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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1930)
hhday . nqi THE ‘VERNONIA EAGLE PAGE TWO Shower at Mrs. Marshall's Honors Mrs. Fred II all — OREGON NEWS ODDITIES O mwon Orari« FlWt Dtrnghter» l,"rtl»*4i EVANGELICAL CHURCH Dave Marshall, Mrs. H. i M. J. Wall, Mrs. A. L. Kullander, M \ i. i i "i i. Mrs E. M icGraw and Mrs, F. D. Mac pherson entertained with a shower Bleile, Mrs. W. W. Wolff, Mrs. last Thursday afternoon at the W. T. Lilly, Mrs. J. C. Lindley. home of Mrs. Marshall, honoring Mrs. L. H. Roberson, Mr». M. Mrs. Fred Wall who was the Gründen, Mrs. E. A. Green, recipient o many beautiful and Mrs. C. Davidson. Mrs. W. E. useful gifts. A pleasant after Bell, Mrs. C. S. Caton. Mrs. C. M. Ruhl, ,____ Mrs. noon was enjoyed by those pres- F. Hieber, Mrs. F. L2. Chicken salad, crackers, ol- C. Richardson, Mrs. Judd Green-j and coffee were served by man. hostesses. Mrs. L. Heiber, Mrs. R. A. Space, Miss L. Keehn | MRS. CASE CONDUCTS and C. L. Anderson sent gifts CLASS FOR LADIES but were unable to be present. Those present were Mrs. K. A. Mrs. Sarah V. Case, county McNeill. Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mr*. home demonstration agent, was in Vernonia Friday and conduct ed a class at the high school. Sev FIFTH GRADES enteen ladies were present for PRESENT PROGRAM the lesson in making inexpensive Christmas gifts. Mrs. Case showed Monday afternoon the two fif how to make portfolios, stocking th grades presented a program eases and other useful gifts out before the assembly of the Wash of cardboard boxes, wall paper ington school, in the new aud and odds and ends of material. itorium. Melvin Boeck announ The next meeting will be held ced the numbers for Mrs. Dun can’s room. A play, t’The First in December in the Evangelical Thanksgiving,’’ was presented by church when Mrs. Case will be Mildred Woods, Doris Nixon, El assisted by Miss Lucy Case, nu la Pearl Savage, Esther Fromb- trition expert of the Oregon State ling, Elizabeth Wall, Mava Wil college, and it will be a contin liam, Mane Scott, Robert Holmes, uation of the health project. Those present at the meeting Billy Cane, Clarence Lamping, Kyle Clark, Fred Erven, Mayo were Mrs. D. Marshall, Mrs. S. V. Hogue, Harold Graven, Elmer Malmsten, Mrs. E. H. Condit, Michener. Recitations by Virginia Mrs. A. C. Knauss, Mrs. R. Henderson, Marelda Riggs and Sword. Mrs. F. Malmsten, Mrs. Norman Crowder were heartily A. Holmes, Mrs. Judd Greenman, applauded as were the pirates' Mrs. F. Dickson, Mr*. E. A. song by the boys and the chorus Green. Mrs. W. E. Bell, Mrs. Minnie Sword, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, The greatest nuiulx-r of Duds present fur thr annual IXid « !>.i) <»t by the whole room. Daisy McDonald. Helen Barnes, Mrs. C. Malmsten, Mrs. W. T. thr t'ntveratty of Oregon brought to thr girls of Kappa tl|>ha Theta Roas Lee Van Buren, Edith Lud Lilly, Mrs. W. A. McGilvray, sorority the Governor Norblad ct-p shown in thr top picture, left to wig, La Von George and Robert Mrs. H. M. Condit. right. Marta WUson and her father, II. U Wilson, of Grnnta fusa; Romacly presented a program in Nancy Thielsen and Fred ThJelaen, of Salem: and W. L. Hay nud memory of the birthday of Rob MRS. LAMPING GIVEN daughter Margherita, of Portland. ert Louis Stevenson. They gave