Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon ' Page Eight Marshfield—Plans proposed for construction of new St. Monica's church edifice. Construction work on road be- tween Frenchglen and Buena Vista progressing rapidly. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon For Columbia County. In the matter o' the Estate of William Henry Hess, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap- pointed administrator of the estate of William Henry Hess, deceased, by the County Court of Columbia County, State of Oregon, and has duly qualified to act as such. All persons hav­ ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same, with proper vouchers, duly verified, within six months from the date of this notice to the undersigned at his residence near Vernonia, Ore. Dated and first published May 6th, 1930. Last publication June 6th, 1930. W. A. Harris, attorney. Frank J. Schmidlin. adminis­ trator of Estate of William Hen­ ry IIes3, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. In the matter of the Estate of Ira C. Nicholson, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap- pointed administrator of the estate of Ira C. Nicholson, de- «■eased, by the County Court of the County of Columbia, State of Oregon, and has duly quali­ fied to act as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to preBent the same, duly verified, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice to the undersigned at his residence near Vernonia, Ore. Dated and first published May 9th, 1930. Last publication June 6th, 1930. W. A. Harris, attor­ ney. R. L. Spencer, administrator of the Estate of Ira C. Nichol- Bcn, deceased. Classified Ads FOR SALE 1IAY—If interested in buying hay at haying time, please send me the following informa­ tion: kind of hay wanted, amount, your name and where hay is to be delivered to. No obligation. Karl Schaefer, For­ est Grove, Ore. 431* RADIO FOR SALE—Price reas­ onable. Apply house 57, O.-A. hill. ___________ 431 FOR SALE—Lovely 8-Piece din­ ing room suit at one-half 431* price. Nehalem hotel. FOR SALE—1 Jersey heifer with calf (2nd calf) $10,0.00; 1 Holstein cow, $65.00. At Tre- harne ranch. Call at evening to see cows. E. R. Treharne, Tre- harne Station. 433 FOR SALE—Grey oats or mixed grain, chopped. Delivered in 3-ton lots within 6 miles of Ver­ nonia, at $38 per ton, wheat at $42. Write for samples. Karl Schaefer. Forest Grove. Or. 423* SAXOPHONE for sale. C. Mel­ ody. Instrument valued at $125, will sell for $50. Phone 272._____________ 422* FOR SALE—2 hound pups, 6 months old, $25.00. Best of breeding. J. L. George. 1H miles below Mist. 413* FOR SALE—6 room house and garage for sale, Mi mile due east of mile bridge, also 2 nice houses on A and B streets north of high school. Mrs. Haiman, H mile east of mile bridge. 403* FOR SALE or TRADE—Apart­ ment house on First street. See George Bell. 36tf A NEW BLUE FLAME oil bur­ ner for range, cook stove and heater. No smoke, soot, mess or odor with the Blue Flame Bur­ ner. Burns 6 to 10 hours on 1 gallon of oil. Keep the stove you have, put in a Blue Flame oil burner; cook and bake better than with wood and coal, operat­ ing cost not over 3 cents per hour with coni oil, about 1 cent per hour with diesel oil. Abso­ lutely smokeless, odorless nnd noiseless. J. IL Sell, agent. 41tf BABY CHICKS, all sizes, 15c and up, at the Sunshine 11 itchory. on Corey hill. 41tf. COW AND CALI' for sale, cheap1 Jack Lindsay, Phone 7F15r,l.| 41tf. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MQDERN house with garage, close in. Inquire Ca­ son Transfer. 432 TWO ROOM unfurnished house for rent, $12 month including lights and water. Inquire of Mr. Moe at the Eagle. MISCELLANEOUS LOST—2 Bay horses, one is blaze-faced, “F” brand on the right shoulder about 1250 pounds The other has spot on forehead, and wire mark on left hind leg, about 1200 pounds. Reward. No­ tify Fay Olsen, St. Helens. 422* WANTED WANTED—One day old calve»- Phone 14F15IT5. " WANTED—Cows and Backs. I can use a few good, fresh Jersey cows, reasonable. Please send the following information, age, amount of milk, test, price and where located. Karl Schaefer For”"t Grove. Ore. 431* MUTINY OF THE AIBATROSS^ BY WYNDHAM MARTYN“ *y ri. Riding aerdemy Lodges and fi atemities Large sports stadium Beauty and art shops Standardized hospital Farmers market Business college Fascinating tour of the world's largest lumber mills. A cannery for your produce Up-to-date shops Medical and dental specialists First-clafs auto r'rk High class rtiovietone theaters An outstanding hotel Excellent golf course Community Y. M. C A. Swimming pool Monday and Tuesday, June 2-3 Vernonia, Oregon $10.00 Worth for $9.00 In Longview You Will Find— FREE, at our store Mellinger Hardware À' J. 3 Visitors welcome. CONTRIBUTED TN A SHRIT OF FRIENDLY NEIGHBOR!,INESS BY THE Longview Chamber of Commerce - LONGVIEW. WASHINGTON w —•