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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1931)
' PAGE SIX ■ , ■■te-flU—'-S-S FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON L-U-1-- Interest Shown In County Fair In less than a month, Colum bia County’s Fair gates will open for this annual event and indi cations at this time show much interest, according to Clyde Wat son, secretary of the fair board, who states that inquiries are be ing received daily for conces sion privileges. The quota of refreshment stands will be filled this year, so there will be no need of going hungry or thirsty with all the Classified Ads _________ TO TRADE_________ LOST—Bird dog, coal black. Re turn to J. H. Bush, Joy The atre, and receive reward. 563c SWAPS AND TRADES FOR TRADE— 1 Electric wash ing machine and 1927 model Ford, trade for anything I can use on farm. Stock preferred. A. E. Hiatt, Mist Route, 1 mile below Natal. 561* FOR SALE HOME FOR SALE—5-room and bath, Garage and large shed. Lot 100 x 100. Fine location in Riverview. Good Terms. “Be lieve It or Not” it’s a bargain. See Jos. Scott. 562c FOR SALE—Rooming house and income property. Some trade. Bargain in price. Thomas Var iety Store, Vernonia, Ore. 561* RED BROOD SOW—To farrow around 1st to 12th of Septem ber. $30 cash. Elmer Berger- son, Phone 14F1555. 562c CUT FLOWERS on sale by Mrs. W. L. Van Doren, Phone 1136. FOR SALE—All kinds of wood. Frank Lusby. 519* NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE In thp Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia. BANK OF VERNONIA, a corporation, Plaintiff vs. EVAN R. TREHARNE, MELIAN V. TREHARNE, HIS WIFE, RO LAND L. TREHARNE, J. C. BOND, AND ANNA BOND, HIS WIFE, K. INOUYE, F. II. O’ CONNOR AND EV O’CONNOR, HIS WIFE, AND COLUMBIA COUNTY A POLITICAL SUB DIVISION OF THE STATE OF OREGON, Defendants Under and by virtue of an ex ecution issued out of the above entitled court in the above entitl ed matter on the 7th day of Aug ust, 1931, to me directed upon a judgment, decree and order of sale, rendered on the 6th day of August, 1931, and entered on the 7th day of August, 1931, in said Court, in a mortgage foreclosure suit wherein Bank of Vernonia, a corporation, Plaintiff, recovered judgment against the said defen dants, Evan R. Treharne and Melian V. Treharne, his wife, as makers of the note and mort gage as described in the com plaint, and against Roland L. Treharne as guarantor of said note, for the sum of $4974.70 with interest thereon at the rate of 8% per annum from the 18th day of May, 1931, until paid; and for the further sum of $32.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8% per annum from the 28th day of May, 1928, until paid; and for the further sum of $41.40 with interest thereon at the rate of 8% per annum from the 3rd day of October, 1930, until paid, and for the further sum' of $32.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8% per annum from the 18th day of May, 1931, until paid and for the further sum of $400.00 Attorney’s fees and for the costs and disbursements of this suit taxed at $26.50 and the costs of and upon this Writ, and com manding me to make sale of the mortgaged property, described as follows, to-wit: All of the EH of the S.E.% of Section 7, Township 4 N. R. 4 West of the Willamette Meridi- dian, Excepting therefrom the two tracts as described by deeds dated March 5, 1920 and recorded Apr. 15th, 1920, in Deed records of Columbia County, Oregon. in Book 29 on page 192, to Portland, Astoria & Pacific Railroad Co., and one dated Feb. 11th, 1924, and recorded Feb. 14, 1924, in Book 36 page 342 Deed Records of Columbia County, Oregon. