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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1931)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR territory of the O.-A. company'Mrs. M. McPherson at the golf and Oscar Kellar, Maxine and cerned—something like 19.9 cents Jeannetta John. The afternoon is burned over, which will prob- course Sunday. a hundred dollars of taxes for spent in playing games af ably be started this week end.| Milo john celebrated his birth- was the county agent, 14.9 for the which refreshments were serv Mr. Beach had left last week day Saturday, September 19. His ter county nurse, 9.9 cents for the his duties apparently ended here gUests were Billy Smith. Betty ed. home demonstration agent, etc. and had taken up employment at Thacker, Jeannetta and Clifford For instance, the county nurse, Eagle classifieds get results. Salem where he was summoned Lines, Leeta, Grace and Floe Etta who last year THROUGH THE to return for duty until the burn Pacific Coût Representative RED CROSS, supplied ten needy| is ended. Arthur W. Slype«, Inc. children of the county with glas Dick Engstrom and Wilfred De- Mrs. Wilfred DeClusion San Francisco ses; saw that several hundred i elusion were home from Cath Mrs.' J. .. W. Warnstaff with children were vaccinated at a over Sunday. Harvey shopped in Vernonia cost of 15 cents per child instead lamet F. D. O ’ Donnell and H. C. of from $1 to $1.50 per child, Ridenour finished cutting down urday. _. _. T. F. Scott is clearing away (the ordinary price) administer- ---- — -z------ ¡- — — Member of National Editorial ed toxin anti-toxin at a cost of ?na^ Tu®?da* , al“nK a ¿>r°Pu i brush from the telephone poles Association and Oregon State 50 cents each instead of from ine on . the North Fork which between camp and Keasey. Mrs. R. E. Engstrom, Mrs. J.. $5 to $10, as the individual phy-lwas them two weeks Editorial Association. W. Warnstaff and Mrs. Paul! sician charges, etc.—the county I az°' ., , , Thompson were shopping in Ver nurse works in this county on a1 Among those who hunted in Issued Every Friday $2.00, Per Year in Advance salary which takes almost 151^118 vle‘nity Sunday were Fred nonia Wednesday. cents from each $100 taxes paid.! «“german, Frank Faught and L. M. Admas. Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post Traveling expenses, mileage and William McCormick and fami office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. upkeep of her car are paid by ly moved into camp from Keasey the National Red Cross. Through last Saturday. her efforts several uncomfortable, Bears have been molesting Mr. Advertising rates—Foreign, 80c per inch; local, 28c per inch; highly communicable and very legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding unpleasant sliin diseases have White’s bees at the upper I.-P. Mr. and Mrs. L. Greene have ! insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, been eradicated from the schools camp for the past week. Tues to Vernonia. He is em-1 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. of the county, while with the as day morning Bill McCormick moved You won’t find it difficult to ployed at Clark and Wilson Log-1 sistance of various organizations, killed a young bear which had ging camp. keep within your food budget robbing some bee hives. she has furnished layettes and been John Erickson called at camp Word was received here that if you trade here. Every con clothing to babies and mothers, RAY D. FISIIER, Editor and Publisher on Wednesday and visited with ceivable type of food we offer which, otherwise, the county John Warnstaff broke his left former employes. recently when he fell while would have paid from its tax wrist daily at prices that are cut Mr. and Mrs. E. Treharne and at work on the ranch of a broth- receipts. to a minimum. er-in-law at Powell Butte, Ore family motored to Deer Island The home demonstration agent gon. THE SPAULDING STATEMENT and attended the county fair. is a state project, with the salary Joe Davis got hurt at the Mrs. T. F. Scott and daughter of the agent paid by the state. Bertha are spending a few days Clark and Wilson camp Wednes TELEPHONE 721 The county is called upon for at their home here before re day. Publication Tuesday morning of the statement of C. 9 cents and 9 mills per hundred turning to Portland to resume Mr. and Mrs. E. Bolongia mov —WE DELIVER dollars of taxes for the upkeep their work in a fruit cannery. ed from camp to one of the K. Spaulding of the highway commission is a clear indica of her office. The state has sev Everett Beach returned to houses at Treharne. tion that the Scappoose-Vernonia route, lightly tossed aside en demonstration agents, and if camp Wednesday as fire warden Betty Glassner was absent from Columbia county once throws again until certain logged off school the past week. from any further consideration in the engineers’ report to aside the office it will be im Mrs. Leonard Smith and Mrs. the commission, is not at all out of the running, but has possible to recover. The office severed between the farm and the Harold Smith motored to McMinn designed for the assistance of universities of the state, bringing ville to visit with relatives on the staunch support of a member who is not misled by a is women and the