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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1931)
Friday, March 20, 931. Natal VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THE FEATHERHEADS PAGE FIVE By Osborne The Work« Mrs. Jake Neurer I The R. M. Aldrich family of Vernonia motored down the river Sunday. Carl Iler and his son Fritz drove to Vernonia on business Tuesday. Mrs. Mollie Wright has been ill for a few days at her home. Reed Halding was visiting his uncle Zale Holmes at Riverview Monday. Several folks along the high way are putting up some new mail boxes, to comply with the law. John McMullin fell from a load of hay Sunday cutting a gash near his eye. He was rushed to Vernonia by his brother Dave family, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mills, and Fritz Iler. The doctor found in Waldport, Oregon. it necessary to take several stit- Aunt Sally Spencer, who has ches. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn and Editor Larry Marshall been very ill the past two weeks, Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren Mrs. Thomas were in Vernonia Asst. Editor Christine Rainey is slowly improving. Dr. E. J. Bulgin and Rev. G. Í Monday doing some trading. Sports Ed. Marvin Porterfield The Lower Columbia Dairy Senior Reporter Grace Condit IW. Plumer were dinner guests A “pay to play” 500 card party association has now established a Ir. Reporter Kathryn Malmsten i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. cream route in this community,1 Soph. Rep. Margaret McDonald IV. Malmsten Thursday of last will be held in Westimber Friday evening, March 20, at 8 p. m. the making two trips each week and Frosh Reporter Florence Wall I week. Mrs. W. Nixon has been quite proceeds from which will go to hauling to Clatskanie. Clyde Johnson was a business' W. C. T. U. REPRESENTATIVE 111 J'lth ¿he.flu *he p»st week-. ward the Boy Scout budget. Mr. and Mrs. Van Loo and caller in Vernonia on Saturday.: i VISITS SCHOOL I M™' B' Chne of Vernonia 'was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Frank Richards of Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood were I were dinner guests on Sunday at Mrs. Buck, representative of'J- N. Morgan Tuesday. visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Jim ¡the Woman’s Christian Temper-* Mrs. Minnie Malmsten and Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Green’s Thursday. before the Lee Hall of this place were doing Ahlgren. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap ance Union, . spoke . and Mrs. N. D. Peterson motored high school students Friday morn-'relief work Tuesday for the Chas, The Parent - Teacher’s Study to Portland Monday, returning ing, March 13. I Justice family, whose home and club met on Wednesday of last that night. I Mrs. Buck gave figures on entire contents were destroyed by week at the home of Mrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tracey were the deaths and accidents caused fire Monday at Treharne. King. A paper “How Can You Miss McMullin of Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. either directly or indirectly by r Mi" Marian : -e Natal Guide in Sex Education,” was j liquor. She also gave figures to visited her grandparents, Mr. and read by Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren. Mrs. Jack Lindsay’s at Treharne. the Eighteenth Mrs. John Estes, over Tuesday Chas. Stanton, chairman, an Jake Neurer spent Tuesday in indicate that Amendment was not a failure as night. nounced the subject of next meet Portland In some business. ing to be “Are you helping your Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bush and so many people are saying now. adolescent to adjust?” This meet Mrs. Julia Whittig drove to Ver ing will be held next Tuesday nonia on business Wednesday. SENIOR CLASS MEETING afternoon. Everyone is asked to The senior class is beginning The Charles Hamely family bring a question. have started picking ferns again. to prepare for a very busy spring. The summer fern season is on J The play was chosen last week Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nickerson, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Gilpin of and the cast was selected Friday. Portland visited with Mrs. De Wallace Dean, Mr. and Mrs. A. now. Mrs. Walter Foster from Los I A meeting was held Monday, Vaney Wednesday and Thursday C. Ahlgren and daughter Mary Angeles was a recent guest ati March 16, to decide on the grad- of last week. Ellen shopped in Vernonia Satur the home of her sister, Mrs. uation announcements. The num- Mrs. Johana Boeck attended day evening and also attended James McCormick. ¡her required by the class as a the Pettijohn-Mendenhall wedding the show, “Cimarron.” Mrs. Nels Peterson and her [ whole will be close to five hund- Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dudrow daughter, her son-in-law, Mrs. i red with each student taking Lavelle Gosa spent Friday night spent the week end in Portland. