeteria lunch, Sat., “You’ve took and roolnged yerself phy were never Interrupted by his with drink and women. It’s writ wife. He did not expect an an Nov. 28, Van Alstine building. swer at anv of these Interrogation Legion Auxiliary at Mrs. E. all over ye. Don't talk to me." Now Mrs. Samp really desired points leading up to a resounding II. Washburn’s, Nov. 30. that he should talk to bar with no period. “I say the place for a man’s feet Evangelical church W. M. S. unnecessary delay. She was burn on the ground, Mrs. Samp, and thank offering service Sunday, Ing for Information. Her words Is been Intended only as a mild the thing to be sucked into his Nov. 29, 7:30 p. m. Guest day had warning that she was not to be lungs is air, not water." and dinner, church parlor, Wed., easily deceived. He looked at the woman with On such occasions Mr. Samp a severe expression which seemed Dec. 2, 1 p. m. maintained a profound gravity of to say, “It’s hard to put up with Indoor baseball, Legions vs. deportment. you, but for the Lord's sake I'll Teachers, Tuesday, Dec. 1, Le With a look of Injured Innocence do It.” Convinced of his purity by his gion hall. Athletics vs. Federals, on Ids big red face he sank in a chair and said nothing. His wife loud words and Innocent look Mrs. Wednesday, Dec. 2. brought a wooden trencher Pythian Sisters at Mrs. James paused and looked at him and Senip and tin-covered Iron spoons and called out: Nanson's, Dec. 3, at 2 p. m. bread and beer and meat to the “Well, have ye nothing to say?” Pythian Sisters bazaar and din In a loud voice he began: “I've table. Such was life on the basest ner, Dec. 5, former Mellinger been swallered and puked up by the sea. I'm roolnged. I've been of the parish. store. The constable and his wife gave shipwrecked nnd cast on a lonely Special Woman’s day program Island. I've purislied o' cold and to their neighbors and to their by W. M. S. at the Christian friends in the church confirmation Church Sunday night, Dec. 6. attended a Seiberling dealers con of the public feeling about Robert Heathers—that there could be no W. C. T. U., Mother and vention in Portland Tuesday. F. question Ids guilt. Moreover, A. Seiberling, head of the com Mr. Samp of daughter banquet, Dec. 8. declared that certain fish Loyal Gleaners, Christmas pany, in Akron, Ohio, was pres ermen had heard him confess It. Samp reported to the court meeting and election of officers, ent. day. The governor questioned Dec. 9, with Mrs. Phil Taylor, Dudley Spofford, who was in that 1dm. JI Candle in the ? 23 Arkansas Avenue. Nehalem club Dec. 9 at Mrs. Ray D. Fisher’s. Columbia County Sheep and Goat Raisers association, Dec. 10, Masonic temple. Evangelical church W. M. S. bazaar, Dec. 12, former Dixie Grill. Mrs. Judd Greenman drove to Portland Wednesday to meet her daughter and son, Phoebe Green man, and Hale Greenman, who returned from the University of Oregon for the Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. Ramona Miner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Miner, came home from Portland Nov ember 19, for an extended with her parents. Mrs. J. F. Chariot had her ton sils removed by a local surgeon on November 19. H. D. Eggleston of Riverview underwent an operation at Eman uel hospital, Portland, Tuesday. He was hit in the stomach while cranking an automobile, and it is feared internal complications may result. Mrs. Ed Potter cut her right hand badly with an ax Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burnside spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. Burnside’s brother in Portland, R. H. Burnside. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson STOCK TURNIPS—1 mile north of Golf Links. John D. Baker. (683c At Service or Sale—registered Spotted Poland China male hog, 3 jears old and weighs 350 lb s. Price $20. Phone Elmer Berger- son, 14F1555. (692c LOST AND FOUND FOUND—Two small keys, at State and C streets. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Eagle office. (70tf Realistic Permanent With RINGLETTE ENDS A Steam Wave (Continued Thompson’« Chocolate MALTED MILK—1-tb tin . SEEDLESS RAISINS—Red 4 White, 4-th Pkg. CORN FLAKES — Red & White ........... 2 for RICE FLAKES — Red A White 2 for BRAN FLAKES—Red & White 2 for DEVILED MEAT — Red A White M’e 6 for COFFEE- Red A White — 1-th Pkg. BLUE A WHITE COFFEE — 1-lb Pkg. BIG BARGAIN BLEND COFFEE — MILK — Red A White, large «iae tin________ 3 for FRESH MEATS------ Gov’t. Inspected PORK ROAST — Choice PORK STEAK SIDE PORK PORK CHOPS BEEF STEAKS — Loin and Rib, lender CHOICE BEEF ROAST BOILING BEEF HAMBURGER—No Water, No Cereal SHORTENING ......... tt> lb lb K ........ n> ....... tb tb 2 Iki. 3 lb«. 14c 15c 15c 18c 18c 14c lie 25c 25c We Deliver Safeway Savings Are Not Occasionally Hut Consistently Greater PRICES EFFECTIVE FOR SATURDAY, MONDAY—DECEMBER 28 and 30. Free Prunes Free Pacific Northwest Prune Week Begins Next Monday. Safe way Stores Are Offering Their Customers A Wonderful Saving On Prunes And Are Giving Away ABSOLUTELY FREE 20-pounds of Fancy Italian Prune» Investigate and Save! J.C.PENNEYGO. DEPARTMENT STORE NUMBER 1136 ♦ STORE VERNONIA. OREGON BEANS .HEX of flic Woods Fonte Here and Sure Fancy re-cleaned small white beans. at these low prices— 4 Wool BOOT SOCKS 49c 10-oz. REPELLENT PANTS $3.49 10-oz. REPELLENT COATS SLICKER COATS Best Made $1.98 TIN PANTS $2.49 LEATHER COATS Oil Tanned $3.98 $5.90 West Coast Shoes 12-inch Tops FORESTER SHOES 12-inch Tops $13.50 $14.75 lbs 9 23c 43c STOP! LOOK! READ! 27c 9c Buy a supply LBS. COFFEE SUM-MORA BLEND—A good coffee for less ........................ 