home—offering with it the inevitable loss that Friday. advice and knowledge for the occurs when mean have no re superficial opinion intended, apparently, for political pur Mrs. H. A. Wilson, Mrs. Henry saving of money and time to the sources for trained guidance at John, Mrs. Chas. Holt, Georgie poses. farm and city woman alike on hand, (and there is none so and Gustave Hult motored to questions of canning, sewing and learned that he cannot well profit Portland and went to St. Vin Unquestionably Mr. Spaulding is right in maintaining other home problems. by the wider experience of an cents hospital to see Chas. Holt. that a road costing millions should not be located merely Entirely aside from the much other) it will not be strange if Stanley and Stella Neurer and valuable help given farmers of country children continue to friend from Astoria called at the on the advice of a subordinate engineer. One wonders why the county through the agricul “move to the city” in the hope home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker in so important a matter the heads of the engineering de tural agent’s office, the projects of finding a profession with a Sunday. carried out for the betterment Mrs. Wm. McDaniel spent a “future.” partment have not checked up carefully and impartially on of agricultural pursuits, such as more optimistic —St. Helens Sentinel few days the past week with Mrs. dairying, poultry, grains and Holt at Scappoose. the data by making a first-hand investigation. hay, giving scientific advice Miss Jeannetta John assisted “We have too many long-hair through the state college and Most people have to take the word of others as to Department of Agriculture as to ed men and short-haired women1 running the country.” —Samuel what the terrain along the proposed Wolf creek route is crops, soils, etc., records in he M. Vauclain. What’s the matter Order of Eastern Star A. F. & A. M. of the county agent show with Jong-faced ment? like, and as to what kind of road could be put through it. office Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 an actual cash saving to 705 far —Hillsboro Argus. Regular commu Credible authority reports it decidedly rough, with no pos mers (and therefore taxpayers A. F. & A. M. meets nication first the county) of $37,000 over The two state policemen who at Masonic Temple, sible avoidance of loop after loop in and out of the canyons. of and third Wed a period of four years by pools destroyed the marihuana crop at Stated Communication Rodeo-Buckeroo-3 days nesdays of each If that is the case, the state engineers should find it out, formed for the distribution of St. Helens performed an excellent First Thursday of each month, at Ma government blasting powder. That deed. The drug, derived from and not conceal the truth merely to please persons who amount Fireworks-CanoeCanal month. Special called sonic Temple. alone is sufficient to pay this weed, while not as enslav All visiting sis meetings on all other Thurs- have their own selfish interests to serve. If it is not the his expenses for several years. ing as some, is particularly dan ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors Boys and Girls Free Day case, and the department has good reason for knowing that When cutting down expenses it gerous in this age of automobiles, ers welcome. most cordially welcome. is always well to “look before it destroys all perception Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. $60,000 Prizes «•* Purses grades would be easy and curvature light, the authority you leap,” and count ALL the because of speed, distance and location. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. backing up the opinion should be sufficient to be un costs, as well as the obvious ones. The marihuana smoker “floats” Night Horse Shows The time will undoubtedly come along in a slow motion world, challenged. Mountain Heart when the farmer and his wife will that appears to be a series of pic take their jobs and the prepara tures rather than reality. Oregon Products Rebekah Lodge No. 243 1. O. O. F, What throws doubt upon the report in the mind of tion for them as seriously as do —Astorian-Budget. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every doctors or registered nurses. But Horse racing second and fourth Thursdays in every one who has traveled over the Forest Grove-Vernonia at present such officials as I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit market road is the utter impracticality of using the present County Agent, County Home Band contest ors always welcome. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. and Fruit Inspector construction as a link between the Tualatin highway and Demonstrator Margaret Lines, Noble Grand. | 246 meets every Tuesday night are, through their “hook-up” with Farmers' day at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall- vis Sunset camp. It is a fair market road, in excellent shape the State Colleges and Agricul Bessie Herrin, Secretary. itors always welcome. ture Departments the only con just now, but far too narrow, too winding and too rough tact most farmers have with any Service Station Chas. Holt, Noble Grand. Pythian Sister« under hard usage for approximately 23 miles of it to serve kind of scienific procedure. G. G. Holt, Vice-Grand. Vernonia Temple 61 meets recent state Grange meet G. M. Holt, Secretary. as part of a short, fast road to the sea. Imagine what a ing At a a unanimous every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in U. S. Royal Cord Tires vote urged the W.O.W. hall. Sunday or holiday traffic jam would be like on the sharp state educational institutions to Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. carry on” in agricultural depart Shell Products turns and steep grades near Timber. It takes no engineer “ ments American Legion Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. —supposedly for the bene Vernonia Post to see that an opinion which advocates the use of this road fit of farm children who are ex- Dependable Mechanics KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS by their parents to fol- 119, American as a main highway to the beaches is not an expert opinion fiected ow them on the farm. HARDING LODGE 11« Legion. Meets Shop Work Guaranteed at all, but is a bit of political propoganda. But if, while these children Meets every Monday are growing up, the contact is 2nd and 4th night in the W.O.W. Mr. Spaulding has set out to block the political high hall. Visiting broth Tuesdays each ers welcome. month, 8. p. m. way scheme. More power to him! M. D. Cole, C. C. Dan Nelson, Ad GENUINE 13-PLATE H. Culbertson, K.R.S. jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. 1 the investment, will answer, in i itself, the question of whether i or not the investment should be ' made. I For that is very small, as far as the individual taxpayer is con- Camp • • • McGregor Iknunüa Eaglr Market Basket at LESS COST Treliarne Nehalem Market Square Deal Willard Battery What Oilier Editors . • . Think . . • • "LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP” Arising from a very laudable desire to eut down expenses dur ing this time of depression, a great deal of time and discussion has been given recently to the suggestion made by certain of the county taxpayers that several county offices be discontinue! for the benefit of the salary to be saved. Although admitting the value of care in spending money, includ ing tax dollars, we sometimes wonder if a real scrutiny was given to the situation, before the suggestions were made in “meet ing." If such scrutiny is given, we suspect that the true issue of whether or not the five county offices under discussion are mak- ing sufficient returns to warrant FOR VERNONIA SERVICE STATION HAY ----------------------- -------- GRAIN --------- ----------------------- FEED PHONE 681 A quarter of a million dollars was recently expended improving this hotel . . New decorations . . New furniture . : New lobby .. New popular priced Coffee Shop.. New service and NEW LOW RATES. For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. RARRFW cunee_______ I____________ DOCTORS PASTIME CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Lloyd Baker, Prop. Physican and Surgeon Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 Chop Suey Restaurant DR. J. A. HUGHES OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon CONTRACTORS HOTELS Diversified Farming Pays JOHN A. MILLER Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT Farm« maintaining dairy cows, hog«, poultry and, in some ins tances «heap or goats, are steadily replacing the single-enter prise farm. Field products instead of being confined to one grain crop, alfalfa, or a one-root or legume crop, include many varieties—each planted in rotation to insure greatest soil fertilization. General Contractor Results of such progressive farm operation are to be seen at the 21st Annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition, Portland. Oregon, October 24-31. Here in addition to the great Land and Dairy Products Exhibits will be found millions of dollars worth of pure-bred Beef and Dairy cattle. Horses, Sheep, Hogs, Goats, Poultry and Rabbits competing for prized ribbons and a share in the $100,000 offered in Premiums. Endorsing wholeheartedly the trend towards greater diversifi cation in farming activities we here at the Bank of Vernonia urge every farmer hereabout to attend this year’s Pacific International. BANK oí VEBNONIA Mason Work, Building BAFFORD BROS. General Plumbing The best for those who appreciate the best. FElTIMj HUT*” f U UAeEATINC L AT HCMI J hotel Vernonia M c D onald MONEY TO LOAN C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail Money to Loan Vernonia, Oregon On improved real estate; long tir.e and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St. Helens Oregon. DENTISTS RESTAURANTS M. D. COLE Terminal Cafe LUMBER Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Mary Kato Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARD ROOM Agency for McCormick*-Dee ring ------ TRACTORS ------ WHEN IN PORTLAND Professional and Business Directory low/ BARBER JLy shop Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed Vernonia Trading Co. H otel M ultn Z mah The life Com le and center center of ______ munity Activities. Courteous, friendly and democratic service to all ... Fireproof. JU o_ THE RIGHT PLACE TO EAT H. A. SIMMONS, Proprietor 729 THIRD STREET TRANSFER — TRUCK CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store The best time to buy needed printing is NOW* i :;i