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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1931)
Derno i VOLUME IX. City Budget Given 0. K. On Monday Attorney Declare» Meas ure To Be Legal As Published a aie VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1931. NO STARVATION CASES IN,COUNTY SAYS MISS ALLEY Although there is much need in the county owing to the unem ployment situation, there are no cases of actual starvation, re ports Miss Nettie Alley, who was in town Wednesday afternoon. The young woman found Tues day in a vacant house near Rai nier, reported in the daily press as critically ill from exposure and loss of food, is demented, Miss Alley believes. PYTHIAN SISTERS’ Upon the advice of Attorney BAZAAR IS DEC. 5 W. W. Dillard of St. Helens that the city budget as published The Pythian sisters are to hold October 30 and November 6 in a bazaar Saturday, December 5, the Eagle was legally drawn up, in the former Mellinger Hard the city council sitting as a levy ware store. Inexpensive Christ ing board at an adjourned meet mas gifts will be featured, and ing Monday night voted to adopt dinner served. it. The motion was made by E. The following ladies will have W. Holtham and seconded by T. A. Gordon. The vote was 3 to charge of the different booths: 0, Councilman B. J. Cline being Mrs. E. S. Thompson, candy; Mrs. James Nanson, cooked food; absent. Mrs. Tom Crawford, aprons; Mrs. Objections Raised Friday Objections to the budget from C. S. Hoffman, fancy work; Mrs. a legal standpoint were raised Jack Nance, fish pond. The din at the hearing Friday night by. ner will bo in chahge of Mrs. Judge W. A. Harris. He maintain Dan Brown. ed that the budget should con tain a carry-over consisting of Sewing Enjoyed by cash on hand and delinquent Loyal Gleaners taxes due, and that the sum I should be deducted from the tax An afternoon of sewing was to be raised. He also declared enjoyed by the Loyal Gleaners that the so called “Original Es who met at the home of Mrs. timate Sheet,” a comparative Ray Charlesworth Tuesday after statement for three years, should I noon. be published as well as the pro In answer to roll call members posed budget for the coming told something they had for which year. they were thankful. W. J. King wanted to know Plans for the next meeting to what had become of the money be held at the home of Mrs. Phil saved from the 20 per cent cut Taylor, 23 Arkansas avenue on in salaries voted last summer, December 9, were made. Officers and also from abolishing the for the new year will be elected position of deputy marshal and; at that time and Christmas gifts city attorney. He stated that heI will be exchanged by the mem could see no reason why $400 bers. Roll call response will be att a verse of scripture on the birth should be voted for a orney one year and never used, of Jesus. There will be no meet and a second $400 voted on top ing on the fourth Wednesday in of that, unless the council in December. tends to pay $800 for an attor Mrs. Charlesworth served re ney. Emil Messing expressed the freshments to the following mem opinion that after the year is bers: Mrs. S. J. Smith, Mrs. up money budgeted for certain George Laird, Mrs. F. Claude purposes but not used goes back, Stephens, Mrs. E. Knight, Mrs. into the general fund, and this Otto Michener, Mrs. A. S. Kos opinion was concurred in by ter, and Mrs. Phil Taylor. Judge Harris. Miss Malmsten Consideration Postponed Because of the question as to Receives Gifts the legality of the budget as Miss Louise Malmsten received drawn, the council voted to hold an adjourned meeting Monday a number of beautiful gifts at a night after engaging an attorney bridal shower given in her hon to be present and give advice. or Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. E. Attorney Dillard, upon appear E. Garner and Mrs. M. D. Cole at ing before the council at the Mon the home of the latter. The gifts day session, declared that there included a complete glass set from is no law compelling a carry-over 12 of her friends. Games were fund to be entered into the bud played during the afternoon and get as a cash asset, and also a molded salad, sandwiches and stated that the budget as pub tea were served by the hostesses to the following: lished complies with the law. Mrs. C. Malmsten, Mrs. S. Resolution Passed The resolution passed by the Malmsten, Mrs. West, Mrs. Lind council was to the effect that