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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1931)
Friday, March 13, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO MONEY TO BURN FULL LEWIS BEVERIDGE RECEIVES RECOGNITION LOCALS t GOSPEL TABERNACLE Fall of Babylon;” 7:30 p. m., Dr. Bulgin’s farewell, “The King’s Business.” What is the business Services for the week: March of this life? 15, Sunday school 10 a. m. If your children are not attending Eagle classifieds get action. Sunday school, we will be glad to have them in our classes. Sunday morning service 11 a. m. Evening service 7 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed nesday 7 p. m. The Ladies Aid will meet Thurs day afternoon at 2 o’clock. You are welcome to these ser- vices. G. D. Byrd, Pastor Lewis Beveridge, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beveridge, 108: O. A. hill, has just been notified I of his selection for membership in the League of Curtis Salesmen, Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson merly held the offices of county an honor organization maintained by the Curtis Publishing company and Mr. and Mrs. Hammond of clerk and county school super for boys who sell its publications. Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd intendent. Miss Elizabeth Veith of Van Admittance to this organization Graven of Burns were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey couver, Washington, is spending depends upon regular school at Graven who live just beyond the the week at the home of her tendance and a record of effi Mile bridge. brother, Fred Veith. cient service to customers. Earl Groat left yesterday for Recent arrivals at Hotel Ne- Lewis is eleven years of age, and has only been doing Curtis Young’s River where he has em- halem were W. J. Turner and ployment. J. W. Boughman of near Ver- work for about four months. When you’re tired, sluggish, irritable. CATHOLIC CHURCH When you lose your appetite, feel dull Wallace Bergerson who is em- nonia, C. Shaffer, Kalama, Mr. Lewis is now looking forward and headachy, chances are clogged bowels Monthly services will be held to advancement to the next high ployed with the Connicher Log and Mrs. L. C. Merriam, Mr. and are the cause. Doctors say you may have er degree in the organization. ging company was ill with the ' Mrs. Philip Merriam and son Bil Sunday at 11.30 a. m. a regular movement every day and still ly of Newberg; and Dr. E. J. Evening services are every suffer from this most common of all ail He hopes that some day he may grippe the first of the week. Bulgin. Thursday evening at 7 :30 during Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight enter ments. I to accept your alternative and re become a graduate, whiqh is the CHAPTER V H. L. Hutchinson of St. Hel Lent. What you need is an effective Russian sign my position here. How much highest degree in the organiza tained at dinner Saturday evening mineral oil like McKesson's Albolene. notice do you require? ” ens, manager of the Gilby Motor in honor of the birthday of Mr. tion. When Nellie returned to the Albolene is the most effective remedy for Old Anse was mortally stricken— CHRISTIAN CHURCH A. C. Hunter. Other guests were company, was in Vernonia Tues bank after luncheon she went in- | this condition on account of its highly Mrs. Hunter and Dr. and Mrs. R. day. to Ansel Moody’s office and for | Impaled on both horns of a dilem ma. If he accepted Nellie’s resig F. Claude Stephen«, Minister developed power to penetrate and mix A. Olson. Mrs. W. B. Lappe made a trip with hardened or the second time perused the tele nation, he would never, never find March 15, services for Lord’s dry waste matter, The Missionary society of the to Portland Wednesday. gram which hnd arrived that morn another employee like her. Also, day: 9:45 a. m. Bible school; softening it and «ISOIENC J E. H. Hibbard, manager of the Christian church will meet next ing from the First National Bank of he would most certainly alienate the hardly won affections of Elmer Tuesday, March 17, with Mrs. Shell Oil company’s plant at St. 10:45 a. m., Divine morning wor making it easy to Muscatine. It ran as follows: eliminate. Don’t let