Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, May 30, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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    Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon '
Page Eight
Marshfield—Plans proposed for
construction of new St. Monica's
church edifice.
Construction work on road be-
tween Frenchglen and Buena
Vista progressing rapidly.
In the County Court of the
State of Oregon For Columbia
In the matter o' the Estate of
William Henry Hess, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned has been ap-
pointed administrator of the
estate of William Henry Hess,
deceased, by the County Court
of Columbia County, State of
Oregon, and has duly qualified
to act as such. All persons hav­
ing claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present
same, with proper vouchers,
duly verified, within six months
from the date of this notice to
the undersigned at his residence
near Vernonia, Ore. Dated and
first published May 6th, 1930.
Last publication June 6th, 1930.
W. A. Harris, attorney.
Frank J. Schmidlin. adminis­
trator of Estate of William Hen­
ry IIes3, deceased.
In the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Columbia
In the matter of the Estate of
Ira C. Nicholson, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned has been ap-
pointed administrator of the
estate of Ira C. Nicholson, de-
«■eased, by the County Court of
the County of Columbia, State
of Oregon, and has duly quali­
fied to act as such. All persons
having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to preBent
the same, duly verified, with the
proper vouchers, within six
months from the date of this
notice to the undersigned at his
residence near Vernonia, Ore.
Dated and first published May
9th, 1930. Last publication June
6th, 1930. W. A. Harris, attor­
R. L. Spencer, administrator
of the Estate of Ira C. Nichol-
Bcn, deceased.
Classified Ads
1IAY—If interested in buying
hay at haying time, please
send me the following informa­
tion: kind of hay wanted,
amount, your name and where
hay is to be delivered to. No
obligation. Karl Schaefer, For­
est Grove, Ore.
RADIO FOR SALE—Price reas­
onable. Apply house 57, O.-A.
___________ 431
FOR SALE—Lovely 8-Piece din­
ing room suit at one-half
price. Nehalem hotel.
FOR SALE—1 Jersey heifer
with calf (2nd calf) $10,0.00;
1 Holstein cow, $65.00. At Tre-
harne ranch. Call at evening to
see cows. E. R. Treharne, Tre-
harne Station.
FOR SALE—Grey oats or mixed
grain, chopped. Delivered in
3-ton lots within 6 miles of Ver­
nonia, at $38 per ton, wheat at
$42. Write for samples. Karl
Schaefer. Forest Grove. Or. 423*
SAXOPHONE for sale. C. Mel­
ody. Instrument valued at
$125, will sell for $50. Phone
272._____________ 422*
FOR SALE—2 hound pups, 6
months old, $25.00. Best of
breeding. J. L. George. 1H miles
below Mist.
FOR SALE—6 room house and
garage for sale, Mi mile due
east of mile bridge, also 2 nice
houses on A and B streets north
of high school. Mrs. Haiman, H
mile east of mile bridge. 403*
ment house on First street.
See George Bell.
ner for range, cook stove and
heater. No smoke, soot, mess or
odor with the Blue Flame Bur­
ner. Burns 6 to 10 hours on 1
gallon of oil. Keep the stove you
have, put in a Blue Flame oil
burner; cook and bake better
than with wood and coal, operat­
ing cost not over 3 cents per
hour with coni oil, about 1 cent
per hour with diesel oil. Abso­
lutely smokeless, odorless nnd
noiseless. J. IL Sell, agent. 41tf
BABY CHICKS, all sizes, 15c
and up, at the Sunshine
11 itchory. on Corey hill.
COW AND CALI' for sale, cheap1
Jack Lindsay, Phone 7F15r,l.|
5-ROOM MQDERN house with
garage, close in. Inquire Ca­
son Transfer.
TWO ROOM unfurnished house
for rent, $12 month including
lights and water. Inquire of Mr.
Moe at the Eagle.
LOST—2 Bay horses, one is
blaze-faced, “F” brand on the
right shoulder about 1250 pounds
The other has spot on forehead,
and wire mark on left hind leg,
about 1200 pounds. Reward. No­
tify Fay Olsen, St. Helens. 422*
WANTED—One day old calve»-
Phone 14F15IT5.