strom, Mrs. F. Malmsten, Mrs. A. the levying board adopts the Soule, Mrs. S. Spencer, Mrs. G. city budget in full and each item W. Plumer, Mrs. L. A. Rogers, thereof, as prepared and submit Mrs. W. W. Wolff, Mrs. A. J. ted by the budget committee of Hughes, Mrs. J. Greenman, Mrs. said city as of October 26, and E. M. Bleile, Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, that said budget be forwarded to Mrs. R. F. Nance, Miss Mildred the county assessor for the pur I Tousley, Miss Lois Malmsten, pose of making and preparing Mrs. E. H. Condit, Mrs. J. W. the city levy for the fiscal year Brown, Mrs. Ira Mann, Mrs. D. Marshall, Mrs. E. Ray, and Mrs. 1932. E. S. Thompson. Election As Scheduled Miss Amy Hughes, Miss Mild Election on the question of exceeding the six percent limit red Drake, Miss Ruth Holaday, ation will be held this Friday Mrs. M. F. Wall, Mrs. B. J. Cline, as scheduled. Had a new budget Mrs. E. H. Washburn and Lou been drawn up to include a ise’s birthday friend sent gifts. carry-over fund, re-publication and a second hearing would have Rebekahs Hold been required, and the election Card Party would accordingly have been The Rebekahs held a very suc postponed. Authority to exceed the lim cessful card party in the I. O. O. itation will be absolutely necess F. hall Saturday evening. There ary, according to the city offi were eight tables of bridge and cers, if the city government is to seven of 500. Bridge prizes were function. In case of failure, won by Mrs. E. E. Yeo and the city would be restricted to a Charles Richardson and consola general fund of $1,758.43, the tion prizes by Mrs. Dan Brown present base, utterly inadequate, and Fred Spring. Five hundred they point out, to cover the nec- prizes were won by Mrs. E. A. McDonald and Mr. Douthit. essary expenses. Sandwiches, cake and coffee Other Elections In Past Investigation of the city rec were served by Mrs. Mae Mellin ords reveals that elections regard ger, Mrs. Irene Spencer and Mrs. ing the limitation were held each M. Miller. Mrs. E B Miner, Mrs. H. Fo year until 1925, when it was gel and Mrs. E Sunell had charge (Continued on Page 6) of the arrangements. EARLY SHOPPING, MAILING URGED I “Shop early and mail early," advises Postmaster Emil Messing, “as employes will have Christmas day off.” According to information sent out by the postmaster general, the volume of mail increases approx imately 200 per cent during the holiday time. To handle this great mass of mail matter effi ciently and promptly within a few days time is impossible, he states. Therefore he advises that in order to assure delivery of presents, ■ cards and letters Christmas day, I they should be in the mails at ' least a week or ten days before I Christmas. | CONCERNING THE BUD GET ELECTION The budget asks for a tax of $1,536.00 less than that of last year. The in crease asked for is increase over the base, NOT in crease over last year's tax. The election will be to- day, from h to 6 p. m., as originally scheduled. Refusal to grant the in- crease over the base means a general fund of only $1,758.43, x computed on an annual six per cent in crease when Vernonia was a tiny village. GIRL TIPS PAN AND IS SCALDED NUMBER 70. SHEEP AND GOAT RAISERS ASSOC. TO MEET HERE The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Turner was severe ly burned at her home at the Turner shingle mill Sunday when she accidentally tipped over a pan of scalding water. She had climbed up on a wood box to look out of the window and slipped striking the pan of hot water which spilled over her back, so that she is quite badly burned from shoulder to waist. The annual meeting of the Columbia County Sheep and Goat Raisers’ association will be held in the Masonic Temple, Verno nia, 10:30 a. m., Thursday, De cember 10. There will be im portant business to transact and the annual election of officers will be held in the forenoon. A number of speakers will be pres- ent and there will be a good I * * program and discussion of prob lems in connection with the sheep Teachers Entertain and goat industry of the county. At Bridge Arrangements will be made for Miss Enid Bolton, Miss Con- all to eat dinner together—chev- on and lamb will be served. stance Bougher, _____ _____ Miss Mildred Drake, Miss Charlotte Hilts and I All those interested are invited Miss Alma White entertained with to be present, a bridge party Friday night, No vember 20. I Unattached Stove Mrs. Fred Sprng and Ira