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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1931)
Losers Entertain Winners In Legion Auxiliary Contest Some time ago the American Legion Auxiliary started a pig bank contest. Two sides were drawn up, one captained by Mrs. A. L. Kullander and the other by Mrs. J. C. Lindley. Mrs. Kullander’s side won the con test and the losing side treated the winning side to a delicious dinner Monday evening in the Legion hall. The menu was molded perfection salad, chicken a la Huntington, rolls, lemon pie, and coffee. Guests present were Mrs. H. Kerns, Mrs. J. L. Timmons, Mrs. H. E. McGraw, Mrs. A. L. Kul- lander, Mrs. J. C. Henderson, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. P. Wideman, Mrs. V. L. Powell, Mrs. Decker, Mrs. R. F. Nance, Mrs. L. Baker, Mrs. C. Biggs, Mrs. F. M. Ruhl. The dinner was prepared by Mrs. C. L. Anderson, Mrs. C. Davidson, Mrs. J. C. Lindley, Mrs. F. J. Tousley, Mrs. C. J. Nance, Mrs. E. Prickett, Mrs. Anna Schultz, Mrs. W. H. Hurley, Mrs. W. Hammack. The American Legion Auxiliary sponsored a card party in the Legion hall Saturday afternoon when eight tables of bridge and three tables of “500” were in play. For bridge, first prize was won by Mrs. O. T. Bateman and consolation by Mrs. H. Fogel. Ice cream and cake were served by Mrs. C. Davidson, Mrs. C. L. An derson, Mrs. H. Kerns, Mrs. L. Baker, Mrs. R. F. Nance, Mrs. J. C. Henderson, Mrs. J. L. Tim mons, Mrs. II. E. McGraw and M is. V. Powell. The Auxiliary is planning to have another of these parties in the near future. YOUNGER SET GIVE IMPROMPTU DANCE An impromptu dancing party was enjoyed by a group of the younger set at the home of Verle Messing Sunday night. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Low ell Hieber, Mr. and Mrs. Thor Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman, Helen Hieber, Amy Hughes, Catherine Hoffman, Del la Cline, Luella Williams, Doro thy Holtham, Lewis J. Lampert, Charles Hoffman, Harold Ship- ley, Kenneth Whitsell, Marshall Malmsten, Glen Hawkins, Neal Bush and John Kirk. MRS. A. B. JOHNSON ENTERTAINS Mrs. A. B. Johnson entertain- ed on the evening of March 17 with a surprise party in honor of Mr. Johnson’s birthday. Cards were enjoyed until a late hour when the hostess served refresh ments. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Casey Fest, Mr. and Mrs. Ones Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson. served at noon, and Mrs. Lowden was presented with a beautiful green glass set of cups and sau cers. The afternoon was spent in games and social good time, and a very clever dance was given by one of the ladies, which was heartily enjoyed by the others present. RIVERVIEW-(SpeciaL)- Mrs. Louanna Rogers had a quilting bee Tuesday and served a chick en dinner to those present, who} were Mesdames Katie McDonald, C. N. Rundell, N. B. Hall, Alta, Alice and Minnie Johns, W. O. Porterfield, H. M. Condit, B. J. Cline, C. A. McDonald and Lucy Uhlen. Turnstiles Checking Thefts From Library Cambridge, Mas-. — Thus • who use Widener library of Harvard university must en ter and leave through turn stiles at which they are in spected to determine wheth er they have smuggled books out of the building. Whereas 125 volumes were missed from the library dur ing the summer of 1929, but six were Illegally removed during the summer of 1930. ('ll urr h N<> tices. EVANGELICAL CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. William Armitage were in Portland Monday. Joy Bush has been ill at her home for the past week. Dr. Ellis Flitt of Yamhill was a Vernonia visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McKibben made a trip to Kelso Sunday. T. A. Gordon and Mrs. L. Handley were Portland visitors | Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman | went to St. Helens on business Monday evening. j Miss Ruth Lee is* spending a I few days in Eugene with her i brother and friends. G. W. Plumer, Pastor Ray D. Fisher went to Portland The Sunday school meets at Saturday to attend a meeting of 9:45 a. m. Come and join us. Selected Audited Weeklies. 