WANTED—Cows and Backs. I
can use a few good, fresh
Jersey cows, reasonable. Please
send the following information,
age, amount of milk, test, price
and where located. Karl Schaefer
For”"t Grove. Ore.
rue u s
boar? usT*
“He’s right," Metzger cried. He
turned angrily to Sinn “What did
you want to plug him for? You've
put us all In the h- I of a mess.”
“I couldn't »top to think of that.”
Sam cried as angrily.
“There Is a competent navigator
aboard,” Bettlngton announced.
Who?” they asked.
I can navigate. If I want to."
If you want tol" Sam echoed
“Don’t you want to get out of It
with a whole skin? Ain't you in as
deep as me?”
"We’ll force you to lt,”*Metzger
“You’ll force me to
t do nothing.'
the doctor snapped, . "I’m the one
to make terms; you two have got
to listen. Here they are t If the
women are left absolutely un­
harmed and alone, I’ll take tile
boat into Limon.”
He sat still utterly unmoved at
the blasphemous obscenity which
poured from the lips of the two
“And when we get to port," Metz­
ger cried. “What then?”
“Anything you like," Bettlngton
told him. “A pistol, a knife or bare
hands; but not cards with a man
like you."
Sam turned on the fuming engi
neer with an oath.
“You’ll get your chance In Line
on," he said. “None of that knife
stuff now. No quarreling with Doc
till then, or I'll take a hand In it"
Metzger was full of quick, pas­
sionate gestures; Bettlngton re­
mained Immobile.
The doctor's
composure could 'only mean that
he was conscious of triumph. While
the fore part of the «hip would be
barred to the engineer, it was free
to the surgeon. Maddening Images
chased themselves across Metzger's
“You think you can amuse your
self with her while we are working
for your safety. You think I shall
permit It, eh?”
“I shall be on the bridge, you
poor benighted ass, trying to take
the ship to Limon. My bunk will
be made up la the chartroom and I
shall be working when you and
Sam are drinking and gambling.
You’re a filthy-minded swine,
Metzger, and I’m not so sure 1
want to wait till Limon comes In
Saru's heavy frame sprang be-
tween th« two men.
“Not yet,” 11« commanded rough-
TTeCTlgCWi" found Clements had sides ourselves," lie reminded Bet­
been placed on a wicker lounge. tlngton. "They will not run the
His failed blue eyes peered up Into risk you look for. We have enough
the bright sky; there was still the coal to get us to Limon.”
“Can you navigate?" Bettlngton
unfading smile on bls face, Even
death kept Ida secret. Perhaps asked. "Can you take us to Limon
none would ever know h.v what now Leary’s dead?"
“Hallett shall," Sam Bald end
name in the world of crime he had
denly, with ferocity. “I’ve handled
been called.
A deckhand called Mike was at men stubborner than he is and
I’ve broken ’em.” lie clenched his
the wheel.
“Where’s Sam?" Bettington asked. gigantic hands and the table
“Went below with Metzger,” Mike groaned ns he struck It "I'll
break Hallett.”
Bettington followed them. Metz­
“You’ve killed him," Bettlngton
ger and Sam ceased their talk when said gravely, "We'll leave Hallett
he came In. They wondered if he out of the question.”
had heard any of It. It was a dis­
“Did I get him, after all?” Sam
cussion which should have Inter­ asked. He sat for a moment think-
ested any man concerned with the Ing of the excellence of his alm.
He did not realize the extent of the
length of his days.
“’Well.” said Bettington. seating disaster until Bettlngton spoke.
“That leaves us with the task of
himself, “what’s to be done now?”
Metzger elaborated on the sim­ getting Bome one who can work
out a reckoning and get us where
plicity of his scheme.
“The money would have to be we want to go. Otherwise we drift
split three ways and thcre’d be a hither nnd yon till we ure picked
nice little sum. I know men who up by a passing vessel, or have to
wireless for some one who can nav­
will buy ami ask no questions."