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Mondav the 21st day of Septem ber, 1931, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock a. m. of said day at the West front door of the Court House in the City of St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, 1 will sell in obedience to said execu tion. decree and order of sale, at public auction (subject to re demption) to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and iriterest which the above named defendants may have in and to said real property to satisfy said execution, interest, attorney’s fee, costs and accruing costs and the over-plus, if any, be paid to the person or persons entitled the"t<> O9CAR G. WEED. Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. First publication. August 21. Last publication, September 18. ---- -i f ------- 1— of Mrs. W. C. Black. A social good things offered. Carnival GRANGE TO SELL ' afternoon was enjoyed by the attractions are new and differ FOODS SATURDAY I ladies. Mrs. Black was presented ent from othei- years, Mr. Wat son announces and there will be Vernonia grange is to con with a set of colored sherbet numerous riding devices. duct a cooked food and country cups and saucers. Whipped cream store sale in the Van Alstine cake and tea were served to the G. C. OLSEN PASSES building on Bridge street Sat following: Mrs. Margaret Lines, Mrs. Selma Webb, Mrs. 1 Irene IN OAKLAND, CAL. urday. Mrs. Viola Treharne and Spencer and daughter Ethel, Mrs. Mrs. Lizzie Parker are the com Viola Treharne, Mrs. Pearl I Mc- G. C. Olsen passed away at his mittee in charge. home in Oakland, California, Sun The members of the grange Cabe, Mrs. Walter Moody, Mrs. day, August 9, after a long ill will donate vegetables, chickens, Estella Monger. ness. eggs, pies, cakes, salads, and Missionary Society Mr. Olsen was in the insurance other articles. business in this city until about The proceeds will be used to At Mrs. Stnkey’s five years ago. defray the expenses of the queen He will be remembered by his at the county fair, Mrs. E. H. The Missionary society of the Christian church met Tuesday at many friends as always wearing a Condit of Vernonia. the home of Mrs. George Stan- smile and ready at any time to do Mr. and Mrs. Ray Charles- key. Mrs. E. Knight was the acts of kindness. He leaves to mourn his loss his worth, Gavena, Helen and Jun leader for the day and the theme widow and eight children, three ior Charlesworth and Miss Bes was “World Adventuring Through sons and five daughters, Elmer sie Chisholm of Portland return Books.” -A number of the ladies and Alvin of Hilt, California, Mrs. ed to Vernonia Sunday after gave reviews of recent mission- Van Peebley of this city, Harold, spending a delightful ten days | ary books. A playlet entitled Esther, Olive, Alice and Norma at the Oregon beaches near , “God and the Census” was given of Oakland, and many brothers Taft. j by Mrs. H. Charlesworth, Mrs. Miss Helen Charlesworth and i G. Stankey and Mrs. H. Veal. and sisters as well as a host of her guest Miss Bessie Chisholm I The next meeting will be held friends. of Portland returned to Portland September 15 at the home of Health Good in County Thursday after spending two Mrs. Veal. Mrs. Stankey serv There is less report of infect weeks with Helen’s parents. ed a dainty lunch to the fol ious and contagious liseases from Mrs. Earl Smith, Mrs. J. H. lowing. Mrs. E. Knight, Mrs. H. the county this year than ever Bush, A. L. Kullander and E. Veal, Mrs. A. J. Sitts, Mrs. W. before, states Dr. Marvin R. Eby. E. Yeo went to Portland Thurs Van Doren, Mrs. F. C. Steph The county is in an especially day. ens, Mrs. H. Charlesworth, and good state of health, he says. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yeo and ( Mrs. G. W. Laird who is a new family returned from Banks last member. Undergoes Operation Saturday and are again living Mrs. A. L. Kullander under at their home on A. street. Farewell Party for went an operation in St. Vin Misses Lillian and Grace Con cents hospital, Portland, Friday dit left Saturday for Iowa, where Lillian, Lavonne Hall and is reported as rallying well. Grace will attend Graceland col RIVERVIEW — (Special.) — She will be there probably for lege at Laniona, and Lillian will A farewell party was given Aug a couple of weeks. teach