Helens, and Vic Sorrel, an em ship, theme, “Martyrs for Christ.” "McPeake's estimate estate ex Clarke—and a healthy account from Miss La Velle Gosa spent the Harry Culbertson. clogged bowels dull 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. tremely conservative. Think ap the fledgling millionaire would be weekend in Vernonia. ploye of the company formerly Registered at the Hy-Van this Announcements for the day your days and make praisal will develop double that. worth many thousands yearly to the Mr. Evers and Mr. DeVaney week were John Jones, McMinn located here, were in town Tues- and week at the morning services. your nights restless Our counsel have rend will and pro bank. day. and sleepless. Get a “You women make me sick,” he , drove home for the weekend from ville; E. J. Ludeman, Longview; nounced It absolutely air-tight and bottle of McKes C. Amato, Keasey, H. V. Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Art Davis, Mr. free from attack on any known growled. “You ain’t got no sense > Westport. EVANGELICAL CHURCH son ’s Albolene to __ _____ Claud Miss Grace Mills spent Wed- Seattle; J. W. Syder, Kelso; Har and Mrs. John Miller and grounds. Your customer sole lega of humorosit.v. Ain't a one of ,ve s day. A McKesson tee with exception one specified be can take a joke.” And he flounced I nesday night with Anna DeVaney. ry Nenis, Sedro Woolley, W. F. Miller spent Sunday evening with G. W. Plumer, Pastor, & Robbins prod quest of ten thousand. Will also up and out of the bank. Celeste McDonald, Millicent Hintzen, V. Ballinger, H. F. Whit Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sheeley. Revival meetings still on in uct. Nellie Cathcart’s mellow, gurgling instructs executor to pay a certnin man, Geo. W. Rowden, M. J. The evening was spent playing charge of Rev. E. J. Bulgin. You ’ Ratkie, and Florence Wall called mortgage given to one Benedict little laugh followed him, to give ' on Anna DeVaney Saturday af- Abbot, Wm. Brown, E. A. Feldin, cards. will note a number of his sub- After luncheon she Catherton together with Interest as him the lie. Paul Kullberg, R. A. MacDonald, Mrs. Chas. Fanshier, who ha3 jects below. Nightly services at per terms of mortgage. Principal went down to Elmer Clarke’s mail ' ternoon. and E. H. Leahy, Portland. been on the sick list, has im- 7:30 o’clock. Mrs. Pettijohn and Mr. and sum of mortgage forty thousand order garage. She found his old Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman proved and is able to be about dollars. In event death Elmer plug shooting dog, Noah, asleep on Mrs. Evers drove to Vernonia Sunday school in charge of W. the lawn, so she Invited Noah into and daughter Beverly June spent again. Clarke before distribution estate bls Monday. W. Wolff at 9:45 a. m. Brother Elmer's flivver and drove off to San share goes to the stato university. Mrs. A. C. Davis spent Sunday Bulgin will preach at 11 a. m., Mrs. Dean Duvall and son Al- the week end in Portland visit “First National Bank of Musca Carlos, a town soma thirty miles van Dean of Albany were visitors ing at the home of Mrs. Bate- with her son on Stony Point road, 3:00 and 7:30 p. m. Both Chris distant Here she sent a telegram tine.” of Mrs. E. J. Fairhurst over the man’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Cec While there she enjoyed a nice tian Endeavor societies meet at Nellie sighed and retired to her requesting an answer by mail; and il Bateman. birthday dinner. 6:30 p. m. Be sure to come. desk, where she figured rapidly for having thus spiked the guns of Old weekend. W. J. Armitage is taking a | An eight and one half pound Norman Pettijohn, who works Brother Bulgin will preach on half an hour. As she surveyed the Lady Bray, as It were, she returned at Wilark, spent the weekend two weeks vacation in order to daughter arrived at the home of the following subjects: Friday result of her computations a to l’llarcltos. completely recover from the ef Mr. and Mrs. Oscar George at night, “The Unpardonable Sin!” gurgling little chuckle escaped her; When Absolom McPeake came with his mother. then, as If overcome with shame at down to his office the following Mother Saturday night, What must I do Miss Nelle Campbell was out fects of an attack of influenza. 