a STORK SHOWER To the Kappa Kappa Gammas went the s.x-ond price. Ui<- Paul T. short synopsis of his life and Shaw trophy. In the picture ara H. J. Warner nnd daughter Janr, of three of his poems. Mrs. M. J. Lamping was hon Albany; H. L. HtMaeil and Dorothy, of Portland; and W »Iter M. Cook The next assembly will be held ored on Thursday of last week Friday afternoon, December 5 at with a stork shower by her and Mary Betty, of Portland; sud Judge Greenncia and i'tiu. be iW 2:30 and Mr. McCrae’s room will many friends. She was the rec have charge of the program. ipient of many beautiful gifts. A dainty plate luncheon of levelling in the Natal hall. After Cooking Club Serves TUOLUMNE VISITORS sandwiches, cake, doughnuts and the program delicious home made Tea To Parents, Teachers coffee was served the guests by ENTERTAINED candy was sold by the children the hostess. the funds will be used to buy The Vernonia Cooking club! Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Francis new records for the school phon Those present were Mesdames under the direction of Miss Ruth W. Hall, J. L'. Burnett, Tom of Tuoloumne, California, were ograph. Taylor served tea Tuesday after after- Magoff, J. L. Timmons, Casey entertained by Dr. and Mrs. R. noon to the paernts and the Fest, S. G. Smith, C. C. Van A. Olson Saturday evening. teachers of the Washington Doren, P. H. Matson, and the Those present besides the hosts school as part of their club work. work, hostess. were Mrs. and Mrs. E. Knight. Sandwiches, cookies, and tea! tea Those unable to be present but Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Timmons, Mr. were made and served by the! sending gifts were Mesdames M. and Mrs. A. C. Hunter, Mr. and following girls: Rose Sitts, Lor-1 Mills, L. A. Boeck, Jack Davis, Mrs. Geo. Stankey and son. raine Space, (Jtha DeHart, Mil-j Hazel Stevenson, H. Allan and Various games were played, dred Walters, Leona Hillman, Al A. B. Johnson. after which a lunch was served. The safe in the Columbia berta Veal, Marguerite Laird. Stevedoring company's office in A musical program consisting INTERMEDIATE C. E. PARTY GIVEN FOR St. Helens was jiinm><l the night of a piano solo by Rose Sitts and of November IS nnd $'5.25 in MR. AND MRS. THOMAS and two violin solos by Marie SOCIETY REORGANIZED taken. Kirkpatrick was presented for A social was held in the hall NATAL —(Special)— There the pleasure of those present: Mrs. Ethel Ray, Mrs. H. Veal, of the Egangelical church Sat- was a benefit party given in A meetin.- of v<>t< rs of r- ad Mrs. A. J. Sitts, Mrs. B. F. Rog- urday evening for the purpose honor of the Thomas family at district 12, St. Helens, voted a ers. Miss Myrtle Pye, Mrs. Ross of reorganizing an intermediate the Natal hall Wednesday. Cof special tax of approximately •’> fee, cake and jello were served mills divided as follows: 82500 Duncan, Miss Charlotte Hilts, Christian Endeavor society. the afternoon. Many for improvement of First street After a series of games the during Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spring, Mis* Lenora Kizer, Mrs. Alta Neil, business meeting was held and neighbors took part in the oc between St. Helens and Wiliam, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. Lulu Ful- the following officers were elect casion. ette. $0,000 on Deer l-land road, lerton, E. H. Condit and W. ed: Marjory Holtham, president; $2500 on California street. Sara McGee, vice-president; Bet THANKSGIVING AT Thomas. ty Lee. secretary; Dorothy Nan- NATAL SCHOOL Jeanne Turkington, 8-year old son, treasurer. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR daughter of Mr. and Mm. M. E. • Refreshments were served to NATAL (Special) A LOUISE ROBERSON ' 25 members and friends. «■nia Thanksgiving program was given by the Natal school Tuesday and A number of friends surprised wai KENSINGTON CLUB Louise Roberson at her home Monday evening, the occasion be MEETS NOVEMBER 20 ing her birthday. The evening The Kensington club met was spent dancing and playing games. Those present were Misses the home of Mrs. Earl Smith Joy Bush, Margaret Nelson, Ruth Thursday evening, November 20. Page Simmons, Allie Simmons, 19 ladies were present. The eve Christine Rainey, Mary Ann ning was spent in sewing, after Childs, Katherine Malmsten, Ed which dainty refreshments were na Owens, Marjorie King, May- served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held belle Drorbaugh; Messrs Marvel Graven, Jack and Larry Marsh Thursday afternoon, December 8, all, Ervin Smith, Billy Wash- 2 , p. __ m., ___ at ____ the ______ home ___ of ______ Mr». burn, Robert Holcomb, George James Nanson. All Pythian sisters Laird. «re invited to attend. Among Our Neighbors I'lunier, Pa«*«*- «ervk** next Sunday will m Sunday «'bool at •' Puaihing. II -• ‘ m. Both Christian Endeavor »• 8:30 p. "»• rieUc» will me»l ‘ r 3. I ukm I»). Itacctaber Next Wed........... ■ society thc Women’« Mi«»ii>nary i month will have their »o«W eting Thi. will be I an *H .lav meeting with dinner al U 30 •lay'. p m It I» I“ , »ch member bring a guert. Thi< will be ii very impotlant meet ll)ir a, well a. entertaining and all member» are expecG-d rica»e keep In I"‘nd day. Sunday. IVecember 7. CHRISTIAN CHURCH —— 0 „ ■ ASTORIA What Jailer* her* thought waa a »mall p«>* epidemic among prison era proved to be ll ree cn»r* of chickenpug, rare among adulta. At the l int ! vt MEDFORD Al the stroke of 10 p. in. It’« back to the farm for Newell Themen, 82 Judge order« uniti the Thor«*« behav ior Improve«. A .nr,M h . * ««¡¡¿j » •«•**• m ; K«u<* lakata *■'1 UrtZ prevent mZ aide dan El'GENE <• F l.«innig want» •very comfort when hunting. Ganic warden« found him ah"<>l- in<ilorb->«t Ing bird« from fin* $25. ■ ■ M G. Hi««oa. P««loc November 30 Sunday «chool 10 o’clock. Morning worship II. Sunday evening »crvicc» 7:30. Subject •Have You Received the Holy Gho«t Sine« You Bi’llcved? Tuesday evening, 7:30, Bible «tudy. Friday evening, l’ra> <r meeting. invite oi ne and all to these »crvice*. knocked down by a hit and run ir .er at the bridge over Millon creek <>n the Vernonia read while she was _ on h*r way to «ch*»I .he mu rnmg of NovemberJO. For- I ¡lately her injuries war« nut serious, the little girl being ap parenti)' only »cratebed and brut- rd. Kankt»n grange «•li-cG-d the ful •wing < fficer» November 15: Master. Clyde M. Wa’.nn; over ••er, Marcus Kale; Iwturer, Mer na Boulby; steward, Oti* Seal, ¡¡««i.-tant steward, Joe Ihitan; -hap!a:ti, Mra. Wataon; treasurer, Mr*. Perry; «ecriiary, Scott Rich mond; gate keeper, Haymond Jauron; rerea, Mr«. Dowler; flor*. Vera Rolo-ria; pomon*. Thelma Muikin*; lady assistant steward, Mrs Bull. l‘«l»« «J«». J th t "" eat« g|^|? Lotti* sf all I rnr « - a«w »•«“ “ *•»tfc •”1» *k Lm ■ Q. iii ■ un* PORTI.4ND- Quicb, Wataon. thè nvedlet W. William« rum l'iamrd lo pulir« be found fluì- rt pnnt« on a window (tane of hi* home 1 ELGIN T he wn*rt- Mac’s PI ' rrnorh. irrrcr cit glifi you mean«, in th.