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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1930)
f FRIDAY, Ng THE VERNONIA. ËA0LE TAGE FOUR llrriumia Pacific Coast Representative Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. ohigon IKÎ staïï C DI TOniAL I nil ASSOCIATION San Francisco County Official Paper Member of National Editorial Association and Oregon State Editorial Association. Issued Every Friday $2.00 Per Year in Advance Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher SOME POST THANKSGIVING THOUGHTS Before this issue of Vernonia Eagle reaches its sub scribers, Thanksgiving will be over, the turkey, cran berries, pumpkin pie or what have you consumed except for sundry cold remnants in the pantry, and one's favor ite team either victorious or defeated in the big game. Thanksgiving over—and not much to be thankful for, either, you say. Are not wages down, jobs scarce, women and children hungry or about to be, and do not desperate men force their unlucky victims into stolen cars and toss them out after emptying their pockets? Things are bad enough now, you may say, and sure to be speedily worse. Yet is there not much to be thankful for, even after the holiday is over, and in a period of business depres sion? There is, when you consider it, right here in Ver- nonia. For one thing, crops in Columbia county and the Nehalem valley have been bountiful. Ask anybody who travelled in the middle west last summer what crop fail- ure means. Business in Vernonia, although below normal, has kept up splendidly, all things considered, Ask any travelling man about comparative conditions in many other towns, several in Oregon. Although individuals have been laid off, the plant of the Oregon-American Lumber company has' been in con tinuous operation. Many a lumbering mill elsewhere has had to shut down indefinitely. Building construction in Vernonia has been healthily active: Store buildings belonging to R. B. Early and Gordon Watt; the beautiful new Washington school; the Rock creek bridge; city hall garage and jail; paving; re modeling of private residences and apartments; electric line extensions by the Oregon Gas and Electric company ; the Vernonia-Mist telephone line. So far so good, some may pause to remark, but what of the future? If the mill shuts down— But the management of the mill has given every as- surance that operation will continue on the present basis until the lumber market improves, and then, of course, production will increase. False reports of an imminent shut-down, as baseless as the rumor that the company is about to sell out, hurt Vernonia, and hamper a continua tion of the activity that has been so prominent despite pessimists and crepe hangers. What 1931 will be like no one knows; one man’s prophecy: is as good as another’s. But this much is certain: With the same spirit that has characterized Ver nonia during the past year, there still will be much to be thankful for. public highway«. out the unfit, the neghite»». —St Helen« Sentinel License Law will ba waged in ao that entry will not be easy. reckless and the "accident re Doors and windows of homes 28 states during the next few peaters.* ami to prevent begin OREGON CITY—Gladys Robin should be fastened at night ao months. In several states where last w»*k lnt<’ that ameteur crooks cannot get existing laws lack "teeth, an ners from driving until they are son world with two perfect loath. effort will be made to remodel competent to handle a car. in without much trouble. Let us all do our share as in- them to conform with the stand An overwhelming majority of dividual» to make it hurder for ard ordinance recommended b) motorists are rv«pun»»ble ami com crimes to be perpetuated by the National Conference on Street petent. But the small niinorty and Highway Safety. which is careless «»J Hicompet using every care possible. Twelve states now haw driv ent. has given us the greatest —ST. Helens Mist ers' license laws and all of them accident toll in the world They llairculting for Men have experienced Women ana Children _______ a downward aC- .»re a menace to the lives aad To be branded by campaigners _______ Expert Work Guaranteed as a “country town lawyer,” has cident trend. According to •,*“*'¡property of all other driver», fhey must br barrrd from th* seemingly caused Ed. Bailey, vey made by the National “ ” late gubernatorial candidate, to ty Council, there have been 29 ---- ;— -------------- “ 1 move from Junction City to per cent fewer fatalities since I Eugene. He should have moved the adoption of the laws than | to Portland; lawyers are scarce there would have been had these 12 states had the same percent there, according to reports. —McMinnville News-Reporter age increase as the non-licen»ea states. This amounts to a saving Oregon is beginning realise the of thousands of lives annually. Muny safety authorities believe importance of giving work to local people. Multnomah coun- such a law is the most important i ty court has ordered that 14 single step toward reducing ac persons be ousted from bridge cidents. No careful driver need work in Portland because they j fear it Its purye-e is to weed couldn't show that they were i Oregon residents at a certain date. Loyalty to Oregon and local STORAGE institutions will build up this state quicker than anything. BATTERIES —Hillsboro Argus Vernonia Braving ~ 1 portion of such crimes will be performed by ameteurs who will be on