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap drove to | around 20. Mrs. Dudrow recently received with Anna Devaney. Vernonia Saturday. Mrs. John Campbell was taken word from her neice, Miss Con Ray Taylor and his mother out to a doctor one night last stance Jones, who is known to were Vernonia shoppers Saturday. week. She is very ill, never hav- many people here, and who has E. D. Johnson who picks Mrs. Lee Hall ing recovered from the opera been traveling with a girls’ or up cream in this valley for a tion for stomach trouble last chestra for some time, that the Portland creamery is now making girls are on their way home. November. two trips a week Mondays and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nelson, Nellie and Bettie Campbell at- This orchestra is composed of Thursdays. who have resided in this place tended the dance in Vernonia Portland girls and has been ap Mrs. William Pringle was a the past two years, moved to last Saturday. pearing in vaudeville, broadcast Vernonia business visitor Tues- Portland Saturday of last week, Mrs. J. 0. Devaney heard from ing and playing at dances all day. • where Mr. Nelson has employ- her son Orris on the S. S. Ore over the United States for the Richard Peterson, Noble Dun- ment. gon. They were in one of the past year. lap and Ira Peterson did some Mr. and Mrs. F. J. and Dr. worst storms the captain said ho Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens painting and carpenter work at and Mrs. Paul Taylor of Portland ever saw. Every life boat was and Wm. Code of Raines-Rogers the Natal grange hall last week. were guests at the home of Mr. washed off, and for a time there camp at Glenwood were the din H. Tracey hauled some hay and Mrs. W. T. Graves Sunday in were fears for the ship’s safety. ner guests on Thursday evening last week which he bought from honor of the 49th wedding an- The vessel is now in Portland. at the Ahlgren home. Carl Iler. Mr. and Mrs. John Blum of niversary of Mrs. Graves’ par- If Orris does not sail again he Gaston visited the Bud Flett fa- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Craw will be home this week. Auto Free Movie Show. Ford ford, who make their home with C. O. Evers was in Vernonia mily at Timber. Plant them. The Taylors are nephews on business Monday. The Step creek bridge on the of Mr. Crawford. They are hop Lavelle Gosa and Hilbert Southern Pacific line about one A sound motion picture graph ing to have their golden wedding Young spent the weekend in mile from here toward Cochran ically portraying the story of next year. is being repaired. About 20 Portland. the Ford Motor company and its men are at work on it and it is Mrs. C. A. Scammon of Sil-, widespread activities will be ex verton spent the week end with said to require 3 or 4 months hibited free of charge in a special old friends here, returning Mon-I to complete the work. Mrs. J. B. Marchel, who has Ford exhibit to be held at the day morning. Mr. and Bill Mason of Keasey Kerr Motor Company’s show Mrs. Oscar Smith of Scofield I been ill with “flu” for the past rooms March 25. The show will were week end visitors of the is spending a few days visiting two weeks, is able to be around again. be open to the public from 2 latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. with Mrs. J. B. Ohler. Bud Robbins. Miss Dorena Anderson has be p. m. to 10, p. m. Mrs. Lee Hall lost 12 pedi come the owner of a new piano and Susie Mae Jensen, fourth The picture entitled “A Tour greed white leghorn hens Friday this last week. grade; Glen Rainwater and Har Tl<< jgh the Ford Factory” will night of last week by thieves Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smejkal vis ry Ohler, sixth grade; Ellis Rain- si < the gathering of raw mat- cutting the wire and taking them. ited at the home of Mrs. Smejkal’s ■ water, seventh grade; and Carl eii.Js, their arrival at the Rouge Mr. and Mrs. H. Feildberg, who parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gust;Jensen, eighth grade. pl it in Dearborn, Michigan, and have been residents of this place Schmidlin, Sunday. | The