“You'll never sell the Albatross.” igate.”
"II—I!" said Sam; he turned to
Bettington asserted.
“Then I know whore we can run the engineer. "Can't you?”
ber nnd live aboard. It's the Gulf
“I thought not," Bettlngton re
of Nlcoya In Costa Rica. There no­ marked.
body would ever find us.” Metz­ doesn't knqw that Nlcoya Is on the
ger’s face beamed at the thought.
Pacific aide of Costa Rica and to
“That's silly,” Bettlngton an­ get there we should have to go
swered. "Do you suppose we all through tlie Paruinin canal and
want to pass our days In th« Gulf com« under the Jurisdiction of th«
of Nlcoya? You'v« got the wrong Ctot«d SlatvB. Find out who Is
Ide«. You ar« afraid to go back capable of navigating"
to New York. I suppose?"
A search revealed none cupnhle
"Not for me!" said Sum. “The Sam and Jletzger looked at one nn
Boss never lied to us. When be other doubtfully. Metzger feared
said he knew all about us he was that Sam was likely to favor the
speaking the truth. I’m not golD' Burgeon's plan and, for that rea­
to run my neck into a noose.”
son, raised new difficulties.
“If we do run hark to New
"Doesn’t the same fate hung over
me? You know It does. I took on York,” he said plausibly, "how are
It In a different light. Nobody could we going to account for Hallett's
know of Clements’ death for a murder?"
“It wasn’t murder,' Sum contra­
month, at leust. He said the pa­
per wasn’t to be opened for a year. dieted.
"It whs sei ( defense.
I’m willing to take a chance. We Wasn't Hallett armed?"
“They’ll call It murder In New
all want money, and a lot of It.
Mrs. Radway will pay us Just the York," Melzger assured him. “an
you'd go to the chair for It. Th
same ns she would have paid Clem
ents nnd we don't have to share Doctor know i that as well as I do.
with him. Why throw It away? We
Sam wag brought to a realiza­
ought to take it and then go where tion of the effect of his shots
we'd be safe for life.”
which, for the moment, lie had con­
Sam was obstinate. To go north sidered unimportant. He looked
mennt for him to go to his death. angrily nt Bettlngton.
Alive or dead, he fenred the man
"You want tne to be put out of
he hnd followed. Itnther a short the way bo you get the money?”
life and a gay one In some tropic
The surgeon shrugged his shoul­
Isle, than Dannemora. Also, he dis­ ders. “Anything the majority can
enforce Is best," he said cryptical­
trusted the doctor.
Metzger saw the scheme as a ly, “from their point of view. I am
ruse to cheat him of the pleasures looking further ahead than most
he had determined on. He had not of you. I see the Albatross drift­
forgotten those long hours when ing aimlessly around the seas,
he hnd watched the doctor and which will soon he a little too
Mrs. Itadway walking up nnd down rough for a vessel of this sort. If
the deck. That he did not Imme­ she doesn’t founder she'll bo re­
diately counsel the doctor’s death ported by passing vessels nnd a "He Laughs at Me,” Stormed Metz
was due to the necessity of milking search will be Instituted and we
ger When the Surgeon Was
him forge a new set of ship’s pa­ »hull all bo taken Into nn Ameri­
"It's Metzger's fault. Doc, and
“There pre others on h»yard he-
To all women who are proud of
their homes
he’s full of boocn.”
but I Un red not fate’anyone Into
Bettlngton turned his back oa my confidence. Consider the situ­ Lake City 7:30 p.m. mountain Columbia County, to- wit i Th«
construction of two bridge» M
the engineer.
ation and you will asrree with me. time.
The “Fast Freight” is bring- follows: 140ft. bridge over Rock
“Send Mike down to help me re­ I was the only man who knew.
move Hallett's body. It’s got to be There were at least three weeks to ing a rich and varied cargo this'creek in City of Vernonia, Ora-
buried decently."
elapse before nny danger threat­ week including a medley of war1 gon, requiring approximately 7®
“Anything you say,' Sam ob- ened nnd by that time I should songs sung by the musical train cu. yds. excavation, 375 cu. yd»,
served, almost with gratitude, lu re worked out some scheme to crew, the Whiaties Quartette, as concrete, 73,00,0 lbs. reinforcing
"Radway’ll have company now. save you"
I’ll send Mike down right away.'