11 a. m. Palm Sunday services' BRIDAL SHOWER Robert Sergeant of the Miller followed by Communion of the FOR MISS KRAUSE I Mercantile store visited relatives Lord’s Supper. Both Endeavor societies meet *n Portland during the weekend, Miss Florence Santee, Miss Howard R. Lee returned to U. Ruth Taylor and Miss Melba Lar- at 6:30 p. m. ..TThe,u7:3/?’ ; n t e ar en. : q at Eugene after spending amore entertained with a delight theme will be Wednesday, April 1 , 2 p. m. a short vacation at his home here. ful bridal shower Tuesday even ing honoring Miss Pearl Krause. the Woman’s Missionary society It was also Miss Krause’s birth will have their monthly meeting.' Lois and Louise Malmsten, day. The evening was spent Last Sunday five new members Lloyd Thomas and I. M. Kirk- playing games. Little Nina Mc were received into the church. wald drove to Cannon Beach Sun Donald and Ralph Bennett attired More are expected next Sunday.: day. as a bride and bridegroom drew W. J. Armitage returned to his CHRISTIAN CHURCH in a large basket filled with store Monday after a two weeks I many beautiful anjl useful gifts rest following an attack of in- which were presented to Miss F. Claude Stephens, Minister fluenza. Krause. A dainty luncheon was Last services for March. Di-1 served by the hostesses. An eight and one-half pound vine services for March 29 : Those present were Mrs. M. D. 9:45 a. m. Bible school; 10:451 boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Mrs. L. F. Austin, Miss a. m. Divine morning worship,1 A. L. DeHart, on the evening of Constance Bougher, Miss Myrtle around the Lord’s Table, and March 18. Pye, Miss Rae Davis, Mrs. Ben theme, “An Unending Parade.” Mrs. Ray Charlesworth who un Bennett, Miss Ruth Martin, Miss Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. Margaret McDonald, Miss Mar p. 7:30 p. m. Evening devotions derwent an operation in Portland garet Bennett, Miss Marie Kirk I and theme, “Divine Regenera . a week ago is reported to be patrick, Mrs. E. B. Miner, Mrs. I i tion.” By nature man seeks the gaining fast. L. Schultz, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. I j Divine Being. You are welcome Paul Deshazer of Connacher ran Alta Neil, Miss Charlotte Hilts, Ì to worship God without fear or a piece.of cable into his knee on Mrs. R. Smith, Miss Vera Crail, I favor. March 17 and has been unable to j Miss Mildred Drake, Mrs. J. A. i j MacDonald, Mrs. F. Spring, Mrs. I The nine year old daughter Of ! work since. E. H. Condit. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schultz Of, O. L. Turner of Seaside, S. Riverview underwent a mastoid J. Sells of Kelso, and Z. A. Toye Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson operation here Wednesday night, of Portland stopped at Hotel Ne and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frazee i The work was done by a local halem this week. drove to Beaverton Friday night. surgeon. The little girl is getting Mr. Johnson stopped at Aloha to along fine. Mrs. M. F. Welter, wife of the ' attend a General Petroleum meet Timber garage owner, underwent ing while the rest of the party Friday B. J. Cline and Lloyd an operation at Emanuel hospi-’ visited a show in Beaverton. Thomas drove to Eugene to bring tai Tuesday morning. Della Cline and Amy Hughes Hotel Hy-van guests this week home for their spring vacation Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cameron and were J. H. Roberts, W. F. Hint- from the University of Oregon. Mrs. Ed Frazee were in Portland zen, Dean R. Adams, W. R. Kirk They will return to their studies Thursday. While there they vi- [ patrick, Vic Ballinger, Dean As- Sunday. sited the Walkathon. dell, Wm. Brown, Paul B. Legler, Beth