attendance of the Kist th numerous interesting stages the past five years, left Friday The pupils of the Kist school school was 100 per cent for the th ugh which they pass in the of last week for Winnipeg and receiving 100 in spelling this week ' past week. This was the first I T' ess of making Ford cars and Saskatoon, Canada, where they were Florence Ohler, third grade; time it was accomplished during tru ks. It is, in short, an ed will visit their parents, and it is Ralph Ohler, Virgil Rainwater,' the year 1931. -s -ion in the extent and mean possible they may settle in Cana ing of modern volume product- da somewhere. ; Grandma Rogers was an over ion. Vhile an unseen voice explains night guest of Aunt Sally Spen h scene, the audience is taken cer, Tuesday night. W. L. Hall returned home Fri a touT of the plant, through day of last week after spending the great blast furnace building six weeks with his daughter and ere ore is converted into iron; in -o the open Jiearth building 4 wlere the iron becomes steel and is poured, a white hot liquid, in- moulds; into the blooming mill here the steel ingots are made ito bars; and into the rolling till in which the long bars of ihite hot steel are reduced to lefinite sizes. The picture shows also the FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS manufacture of glass in an end THIS IS THE WAY OUR MODERN BOTTLE AND SUNDAYS less unbroken strip, a process WASHING MACHINE WORKS— Return limit Tuesdays developed by Ford engineers; the following date of «ale. machine shops in which parts 1st—The bottles are placed upside down in a for the car are manufactured; $1.25 Portland rack made for the purpose. the pressed steel building with .... 2.60 Albany its gigantic presses; and the coke 2.35 Astoria 2nd—These racks are placed in one side of the ovens and other units in which . 2.80 Corvallis machine where they are thoroughly washed by-products are recovered to the .... 3.55 Eugene with a chemical solution which cuts the extent of millions of dollars an Forest Grove ........... 90 dirt and acts as a germicide. nually. Timberline Riverview KIST Our Milk is Always Delivered to You in Bottles Absolutely All through March Bargain Week-end Round Trips 4 Hillsboro Rainier Salem Seaside A Timely Tip J. ELL the people •bout timely merchandise with food panting and watch your «ales volume grow. Other merchant* have proved thu plan by repeated teat*. Well help with your copy. .... 1.75 1.25 2.15 2.75 Other Point« in Proportion Tickets on sale in both dir ections between all points for train and stages of lines shown below. Minimum 50c. United Railways S. P. 4 S. TRANSPORTA TION CO. (Stage..) R. M. ALDRICH, Agt. J. C. WRIGHT, Gen. Agt. Churcli Notices Westimber KEASEY » I CLEAN AN» SANITARY 3rd—Then the bottles are rinsed by forcing clean, boiling water into them. 4th—To completely sterilize them live steam is then forced into the bottles. 5th—The bottles are KEPT UPSIDE DOWN so that no dirt or dust can enter once they are cleaned. F. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Claude Stephen«, Minister Services for Lord’s day, March 22: 9:45 a. m. Bible school; 10:45 a. m. Divine morning ser vice in the Lord’s Supper and then’»: “Jesus and Little Chil dren.” 6:30, P. M. Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p. m. evening services. Good fellowship and theme, “Sold Out.” Easter week of prayer is to be observed by the Missionary society prior to Easter Sunday, April 5. at the home of L. E. Smith Sat urday evening. A car ran into a horse out at Koster camp Sunday evening. Its leg was broken and the horse had to be shot. R. Palmenter and D. Doolen motored to Salem on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Condit, Mrs. M. Ohler, Mrs. A. Ohler ( called at the home of Mr. . and Mrs. H. Smith on Sunday. Cason transfer is hauling rick wood from up the river to Ver- nonia. Look over your attic—Maybe there is something there you don’t need any more. Try a classified in the Eagle and trade it for some article that will be of ser vice to you. Tr oliarne Those attending grange from Treharne were Mr. and Mrs. E. Treharne, Mrs. and Mrs. V. Mowe and daughter, L. Mowe, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holt and daughter, Geo. Doughty, Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker. Rob. Barnes, H. Thornbrou of Mulloy were out at Treharne on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fancher called TELEPHONE 471 We wish to thank all those who so kindly helped us at the time of our fire