“You might have tru ted me,** well as organ solos of “The Man metal, 290 lin. ft. concrete rail.
he added, as Bettlngton moved to- I Mrs. Railway «aid. “I gave you 1 Love,” “Trees,” “Telling it to and removal of old bridge,
ward the door.
the Dail ies” and “Bitter Sweet.” i 53 ft. bridge over Milton creak
mv confidence’’
“He laughs at me,” Metzger
“What plans do yon menn?*’Todd The quartet will also sing “When near St. Helens on old Portland
stormed when the surgeou was demanded. He had the nlr of one the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, road, requiring approximately 40
gone, “and lie despises you. He who alts on a magisterial bench.
Bob, Bobbin’ Along” and a pop- cu. yds. excavation, 137 cu. yda.
thinks be is my equal because lie I
Bettlngton paid no heed to him.
| concrete, 27,000 lbs. reinforcing
Is taller anil strouger. He looked FI<‘ wanted, more than anything ular yodel number.
metal and 129 lin. ft. concrete
at uie as one looks at a child. He else, to assure Evelyn Railway that
TO MEET, rail. Will be received by »aid
will be a child there In Limon he had been dealing fairly with PIONEERS
County Court until two o’clock
when he sees my knife.”
“I wanted to trust you,” he said
p.m., Saturday, June 21, 1980,
(From Page 1)
“I ain’t sorry I got Hallett." Saiu
mused. "This bird will be easier."
1878; J. F. Johnston, Birkenfeld, and not thereafter, and at that
He sighed when he thought of better reasons against It. You did 1880; Mabel A. Johnston, Birk­ time will be publicly opened and
Hud he lived Sam’ not know, for Instance, that Clem­ enfeld, 1885;
Rhoda Bullay, Ki­ read.
would have been certain of suc­ ents had arranged dictagraphs in
All proposals must be made
cess. Clements had made only one various parts of the yacht. I was sie, 1869; A. ll. Melis, Mist, upon blank forms, to be obtain­
Melis, Mist,
mistake. He had not believed Cap­ beret with dangers T was being 1885; Emma S.
tain Hallett would be capable of spied upon. I could never be cer­ 1876; Martha Rosenberg, Birken- ed from the Roadmaster, at hi»
tain that they believed In mo.’’
St. , Helens, ’ Oregon.
Bliootlng him.
feld, 1877; Carl vr.
O. niiuvrsun,
Anderson, office in
“Why should they believe yon If California,
Bettlngton experienced a feeling
Prlce8 proposed, both
of dread at the coming interview you were against them?** This Kay, Jewell, 1882; I)an Reierson, in writing and in figures, and
which would not he banished He frmn the Inexorable Todd.
1881; Jane Wheeler, must be signed by th« bidder,
Bettlngton experienced a sense Jewell,
knew that even In so short a time
with his address.
as he had been absent a great deal of weariness nnd futility. Was It Warrenton, 1878; Cora Macoon,
Plans and specification» are
had been said. Crosby Todd had of any advantage, he wondered, to Warrenton, 1879; Louis Streich­
a quiet obstinacy about him which recount h.v what unbelievable ways er, Birkenfeld, 1887; J. H. Ald­ on file with County Roadmastor
would, by Its very persistence, In­ he had been brought to the Alba­ ridge (d) Clatskanie, 1888; Mrs. in St. Helens, Oregon, and with
fluence the two who looked to him tross? Three of the four would Dora Reynolds, Mist, 1878; Lewis Oregon State Highway Commis­
think he Heil; perhaps the fourth
for leadership.
Nelson, Birkenfeld, 1883; Thom­ sion in Salem, Oregon, and may
He found that the unoccupied might wish she could believe.
Hopkins, Sr., Birkenfeld, be obtained upon deposit in th»
maids quarters had been turned
Sarah A. Spencer, Verno­ ¡sum of $5.00, which will ba re­
Into a sitting room for common
funded upon return of plan», and
use. The two boys hnd berthed time now for bickering and cross- nia, 1880; Judson Weed, (d)
forward 111 Elgar Radway’s stale­ examination. You will discover the Vernonia, 1876; Albert Parker, may be examined in th» offic»
of the County Clerk.
rooms. Alone of the four, Mrs. I truth later. For the moment I nm Vernonia, 1875.
Each bidder shall deposit, with
Radways gave him a friendly concerned only with your safety.
Joined In June 1928
his bid, a certified check for an
greeting. But there was a new The unfortunate death of Clements
Casper Libel, Bend, 1876; O. amount of at least five (5) per
look of anxiety on her face which hns placed nil In a terrible predica­
H. Wilson, Portland, 1878; War- cent of his bid, payable to tha
he did not like to see.
“Ilnve yon the gnll to he sorry ren Freeman, Kelso, Wn., 1887;
“Doctor Waite," she began, “1
County Clerk, which shall be for­
hnve told them about the ransom." my uncle killed him?” Todd said Wm.
Pringle, Sr., Vernonia, feited to the county in case the
There was disloyalty In 1878; Wm. Carl,
"There were some things we nil
had to understand,” Todd remarked allowing such a remark to go un­ 1875; Mrs. Judson Weed, Verno­ award is made to him, and he
shall neglect, fail or refuse, for
"Just what did you tell?” Bet­ protested.
tlngton demanded.
“YeR." Bettlngton said. “That nia, 1874; Oscar G. Weed, Ver­ a period of five days after such
“Enough to make us want to ask unlucky shot let h—I loose. Clem­ nonia, 1881; Gertrude Foster, award is made, to enter into a
a few leading questions.”
It ents controlled his men absolutely, Birkenfeld, 1882; Mrs. C. Van contract and file the required
seemed that Crosby Todd was con­ if he wore alive we could count on Blaricom, Vernonia, 1874; Geo. bond.
stituted spokesman. “They’re ques­ getting hack to New York un­ Jones, Mist, 1880; H. D. Van
The right is reserved to reject
tions you've got to answer."
harmed. The men are afraid of Blaricom, Vernonia, 1874; J. A.
any and all bids.
“Got to answer?" Bettlngton re­ touching nt any port now where McDonald, Vernonia,
John Philip, County Judge
torted. lie knew It was absurd to our flag flies, because they know
T. B. Mills, Commissioner
take offence at this obstinate, well- jail yearns for them. They pro­ L. A. Rogers, Vernonia, 1889;
meaning lad who detested him so pose to take the yacht to T.lmon
J. N. Miller, Commissioner
honestly, but lie flushed with an­ In Costa Rica. There they’ll try Sim Mays, Jewell, 1883.
L. R. Chandler, Roadmaster
noyance aevertbeless.
to sell her. You understand that If
Joined in June, 1929
J. W. Hunt, County Clerk.
There was a certain air of tri­ they get to Limon we shan’t have
Mrs. Dave Tweedie, Jewell,
umph about Crosby Todd.
a chance. We ar« four to ten
"I told you lie wouldn’t answer.” They are armed and we are cooped 1882; Mrs. J. C. Reierson, Jew-
Call For County Warrant«
"I’m ready to answer anything up here without fond ft will take ell, 1885; A. Sword, Vernonia,
I have money on hand to pay
you want to know." Bettlngton said us almost two weeks to get to 1887; Mrs. L. A. Rogers, Ver-
quickly, addressing himself to Mrs. Limon.”
nonia, 1889; Martha Aamodt, the following endorsed warranto:
General fund warranto endor­
Evelyn Redway shuddered as the Mist, 1883; . Anna Magnussen,
"It's simply this," she began, image of Metzger impressed itself
sements prior to and including
with a little hesitation. “Mr. Todd upon her. Now she knew why he
May 21, 1930; General Road
has an idea that you knew of this had stared with such insolent tri­ Mellinger, Vernonia, , 1876; W. warrants endorsements prior to
plan to hold try husband to ransom umph, She had no doubt In her L. Foster, Jewell, 1875; O. B.