6:45 Sunday morning. her levity, her sea-blue eyes filled Monday morning, he found on his of school Monday on account of Willie Potter returned to her and baby are doing fine. to be saved, or the way made with tears. position in Dr. Eby’s office after ! Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliot are plain. Sunday, 11 a. m., God’s desk a most remarkable telegram. illness. Next To Post Office The following day was Saturday It read as follows; having spent a week visiting,' parents of a seven and one half Jack Campbell, who is working Test of Character; 3 p. m., “The and the Pllarcltos Commerdal I I pound girl born Monday, March “Please write we giving details Trust & Savings bank closed as of the mortgage mentioned In Hi in Clatskanie, spent the weekend friends in Portland. Mrs. L. Handley, who was ill 9. Mr. Elliot who has been work usual at noon, About half past ram Butterworth’s will as having I with his family. wvlvll to one I Frank White is spending a few all of last week was able to be ing at Burns, Oregon, arrived eleven Ansel P. Moody summoned been given by Butterworth in her art shop again Monday. just in time to greet the small My “grandfa Benedict Catheron. I.;, ____ ” j days in Sheridan. WHY PAY MORE THAN AT Recent guests at the Gordon daughter. ther was Benedict Catheron, for-| Alleged to be the first baby were J. A. Johnson, Tacoma; A. merly of Davenport, Iowa, and I i R. Duncan, St. Helen; ; J. M. born at Camp McGregor, an find among my deceased mother’s j papers a mortgage for forty thou Clark, 1 F. Thomas, A. M. That- eight and one half pound boy sand at eight per cent payable semi cher, R. B. Early, G. Leadbet- arrived at the home of Mr. and annually, on a farm In Mercer Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Engen ter, and J. Mackenzie of Port- Mrs. H. C. Ridenour Tuesday county, Illinois, to secure a promis night. land. sory note of Hiram Butterworth and Mrs. Engen’s mother, Mrs. Judd Greenman was reported to R. B. Early of Portland has given my grandfather. My mother J. B. Ohler, made a business trip been in Vernonia for several days be ill with the grippe Wednesday. was the sole heir of my grand to Hillsboro Friday. Mrs. F. D. Macpherson is con C. G. Jensen has the contract looking after business and prop father’s body, and I am the sole heir of hers. She is dead and so for the work necessary at the erty interests. fined to her home at Connicher is my grandfather. Mortgage dated rock quarry to prepare for work Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson camp with influenza. August 10, 1882, deficiency judg ing a crew. Mrs. L. W. Brown, daughter were Portland visitors Monday. ment dated March 23, 1887. Do not Hotel McDonald guests this of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Whitlock, Mrs. Daisy Smith of Hillsboro telegraph, as desire to keep matter returned to her home in Chehalis, absolutely secret and telegrams to has been visiting with neighbors week were R. H. Prong, W. A. l’llarcltos are broadcast by opera- of the community during the past Pittinger, Harry Heiberg, Harry Washington, Sunday. Mrs. Brown WASH FROCKS—A good assortment of fast week. Mrs. Smith lived here be Coleman, C. R. Davis, Lyle White, has been helping her father who Answer. fore moving to Hillsboro several I j H. A. Jones, C. 45. Brewer, Bert has been ill. “Nellie C. Cathcart, colors, many are “Juanellas”—formerly to 1.05 "Pllarcltos, California.” Mr. and Mrs. Fred Soden of Waterman, W. D. Lynch, Port years ago. An unusual value at— “Christopher Columbus I” mur Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Rainwater land; S. L. Smith, Salem; R. Forest Grove spent Tuesday af mured Absolom McPeake. “What and family spent Saturday even Jackson, Astoria; and Geo. Cran- ternoon and evening with Mr. and do you think of that?” He rang up Mrs. N. S. Soden to celebrate the his secretary. “The Butterworth ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ning, Estacada. RAYON YARD GOODS—Highly suitable for E. J. Ludeman, new manager latter’s seventh wedding anni- Harold Smith. file,” he commanded. spring dresses. In plaids and checks. Were 98c yd. A dance