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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1931)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX i likely to have no idea what it is I t «W-lVino* PanPMR fnr I--------------- Mr. and Mrs. Nicar, former lo hunting expidition up Clear creek W alKing raperS IVT ¡Celebrates 80th cal residents who have spent the Thursday. Crippled Children Birthday The Kensington club will meet summer in Texas, were in Verno nett 83 supervisor of the road dis-1 for the first time this fall with nia Tuesday. P. H. Roberts, better known trict 6, displacing Walter Tracey, N. S. Soden went to Portland (Continuel! from Page 1) Mrs. Wayne B. Lappee gave a Mrs. J. W. Brown, Thursday Wednesday evening to visit his among his friends as “Dad”, cele and Tracey’s friends did not like i 1 evening, October 1, at 7:30. Al! sources that money for its con it—but it is a mighty weak argu- ! brated his 80th birthday Tues I tea for Frances Lappe’s friends 1 Pythian Sisters are invited. wife in St. Vincents hospital. struction would be forthcoming. ment for holding a recall election day. Eighty years is pretty old , Thur^lay of last week, Charlotte i Locke Taylor who has been in Mrs. Soden was not yet able to and Greenman The promised money never mater at an expense of $2000 or more. for some men, but not for Dad ' Green, Pheobe | Weiser, Idaho, during the sum- be brought home. ialized, and the project will hav« The sponsors of the recall, unable who not only enjoys life and I Amy Hughes. ! mer, spent the weekend with Mr. Lloyd Coffman was cut in the to wait. Just how Mr. Miller to impress the county at large good health, but is still able to do Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ludeman of , and Mrs. Phil Taylor before go- leg and Amy Coffman in a finger could have prevailed upon the with their own local squabble, a days work putting in wood. Longview visited here Wednesday , ing to his studies at Albany col- as the result of a collision be Columbia River-Longview Bridge have to resort to concealing of It is not hard to believe that afternoon, while on a vacation . lege. tween their car and a horse near company, the Bethlehem Steel the r own petty motives and dis Mr. Roberts was once known as j tour. Mr. Ludeman was local Ornduff’s Saturday night. The 1 Pythian Sisters met in the company, the state highway com tortion of facts in order to put the “Champion binder of Michi manager of the Oregon Gas and windshield of the car was broken. ( lodge hall Wednesday evening for mission, or some other moneyed the'r scheme across. gan” because of his speed, skill Electric company last spring. Mrs. D. H. May, Oral and Vera a business meeting and social source to underwrite the propo-: In conclusion the argument re and endurance in binding grain The Whitlock and McEntire hour, Plans were made for a Varley went to Pumpkin Ridge sition for the county is not clear. verts back to the machinery it back in the old days when such The implication is that if Mr. em, in the effort to make it the j work was done by hand. Fifty- families, newly weds, were char-| Halloween card party October 28. Sunday. Miller had been off the county real reason for the recall. Fun three years ago this July Mr. Ro ¡varied by a group of friends Mrs. Dan Brown, hostess, served delicious refreshments. court could have accomplished it. ny, isn’t it, that nobody objected berts raked and bound seven acres Tuesday night. The commissioners’ budget al to Mr. Miller on this score till of wheat in one day and the Mrs. J. F. Monger and Gar-! Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rose spent Sunday with friends in Longview. lowance • was increased by the after he had had been nine years I strongest and fastest cutters land are leaving this week for i Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Wolff, budget committee, consisting of in office, in a year when no ma could nat get ahead of him. Globe, Oregon, near Eugene,! George W. Ford, W. A. Wood, chinery is being purchased? Although born in Wisconsin, where Mr. Monger has been work Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mann and Mrs. and O. Henry Oleen. The com- Mr. Roberts spent most of his ing in the mill. Garland will I H. V. Holcomb motored to Port mittee felt 1 that the $1200 pre i youth in Michigan having moved spend the winter with an aunt land Tuesday. viously allowed was too small there when he was six. He in Creswell in order to attend [ Mrs. Judd Greenman drove to and increased it $300. Neither came to Oregon in 1902, buying school there. | Portland Wednesday with her son, Mr. Miller nor T. B. Mills in a piece of land near St. Helens. Dr. M. D. Cole, John Miller Hale Greenman, who was leaving creased their own salaries, as has I He has lived in Vernonia 10 and “Lun” Brown went on a for the University of Oregon. been erroneously asserted. years and has seen the town grow The item of $144.64 mentioned from a village. Mr. Roberts has as drawn for August includes many friends here who extend EVANGELICAL CHURCH mileage at six cents per mile. Some day this little lad on crutch congratulations. Dig up the shoes that What should Mr. Miller do? Draw G. W. Plumer, Pa.tor es hopes to be able to play football. you could use, if they his salary and stay home? The first choir practice was a He is one of the many youngsters Just Eight Club were put in shape, The last item mentioned in-jBIC „ v „„w. — . res- great success. 