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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1930)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON EIGHT LEGIONNAIRES, ATTENTION! Do you know that all your home town ferchants went over the top again one hundred per cent. Do you know, that your Legion golf tournament commit tee received a prize from every merchant called upon. In fact we had to stop or we would havi had too many prizes. There are 26 prizes offered. Count them. Comrades, who is it that con tributes a grocery order or drops in a contribution whenever we have a buddy in distress? Who is it that have helped to build our Legion home? Who is it; that have attended all our car nivals, given us credit for ma- terials and merchandise that we purchase from them at no pro fit to them, and waited a year for their money? We all know the answer, it is our home town merchants, standing behind us in everything we undertake, back ing us up, and keeping the faith as in the trying days of 1917, 18. Let us keep step with our merchants and when mess call Is sounded let us be sure our chow is home town stuff, bought from our home town merchants and produced in our Nehalem valley. How many dollars spent for Ya- back to Vernonia? What part of our dollars come back into this community that we spend for Astoria butter, Hood River apples, Rogue River melons? Comrades, let’s all pull for our real friends. A ladies’ tournament open for all ladies residing in the Nehalem valley and free to all comers will commence Sunday morning, Sep tember 28, and the finals will be played the Sunday follow- Ing for the following prizes: First, bor candy from Baker’s card room; Second, cake from Vernonia Bakery; Third, box candy from Lincoln’s Candy Kit- chen; Fourth, framed picture from Brown Furniture company. The grand prize to be competed for by the winners of the five flights of the men’s tournament will be a Premier Duplex va cuum cleaner donated by Geo. W. Ford, of the Oregon Gas and Electric company. When ap- proached by the committee Mr. Ford stated that he would give the boys something to shoot for. We take this opportunity to pub- licly thank him for his generosity, and continued wholehearted sup port to the American Legion, This wil! be competed for by blind bogey by the winners of each flight. As a condolence prize for the first contestants eliminated from the five flights, there will be o blind bogey tournament which will be played off beginning at 10 o'clock September 28. First prize, golf sweater, do nated by E. W. Holtham’s Work ingmen’s Store; Second prize, thre dollar merchandise order by Nehalem Market; Third prize, complete shaving outfit by Armi- tage Drug company; Fourth prize, sweat shirt by C. F. Hieb- er of Hieber’s Toggery. Keep All Your Score Card» FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1930. Brittany Druid Stone* ERSON, deceased. Brittany, the “Land of the Sen, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Is one of the oldest lands In the NOTICE is hereby given that world, and Its Druid stones of the undersigned has been ap colossal size date hack thousands of pointed administratrix of the year* before the Christian era and. Estate of Hannah Bergerson, de like those at Stonehenge, In Eng ceased, by the County Court of land. are visited annually by thou the State of Oregon for Colum sands. St. Milo, on the coast, has the ap bia County, and has qualified, pearance of a large ship at anchor A l persons 1 having claims against STRIKES AND SPARES It stands on a rocky peninsula and FOR RENT ■ one-third down, equal: said estate are hereby notified Is surrounded by massive walls I monthly payments, interest. I to present the same, duly veri- which wore built In the Sixteenth Carl Davidson and his office HOTEL VISTA APARTMENTS, Louis Bachman, j fied as by law required to the team in the O.-A. Lumber comp century as a defense against the Two and three rooms—complete- I Credit gladly. French and the British. The town owner; Seaboard Dairy Credit undersigned at her residence, any house league in a practice Is named after a Welsh monk ly furnished, wood, light, wat-: j Corp, clerk; W. T. Noble, sales- j 924 State street in the City of game, took the boys from the named St. Milo, or Maclon. who er, phone, bath (always hot wat-' manager. Farm for sale or Vernonia, Columbia County, Ore- shipping department into camp h"ld a bishopric there in the Sixth ----------- er), - $15, $20 month. 9c?, ■ - leave: stock abortion and T. B. 'on- within six months from the Monday night by a large score century. 9date hereof. FOR RENT—3-room furnished tested. for this early in the season. BESSIE TAPP, Administra house, garage, bath, $15. In-i John Grady was high point trix of the Estate of Hannah quire Hotel Vista. 9c? ' WANTED man for the series with a score Bergerson. deceased. of 174. Connie Anderson and FOR RENT—Large steam-heated WANTED—Good Hi-Power rifle, CORDON R. WATT, Army Kannard rolled nice games. sleeping room. Inquire Mrs. [ 25-35 or 30,-30 caliber. North Attorney for said estate. Look out for the boys from the Dated and first published Sep J. W. Brown, Phone 593. 