was given at the old of the local office of the Oregon versary. The girl brought It. It took Mr. Lode McDonald, district fire McPeake less than a minute to un Kist school house by Mrs. J. B. j Gas and Electric company, with While they last— earth a duplicate copy of a mort Ohler and daughter, Mrs. Hobart ¡Mrs. Ludeman and their two year warden, has been confined to his gage given to Benedict Catheron, After a Half Minute of This He Engen. An enjoyable evening'old son Robert will move Monday bed since Sunday, The nature Spoke In a Voice Trembling With of Davenport, Iowa, by Hiram But was spent by all present. into the house recently vacated of his illness has not been de EVERFAST SUITINGS—Plain and figured in terworth, on a section of land In Rage. The pupils of the Kist school I by D. A. Kramer, termined. Mercer county, Illinois, to secure a colors that mean soring and fine weath- receiving 100 in spelling this! Judge W. A. Harris was in Mr. and Mrs. George Clow and Nellie to his private office; when promissory note for forty thousand er.— she appeared he sat and glared at dollars at eight per cent Interest week were Junior Bergerson, sec-1 St. Helens Saturday on official daughter Lauretta visited Mrs. Clow’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and her ferociously over the tops of his payable semi-annually, and If not ond grade; Florence Ohler, third business at the court house, square spectacles. After a half min so paid semi-annually, to be added grade; Ralph Ohler, Virgil Rain-| Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Watts of Mrs. John Morrow, in Portland ute of this he spoke In a voice to the principal and bear Interest water, Susie Mae Jensen and Scappoose were Vernonia visitors Sunday. AMERICAN RUBBERS—Best quality—Scuffer- trembling with rage. at a like rate. The mortgage bore Irene Bergerson, fourth grade; Tuesday. Mrs. Watts visited at W. W. Wolff was confined to toe. Regular work and dress types—Broken sizes “Looky here, miss, If you expect the date August 10, 1882. A mln- Glen Rainwater, Carl Ohler, and the W. A. Harris home while Mr. his home with the girppe the to continue to work In this bank, ute later the lawyer had unearthed Men’s and Boys’— Childs’ and Women’s— you got ter git out of the lnsur- a record of n deficiency judgment Harry Ohler, sixth grade; Ellis Watts attended to business mat first of the week. Mr. Watts is well known Both Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Scott ance business.” against Hiram Butterworth, In fa Rainwater, seventh grade, and ters. K. in Columbia county, having for- have been ill with the grippe. Nellie sat down—uninvited. "Mr. vor of Benedict Catheron, dated Carl Jensen, eighth grade. Moody, this is the first intimation March 23, 1S87. I have had that my work as an em REMEMBER — Before you Buy (Continued Next Week) ployee of this bank lias been un satisfactory. In fact, I laid the Shop at MILLER’S And SAVE Money flattering unction to my soul thnt I Perhaps someone needs that The splendid record of depend »Me was the most efficient person on article you have discarded—try service hat accounted for the wide your pay roll.” popularity of -he General Electric an Eagle classified. Refrigerator with the MONITOR TOP. "You are—an’ your work’s nil right; I’m not kickin’ at that. It’s your side lines thnt rile me.” “You’ve known for a year thnt In SAVE u/M SAFETY my spare moments I have been sell ,tf yoi/r DRUG STORE ing all kinds of Insurance. You it Í have not hitherto objected to thnt provided my work in tile linnk did r ill not suffer in consequence.” “Well, hereafter you cut it out. A. F. & A. M. Order of Eastern Star ''i Hear me!” 1 F before and after Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. "Just why, please?" Regular commu A. F. & A. M. meets "Becuz your side lines tnngle up This week exert extra nication first at Masonic Temple, In mine onc't in a while. For In effort to avoid accidents. and third Wed I f H r Stated Communication stance, when I lonned Elmer Clnrke But at the same time pre nesdays of each First Thursday of each that twenty thousand dollars yes- pare yourself to avoid the month, at Ma terdny on bls unsecured note, you month. Special