16 persons being cared for at the Shriner’s hos At Mrs. Fletcher’s Yes, purity be praised. Our lightning stitch is volves the real grudge the recal-1 ponded to the call and a number pital for crippled children in ~ Port- Many a person's life has one from which no lers have against Mr. Miller, butj0^ others will get going, land. Above he is shown with Mrs. Rose Fletcher entertained been saved because pure leather can escape, it is veiled in such generalities' Some 30 persons were present Gilbert Bergerson, Oregon State the Just Eight Bridge club at her medicine has been adminis Sunday guard, who will do his part when apartments on the evening of Thursday evening in the Come in and see that the voter outside of the school board meeting. A number tered at the correct time. we University of Colorado plays Ore September 17. shoes that particular itistrict affected is 1 of plans were laid for future gon State in Multnomah Stadium Mrs. Lola Nance won the prize That’s why doctors suggest straighten strong work. There will also be a num- September 26 for the benefit of the for high score and the consola that prescriptions be filled true, ber of of imp: improvements in the Sun- crinnted kiddies Z">] • [• 1 Al ber HALF SOLES ON tion prize was given to Mrs. J. A. here for they know that _____ rooms. Tans, made black, Hughes, a special guest. A de Sunday morning at the Sunday LADIES’ SHOES only the purest chemicals leave no crack. licious lunch was served by the school hour a statement will be hostess. available are used by us in old ones look like new. made regarding time of these Others present were Mrs. Vir FOR RENT filling prescriptions. No Our price is right. We plans. Be sure to be on hand. 90c gil Powell, Mrs. Harry Kerns, matter where you are Armi treat you white, our Mrs. J. L. Timmons, Mrs. Lloyd FOR RENT—Two houses for rent' Sunday school 9.45 a. m. in of W. W. Wolff. The tage can fill your prescrip patrons never roar, Bakep and Mrs. W. M. Hender cheap in Malmsten’s addition. charge paster will speak on the Subject tion better. Real soles, old pard, so When you fail to save G. W. Foust, phone 778. 61tf , “A Highway Shall be There.” At J. O. Devaney returned to son. keep this ad, it points work Monday after a month’s your souls in church — ill a. m. Both Christian Endea- FOR RENT—Desirable 3-room Ivor societies will meet at 6.30 lay-off from injury. The West Willamette Group toward our door. Come in and see what furnished apartment, 916 Rose I p. m. The subject at 7.30 will be, port mill is on a six hour day At Gamers’ we can do. Shoe. Repaired While You 59tf [“Does it Pay to Give a Worth- shift now, he says. avenue. Wait 1 while Life?” Taking in to account Mr„ and Mrs. E. E. Garner Lloyd Gilham drove the Lindell FOR SALE 1 the life of David Starr Jordon. familv to The Dalles Tuesday. were hosts last Friday evening The choir will sing at both Mr. Lindell’s father passed away to a group of Willamette Uni ver FOR SALE—Standard make Pia I services. sity students, past and present. there, NEXT TO POST OFFICE The evening was spent in for- no near Vernonia. Will sacri A welcome for you remains. C. O. Evers has taken a job as Vernonia, Emil Eloranta, Prop. Oregon clean-up man at the mill in mally in conversation. At a late fice for unpaid balance. A snap. CHRISTIAN CHURCH hour Mrs. Garner served dainty Westport. Easy terms. Write Tallman Pia Hilbert Young was in Keasey refreshments of cream torte and no Store, Salem, Ore. 603c F. Claude Stephen*, Minitter Tuesday. hot chocolate. Guests included Closing services for month of Lavelle Gosa was quite ill one Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer, CUT FLOWERS on sale by Mrs. September — 9:45 a. m. promo day this week. Miss Mildred Drake, Miss Enid W. L. Van Doren, Phone 1136. tion day at Bible school; 10:45 Darrell Devaney received a Bolton, Miss Alma White, Enoch tip Divine morning worship. painful cut with a hatchet Mon Dumas, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. APPLES — Winter varieties, 3- a. Theme for discussion, “Salt.” day. One of the other children Fisher. boxes for $1.00, you pick them. 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor, threw it at a chipmunk but hit Near Golf course, F. B. Warfield. and a good meeting is in view; Darrell in the leg, cutting a deep -------------------------- ---------- ... 602* 7:30 p. m. special services and, 'gash. Mr. Gilham brought him of special interest. Theme, King home. Solomon, the magnitude and won NOTICE Mrs. Lloyd Cummings was a Realistic of his Temple. Vernonia visitor Monday. The building on Bridge street ders This service promises to be of K. Mendenhall has leased formerly occupied by the Reithner consequence to every Mason in his D. place f for three years and will Permanent dry goods store is for sale or this community, who is invited to move to Ontario, Oregon, October be present. lease. 