March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice and family. OTHER. RADIOS CANNOT GET enjoyedbySanTrancisco woman usinai P hilco SUPERHETERODYNE ELEVEN TUBE PLUS KA DIO- .Again PHILCO outdoes other radios! Mrs. N. H. Carter resides in a steel-frame apartment building at 825 Geary Street, San Francisco, only 2 blocks from KFRC and close to KPO. Reception conditions there are very poor. Nobody else in that building, she says, gets distant programs. Yet her Philco Superheterodyne-PLUS brings in New York, Pittsburgh and other distant stations perfectly! Prored in your own home! The sensitivity and selectivity of the im proved Philco Superheterodyne Circuit, the huge power of the 11 tubes (4- screen grid), Philco Automatic Volume Control which counteract» fading, Philco four- phase Tone Control, Philco Balanced Units and Philco Balanced Tubes com bine to produce a radio that is absolutely incomparable. You can prove this by try ing this wonderful new instrument in your own home... FREE... without any obligation whatever. Eaeieat paument term» And yon «an own thia groat new Philco on the eaaioat payment terms imaginable. Only a foio canta a day m ake it yours. This offer isHnaitod. Act at once, before *4 .a temendons demand exhausts our stock of these os. Call or telephone NOW I ONLY COMPLETE WITH PHILCO BALANCED TUBES TA m « atotfona Thaa« «fallona brought in In y Francioco right through San Francisco broadcaatal Cincinnati WKRC . . . Cincinnati WKAF . . . New New York York Cincinnati WLW . . . Cincinnati CKMO . Vi Vancouver. ancouver, B.C. WJR . • • • • Detroit Detroit Dallas WFAA . .... KOA . ........................... Denver KOA KWKH . . . Shreveport . Oklahoma City (tty WKY KFEL • • • . Denver KFXF • • • . Denver KDKA . . Pittsburgh WTAM . . • Cleveland WMRI .... • Chicago WMBI KGGM . • Albuquerque KGIR KGIR......................... . Butte KGAR . • • • Tucson Reno KOH •••••• Rene Amarillo KGRS . . . KFXD . ., Ida. Calgary, CrCM . Calgary. Can. crew • . Chicago WGN .... WG Y WGY . . Schenectady WEAR WKNR .... Chicago Vernonia Service Station Oregon Vernonia Aak about PBII.CO TH ANSITONE RADIO for your ear In Our Dress Department CLEVER SPORT OUT FITS in the new Cotton Tweeds— $5,95 Colorful as Spring itself are the SILK FROCKS A group of Smartly-Styled RAYON DRESSES Order of Eastern Star A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. 8. Regular commu A. F. 4 A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Tempi«. All visiting sla meetings on all other Thurs- ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ers welcome. moat cordially welcome. Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each No. 243, I.O.O.F., meet. »very second and fourth Thursdays in month at the I.O.O.F. hall. I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit Mrs. Laura Sauer, President. ors always welcome. Grace, Sunell, Noble Grand. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Helen Fogel, Secretary HARDING LODGE 11« Meats every Monday night in the W.O.W. Pythian Sisters hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. Vernonia Tempi. 81 meet« H. Mayfield, C. C. every 2nd and 4th Wedneedaya in H. Culbertson, K.R.S. W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M or R. 4 C. I. O. O. F. Why Pay More Than at American Legion Vernonia NEHALEM VALLEY l( E <& CREAMERY CO CARD OF THANKS NenAW Md\ithbunyk jnatums EVANGELICAL CHURCH G. W. Plumer, Pastor. The Bulgin meetings were great, closing with three great services Sunday evening. Next Sunday, March 22, Sunday school will begin at 9:45 a. m. with W. W. Wolff in charge. The subject for 11 a. m. will be “Be Faithful.” Both Chris- tian Endeavor societies meet at 6:30 p. m. The meeting at 7:30 will have for its theme "I Will.” Prayer meetings on Thursday evenings at 7 p. m. followed with choir practice. Mr. and Mrs. John Glassner went to Portland on Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Barnes, Mrs. Chas. Barnes and daughter Helen called at the home of Mrs. S. Baker on Sunday. REMEMBER — Before yoo BUY SHOP AT MILLER'S AND SAVE MONEY. Post I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 119, American , 246 meets every Tuesday night Meets •* * o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Via- Legion. ilnra always alwaHa welcome. nalonma 2nd and 4th i ¡tors J. F. Jones, N. G. Tuesdays each Chas. Holt, V. G. month, 8. p. mJ John Glassner. Sec’y. Dan Nelson, Ad I Mike Miller, Treesurer. jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. 1 R. C. Stanton, Fin. Sec’y.