school at Casey. Mr. and ust 10 in honor of Lillian and! Mrs. H. M. Condit accompanied Lavonne Hall, who have spent the j Win» Pistol Championship LeRoy Malmsten won the pis-1 them as far as Hagerman, Idaho. summer with their grandmother, tol championship at the Reserve I Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cline, Le Mrs. Lee Hall, and left the fol Officers training school at Camp j ola Nance and children Jack and lowing Wednesday for their Bonneville which closed a week Robert, and John Howell left homes in Rainier and Portland. Sunday on a trip to Burley, Refreshments were waffles and ago. Mr. Malmsten has the rank of Idaho. They expect to be gone coffee. two weeks. Those present were Lillian and lieutenant in the camp. Clay Dooley while logging at Lavonne Hall, Ida Mae and Mild Mist Monday fractured two ribs red Hawkins, Mrs. Bert Hawkins, Infant Son Dies Robert Fielding, 16 months, when he was hit by a pair of Kenneth Fowler, Bob Welch, Bil son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Field tong with which he was loading. ly Washburn, Glen Hawkins, Ro ing, died Sunday. Graveside ser-[ He will be laid off for a couple bert and Donald Peterson, and the hostess, Mrs. Peterson. vices were held in North ceme of weeks. The evening was enjoyed by all.1I tery Monday, F. Claude Stephens Shelby Caton officiating. Honored _____ Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Scotty moved Wednesday to Portland. A surprise wiener roast was Mr. Scott was time keeper at given at Big Eddy park Monday the mill. evening for Shelby Caton, who Mrs. Ray D. Fisher and Mar is leaving soon for Houston, Tex garet are visiting Mrs. Fisher’s as. parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Guests were Sara McGee, Leo Moore, in Tigard this week. na Hillman, Marguerite Laird, E. H. Salisbury is taking B. Dorothy June Wolff, Roberta J. Cline’s place at the shoe shop Williams, Melville Malmsten, Cy during Mr. Cline’s absence on j rus Creasy, Paul Jepson, Holly vacation. Holcomb, Louis Graven, Bob R. Imanizu was hit on the Cline, Roy Barnes, Mr. Holcomb head by a stick of wood Sun and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff. day while at work in the Ver nonia Laundry, and sustained a Rebekahs Give slight fracture of the skull. Farewell Party Mrs. Frank Crawford of River view injured her leg Sunday as The Mountain Heart Rebekah the result of a misstep while get club held a ferewell party at the ting into her car. home of Mrs. II. Fogel in honor J. A. McDonald has been ser iously ill for the past week, but is reported as somewhat im proved Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Luther, of Douglas City, California, have moved to Keasey. They lived here between four and five years ago. Mrs. Joe Rock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pettijohn, is leaving for Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Scott are parents of a seven pound boy born Sunday at Forest Grove. The Scotts are former residents of Vernonia. Birthday Party for Ida Mae Hawkins RIVERVIEW — (Special.) — Mrs. P. K. Peterson gave a birth day party Sunday evening, Aug ust 9, in honor of Miss Ida Mae Hawkins. The color scheme was pink and white in decorations and also in cake and ice cream. Those present were Lillian and Lavonne Hall, Mildred and Ida Mae Hawkins, Mrs. Bert Hawkins, Kenneth and Clarence Fowler, Carl Biggs, Bob Welch, Harvard Malmsten, Bob and Donald Peter son, Glen Hawkins, Billy Wash burn and the hostess, Mrs. Peter son. Miss Hawkins received a num ber of beautiful gifts. The even- FREE A New Smock Free CALL FOR BIDS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 47, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON The directors of School District No. 47 will receive sealed bids for the transportation of grade school and high school pupils on the route from Camp 8 and Pitts burg to the Washington Grade School for the school year 1931- 1932. Bids must be submitted on the