«< exactly «halli» ary taya... could sekret thH Ckrhtma* beautiful, «CCU- “THE AFT OF I IIIVi r*tc tlmcpkcct. I hr «noie rare, thou. lit, thaw tie»« <>f liaUnrt, •>f < <.'■« and cl», diurna !*• uwd b» pire«- of pnnltd that thr artialai hr !• painting* wrtr Helena; •«•; A Rotile .M innie A I. !.. U p • auiipbtrd I Ed. 1-arwn ha* been elected f president of the Clatnkanie Ki- warns ch b. Tom Colvin will be vice-president, Charles Stanley district trustee and Fred rough, treasurer. The retiring president is W. Arthur Steele. real pive« nl art, lutile« yr,ea»yl t»rnreM.GEDE Jewelry Sion \ • rnonia, Oregon America ii an advertising na- lion. That la <»pe reason why the man with- moderate m< ana h,rr > enjoys mor«- comfort« than most wealthy men abroad Joy Theater Ainu *n Andy Coats Reduced •" «heir fin»t All-Talking Motion IM«* Check and Ihiuble < heck’* GENUINE MINK COLLARS ERI DA Y OUR FORMER PRICE $39.50 CHILDREN’S PLAY SLITS Khaki and striped covert cloth. Regular price $1.00. Limited «ize range, mostly size 8. Now Z«»)C 1. Proper but Economical Feeding. A balanced diet is a necessity to the cow as well as the hu man. Alfalfa hay, kale, bran and concentrated foods provide the proteins—ensilage, roots and grains provide the carbohydrates, or heat pro ducing foods. For the summer, Ladino Clover has been found ideal for Oregon pasturage. Ruben (loldbcrg’s Girly, Goofy Farce SATURDAY BOYS’ WOOL SWEATERS Close weave slipovers, high neck. Only J Q a few in stock. Size 34 and 36. A gift at 4</C 2. Healthy Sturdy Stock. Although tuberculosis has nearly disappeared in the state, the best herds are periodically tested for tuberculosis and abortion diseases. GINGHAMS Regular 25c quality. Old style patterns, Now, yard 3, Common Sense Management. Definite pro duction standard of 350-400 lbs. is usually set. Test your cows—you may be keeping boarders. Good pure-bred sires may be purchased at reas onably low prices for every herd. A high pro ducing herd cannot be had without one. WOMEN’S GALOSHES First quality. Rubberized fabric. VglueH to $3.98. Now REMEMBER — Before you Buy Shop at MILLER’S And SAVE Money. Bank of Vernonia "TO FURTHER AGRICULTURAL PROSPERITY" * ONDALE Here’* one for Vanee, Thieve* made off u garden hoae, «hut-off . cedar cheri. personal let Claud« Stephan«, M>n<»t«r »t services for November SALEM Bible »chool. 9 ’45 a. in.; Divine brrriv« morning worship. 10:45 a. ni ; w wh- « 30 Christian Endeavor Society. the Evening »perlai in p. m. ; Et (IENE Boy» robbed, nature of Missionary play. rle<l off two Ivory elrphanta. twu I k» uf onr ceni «tampa, FULL gospel tabernacle two botile« of perfume. Ladies Successful Dairy Herds Depend on— »•T W- UY UNITED PRESS Notice« I SCOTLAND Y AHO* Mith Edmund Ixiwe, Jean llennelt. P OC A Shadowed Romance. — HX M FNtlA Amer Milo Oft » Aw- .•«■! " $1.49 Why Pay More Than at Miller’i^have the exclu "ive agency for Enna •lettick health shoes in Vernonia. “You need no longer be told you have an expensive foot SUNDAY AND MONDAY •• the UUh Richard Arlen. Fay Wniy and K' Pallet! TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY