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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1930)
- Community Chest Drive Next Week Contributions to be Vol untary During Week of Drive The Hoff fan Hardware store will be the headquarters next week for the annual Vernonia community chest drive which is sponsored by the Vernonia Stu dy club. Some member of the club will be on hand at Hoff man’s from 9 to 6 each day of next week and till 9 o’clock Sat urday evening. • Contributions are to be en tirely voluntary during the week of the drive and as the demand on the chest this year will pro bably be very heavy, everyone is urged to contribute something. Canned fruit and clothing will be accepted as well as money. The Oregon Gas and Electric canmpany and the Oregon-Ameri can Lumber company have start ed off the contribution list with generous donations. Every cent of the money collected wj be used to relieve want in cas of sickness and distress in o own community. Anyone is pri vileged to call on the chest at any time. Cases are carefully in vestigated by the community chest board, and anyone knowing of such cases should report them to the board. The first drive was held last year and proved a great suc- cess and it is hoped that this year's drive will be as great a success. Th< committee from the Study S club n charge of the chest drive consists of Mrs. W. E. P Bell, Mrs. E. E. Yeo and Mrs. . H. Holcomb. NUMBER 9. Sidney Baker Kills 400 Pound Black Bear Man Kills Cougar Charging from Brush TREHARNE — (Special)— A black bear was killed by Sidney Baker Monday. It measured six feet from tip to tip and weighed about 400 pounds. A cougar, seven feet six in ches in length and weighing 137 pounds, was killed by Lawrence Gudge, of Cochran, on Tuesday, September 23. According to Mr. Gudge, he was hunting six miles from Coch rane, in the vicinity of Camp 8, when he came upon the cougar stalking a doe and a fawn, He fired at the cougar and it dis- appeared in the brush. Mr. Gudge toop up the pursuit and the cougar, seeing him, turned and attacked him. It took three shots to stop the cougar, the last shot going through its head. It was thought the cougar might have a mate somewhere near and several men were out Tuesday evening hunting for trace of it. The cougar was judged by Mr. White of the Wheeler Log ging company to be about sev- en or eight years old. SET FIRE TO GARAGE Some children playing in C. G. Whitlock’s garage on Rose ave nue Friday set fire to a barrel of waste, and started a blaze that scorched a wall and burn- el a few shingles in the roof. D. C. Cason happened to near and put it out. In the meantime the fire p.irtment was summoned, but exact location was not given over the telephone, and the depart ment headed in the wrong di rection on Rose avenue. Chief Earl Smith warns people to telephone central in case of fire and be sure to give name of place as well as address, Since the numbering system is new, and no chart has not yet been made showing location of num- Hers, name of owner or tenant must be given. Judge McCamant To be at Rainier Calfornia Sends New 40 Qualify In Legion 9 1 Tournament 20 Losers in First Round To Compete in Blind Bogey Match The second annual American Legion golf tournament started last week with 40 qualifiers in five flights of five each. The 20 losers in the first round will compete in a blind bogey tourna ment next Sunday. Next week a ladies’ tournament will also be held with four prizes for the four lowest scores turned in during the week. Up to Wednesday the follow ing matches had been played: First flight, O. T. Bateman de feated J. W. McCallister, 2 up; M. D. Cole defeated Henry Fogel, 2 up; E. L. Dial defeated Emil Messing, 2 up and 1 to play; B. Tisdale defeated F. M. Ruhl, 1 up; second round, B. Tisda'.e defeated E. L. Dial, 1 up. Second flight, H. E. McGraw defeated Loel Roberts, 1 up; H. King defeated P. Taylor, 5 up; Third flight, W. G. Heath de- feated Wayne Lappe, 1 up; A. Childs defeated Carl Davidson, 4 up and 2 to play; R. A. Ol- son defeated J. C. Lindley, 1 up; Fourth flight, A. L. Kullander defeated M. A. Gregory, 6 up and 5 to play; W. H. Hurley de- de feated E. S. Thompson, 4 up and 3 to play; 0. D. McCabe de feated E. E. Yeo, 4 up and 2 to play. Fifth flight, C. C. Clay defeat ed E. B. George 3 up. President R. F. Moore of the Lower Columbia associated chambers of commerce announces that Judge Wallace McCamant of Portland will be the principal portance of California I speaker at the October 3rd meet as a source of new population ing of that organization to be tor Oregon is indicated in the held at Rainier, Oregon. His report just issued by Manager I subject will be “The Oregon ’.V. G. Ide of the state chamber Country One Hundred Years of commerce, which shows that Lee Schwab Father I Ago and Today.” Judge McCam of the’ total