basis of furnishing a 30-passeng- er capacity bus in good mechani cal condition and acceptable to the board. Bidder must agree to furnish and carry public liability insurance to the amount of $5,000 and $40,000. Bidder must further agree that if for any reason there should in any single school month be no grade or high school children at Camp 8 to be transported, no claim for transportation for such month will be made except that in any event the bidder will be guaranteed payment for at least three months transportation. Bids will be considered only from residents of District No. 47. Bids should be marked "Bid for Transportation" and be mailed to the Clerk. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids will be opened at the Washington School. Vernonia, Oregon, at 8 p. m.. August 24. LOEL ROBERTS, Clerk, 562c School District No. 47. Saturday preceding day. | Just Eight Club Spirited games were played, riddles and jokes were cracked, I At Mrs. Powell’s after which the guests partook of Mrs. V. L. Powell entertained a dainty luncheon. The two beaut the Just Eight Bridge club at iful birthday cakes were cut by her home Thursday evening, Au the girls whose birthdays were gust 13. High score was won by celebrated. Double Birthday Lola Nance and consolation prize Each of the girls was the re- [ by Mrs. L. W. Baker. Party at Camp cipient of a number of birthday I Dainty refreshments were serv ed by Mrs. Powell. CAMP McGREGOR—(Special) gifts. A very pleasant evening was The following were present: —A most delightful party was o___ ______ given at the _____ home __ of ____ Mr. ____ and Doris Rae Estey, Eleanor Olson, spent by those present: Mrs. H. Mrs. A. R. Estey Saturday after-1 Arne Anderson, Stanley and Har- E. Kerns, Mrs. J. L. Timmons, noon in honor of their daughter,'vey Warnstaff, Altha Lloyd and Mrs. L. W. Baker, Mrs. Mary Doris Rae, whose tenth birth-. Florence White, Jack Scott, Revaj Nelson, Mrs. W. G. Henderson, day, and Eleanor Olson, whose McCormick, Nancy Olson, Mrs.; Mrs. W. J. Armitage and the fiftheenth birthday was on the Olson and Mrs. Estey. I hostess. ing was spent in playing cards and games, after which refresh ments of angel food cake, ice cream and coffee were served. All went away wishing Ida Mae many happy returns of the day. We are Handling' the Ice Cream that won the Milk War All Dairymen in this Community Should Patronize Lincoln’s Candy Kitchen Exclusive Vernonia Dealer for FROSKIST ICE CREAM Made from Pure Cream by the Lower Columbia Cooperative Dairy Association Ai EWAY - We will give one of our Broadcloth Smocks in fast colors with any one dress sold at the prices of $7.90 or $9.90 each, or one with every two dresses sold at the prices of $4.98 or $6.90. ----- . .. fl Prices effective Saturday and Monday, Aug. 22, 24 Safeway Stores are Helping Oregon Grow By Using Oregon Products Cheese FLOUR AMERICAN, Full Cream—Help a Growing Oregon industry—lb. CORONA—Fancy Patented, guaranteed, Hard Wheat Blend milled in Portland. HOODY’S— Fresh and Tasty. Made in Portland. Parowax I Use plenty for safe keeping of ’ your fruit and preserves—lb. Salad Dressing 8c 22c MILK ALL BRANDS—Pure and whole some — LARGE CANS — EACH CRYSTAL WHITE, The white family soap ....... Bars 6c 31c Basket* Z7C QUart- COFFEE CHOICE BLEND—Our own brand with strength and flavor—lb. 25c SALMON HAPPY VALE—Pink Salmon, fine for that salmon loaf. TALL CAN ....... 18c t I BEANS Small white beans— Use for baking............ Peaches, Tomatoes Finest Quality— lbs QQp £ GOLD MEDAL—Fine for salads. Cheaper than home made. Pancake Flour Sperry’s Pancake and Waffle Flour Easily prepared — Large Package i JLvJV Peanut Butter SOAP 75 New Fall DRESSES Are Here— SI ?o: D tbs. 4 “ 23c ORANGES SUNKIST — Sweet, Juicy Z-Dozen In Our Market Beef Pot Roasts From Young Beef—lb........ Come Carly and SAVE at SHORTENING Pure vegetable .... J.C. PENNEY CO. STEAKS From Baby Beef — lb. 13c I DIPARTMKNT STORE NUMBER 1436 • STORI VERNONIA. OREGON . 3 33c 25c