Young, W. B. Lupton, K. B. At the Gordon this week were R. W. Kelting of Portland was Bonsall, Roy E. Couger, N. V. W. Brown, E. E. McCaw, C. M. in Vernonia Saturday attending Lindey, E. H. Leahy, Portland; Kunkle, W. E. Johnson, J. M. to business matters connected Mrs. Vivian Coleman, Tigard, Ore Mackenzie, Portland; Geo. B. Per with property he owns here. gon, Geo. W. Ford, Longview, ry, Vancouver; Geo. L. Carmi Mabie MacDonald, Eugene, and L. chael, Eugene, and V. Mrs. Chas. Bergerson whose H. Foote, city. Donald, Connacher. leg was amputated at Emanuel rree MS ! ii | her mother. Her husband and son Billy accompanied her, Mr. E. D. Kennard and Percy I Thompson returning to this place Hews spent the weekend in Port , Sunday. land returning to Vernonia Mon I A pleasant birthday party was day morning. While there Mr. at the Westlin home Satur | Kennard visited Ed Tapp at the given day evening in honor of Arthur (Veteran’s hospital. Dietrich, whose birthday was two weeks ago is doing well and Catherine and Charles Hoff March 22. A pleasant evening will be able to return home soon. man, Charlotte and Norman was enjoyed playing five hundred. Helen and Glen Hieber and Green, and Veldon Parker re Mrs. Bemis presented Mr. Diet- Neal Bush returned Thursday turned to their work at O. S. C. rich with a lovely birthday cake, from the University of Oregon to Monday evening after spending i which he cut and served admirab spend their vacation with their the spring vacation at their homes ly. Those present were Mr. and 'Mrs. Westlin and daughter, Mr. here. parents. and Mrs. Bemis and sons, Miss Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patricia Donahue, Arthur Diet- Olaf Olson and Wallace Ber- gerson of Connacher have just re 'Culver Sunday were Mr. Culver’s rich, and Verlin McGaha. turned to work after having been brother and sister and their fa very ill with iirfluenza for about milies, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cul ver and children of Bandon, Ore ten days. gon, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Insure Perfect Health Miss Margaret Schreiber, a se Turner and children of Portland nior in Willamette University at For Yourself Salem, is visiting Alice Rundell and other friends in Vernonia this week. eration undergone in January. J. D. Ling of Connacher fell on a saw Thursday and ripped open his left arm. After receiv ing first aid in Vernonia he was taken to a Portland hospital. Mrs. R. A. Space returned to her position in the J. C. Penney company store Monday following a long convalescence from an op- Mrs. Westlin and girls visited in AND BRING PROSPERITY Portland Sunday, going to the TO YOUR COMMUNITY. city with the Bemis family. Mrs. P. L. Thompson was call-t _ to Spokane ____ ____ ________ , on ed last Wednesday 2d Prize Ad by Delpha account of the serious illness of I Aamand, St. Helens. M ac M arri STORES Alaska Pink—1 Pound Tall SALMON Per Can ............................... 8c Willamette Q lb. ROLLED OATS Fischers Valley ...................... <7 Sack Stones Cane and SYRUP Maple .................. 5<t 69c PINEAPPLE SOAP— Broken sliced in Syrup. No. 2 tins— 2 for 35c Pancake Crystal White — clothes whiter. 7 Bars PINEAPPLE Fancy Sliced or Crushed— No. 2% tins— 2 For 43 c SOAP— Camay — The white toilet soap with the delicate per- 23c 4 B.„ CATSUP Del Monte—Large— 2 Bottles ............. 35c Piedmont—Our own brand of this new fruit juice bev erage. Finest quality. 2 Bottles .............. 25c COFFEE MacMarr — A full, rich body; mellow and potent— piquant, enticing, exhilarit- ing Aroma. REAL Qy| COFFEE — lb.......... J4C 3 Pounds $1.00 CIGARETTES— Lucky Strikes, Camels, Old Golds, Chesterfields — 2 Packages .. 25c Carton .................... $1.19 (None sold to Minors) FLOUR MacMarr— Rapidly becom ing the West’s most popular flour. No better flour at any price— 49 lb. Sack ... Van Camp — Medium size 3 Cans 20C MACARONI Bulk Curve Cut. Made from high quality wheat. Cooks light and fluffy— 4 ” This spring it is far cheaper—AND HEAPS SAFER!