called serious consequences of sonic Temple. knew I did it becuz of his prospects. accidents that happen All visiting sis meetings on all other Thurs- "Now, then, I nln’t got no assur anyway. day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ters and broth The »»m* dependsbihty ■ ance, have I. thnt Elmer'll live long available tf. General Electric Replenish your home sup ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Radio The Low bo v pictured enough to come into his fortune? I ply of absorbent cotton, Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. is but one ot th« beautiful E. G. Anderson, W. M. got to have some security for thnt sterilized gauze and adhe model«—each ot them more Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Ioan, don’t I? What security can I •elective and aentitive than sive plaster. Moreover, in any set hitherto offered to git from him now? Nothin' except $166 Complete sist on the Firstaid Brand. the public. life Insurance. Well, I figure El Mountain Heart WOMENS RELIEF mer won't offer no objection to Rebekah Lodge No. 243 CORPS takln’ out a policy to protect the Years of research preceded the introduction of the Genera! Electric MONITOR TOP Re bank, so I stroll up to the Smoke Meets third Thursday of each No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets »very Shoppe this mornln' an’ suggest It frigerator. And General Electric spent $20,000,000 before they introduced the G-E Full second and fourth Thursdays in month at the I.O.O.F. hall. to hint. He's right agreeable an' I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit Mrs. Laura Sauer, President. Range Radio. Think of it! Twenty million dollars—inventing, creating, developing contri says he’s already thought o’ that, ors always welcome. for which reason he’s applied for butions to radio art— before offering you these sets. No wonder the new General Electric Grace, Sunell, Noble Grand. KN1GHTS OF PYTHIAS a policy with a company represent Helen Fogel, Secretary ed In this town by you!" HARDING LODGE 11« Full Range Radio has every quality you can ask: Amazing Sensitivity—Hairline Selectivity “That Is quite true. It occurred Meets every Monday —Naturalness of Tone. Here at last is the radio you have been looking for. See and hear it to me that you hnd overlooked sag night in the W.O.W. gestlng the matter to Elmer when Pythian Sisters hall. Visiting broth —today. Three beautiful models available on an attractive purchase plan. yoa made the loan, so I, realizing ers welcome. Vernonia Temple 61 meets that the bank should be protected, every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in H. Mayfield, C. C. took Elmer out to luncheon yester W.O.W. hall. H. Culbertson, K.R.S. day, and between the soup and the Plaster 25c Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. nuts I Bold him n hundred thousand Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. Gauze 39c dollar policy. The hank Is a bene I. O. O. F. ficiary to the extent of nny ap Cotton 20c proved claim against his estate ami American Legion somebody else Is the beneficiary of Seid only at Resell Vernonia Post all that's left.” 1....... ............... I.O.O.F. —Vernonia Lodge No. Stores. "Yes, but does this bank gft a I 1 9, American --- 246 ¿..¿-U meet« ;T3ry »ve> Tuesday night fifty-fifty cut on the commission you 5 Legion. Meets at 8 o'clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis earn on that policy?” 2nd and 4th I itors always welcome. "Oh, so that’s where the shoe L. H. Cates, N. G. pinches, does It? Well, Mr. Moody, Tuesdays each Chas. Holt, V. G. Vernonia, Oregon I’m not going to give up my side month, 8. p. m. John Glassner. Sec’y. line and I’m not going to continue Dan Nelson, Ad Mike Miller, Treasurer. It provided I permit you to graft jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. R. C. Stanton, Fin. Sec’y. off jue^.0onseau£iitlx-l-al>all_hiu« CLOGGED BOWELS Sure, Safe Relief V KEASEY Russian Mineral Oil Pint 65c Full Quart $1.00 Armitage Drug Co. KIST Another Group of SPECIALS 98c 25 C 39c pr- Safety! EE THIS LATEST ACHIEVEMENT FROM »! 1 ! 11 ííW Ä * out of the "house of magic” Mac’s Pharmacy Oregon Gas & Electric Co Vernonia 49c