number of 550 Canoe to Portland ant is remembered as the man new families who arrived in Ole Of Baby Daughter who nominated Calvin Coolidge gon and located in various parts since January 1, of this year, Miss Thelma Stephens of Ver-1 for Vice-President at the Nation The following card has been "38 or about 45 per cent came received from Lee Schwab, for- nonia and Miss Mary Anderson al Republican convention, and is an authority on northwest 'rom our neighboring state on mer editor of the Eagle and of Portland made a canoe trip history. the south. Judging of the yards belong- now advertising manager of the Dr. L. W. Hyde of Astoria The new families from Cali I Hood River Glacier: .ng to members of the Vernon last week from St. Helens to fornia invested $957,600 and “I’m Genevieve May, and ar- ia Garden club was completed Portland. They left Thursday has recently completed a trip bought approximately 13,260 rived at the home of my parents, Thursday and ribbons were a- night and arrived Sunday, camp over the Lower Columbia area, Vernonia Team Invited icres of land. ’ The ” average in- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schwab, at warded as follows: ing out over night, once in an and is going to give his impres The Vernonia club has been in vestment per family was slight 725 Oak Street, Hood River, On Oregon-American Miil, first, old house and the rest of the sions. vited to send six men to Partici G. C. Barlow, secretary of thè pate in the .C^cade Golf tour ly over $3000, showing that peo- Thursday evening, September Mrs. W. B. Ortner; second, Mrs. time under the stars. Astoria chamber of commerce •de of means are being secur- Uth, 1930, at 7:00 o’clock, E. Knight; third, Mrs. W. T. Lil They took shifts every two nament at Fo.est Hills, near Cor ■d as new settlers. Manager I With my entire seven pounds ly- hours. There were no misad will talk on “Blazing the Trail nelius, October 11 and 12. Oth to New York. ” 'de points out that many of ' of energy, In Vernonia proper: First, Mrs. I’ll welcome you ventures of any kind to mar er clubs asked are McMinnville, Truck Runs Off Grade families coming to Oregon should you call. Colored slides of scenes taken Silverton, Woodburn, St. Helens, M. D. Cole; second, Mrs. Ollie the regularity of paddling by Harold Mayfield, who drives the from California were attracted I on the recent international auto- Tillamook and Forest Grove-Hills one of the county trucks, ran to the latter state largely' Mother and I are in the Best Roberts; third, Mrs. Frank Han day and camping by night. mobile caravan into Northern boro. There will be four flights son. off the grade at Rose bluff ear through national advertising but i of health.” British Columbia from Vancou- of eight men to the flight. The yards were judged on a ly Tuesday morning in the fog. upon arrival they were unable i _ ver to Hazelton, B. C„ will be basis of general appearance only, Harvey Heath has A qualifying round of 18 and injured his back, The shown by G. M. Hafenbrack. o find suitable land and other J Off ¡anil [gnm and no hired labor was used in holes will be held Saturday af truck landed right side up on opportunities liking, to their ,!1 -*— 1 There will be music by the any of the above named yards. and the finals Sunday the railroad track. Los Angeles office of Fall, Cracks Ribs Rainier Union high school or- ternoon, In the class of yards partly kept afternoon. Mr. Mayfield was able to sit '.he The Confers Degree up by hired labor, particular state chamber is contacting chestra and community singing. Those eligible at the present up Wednesday. hundreds of these families There is also a contest between date according to ladder tourna- mention was given to those of RIVERVIEW — (Special) — monthly now and offers them G. C. Barlow of Astoria and Vernonia Lodge No. 184, A. F. Mrs. Judd Greenman and Mrs. CHOKER SETTER IS Harvey Heath had the mis K. C. Batchelder, the new sec- ments are O. T. Bateman, M. E. •omplete information on Oregon Carl Davidson. Judges were: Mrs. ul mi» and held a special com- fortune to fall and crack his rotary of the Longview chamber Ulshoeffer, J. V. McCallister, •»nd then directs them to this] KILLED BY SNAG G. W. Plumer, Mrs. W. E. Bell ribs while working at the O.