—to put on the new Heavy Duty New Heavy Duty I i * n OvcrNize! Extra deep-cut All-Weather Tread, extra thick, of tough est rubber. Extra plica of shock-absorbing SUPER- TW 1ST Cord—Goodyear pat ent. Stunning looks—you'll be proud of these tires! Yet priced as low as ordinary 4- ply tires cost last year! All-Weather <»<•< our Sperlnl Trade-In Offer! GILBY MOTOR CO Vernonia, Oregon Guaranteed Tire Repairing 19c Pounds MATCHES— Searchlight— full size, full count—per carton 1 n (6 boxes) IdC MacMARR—the 16-oz. tall cans Q Oilz* Dozen .... 79c Case .. . $3.15 O for Ä 10«». 45c 4 ib,. 25c Del Monte Solid Pack—No. 2 cans— 3 Cans 40c PEAS Mt. Vernon Fancy Medium Sweets — No. 2 cans— 3 Cans ...... 40C Prince Albert — Velvet — -oz. tins Your choice of flavors— Always a dainty dessert. O 9 23c Packages ....... SALAD OIL No. 77 in bulk—Pure cot tonseed oil. Bring your container. 29c Quart ......... Gallon ..... $1.09 CORN STARCH CORN MacMarr Del Maiz Golden Sweet — No. 2 cans— 3 Cans ..... 4OC Kingsfords — 9c per pkg. 3 Packages ............ 25c To insure success in baking, use Kingsford’s Corn Starch. SALT— CRACKERS— Tru Bake or Premium Sodas 2 lb. Package 29c Leslie’s Iodized or Plain— 1 lb. carton—Leslie’s salt insures perfect season- Q ing. Carton 'C PEANUT BUTTER MAYONNAISE Best Foods—gives an tizing flavor to all vegetable salads— Pints ...... appe fresh Q JJC Hoody’s bulk — fancy quality 9 Vittorio Calvo— The best imported Olive Oil. Pint Tin .................. trJC Ocean Breeze—fancy small sieve — No. 2 tint 35c 2 For ..... MARKET FEATURES QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK HAMS (Premium) Boil the shank; fry the middle; bake the end ......... Chickens rGo°;4iníor .stewing ..°r PURE LARD IN BULK Pound 24c Pound 24c ““V 2 ms 25c 1 £ D i Pnl Pnacl Simmer witl' c'0Ve3' bay leaves, parsnips and green Oeei rOl lXOaSl beans, and serve with horseradish sauce. Pound A^^* SIDE BACON in 29c “ Pounds PEAS— OLIVE OIL TOBACCO M’PPOSE those smooth-worn tires MAY I another few months. That is hardly a dollar’s worth of mileage per tire—AT TODAY’S ROCK- BOTTOM PRICES! And a puncture or two, wipes out even that “saving”—not to mention the annoy ance and delays. 25c JELLO LIME RICKEY Candy, perfume and toi let sets are the appropri ate gifts for Easter. Before you select yours examine our displays. You’ll find just what you want attractively priced. washes PORK & BEANS— Sperry— so No. 10 Sack ............ Ready prepared. All you do is add milk or water and stir. TOMATOES Pounds ................ fancy beans—The cream of the Bean Crop. I n I lie Itisk Wort li the Unie Mileiige Value left in Those Smooth Tires? <■ March 28, 30, 31 and April 1, 1931 25c GIVE YOU MOItU GRIP • Prices Effective Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesaay Red Mexicans that express Easter Joy Vernonia, Oregon Eat More Milk Products Butter, Cheese, Ice Cream ’ ^STORES M ac M arr Pounds ................ Gifts Mac’s Pharmacy Drink More Milk BEANS—Small White* ON SLIPPERY ROADS! Particular attention is called to our complete line of Easter Candy Packages and novelty pieces for adults and children. Price« range from Be for individ ual pieces to $1.50 ■ pound. Camp • • . McGregor MILK - SUGAR lumped ion of all your tires No Obligation ST. PATRICK’S PARTY AT MRS. LOWDEN’S MIST—(Special.)—A pleasant birthday party was given at the home of Mrs. G. B. Lowden on St. Patrick's day when 21 ladies met to celebrate, each bringing something good to eat. All of the decorations were green. Each guest was decorated with n shamrock, and the cakes had shamrock decorations. A bountiful chicken dinner was Friday, March 27, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO By the piece; half or whol< Dry sugar cured ................. Vernonia, Oregon Pound 23C