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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1931)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO employed during the fruit season J back and daughter Louise from' he is living. Hintzen, Geo. J. Altstadt, W. R. Mrs. Osborn also has a brother,: St. Helens, and Mr. and Mrs. i Stanley Neurer is a guest at Bevens, Webb Campbell, E. H. Bert Ellison and their daughter the home of his uncle and aunt, G. Beerman, there. Leahy. Portland, George W. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. Stan- Longview, E. B. Flett, Yamhill, Mrs. Charles Hill and Mrs. from Portland. Hy Tracey hauled wood to Ver- ley’s home is in Astoria and he Mrs. Jake Neurer Hilbert Young, Keasey, and Mr. Dave McMullen spent Thursday I plans to spend some time here. and Mrs. Mark E. Moe and chil visiting Mrs. McMullen’s parents, nonia last week. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap, I The small house belonging to dren of Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. John Estes at Riv Mrs. M. Peterson and Lloyd Deeds, Reed Halding next to the Natal Herman Greener, who lives Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hambley erview. occupied by^ Miss Thom- near town on the highway was and family and Orval Bates have Frank and John Benzar were were Sunday guests of Mr. and school as’s brother and his family. They undergo an operation sometime painfully, though not seriously moved to Riverview to live. business callers at Jake Neurer’s Mrs. Bob Lindsay. came from Portland last week. this week. injured, when attacked by a bull Miss Marian McMullen spent home Saturday. The Nehalem valley was over Mrs. Irene Cook, representative in his barn Sunday. The animal, the weekend with her cousin Eve The Imperial Feed and Grain run with sportsmen Sunday the I Work on the playshed at the of the Gossard line of corsets but recently purchased, was in a lyn McMullen at Pebble creek. company from Hillsboro deliver opening day of deer season. Hun-, Natal school grounds is well un and foundation garments, will be stall and Mr. Greener was work Oliver Burris and granddaugh- ed feed to farmers and dairymen iters from near and far were eager der way. They expect to have at the Miller Mercantile store ing around it when the attack ter Beatrice Perry were business in the valley last week. the building practically finished to get a buck. Saturday afternoon, Sept. 26, occurred. ’. 1»>. by October 1. . Mr. Greener's leg was]visitors in Vernonia Saturday. Flqyd Deeds resumed his stu The Clyde Henderson folks of from 1:30 to 5:30. Adv. cut and he suffered numerous! Mr?. Lee Osborn is leaving Dave “ and John | Portland were visiting relatives dies at the University of Oregon “i*,,": ““". McMullin were bumps and bruises. __ ___ ______ ____ _ this week for Yakima, Washing- and friends last weekend. Ray D. Fisher was in Portland at Eugene opening day, Monday, i Vernonia business > visitors Mrs. Thomas Mclnerny, of Elk-1 ton, to join her sister Hettie and Saturday to attend a meeting of C. E. Ward of Clatakanie ¡Friday.__________ Selected Audited Weeklies and point, South Dakota, is visiting I husband where they they will bJ Lloyd Green from Treharne was mountain worked for Mr. Mat-1 at Natal calling on friends Fri to visit his mother, Mrs. A. N. her brother, Charles S. Hoffman, I thews this week on the Natal ^■This Ad good for $1.50 Fisher, who is slighly injured as of this city. Mrs. Mclnerny was evening with Aunt Sally Sunday day. on $5.00 Permanent wave at Miss Millie McMullin accomp school. a result of being struck by a car. a delegate to the P. E. 0. na- during the absence of Mrs. Tom Farmers in this vicinity are HAZEL SKINNER’S anied by her fplks left Sunday busy Throop. Mrs. John