-A. of commerce, these two men vy Bert Tisdale, Frank Hartwick, new families' mani u cation ® atu Z day evening at itate. Sales to 1—.. ___ and Mrs. Ethel Ray. and Earl Dial. which time the Masters and War- Mill. Swen Johansen, 28, was killed lent north in this manner now ! ing as to whether Oregon or The entry list has to be turn dens association of Portland con Mr. ?nd Mrs. John Estes and instantly Wednesday morning at average four per week and this i Washington will have the most ed in October 5, and if there ferred the Fellowcraft degree on son Ollin spent Sunday at Natal about 10 a. m., while working number is mounting as the Los ' communities represented at the are any changes in this list they Community Chest visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc Rainier meeting. in the woods near Camp Mc Angeles office is becoming bet- a local candidate. The meeting will have to be finished before was a particular success as to Mullen. Gregor. He was hit by a fall- ter advertised and known in the that date. attendance and result. There Mr. and Mrs. Boy Hall and Urged at C. of C ing snag while attending to his southwest. were about 80 present with 25 children visited at the home of duties as choker-setter. Boy Hit by Car different lodges and eight grand Mrs. W. L. Hall Friday of last Nothing is known as to his jurisdictions represented. A plea for support of the week. family. Effort is being made to Forrest Accord, a small boy, Vernonia lodge was gratified community chest, discussion of Fred Rainey of Riverview is get in touch with relatives or was struck Sunday by an auto in being able to welcome a num the change to weekly meetings, busy extracting honey. ’•» friends through a Scandanavian mobile driven by,Forrest Hard ber of grand lodge officials, urging continued effort to se C. A. Scammon of Riverview lodge to which he belonged. ing, and received minor scratches. among whom were O. C. Hag- cure an ambulance for Vernonia is papering the home of Paul The accident was unavoidable, meier of Astoria, worshipful mas were some of the items on the Driscoll on Stony Point. Pined For Speeding as the boy was among a group ter; Herbert L. Toney, deputy program at the chamber of com Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Simmons Roy Cook was fined $15.00 Louis Bachman, blind dairy of children playing tag in the grand master, McMinnville; D. R. merce meeting Thursday. and Mrs. Jim Aubrey have gone man of Mist, will attend blind street, and he jumped directly Thursday for speeding 40 miles Cheney of Portland, grand sec George W. Ford called at on a fishing trip to Nehalem bay. school in Salem this fall, and is in front of the car. an hour down Maple street and Vernonia will have the lar- allowing four to ride in the ■jest representation in the col- retary; E. B. Hughes of Astoria, tention to the fact that a long, They expect to return Friday of disposing of his personal proper- front seat. : leges „ of Oregon this year, in senior grand deacon; F. H. Enke hard and lean winter lies be this week. ty- HOTEL VISTA TO BE Oscar George is on the sick t the history of the town, with of Portland, grand swordbearer; fore us, and that many local Bachman is remarkable in that N. H. Blumensaadt of Rainier, people will doubtless need as list this week. Lloyd Thomas and Clyde Mc- 13 entering as freshmen. APARTMENT HOUSE he milked 20 cows, fed hogs and Donald collided at the intersec Those entering Oregon State grand pursuivant. sistance. Mrs. W. E. Bell told Lee and Clyde Akers of Po- calves, did his own cooking, and James W. Warder, president of the history of the community catello, Idaho, spent a few days attended to the other chores on tion of Second and Bridge streets college at Corvallis are Miss According to Mrs. C. R. Twine Saturday evening, and McDon Charlotte Green, Miss Alberta of the Masters and Wardens as chest movement here, and of with relatives here last week, his 90 acre ranch. He had to ham, proprietor, Hotel Vista is ald's car sustained a damaged DeRock, Miss Catherine Hoff sociation acted as master of cere the gratifying response last year. returning Monday of this week. hire the field work done, but being remodeled for two and fender. Dorothy Throop returned to accomplished everything else. Jack Kerr moved that meetings man, Miss Merle Mills, Norman' monies and was ably assisted by three room apartments. Some James W. Duffie and Chiles W. be weekly, and that the day be Monmouth Sunday to resume her Green, Dwight Strong. Mr. Bachman, who is about 45, of the regular hotel accommoda W oods. changed to Wednesday. Deci studies at the normal school. was born and raised on the tions will be retained, but the Those entering the University About 20 ladies, including Curly Rose of St. Helens was ranch. He has been blind for building will become primarily of Oregon at Eugene: Miss wives of the visiting Masons and sion was to adopt this plan, provided arrangements can be a visitor in Riverview Sunday. about seven years, due to slow an apartment house and will be Phoebe Greenman, Miss Della Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Merle paralysis of the optic nerve. He called Hotel Vista Apartments, Cline, Howard Lee, Floyd Deeds, members of Nehalem chapter, O. made with the Eastern Star so Charles Melis, Neal Bush and E. S„ were entertained during cial club for meals every week. Cline on the 22nd, a 12 pound has never attended blind school. Many improvements and