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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1930)
Friday, May 16, 1930 ~ Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Four Give Special Program tend the funeral of his mother Johnson; Americanization, Mrs. Nearly 100 per cent of all I long time protection. From three A. R. Davis; 4-H clubs, Otto Sunday. to four weeks must elapse after prunes grown in the United I A special program and noon Earl Knowles was a Vernonia Peterson; summer round-up com- I day luncheon was given by the the last dose has been given be States come from the P«cific| ftn(j Mrs. John Devine shop, mittee to function; service visitor Sunday. coast states, with about 20 peri fore protection is fully develop i Lavendar club of Apple valley In cooperation with Miss Dorothy Wallace spent Vera Price. ed. Since not all children are cent from Oregon and the rest I and children were over from ' to its members and theii mo Clatskanie visiting his 1 brother the Following the program U. S. Public Health Service Arcadia park at- the evening at susceptible to scarlet fever the from Washington, California and thers on Friday at the hone of “ | Grover, Sunday. milk Boys Cookery club served dance Saturday tending the Frederick D. Stricker, M. D., Dick Test should be made before 1 Idaho. At the present time near the president, Mrs. J. T. Bennett. shakes with cake, the hospitality was accompanied Mrs. L. E. Mr. and McGee evening. She Collaborating Epidemiologist ottempting active immunization ly 75 per cent of the Oregon committee assisting. and obviously the child to whom prune crop is dried, 17 per cent had Sunday guests from Birken-|by friends. LIFE ] Mrs. Wm. Bridgers is expect- Maupin—Plans under consid Dick toxin is given should be ( shipped fresh, and 8 per cent feld- Scarlet Fever Prevention FIRE Former Resident Honored _ her aunt from Portland for Jones J ing I canned. Investigations indicate eration for establishment of Since scarlet fever is, just re-Dick tested, a month or more that the canned output may bel Mr. and Mrs. James AUTOMOBILE a visit of several days. Rev. Vernon W. Cooke of football and baseball field. up from the after the last dose has been and children were now, somewhat more prevalent Mrs. Marie Holmstrom and Peoria, Ill., has been elected i profitably expanded. Fish Hawk visiting relatives. and all other kinds Sheridan—Civic Improvement than usual for this time of the given, to determine whether or Elmer Christiansen came up daughter Olga were Portland vis- J moderator for the state of Ill club improved city park. year, it is quite natural for us not protection has been effected. itors on Bunday. HOME POINTERS inois, to begin his duties at from Astoria, Thursday for a to ask ourselves what can be Dick toxin is given in either Mrs. DeRosa from Bennet’s once. Rev. Cook is a son-in-law Yashats—Construction of the A few bits of sapolio run I few days visit with the A. K. done to prevent it. The most three doses, given ten days or Mill is spending a few days with of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Watts of Roosevelt highway south of here two weeks apart, or five doses through the food chopper as Melis family. effective means of preventing Mrs. Wm. Meadows. this city. progressing steadily. 1 though grinding food will sharp Mrs. A. Dowling and son Ber the spread of scarlet fever rests given one week apart. Alberta DeRock joined the en the knives when dull. No matter what protection with the parent. If all parents nard were business visitors in seniors in their skip day trip to An oil fire can be extinguish Clatskanie Thursday. Home From South America would but take a minute each you afford your child, don’t let Seaside, going down Thursday Mrs. Watts Price of Buenos morning to look at their children him go to school or play with ed with salt, flour, meal, sand Carmichael Ruth and Grace afternoon and returning Sunday. particularly their noses and other children when he has any or gravel but water will only were shopping in Mist Satur- Geo. Jones drove to Salem Aires, South America, is visiting spread it. throats, and inquire as to how symptoms which are suspicious last week and visited his sister, relatives in New York, while Scalding hot compresses can day. they feel and would keep them of a communicable disease. Mrs. E. L. McCanley at that enroute to Nebraska, where she Mrs. Buckley and Mrs. Rachiel be wrung out without burning away from other children when- will visit her parents. She will place for a few days. from Vernonia were visiting the hands if they are laid ever they have such symptoms proceed with her small daughter FARM REMINDERS their mother one day last week. lengthwise in the center of a from Nebraska, to Oregon, to as a sore throat, headace, nau- With a Portland Orchestra for Out of more than 4000 sam- Mrs. G. Devine was a Clats- spend several weeks with Mr. sea, watery or inflamed eyes, a 1 pies of farm drinking watcr towel and the ends of the towel Dancing and Special Entertainers twisted in opposite directions. kanie visitor last Friday after- spotted or “strawberry” tongue, and Mrs. D. W. Price. by that have been analyzed Copper and brass vessels may noon. or a rash, much would be ac Oregon State college during the DANCES TO BE HELD EACH SATURDAY Robert Shields drove down complished in preventing the last few years, more than oirç- be brightened by using vinegar P. T. A. FINAL MEET Honor Mothers and salt in the water in which from Cottage Grove last Wed- NIGHT spread of not only scarlet fever ( third have been found to be they are washed. Members of the Girls League l nesday to take his mother, Mrs. but other communicable diseases polluted more or less seriously. the Entertained By Many families spend far too of Scappoose high school enter ¡Shields and brother James