long before Clements Informed me mind that the doctor had put the Malmsten, Seaside, 1888; Mrs. and including April 7, 1938;
of it. I assured him that I was matter as mildly as he could to O. B. Malmsten, Seaside, 1880; Pittsburg Market Road warranto
absolutely certain you suspected avo’d terrifying M:ux
Andrew Parker, Vernonia, 1874; endorsements prior to and in­
nothing until I mvself told yon."
N. J. Parker, Vernonia 1874; C. cluding May 12, 1930; Road
She looked at him with a sort of
district No. 4 warrants endorse­
wistful eagerness. “Please tell him “Fast Freight” Radio Program ! E. Foster, 1314 Halsey St. Port­ ments prior to and including
land, 1879; Ollie R. Foster, 1314
he Is wrong."
Strains of old Vienna be Halsey St., Portland, 1879; p . March 14, 1930; Road dletrict
Bettlngton groaned. If he an­
No. 5 warrants endorsements
swered he would lx' forced to ad­ heard on the air tonight at 6:30I C. Keasey, Corvallis, 1888;
prior to and including October
mit a damning truth or embark o’clock when the organist pas­ A. Wilson, Timber, 1876.
8, 1929; Road district No. 4
once again on the hateful task of senger of the “Fast Freight”
lying to the woman he loved. His program plays the beloved waltz I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS warrants endorsements prior to
philosophy of life was not a com­ “Beautiful Blue Danube” over
St. Helens, Oregon, May 26, and including October 5, 1929;
plex one. To hint falsehood was an the Col mbia broadcasting sys­ 1930.
Road district No. 8 warranto en­
evidence of fear, a confession that
Sealed proposals, addressed to dorsements prior to and includ­
something was terrorizing him. tem. stetmn KHJ, Los Angeles;
He decided there had been enough KFIiC, San Francisco; KFBK, the County c< urt of Columbia ing May 14, 1930.
Interest ceases May 29, 19M.
Sacr me-to; KMJ, Fresno; KOL, County, Oregc 1, at St. Helens,
of evasion.
"Todd Is
Seatiie-Tacoma; KFPY, Spokane; Oregon, and endorsed “Proposal
Gladys Peterson, treasurer Co­
Salt for doing the following work in lumbia county, Oregon.
Hello Neighbor!
We All <Built the ¿Bridge
i?. V?
Been Looking
At It
A Demonstration
of Interior Decoration
This Way
Learn from an expert just how to obtain the most
beautiful and lasting effects on walls, furniture,
floors or woodwork.
He will use Marshall-Wells Best Quality Finishes,
which are, in our opinion, the finest obtainable
anywhere, less expensive, when results are com-
pared with those obtained from others.
Learn how the surface should be prepared, just how
the finish should be applied.
Ix’arn,—free of charge, the secrets of the harmon­
ious color combinations which distinguish the coun-
try’s finest homes.
Learn to cany out successfully, with your own
hands your ideas.
Learn to know how efficiently any work is done.
Now Let’s Look At It
And Go Through!
Did You Know You Can Get Bridge Scrip Tickets?
>*y ri.
Riding aerdemy
Lodges and fi atemities
Large sports stadium
Beauty and art shops
Standardized hospital
Farmers market
Business college
Fascinating tour of the world's largest lumber mills.
A cannery for your
Up-to-date shops
Medical and dental
First-clafs auto r'rk
High class rtiovietone
An outstanding hotel
Excellent golf course
Community Y. M. C A.
Swimming pool
Monday and Tuesday, June 2-3
Vernonia, Oregon
$10.00 Worth for $9.00
In Longview You Will Find—
FREE, at our store
Mellinger Hardware
À' J. 3
Visitors welcome.
Longview Chamber of Commerce
w —•