con- the evening at the theatre and Pending their decision, the next baby boy. He has been named veniences are being made. Glenn Hieber. Percel Cline, Hale Greenman, Miss Helen later played cards in the social meeting will be Wednesday, Oc- Donald Mr. arid Mrs. Harvey No Trace Found of Heath Hieber Miss Amy Hughes and hall of the temple. After the taber 8. moved into a Riverview camp Percy Bergerson are returning business meeting, refreshments Would-Be Robber DO CLASSIFIED ADS • Bob says the best way to stop to the university and Charles were served in the social hall. | J. Ellis, an employe of coun-' cabin last week. Another important meeting for| ty road district 9, sprained his' Jewel Lloyd returned home fellows from stealing home brew Hoffman, Russell Mills and Gil- PAY? back about September 13 and from San Diego Sunday and No trace has been found of is to put croton oil in it. bert Berrgerson are returning Vernonia Lodge will be held Oc was forced to lay off on ac started to high school Tuesday the thief who jimmied windows at • • « tober 4, when the Oregon chapter to Oregon State. count of the injury. He will of this week. the Vernonia Trading company A subscriber in Keasey was Road supervisor Pete Berger- Miss Dorothy Throop is at- I of the DeMolays of Portland will son has had several loads of tending the Oregon Normal at come out to confer their initia I probably be back on the job next I Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Adams and and Vernonia Brazing and Ma expecting Ko tend for her el children returned fron» their chine works September 17. In ectric washer in Portland. Sha tory degree on a candidate* of week. gravel spread along the very bad Monmouth. home in Dallas Friday of last neither case was anything of »aw one advertised in the their own. This will be the sec gutter in front of the Eagle Eas- A special meeting of the •f the value missing. classified section ond visit to Vernonia of this tern Star social club will be week. Thanks ever so much. shop. Merle Cline and son Gordon Some one, possibly the same Eagle, investigated, and de- chapter and those who attended held next Wednesday at the Vernonia Debt is Pete. a a a the first meeting know just how ___ All went to Clatskanie Sunday, re man, also broke into the S. P. cided to buy instead of having home _ of M*s. E. E. Yeo.......... the same day. and S. depot and took about her own shipped. A 25 cent We saw our good friend Lee $74.55 Per Capita successful it was. J* All “ master, p#ast rn Star members in Ver- turning Miss Mabel Bumham of Clats $2.00. in cash, Entry in this ad did the trick. in Portland last week, and he masons and DeMolays are invited, penia are urged to be present kanie, who is spending a few case was by means of a pass A farmer ordered 3 inser to attend. wore a broader smile than ev 1 as a number of important ques- weeks with her sister. Mrs. Merle [ key. The per capita debt based on er. There’s a reason. | tions must be decided at that Cline, visited her folks in Clats-1 The report that somebody was tions of an ad of •ome fat Film Catches Afire the estimated population of Ver hens for sale. He told tham time. kanie Sunday. I seen running from the ice plant all the first week and asked The ladies of the community nonia (1700) is $74.55, accord Film caught afire in the pro- I Mrs. V. L. Powell has be-n on I at the time of the other pilfer Mrs. Ray D. Fisher rallied well us to take the ad out aitar chest drive say they don’t like ing to a statement compiled by J. iection room of the Joy theatre to go from house to house or C. Lindley, city treasurer. There Saturday night and destroyed from her operation last week the sick list for the last few ing* is erroneous, according to only one insertion. Marshal Harry Phelps. Use the classified advertis store to store and beg folks is $149,500 of outstanding bond one reel. As the room is com and is getting along nicely, It days. Mrs. •’ersh Spencer went to ing column. It’s inexpensive, to contribute. So step right up ed indebtedness. $8,037.40 out pletely shut off from th» audi is likely that she will spend the Lester Sheeley is in Portland Funds v to visit her' convalescent period at the home Portland ------ — — standing in warrants. The sink ence there was no panic, and and save them the bother—as and remarkably effective. the : nvieouinK ** Hireling of of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | daughter. Mrs. O. B. Malmsten, j attending a meeting well as help a most worthy ing fund is $30,833.65, leaving I the show proceeded after a I state highway commission. I who is in the hospital. James Moore of Tigard. a net debt of $125,739.75. short interruption. ’ cause. Settlers to Oregon Garden Club Awards Ribbons Largest Number In Town's History A ¡tending College Feathers And Talons r»"p*dd1' fílind Dairyman To Sell Out and Attend School