2 lbs . APPLE BLEND—A perfect blend of the finest high altitude coffees. GUARANTEED to satisfy—LB..................................................... mv C TAPIOCA OR SAGO — Extra fancy. A real bargain ................... 2 LBS 15c FLOUR LBS. 49 c ORANGES New Crop Navels — Serve Oranges or the juice for health's sake. QQ /» 2tt*S — DOZEN ............................................... Fancy Florida Russetts. 1 Large size, 54’s — EACH ................................ LVzC Housewife food value. Ldrge No. 2 tins 9c Bai»in» Max-i-muM—Fancy Thomp son’s Seedless. 15-oz. Pgks. 9c Sardine» Max-i-muM — Packed in tomato, mustard or natural sauce. Large oval tins. EACH GRAPE FRUIT Mrs Bean» B & M Limas — Rich in EACH SUGAR 10 SEE WHAT YOU CAN GET FOR EACH APPLE — — Milled from the Northwest’s finest wheats. Every sack GUARANTEED— LB. SACK e Extra fine, pure cane, in sanitary cloth bags. (Limit) 6 Things, 39c 33e 15c 19c 19c 25c 33c 23c 19c 20c Mr. and Mrs. John Hatfield and daughter Johnny Belle returned from Eugene on last Monday evening. They were accompanied home by John’s younger bro ther Charlie, who will make his home with them for a while. The weekly Pot Luck Lun- To buy, sell or trade, Eagle classified ads. You Can Be Sure Of Saturday Special Prices ( amp Eight John Baker has brought to the Eagle office a 24 pound turnip and a 17 pound cabbage. Jake Neurer also brought in some vetch eight feet tall, and a giant rutabaga. Bridge St. Lowest Prices At the card party given Thurs day evening by the Vernonia Athletic club in the Campfire cabin, there were 10 tables of bridge and one of 500 in play. Prizes for bridge were won by Mrs. M. A. Gregory and E. E. Yeo and consolation prizes by Mrs. Fred Spring and James Nanson. Sandwiches, cookies and cider were served by Mrs. E. H. Con- dit, Mrs. J. A. Hughes and Mrs. E. E. Yeo. cheon was held at the home of' meeting at the home of Mrs. Mrs Charles Mackie of Vernon-j Emil Mackey on last Thursday. ia Wednesday. After the de A lovely luncheon was served lightful lunch “500” was played. at noon. High score was won by Mrs. A birthday party was given sat- Pringle and the consolation prize' urday night for Mr. Charles by Mrs. Hatfield. Mackie and Ira Rollins at the Mrs. Clifford Streadwick vis Mackie home in Vernonia. Those ited friends in Vernonia on Tues- attending from Camp were Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Olson Stanley Olson, Chet Evereart, entertained on Wednesday even- and Mr| and Mrs. Earl Pringle ing Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rollins of and Miss Evelyn Olson. Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge have Hatfield and Mr. and Mrs. Earl returned again to Camp after Pringle. A pleasant social eve a two weeks absence. ning was enjoyed. Bill Lumm of Chapman was a Mr. and Mrs. Monkegs of visitor in camp last week. His Heppner, Oregon are visiting at knee is progressing nicely. All the home of their daughter, Mrs. danger of it being stiff is over. Robert Wood, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mackie i Chester Evereart and ,Miss Eve are again living in Camp. They lyn Olson motored to Portland moved into the house vacated Sunday and enjoyed a show. by the Archibalds. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gwinn and Mrs. Pringle and Mrs. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Via Ennis spent were luncheon guests at the Rol the week end at Goble visiting lins home in Vernonia Monday. relatives. Mrs. Piert and George Baker Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rollins of were luncheon guests at the Vernonia, Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Lee home on Monday. Pringle accompanied Mrs. Hat The weekly card party held its field to Portland Friday. MORE BIG PRODUCE Annette Phone 431 BRIDGE PARTY Next Week) BEAUTY SHOPPE RED AND WHITE STORE Save on Choice Foods jured several weeks ago, return ed to the hospital in Astoria last week for further treatments. He is home now, but still unable to work. Mike Lillig moved his house- hold goods to Portland last Fri- day. H. O. Matthews of the City Lumber company of Tacoma' vis ited over the week end at tile home of his sister, Mrs. J. H. Burnside. $4 and $5 ADAMS' Highest Quality Wilderness ATHLETIC CLUB 9c Sainton Happyvale, Fancy Alaska Pink. No. 1 Tall Tins — EACH 9c Olire» Highway — Extra choice quality, ripe fruit. No. tall tins. EACH â Choice Meats WHEN YOU ORDER MILK AND CREAM FROM THE NEHALEM VALLEY ICE & CREAMERY CO. 1. —Milk that is uniformly rich in quality. 2. —Milk that is clean and pure. 3. —Milk that will keep. 4. —Cream that will whip. 5. —Bottles that are scientifically cleaned and sterilized. 6. —Dependable service. CAN YOU BE SATISFIED WITH LESS? NEHALEM VALLEY ICE & CREAMERY CO VERNONIA PHONE 471 STORE NO. 225 PHONE NO. 741 WE DELIVER QUANTITY ORDERS FREE v