T. Kirk returned tionaf convention in Portland last ™ fall plowing and doing some Forest Grote, where she will fall seeding BEAUTY SHOP last week from a 14 day vacation week. This week Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Tom Throop and children, for at present. enter Pacific university. C. S. Hoffman and guest, Mrs. in eastern Oregon where she vi- 300 Columbia Big., Portland also Aunt Sally, were the guests Guests over the weekend at Mr. Clyde Johnson was a business. Mclnerny, are motoring to the sisted her daughters in Heppner 367 Wash. Phone AT 1518 iof Grandma Rogers at a delight- and Mrs. Jake Neurer’s were Mr. visitor in Vernonia Monday morn-; and Condon and took inf the coast and then up the McKenzie jful luncheon Saturday. ing. Marcel or Finger wave 50c Mrs. Pete Neurer and daugh and Heppner rodeo and the Gilliam River highway to their cottage, I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoff and John Thomas is building a new Offer expires Oct. 10 Hoff-manor. county fair. ¡son Joe returned home Sunday ter Stella and son David, Miss barn on the Deeds place, where Dr. Roland Eby of Portland, Miss Cathrine Hoffman has re cently returned from the Emanuel brother of Dr. Marvin R. Eby, hospital in Portland where she and O. D. Eby of Oregon City underwent an operation several father of the two doctors, have nie, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ku- weeks ago. She left today for been visiting at the Eby home I short visit here. Corvallis to attend Oregon State for a few days and have been do Aunt Sally’s turtle finally ran ing some hunting and fishing. Dr. away, and is now on its way back | college as a sophomore. Roland Eby will soon leave for ! to Missouri. ou’ll find a fu Gu,ests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. the City general hospital Mgs. Charley Hill of Portland E. J. Douglass were Mr. and Mrs. clinic Iowa where he will take three line of tfie New S. L. Gitchel, brother-in-law and years of post graduate work in and Mrs. Dave McMullen and daughter Millie of Natal were sister of Mr Douglass. Their eye, ear, nose and throat. the guests of Mrs. Estes Thurs home is in Grand Island, Nebras . ,UNSTANT’LIGHT > I day. ka, and they are making a motor Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline and tour of the west. sons Gordon and Donald spent Registered at Hotel Vernonia Monday in Hood River. this week were Harold Gay, J. H. Slim Brooks visited friends in Whitson, Clarence Purdun, W. L. Mr*. Lee Hal! Riverview Monday. Mayne, R. B. Frink, Tom Leis Mrs. Charles Christensen had 1 of Portland, Mrs. Marie A. Ed as her guests over the weekend wards of Spokane, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stevenson Mrs. Rose Babcock and Mr. and I Mrs. G. Raymond of Jewell. This week’s guests at Hotel had as their guest over the week Mrs. G. H. Magary of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Blount end Mrs. J. L. Morgan and son McDonald included Max Rumin ski, J. W. Van Order, Frank Wil- Lyle, Mrs. James Swallow and and grandmother left Monday for " 1 son, Pete Cidick, N. Gray, Ar- son Duane and William Steven- Louisiana. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Donaway thur C. Bradley, J. L. Fidler, sen, all of Corvallis, Montana, Portland, A. B. Igou, Vancouver, and Mrs. Mabie Herman and Mrs. are now occupying the house re F. B. Hurt and H. R. Hickey, St. Olive Healy, both of North Da cently vacated by Bill Johnson. Come in and let us demonstrate this re-1 Mrs. P. K. Peterson spent Mon markable A quart of rich, pure milk is indeed like a kota. They all drove to Seaside Helens. new instant-light Aladdin to day in St. Helens. to spend Sunday. Mrs. Clara Fest arrived at the quart of sunshine” for the growing child. you. You ’ ll be astonished to see the home of her father, J. W. Rosa, Mr. ana and rars. Mrs. D. u. R. n.. Fowler rowier anu and . Mrs. Richy called on Aunt Sal- tlood of pure white light it gives, and Sunday evening. She is feeling son Kenneth, also Mr. and Mrs, >Y Mo"day. It contains minerals, vitamines and nourish simple and easy it is to operate., Herman Greener was severely how Burns common kerosene (coal oil) and oper- | quite well after recovering from C. R. Fowler spent Sunday visit ing food elements necessary to form good teeth atesatfull capacity (GO candle power) for 50 i gored by his bull, Several stit- the automobile accident in Port ing relatives in St. Helens. The cheapest white light known to and healthy bodies. ches were necessary ■ to t close a hours. land. She will leave October 4, man. Absolutely safe—no odor^moke. noise Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stevenson wound in his right leg. or trouble. A style for every purpose. Beau as the trial of the case will be spent Friday in Portland. Now that summer weather is over and long I Mr ; and Mrs. ” J. P" McDonald tiful plain and decorated glass shades and gin Monday, October 5. multicolored parchment shades that will Mrs. Paul Driscoll and children returned home Thursday from an charm winter days are coming your child especially and delight you. Mrs. Louise Fairchild and spent .. À. O’ __ 1_ _ If-- T> TJ _____ . _ 1 1 . • . i 1 Sunday with Mrs. B. B. extended, trip through Oregon. needs nourishing food. Give him a quart of daughters Evelyn and Hilda mov Hawkins A nr! 1 Karhan* B • • i’- H you come in and let and Mrs. Frank Mills. Mrs. jAnna H Visiting | us «how now you have bow an to Aladdin keep it in perfect order. ed this week into the Thomas Sunshine” each day. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McDonald. , Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Robbins building on Third street. They "1 Supplies for all Models f* Mrs. May Cameron ______ _______ returned a few days with will live in apartments upstairs are spending sj I Always on Hand < We sell the very best raw and pasteurized and Mrs. Fairchild will operate Mrs. Jay Burtraw of Souls Hill. home from Longview after a J for Your Convenience L milk and cream. Our bottles are always scien C. Bruce spent Sunday at week’s visit. her dressmaking and hemstitch tifically sterilized. Clatskanie fishing. ing shop down stairs. See Hoffman About it Mrs. F. H. Veith and son Fred Glen Hawkins and Ken Whit — IT PAYS die and Mrs. Veith’s mother, Mrs. sell are taking a few days out Lottie E. Dewey, who Mrs. Veith ing up Wolf creek. Mrs. Dayton Ross and daughter For was visiting in Vancouver, Wash ington, accompanied Henry Hick Bonnie Bell are spending a month RING-WORM, ECZEMA, ey to Vernonia Saturday even or so with Mrs. Jim Aubrey. AND BOILS Dorothy Throop left Sunday ing. Mrs. Dewey returned to Tested and Proved VERNONIA PHONE 471 for Oak Ridge, Oregon, where her home Sunday night. MRS. A. E. JENNINGS Among those staying at Hotel she will begin practice teaching. Vernonia, Oregon Near Brazing Works Hy Van recently were W. F.1 Grandma Cameron spent the Natal Mrs. W. L. Van Doren called on Mrs. N. S. Soden at St. Vin cents hospital Sunday. A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Ep ping September 18. Leonard Hall and Dwight Strong are attending Oregon State college at Corvallis. Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Anderson of Corvallis visited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander Sunday. Mrs. Maggie Biddle of Swen son stopped here for a few days last week while on her way to Idaho. Mrs. Nels Pearson from Port land visited over the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Barclay and friends. Carl Engen cut his left thumb severely while splitting wood at his home in Treharne Tuesday af ternoon. F. J. Dees who works on the 8. P. and S. train had his right thumb dislocated when struck by a timber Monday. Mrs. Mary Nelson moved this week from the Vista hotel to the former Mumbach residence on Columbia street. .Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dewey were Mrs. George Mulkey and daughters Frances and Helen and Mr. and Mrs. R. Cady. Mips Myrtle Hall left Friday for Albany where she will teach school. Miss Hall is a graduate of the Oregon Normal school at Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Malmsten and Otto Malmsten drove to Sea side Sunday to bring home Miss Lois Malmsten who had spent the week at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wridge and children moved last week into the house at 1142 Columbia street. They formerly occupied a house on Rose avenue. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dewey are occupying the J. C. Lindley house at 225 B street. Mr. Dewey is the new manager of the Miller Mercantile company store. German iris— ' 1 dozen, all dif- ferent, $1.00. Perennial phlox, 10 cents a root. Mrs. W. L. Van Doren, 1021 First Ave., phone (Adv.) 1136. Stopping at Hotel Nehalem this A. Taye, Portland; week were Z. T. W. Cowan, Westport; Mr. and Mrs. I. White and A. H. Pape of The Dalles. A group who attended the county fair Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Van Alstine and Mrs. G. W. Johnson. Mrs. C. U. Enstrom was taken to Emanuel hospital in Portland Monday for examination. It was believed that she would have to Riverview A Quart ¿/ 'Suushbii Sure Cure Hoffman Hdwe. Co. Miller’s Day Sale LADIES’ Fancy Slippers Kid, Satin, Suede Limited Supply - - 5 QA FANCY OUTINGS 25 c KOTEX— One Box. San-A-Pack— One Box. 39c 23c New HOUSE DRESSES CHILDREN’S SCHOOL HOSE CHOOSE HERE FROM A BEVY OF CHARMING Silk Dresses Anyone can afford a new silk dress at this astonishing price—$5.95 for one dress and a second dress for an additional 10 cents. Just arrived a beautiful assort ment in fancy patterns. AU dif ferent to colors and styles. ALL SIZES 59c 98c • 1 DRESS $5,95 - 1 DRESS JQc NOW $3.95 Coat NOW $2.98 CANVAS GLOVES Men’s- Heavy 2 LEATHER FACE CANVAS GI.OVES 25c Ar ¿kOC 4 BOYS’ BIB OVERALLS SPECIAL 69c Men’s New All-Wool BLAZERS 2 FOR MISS AND LADIES Prices smashed far Below Cost .... $6.90 Coat 19c and 25c DRESSES FOR Q5 Oregon-made, extra heavy $1-29 Smart RAIN COATS BUY NOW Men’s Genuine Moleskin PANTS THINK OF IT—2 Silk Dresses for $6.05 PRICES The fall and winter rains are near. Be protected with one of our— .... $1.oo All Sizes GINGHAMS Small and large checks, variety of colors. 25c value—NOW SUITS - Rayon CURTAIN Scrims n ™ Long sleeves and legs Small sizes Three Beautiful Blankets, Also Beautiful Oil Painting to be Given Away FREE - Large assortment, tractive patterns. UNION SUITS Local Store Open Under New Management BUY NOW Beautiful fabrics. buy Now. Yard MEN’S SALE STARTS FRIDAY MORNING AND LASTS THREE DAYS $1-98 NOW NEHALEM VALLEY ICE & CREAMERY CO No Refunds nor Exchanges. Th<- uossAnn Line of Beauty Boys’ Naugatex JACKET COATS Woombat collars; cord and sheep skin lined. $7.90 VALUE NOW STORE CLOSES WEEK DAYS AT 6:00 P. M. 0NLY $3.49 Boys’ New All-Wool SATURDAY 1:30 TO 5:30 You are cordially invited to at tend a showing of New Gossard designs for the feminine Silhou ette. Girdles and Brassieres will be displayed. A fashion represen tative of the H. W. Gossard Co., will be here to suggest the cor rect garment for you, and, if you wish it, to fit you personally. Oregon-made product. Extra warm and durabla. ONLY WHY PAY MORE THAN AT— $2.49 STORE OPEN SAT. NIGHTS UNTIL 9:00 P. M. Extra Special—Boys’ WAIST OVERALLS Sizes 6 to 15 years— 2 PA1R $1.00 »