Tuck Pipe Causes Alarm er received prizes for high score and Fred Spring and E. H. Con Smoke pouring from the house dit tied for the consolation. occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Others present were Mrs. Ira Perry, on Second street next Tucker, Russell Mills and Ray to the laundry, occasioned the Mills. Refreshments were served | turning in of an alarm Tuesday by the hostesses. afternoon. Investigation disclosed that the stove pipe leading into the attic had not been connect Garrett Outlines ed with the flue, and the attic had been filled with smoke. Harvest Home Service Held Here Sunday Reasons for Thanksgiv ing Recounted by Pastor With the possible exception of the Israelites, no nation has ever been so blessed from the beginning as has the United States, declared MEN’S PROGRAM AT THE NISSEN WEDDING Rev. G. W. Plumer at the Har IIMBtK r.-l. The following item appeared i TIMBER P.-T. A. A. vest Home service in the Evan in the Yamhill Spokesman for ' gelical church Sunday. I TIMBER—(Special.)—A l men’s November 12: _ , . p v-rx r»ro m This year is no exception, Mr. v..c . fnafni-inn. featuring o a demonstra- marriage , P 1. roi? - ram . •_ “An account of the of Miss“ Louise Henry, niece “of'tion by Boy Scouts- recitation by Plumer believes. For the most part there has been an abundant Mrs. C. W. Eustice, to William Roy MilIer> harP 8ol° by GeorSe harvest. While some are in need Nissen of Vernonia, appeared ini Stanton, talk on the lumber sit- we have plenty and to spare if the Sunday Oregonian. The couple L- R- Kern- recitations properly distributed, he declared. were married about two weeks by Clifford Brown and James There have been no serious epi ago. The bride is the oldest Wilson, talk on education by F. demics or other great calamities daughter of Mrs. Mary Henry of ,R- Chamberlain, and a boys’ quar- during the past year. America Los Angeles, and she has many,^5’ Ra'l>b blOSS’ is on friendly terms with all oth friends here who wish her well. Glen Moss and Miles Davies, was er nations of the world. The The couple will reside in Verno given at the Parent-Teachers as various community chests have sociation meeting last Friday. nia.” been more easily filled than in After the program, games wer. Relief Work Plan any previous year. played under the direction of Mrs. Nance Hostess Mrs. F. Montgomery for the ad- For these various blessings Mr. “Relief work for needy fami To Just 8 Club ults and Mrs. E. Wilson for the Plumer declared that the people lies will proably be one of the children. Mrs. Lola Nance entertained of the United States should give Refreshments of cake and cof major activities of several or the members of the Just Eight thanks. ganizations during the next few Bridge club with a waffle supper fee were served. Previous to the sermon, Flor months,” states B. O. Garrett, I at her home Thursday night of Judge John Philip, 80, died at ence Wall read President’ Hoov secretary of the Columbia county last week. his home in St. Helens last Fri Kensington Club er’s Thanksgiving proclamation, chamber of commerce. Working At the close of the play which day as the result of injuries re At Mrs. Harris’ with the different groups in St. followed Mrs. J. C. Henderson and Allie Simmons read Governor ceived when he was struck by an Meier’s. There was special music Helens he has drawn up a plan of automobile October 10. He was The Kensington club met at operation that is simple and work held high score and Mrs. J. L. by both the senior and junior Timmons, low. much interested in the outcome the home of Mrs. W. A. Harris choirs. able for communities such as of the recall i election against Thursday, November 19. Produce Displayed exist in Columbia county. The VISIT UNCLE Commisioner J. N. Miller, and A large display of Nehalem The afternoon was spent sew plan is briefly as follows: was on his way ’ down town to ing for the bazaar to be held Sat Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGraw valley produce was exhibited in Some organizations, or per learn the returns when the ac- urday, December 5. haps the mayor, should call a motored Saturday to Oakville, the front of the audience room. cident occurred- On account of Washington, where they visited Special features were squash After the meeting delicious re- meeting for one representative advanced age he failed to rally Mrs. McGraw’s uncle, Wesley raised by a man 86 years old, from each lodge, or other