7tfc east of Vernonia, third house on shipping department; they are left beyond end of pavement. H. tember 12, 1930. Date of last going to be hard to beat. H. Crume. 73* publication October 10, 1930. FOR SALE Jack Johnson has been hitting of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richard TAILORING, CLEANING, the maple for good scores all PRESSING—Tom H. King, Sr. this week. In a three game ser Vernonia visited at the home of CUT FLOWERS for sale. 1024 First Ave. Mrs. W. L. Van Remodeling. Repairing for men ies with Earl Cadden he hit the P. L. McDuffee Sunday. Doren, Phone 1136. 4tf. and women. Tailored suits $26 wood for a total of 607 pins for A brother of Sam Me Call, up. Agency for Singer Sewing! the three games. He has been who died here August 31, and 200 Pullets 3%/-months old for Machines and parts. We call for ' signed by Cy Clay, captain of Mrs. Hanson of Wilark, a friend sale cheap. Dozen or all. Above and deliver. Call J. C. Penney. the .Standard Oil team, in the of the deceased, were here Mon- Lindsay's old mill. Cal Stillings. Nc' *■ to Pn»»npv store. 7tf. class A league. day. 93c Happy Thompson is practicing WANTED— House on acreage Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Scott at- every day and getting lots of ¡FOR SALE—Oats and Vetch along river, preferably near wood. Hap says the team that tended a lodge party in Vernon- Seed, 2H cents lb. John D. route of school bus. Box 85. beats the Gilby Motor company ia Saturday evening. Baker. 94c Vernonia. 83* i boys in the class A league will Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fletcher I win the flag. More power to visited at the home of Mrs. Flet IFOR SALE-Used school desks and The Longview Business College you, Hap. cher’s parents in Portland Sat ! seats, different sizes, by Camp is introducing for the second, Fred Fredrickson has his cross urday evening and Sunday. | McGregor school district. Write year a higher accounting course, ; alley ball working to perfection Wilfred DeClusion is ill at his I Mrs. J. W. Wornstaff, clerk, Dist. as well as a complete secretarial and is anxious to try it out in 140, Keasey, Oregon. course. In the last three weeks i home here. .eague play. we have made seven placements, | Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wornstaffi Cy Clay of the Standard Oil and son William made a business' FOR SALE — Cow, Ayrshire, locally. We can do that for you, I have been appointed fresh one week; gentle; good too. team is southpawing in mid-sea 82c | trip to Portland Saturday and: milker; Exclusive Agents for price $65. Charles son form with several 200 scores spent Sunday visiting relative* Schmidlin, Phone 13F51. 6tf LOST—Sept. 18, $15.00 in loose to his credit this week. at Clackamas. j Our old friend Mike O'Connor bills. Finder please return to Mr. and Mrs. B. Sather re-¡FOR SALE- ■Furniture; complete W. J. Lindsley. says he will take on any bowler bed, $3; small dressers (mir- of his age for a three game turned to camp Sunday from Rainier where Mr. Sather wasp’ors 10x20), $4. Inquire Hotel ■eries, winner take all. 9c? IN THE COUNTY COURT OF quite ill for two months. Mr. Sa Vista. THE STATE OF OREGON ther is much improved in health. Mr. Editor: I was named by .AUCTION SALE—Mist, Or., Oc FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY President Lindley to preside over tober 1, 11:00 a. m. Com- IN THE MATTER OF THE the next regular meeting of the Altogctli.r Too Frank | plete dispersal 20 head Higrade, ESTATE OF HANNAH BERG-1 GENUINE STEERHIDE chamber of commerce, which Fishing, perhaps, for a little adu ¡Jersey Durhams, 13 Milch cows, will be Wednesday, October 8. lation, the eight' trade teacher told 6 TIeifers, team, all kinds farm HANDBAGS I consider this a great opportu her pupils to wr'le a theme telling ,implements, including mowing nity for me to get even with all lust what they tl ought of her. Hand Modeled, Colored I machine, separator, disc harrow, “Please he absolutely frank. those fellows who have for the spike tooth, spring tooth, fan- and Laced past three years used me in var- now." she ur ;ed. ill, small tools, 15 tons Eleven-yenr-old Vlrglnla, not yet ious places on committees, as Terms on dairy stock: wise enough in the ways of the Quality and Workman they all know that I can get world to r< H’-'p th:ii frankness is past on lots of things where merely a p; ■ * ideal that meets vin ship guaranteed. there is plenty of hard work. dictive o; • ession and punish- I have named a committee to ment in practice, wrote: Doe WISE •‘I think you’re brutal, I don’t assist me and think it might help get out the boys to know who like you. I think you’re mean to »« me and to the other children . . will assist. and so on for two pages. First will be Rev. Claude Poor Virginia.