the lookout for easy marks. They will not tackle the places that observe ordinary pre cautions to protect property and valuables. Carrying large sums of money is a dangerous business at any ¿J time and will be particularly so thia winter. Valuable jewery, CRIME PREVENTION Everyone can do his share to papers and silver should be put ward prevention of crime by in some safe place. Banks pro observing common sense precau vide adequately protected safety tions with regard to property and boxes at small rentals. Automo valuables. This winter promises biles should not be unlocked and to be a time of petty thievery garage doors should be secured and looting occasioned by the lack of employment through de pressed economic conditions. Idle men without funds will turn to burglary and theft in many cases a.» a way to provide themselves with food and shelter. A great What Other Editors Think i Dr. Brower House And SIGN PAINTINC PAPER HANGING AND TINTING Optometrist and Optician Of Portland WILL BE IN J. C. Henderson Vernonia Phone 1021 EVERY 2nd AND 4th MONDAY OF EACH MONTH All day and Evening at the Hotel Hy-Van See Him About Yoer Eyes. I Books of 1930 Wall Papas Samples Now Here Ow Display Vernonia Paint Shop Vernonia Sh.|| Barber Shop Dependable Shop Work i and Machine Works Vigorous campaigns to adop tion of the Automobile Drivers' mndCi 50 Itevi p<> ior "Mother's Bread (Made in Vernonia) 1. Buy only the best ingredients. 2. Measure out respective proportions scientifically. 3. Mix skillfully.. 4. Bake adequately. 5. Handle sanitarily. 6. Wrap attractively. Try to match MJvanUget: Seven tube« ... 3 tcreen «r.d Electro-dynamic speaker Philco balanced units Double-tuned input circuit Tremendous power Push-pull audio ’ , i Such are the processes that go into the making of cl • sharp tuning Beautiful walnut cabinet "Mother's Bread” Vernonia Service Stati At Your Grocer's Vernonia. Oregon Vernonia Bakery Professional and Business Directory VERNONIA, this pageraÌphUaVeU?àny'rTÌ.e»lh and pe»Ä H lES¿y Be Clatskanie is to be congratulated upon the comple tion of its fine new creamery, built not so much for pre sent needs as for the business the owners and the citi zens believe can be developed. It is a splendid example for other progressive communities. N. Iloygl Jcy “nd wow,n Mr’ ,nd Pfo people are M4 »• V.nw.ta •» reliable tea BEAUTY SHOPS CLATSKANIE’S NEW CREAMERY SQUIRE SERVICES Club» jfMlajes A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. t A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. J. E. Tapp, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson. Secretary. Order of Eastern Star WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. May Mellinger, president NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 19 ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays. Audrey Austin, Recorder American Legion Vernonia Post Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. 8. Regular commu I 19, American nication first Legion. Meets and third Wed- ; 2nd and 4th nesdays of aach month, at Ma-1 Tuesdays each sonic Temple. month, 8. p. m. All visiting sis I)an Nelson, Ad ters and broth ers welcome. jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Mrs. Grace-Reberger, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every Pythian Sisters second and fourth Thursdays in I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit Vernonia Temple rtl meets ors always welcome. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Edna Linn, Noble Grand W.O.W. hall. Grace Sunell, Vice Grand MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. Myrtle John, Secretary DELLA CLINE. M. of R. 4 C. Margaret Shipley, Treasurer KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 1. O. O. F. . STEAM HEAT • The bent for thone who appreciate the beat. Phone 431 COMPL FUN Tk. I___ . . ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOPPE ________________ \i Monrn xu h T I Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy DR. R. A. OLSON Chiropractor Tel. «71 1117 Sts’ Vernonia. Ore CONTRACTORS General Contractor Mason Work, Building DENTISTS Local 4 long distance hauling V.rnoab Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’» Store Money to Loan OR improved real aetata- terme ’’•»•»»ahlê . L T.* Attorney John HL Heleni. (,™ M. D. COLE Dentini Vernonia, Oregon Bat ford Broth» Cason Transfer JOHN A. MILLER PASTIME CARDS AND LICHT LUNCHES ANNQUNCEMIRD ANNOUNCEMO» I have leased sad »■ operating the Blacksmith Shop. Rapair... of Al De* w. M. r CURLY’S Phone Huoinw» Residence Local and Loaf lance HauÜRÍ PHYSICIAN» LUyd Bahw, p^ DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry .nd X-Ray Marvin R. Eby, Hoffman Hdwe. Building Terminal Cafe Vernonia, Oregon The Right Place to Eat Physician and Phone Hospital *l Town Office »•* Excellent Cooking HOTEL Dr. J. A. Hub* HOTEL GORDON Newly Fur.i.had Rnoa,. Hot and Cold Waler Next to P<„t Office Very Reasonable Ratee 11« Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No night in the W.O.W. hall. Visiting broth ««"S?» ers welcome. itors always welcome. H. Culbertson, C.C. C. W. Kilby N. O. , U. A. Scott, K.R.S. John Glamner, Secretary. Hotel HyVan HyVan notel at hcmk hotel M c D onald Mary Kato Chop Suey Restaurant Pkytielaa aad »*•** Office Phone «<» Res. Phone ««4 • OPTOMETRY Dr. C. O. Aná«* Vow’ll enjoy a |>oW| °v dolicioua Chop S«*y after th. .how CA—*** Eyes Tasted Eye Ist Spesiali»! Meaday !• Dp*