organi sufficiently, and for several days freshments were served by the Schlegel. Mr. Schlegel, a log Texas field corn over 13 feet zation, both men’s and women's, preceding his death was in a hostess. ging superintedent of long ex tall, raspberries grown at this in the community. These repre Those present were Mrs. H. critical condition. perience, leaves December 10 for time of year and canned fruit the Culbertson, Mrs. A. L. Kullander, sentatives would form the cen the Philippines, where he will be put by a man without assistance. Judge Philip came to tral body. They should divide the Mrs. Van Peebley, Mrs. W. L. United States in 1882 from A fa employed for three years logging 110 at Dinner in Van Doren, Mrs. M. D. Cole, town into districts and appoint teak and other hardwoods. erdeen, Scotland, settling 110 of the congregation re investigators to work each dis Maine. He moved to St. Helens Mrs. T. M. Crawford, Mrs. Wm. mained for the church dinner, the The investigators should in 1906. For six years he was Culver, Mrs. James Nanson, Mrs. trict. largest number ever present, Mr. be people who have telephones county judge, retiring at the end Dan Brown, Mrs. E. S. Thomp- Plumer states. and who are reasonably well ac of 1930. His widow, two daugh son, Mrs. C. S. Hoffman. County Agent George A. Nel The next and last meeeting quainted in their districts. ters, one son and a brother sur son spoke on the value of thia Arrangements could be made before the bazaar will be held vive. kind of service. The Evangelical Services were held Sunday in at the home of Mrs. James Nan for a welfare office, or desk, in church, he declared, is the only the St. Helens Methodist church son Thursday afternoon, Decemb some office that is already oper one in the county that puts on and interment was in the Odd er 3, at 2 p. m. All Pythian ating, and someone should be on anything of the kind, as far as hand at this office at stated Sisters are urged to attend. Fellows cemetery at Warren. He reported Breaking of a choke rod stalled he is informed. periods, probably three hours this to be the finest of the three the fire truck Tuesday on the each afternoon of the week. All similar occasions he has attended. applications for relief work should way to the false alarm. Most of Other guests made brief im be sent to this place. When an the boys got out and pushed, promptu talks. but Harry Phelps stuck faithful application comes in, whoever is at the office would contact the ly at his post, ready to wind the investigator and get a report on siren the instant the truck got Greenman Chosen Won Lost Pct. game and he was well supported the things needed by the person under way again. *•*•*•* 1.000 by Macpherson behind the bat. or family applying for relief. Athletics 1 0 Aunt Sally Spencer says she As Budget Member 1.000 For the Teachers Fred Spring Legions .. 1 0 Materials that can be donated .500 was easily the outstanding star, for this work should be gathered has lived here 51 years, too long 1 Federáis .. 1 Judd Greenman, general super .000 He handled several difficult up through appeals made through to believe Rev. G. W. Plumer’s 2 Teachers .. 0 chances afield without a bobble the newspapers and through or yarn about ostrich eggs raised in intendent of the Oregon-American Lumber company, was chosen by The second week of the indoor and performed his batting duties ganizations, and stored in some the Nehalem valley. the county court Thursday of season got under way Tuesday in equally excellent shape, get conveniently located building. A evening when the Federals took ting four hits and four runs in record of material on hand, and Mr. Plumer’s account of the last week to fill the vacancy on the Teachers into camp to the five trips to the plate. Condit that issued should be kept and canned fruit put up by a bachel the county budget committee oc While was a close runner up with three every effort made to get in the or without any feminie assis casioned by the resignation of tune of 20 to 12. the Teachers’ team seems to have hits and three runs in four times supplies that are running low. A tance was unchallenged, however. Leo Gallagher of Rainier. He and the other members of wonderful potential strength, in at bat. record should also be kept in the Many of the ladies in the audi- the committee, Martin White of fruit their first two starts they have ence gathered around the office that would contain the fol The sedre by innings: failed to click for some reason Teachers and wondered how it could have St. Helens and Clarence Evenson 031 301 220—12 lowing information: of Clatskanie began drawing up or other. In the game they play Fédérais 725 040 20x—20 I Name of applicant, nearest been done. the budget Monday, in coopera ed last week they had the game Batteries: Kilgore, McEntire telephone, how long a resident of Jack Kerr says that the youngs tion with the county court. They in the bag until they blew up in and Condit, Mills; Bateman and the city, whether married, if so, the ninth inning and let the Ath Macpherson. the number of children and their ter has not been named yet, “un expected to finish Wednesday letics overtake them. ages, whether receiving relief at less Mrs. Kerr has named him.” evening. In Tuesday evening’s game the SPORT SHOTS the present time, name of the Which may mean that dad hasn’t PACIFIC NORTHWEST Teachers had considerable diffi As this goes to press the Ath- investigator, relief given, and the anything to say about it. PRUNE WEEK FEATURED culty in retiring the Feds in the letics and the Legions are bat- date. Discussions in Ed Holtham’s first inning, the latter garnering tling it out for top place in the Mr. Garrett states that he is Pacific Northwest prune week, a total of seven runs before they Indoor league. willing to come to any communi store on the budget question are initiated last year in Roseurg for reported to have blown the roof could be subdued. The Federals A second indoor league will ty to help organize a bureau to off, hence the re-shingling. the purpose of promoting the con also scored twice in the second soon be formed to consist of an handle this problem and will bring sumption of Oregon prunes, is to inning and then added five more forms of records that have been i other four teams. They will be be featured in Vernonia next Sandy Macpherson puts up in the third to sew up the old ball the Outlaws with Harry Kerns, drawn up this far. week, according to Wm. F. Jen game. Membership work in the cham- two turkeys for a turkey shoot captain; High School boys, cap kins, supervisor of the Safeway The Federals were considerab tain and manager unkown at ber organization is still going Sunday stores in this district, who was in both of them himself. Sandy ly stronger Tuesday than they ahead. Monday noon, November present writing; Doc Cole's “spe town Wednesday. true to his name and race were at their opening game. They cials” with Doc himself as mana 23, Secretary Garrett spoke be right. Mr. Jenkins states that last have added Mcpherson, Bush and ger; and the Mildews with Chas. fore the members of the “Rainier year, when Prune Week was first Roberts to their lineup. The lat chamber of commerce and follow Richardson as captain. As soon as promoted, the nine stores in his WAYSIDE GLIMPSES ter is a hold over from last this league gets under way, spe ed this with membership work in district including Roseburg sold year and the former two are ex J. C. Henderson astride the 18 tons of prunes—usually a slow cial names will have to be in Rainier the next few days. Acacia players. The addition of Many applications for home roof over Ed Holtham’s store, seller in that region. vented for each league. Macpherson was an especially Our amiable editor says he stead lands under the plan pro nailing the ridge row down . . . He believes that a similar plan good move on the part of Mana wouldn’t consider it advertising posed by the grange have been Bert Mills surveying damage could be tried for Nehalem val ger Bateman as this gives him if the Mildews should announce received. Close contact with the done to his desk before the roof ley products, such as honey, and a first class catcher. through this column that they committee is being maintained, was patched . . . Curly Buffmire consufnption promoted in the There were no outstanding play and should the plan prove prac riding the rear end of Wilbur same way. need some more players. ers on the Federal team, all of Apparently the fastest clubs of I ticable every assistance will be Davis’s truck • . . Doc Eby driv- the boys coming through in good I rendered in working it out to the ling a new eight cylinder sedan, Mrs. H. Veal was a Portland style. Bateman pitched a nice best advantage for the county. *Doc says it isn’t his. (Continued on Page 6) visitor Saturday. Feathers . . and Federal» Take Teacher» into Camp to 20-12 Tune .Talons