—Chicago Evening tephens; second, Mr. Wolf; and • ast Tom Crawford and Happy Thompson with their best selec Mak’ng Sure tions, which will cause them all Wilson was on his v ay home to eat an extra dinner. If you can make space tell from the station. When he was three miles from the village all of your readers to come out about It s a sport to be enjoy and about a mile from his home and help Ed put it over. A short he saw a man nnpronchlne ed in any kind of weath talk from Geo. Ford. Store from th • o.ipobitc <1: ¡ pi : ion. er at any time ; rare Yours, E. W. HOLTHAM. “Excuse m<*. sir,” s: fun, a splendid form of Tir stranger when rhev m?t. exercise for both men happen to have seen a policeman MOTHER alwaxs can and women. Try it at anywhere about? ” Catching Up With Bullet* BET THAT IT LOOKS one “ I ’ m afraid I haven ’ t seen MIKE O’CONNOR’S If a shotgun Is tired directly for over two mill's.” returned WI1-, LIKE RAIN WHEN THE RECREATION HALL ahead of an nlrplnne. within a few son milkman leaves two unsuspectingly. Q uarts 1 seconds the plane will run right Into “Good I” snapped the str.-in rer. the shot, doehires Gen. William Mitchell (In “Skyways"). This Is changing his tone of voice ‘Hurry because the shot has an Initial ve up and give mo your watch locity of 900 feet a second which pocketbook then.” falls off very rapidly, until nt 60 yards ft Is only about 400 feet ve The Divid’nj Lino iocity loft, and nt 100 yards It has The great distinction between none An nlrplnne going 100 miles teachers, sacred or literary—be nn hour covers 100 yards In two see ends, which does not give the shot tween poets like Pope—between philosophers like Spinoza. Kant time to drop. and Coleridge, and philosophers D E P A liko Locke. Paley and Stewart—be Where Men Excel tween men of the world who nre I While woman Is superior to man reckoned accomplished talkers, and In the matter of endurance of pain, here and there a fervent mystic she Is Inferior in the senses of prophesying, half insane under the taste and smell. In an experiment Infinitude of bls thought—Is that made with 3S women, young and one class speaks from within, or healthy, and the same number of from experience, as parties and men It was found that no woman possessors of the fact ; and the cotild detect essence of lemon fur other class from without, ns specta ther than In a solution of one In tors merely.—Ralph Waldo Emer one hundred thousand, but several son. men recognized It down to one In two h-o'O-oU nml fifty thousand Use Engle classified Ads. <'ainp . . . McGregor OWLING LEAGUES GET UNDER WAY The O.-A. Lumber company at i meeting held Monday night, or- ;anized a house league of four teams, one each from the ship ping department, saw mill, plan ing mill and office. Ctrl David- on was elected president. The ;eason will run 26 weeks, stari ng Friday night, September 26, it 7 o’clock. The class A league with four .earns will start the ball rolling Tuesday night, September 30, vith four teams. Cy Clay was 'lected president, Gene Shipman, secretary. All games will be ilayed at Mike O’Connor’s Re- ■reation hall. Silchrist of Vernonia Mercantile company. Second Flight—First prize, tew Ford tire by Jack Kerr of Kerr Motor company; Second irize, Beep Beep motor horn by Gilby Motor company; Third »rize. for low net score in Sec- >nd flight, box of cigars donated by Nat Perdew of Vernonia Billiards. Third Flight—First prize, Mc- Gregor brassie, from Bank of /ernonla; Second prize, one doz en golf balls, by C. Bruce, Re vail lumber dealer; Third prize, for low net score in third flight, one sack of MacMarr’s hard- wheat flour donated by MacMarr Stores. Fourth Flight—First prize, Kroflite mashie by C. C. Mellin ger, of Mellinger’s hardware; Second prize, cigarette case, shaving mirror, wallet and key ease by Thomas Variety store; Third prize, for low net score in fourth flight, Twinplex safety razor blade stropper, donated by K. A. McNeil of Mac’s Phar- macy. For the highest bonafide score Fifth Flight—First prize. Al- turned in during actual compet- ligateor lightweight raincoat, by ing play in the tournament a 1 Miller’s Mercantile company, prize of an automatic scorer will |lonle of Miller’s Good Goods; be given by A. L. Kullander, I Second prize, one of Swift’s keeper of correct time. Premium Hams, by Dick Pargolf- For the best score turned in er Dickson; Third prize, for low during actual tournament play net score of fifth flight, throe U. four pounds of Maximum cof S. Tiger golf bails, by C. S. fee will be given by Safeway Hoffman of Hoffman’s Hardware. Stores. The American Legion contem Now Read Closely plate a tournament each year First Flight—First prize, golf and any suggestions by the Ver knickers by J. C. Penney comp- nonia merchants for making it a any; Second prize, free pass to better tournament wil lbe higaly all shows for one month Joy appreciated, as they are really Theatre by Jack Bush; Third making the tournament a sue- prize for net low score in first cess. flight, three pounds of Man- nig’s c-'ffco. donited by L. R. EEKEn MADE 5< Pharmacy EY GO. STORE Store No. 1436 Vernonia, Ore WINTERBLANKETS Fill in your needs for winter at Low est possible prices. Wool is the lowest in price since die war and our great buying power helps to select for you belter values. Special Bargains Used l.ars 1929 Ford Model 1929 Ford Model 1929 Ford Model 1929 Ford Model 1930 Ford Model A Fordor Sedan A Ford or Sedan A Ror.dster A Roadster A Coupe FALL BARGAINS $600.00 $585.00 $350.00 $325.00 $575.00 CARS LIKE NEW KerrMotorCo Vernonia, Oregon See these blankets NOW! 1-3 Wool Size 70x80 $2.98 You have not shopped Until You have shopped at Penneys