1. > With Church Bible School J. W. Baldwin, Forest Grove. Christian Promotion day is here this com Fancy Blue Rose. Tasty and Nutritious. Enoch Dumas left Sunday RINGLETTE 584* ing Sunday at the Bible school enter his junior year at Willam hour at the Christian church. Fine granulated. For table use and ette university in Salem. Mr. ENDS NOTICE of SCHOOL ELECTION The day is always of interest Dumas has been bookkeeper for POUNDS canning. To Increase Tax More Than Six as the younger pupils in their the J. C. Penney Co. store since classes are figuring how this Per Cent Over That of the was opened here a year ago, $4 And $5 change will effect them, yet there it POUNDS for two months this sum Previous Year is very little bother when the except mer when he attended the Port Notice is hereby given to the good qualities of this change is land session of the University New Crop—Makes a delicious side dish. legal voters of Union High School understood. of Oregon summer school. BEAUTY SHOPPE Next Tuesday, October 4, is Ral District No. 1 of Columbia Coun POUNDS ........ Bridge St. Phone 431 day and we are planning for a To buy, sell or trade, ty, State of Oregon, that an elec ly real Rally day attendance. You tion will be held in said District I will hear about the preliminaries Eagle classified ads. at school building on the 17th at the Bible school hour at pro- day of October, 1931, at 2 to 7 motion day services. Fancy Coiled — delicious with tomatoes. The new liquid bleach, deodorant and o’clock in the afternoon; to vote I A 22-CENT DINNER on the question of increasing the • CLATSKANIE — “A 22 cent cleaning compound. POUNDS .... ......... WITH ___ amount of the tax levy in said company dinner that satisfies” is ”.............. for the ’ -!-~' featured .......... a in / Columbia ’-I.—u:-------- coun District year 1932 by'U being homes this month, according to more than six per cent over the ty BOTTLES Mrs. Sarah Case, county home DEPARTMENT ♦ STORE amount of such for the year im- demonstration agent. The menu mediately preceding. includes chiefly home grown foods STORE NUMBER 1436 VERNONIA, OREGON It is necessary to raise this and reads: Standard Quality . . . with puree. Veal Casserole with Vegetables additional amount by special levy Large No. 21/, cans. Stuffed Tomato Salad Safeway Blend, guaranteed. Ground fresh for the following reasons: Prune-Banana Cream Cookies tvhile you wait. Teaching and other expenses. This dinner, prepared by four CANS .................. POUND ........................................... Dated this 12th day of Septem 4-H club girls, was served during the county fair last week to mem ber, 1931. bers of the fair board, members Attest: of the county court, the legisla Mrs. Chas. Malmsten, tive representative, president of the county bankers association, District Clerk. Fresh Roasted Virginia Peanuts— the extension agents. These H. M. Condit, Chairman, Board and county officials recommend I II of Directors. ¡the ipenu to all Oregon house- POUNDS ................................... S-18-25-0-2-9-« wives. Safeway Family . . . Quality Blend— For all baking. JA POUND Maximum — Tall cans, rich in flavor. 4*7 SACK ... CANS .... Charges Against Miller all about. Mr. Miller voted for] Distorted as to Facts the appointment of a Mr. Bar- Pl & Church Notices Classiiied Ads dxÄ°rn KEASEY Armitage Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY 1 0 SUGAR S9C 8 Annette FREE 1 large bottle of SUNTEX RICE 4 LIMA BEANS 29c 3 SPAGHETTI 19c 2 J. C. PEN NEY GO. 2 Tomatoes COFFEE 29c 3 PEANUTS 2 29c FLOUR MILK ADAMS’ DATES HOME OWNED----------------- WE DELIVER Hallowi — Bulk — New Crop— Blue A White I'oiiiul Ot £«JC SHAKER SALT Olb. Ctn. O £ oc Red * White PINEAPPLE Red & White 9 for 49 — itk’s Sliced Blue * White 214, 2 for 33c CUT BEANS Green & White O for 0*)- No. 2'« & LdL SWEET CORN Green * White •) for 9C_ £ TOMATO SOUP Red and White OUR 9 for 9C- J PRICES ARE SALAD DRESSING Green and White Quart ................ CORN nn ¿uC Ki d and White Tall 15c MILK < for 4 25c SHORTENING White and flaky. Pound ................... PICNICS— Pound ................... 10c 15c BEEF POT ROAST, Pound 12l-c BOILING BEEF Pound ............... 10c LOW In Our Market FLAKES Red and o for White ...... I* EVERY DAY SINBKITE Cleans, Scours and Purifie 2 POUNDS .................................. 19c 3 CANS Specials Sat. and Mon., Sept. 26, 28 COFFEE 23c 4 RED AND WHITE STORE $1.05 Men’s Saits SUITS *14.75 •19.75 Greatest clothing values in over a decade. Fabrics in clude worsteds in medium and dark shades—several models including one shown. This is the Beverly — high set shoulders, form fitting coat, high wsisted trousers —and it’s here at Penney's. Fabrics are worsteds and no velties in newer colorings. Shortening Picnics VEGETABLE (11/ z* POUND .............................. *7 /2C EASTERN Sugar Cured, 3 to 5 Pounds—POUND Beef Pot Roasts Hams Half or whole FROM PRIME BEEF POUND .................. ...... A MILD CURE—not Salty—POUND ......... 1 fT J / — AD / 2 C 23c ►