back P. T. A. as well, Practically all of us 1 Samples, properly submitted, are Season membership tickets will be issued tained at a Mothers Day tea, 4-H Club know this but how few practice analyzed free by the bacterio little time on the planning of I to their home at Cottage Grove, to all desirable gentlemen. i all mothers on Friday afternoon. '¡’hey have been visiting her it is evidenced by the number logy department of the colleges. purchases and far too much Scappoose Parent Teachers’ Dainty refreshments were serv Ladies considered as members when es- worrying over how to pay the daughter Mrs. G. Devine for the of children who are sent home members were entertained by ed and an entertaining program As a result of activity among corted by ticket holder. from school every day with one Oregon county agents in work bills. One cure for this is a well- past month, 4-H club classes at the final or another of these symptoms 1 in connection with orchard and planned budget, strictly adhered j Mrs. Niel, Miss Hilts, Miss meeting of the year last Friday j provided. suspicious of a communicable di small fruit soil management dur to. (Taylor and Miss Krauss, Ver evening. Eleanor Bryant and! BARBECUE — CIGAR STAND STORE Many housewives can save nonia teachers were afternoon Melba Boyd of the Girl’s Cook-1 sease. Library Receives Gifts ing 1929, more commercial fer time and effort when cleaning callers Sunday at the J. E. ery club demonstrated making FILLING STATION COTTAGES The Dick Test is a skin test, tilizer is being used profitably Scappoose library was present- very similar to the Schick Test than ever before, and unwise by sweeping all the rooms at Knowles home, of palatable milk shakes before ed with “Etiquette Junior,” by RATES one time, and when dusting all 1 is diphtheria, which will deter use of commercial fertilizer has at one time, to avoid handling! Funeral services were held in the audience. Mrs. W. D. Dillard, St. Helens mine whether or not a child is 1 been practically eliminated. Philip Frakes and Sonny Rain librarian. T’.vo other new books,. tools and equipment several! Vernonia Sunday for Grandma A parking charge of 50c a car will be made at all likely to contract scarlet fever Hayrox, who passed away at ey recited suitable poems re “The Rosary” and “Black Rock,” Before treating any seed po- time9 if exposed to it. The result of tatoes, it is always best to run times. This entitles both members and general public ' . . . that plate at the home of heri garding the value of milk. Miss were also received last week. evening dessert can often i , , .. . . , the test is observed or “read” them over a slatwork working ).. The to park privileges, such as picnicking, swimming, county health -™ i ™ r J «I.!,.,! ...v.;,.. 8rand daughter last week, a ¡Nettie Alley, twenty four hours after it has table or rack and discard all be cooked and watched while the short reading was given at the nurse gave a twenty minute dancing in lodge, radio, use of card tables, etc. Hostess at Party been given. A negative Dick tubers which are bruised, crack luncheon or breakfast dishes are grave here where she was laid talk on milk and dairying. Orchestra dancing main hall Saturday nights and hol- Mrs. E. E. Wist was hostess Test means that the child has ed or show any evidence of de being washed, thus allowing mo- I to rest beside her husband who During the business meeting idays. Members and their ladies only. Men, 75c; la- protection and is not likely to cay, says the Oregon experiment ther more free time in the af-l I preceded her several years ago. Miss Vera Price, teacher of the for the Bridge club at the Co- dies, 25c. I lumbia cafe on Wednesday even- contract scarlet fever. A posi station. Any sprouts which have ternoon. We all join in extending our second grade was presented I ing. Five tables played and Mrs. tive test, of course means that started are removed at that Members Attending Without Ticket* May Be Vouched sympathy to those left to mourn. with a picture, “Innocence,” as Sandstrom won high score. the child is susceptible and there time. Oiling of detour along Pacific a reward for the second grade, J. E. Knowles was a Verno-' fore likely to contract the di room which won most members Successful marketing of spring highway between Medford and nia visitor one day last week. sease if exposed to it. In gen in the membership drive. The lambs means that they are sort Phoenix completed. eral a rather large number of Martin A Forbes Mrs. Geo. Taylor ki up following oommkte* «fa atrium Hood River—Contract award children under ten years of age ed for tops at least four times ed to L. C. Baldwin, on bid of around again after being were appointed for the coming LEADING FLORIST FaJ-m Topic* Regular Feature will be found susceptible to scar fined at home a couple of weeks! year: Regular farm programs twice $58.498, for construction of a with measles. 387 Washington St. let fefer and a smaller number packing shed for Apple Growers' Program, J. G. Watts and Portland, Ore., Phone There aré two kinds of pro each day except Sunday are in association. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haycox Mrs. McPherson; membership. tection which can be effected, cluded in the schedule of KOAC BEacon 3162 St. Helens—Streets in this and daughter, Mrs. Johnson Otto Peterson; hospitality. Julia passive and active immunity. at Oregon State college. A news town will be improved. came down from Portland to at- Miller; library treasurer, Helen digest from the Morning Ore Pnssive immunity is short time protection used only to protect gonian, And market and weather the child who has been exposed I reports are given at noon from to the disease. It lasts but a 12 to 12:45 o’clock. Talks on short time, probably not over farm problems are included in two weeks. Passive immunity the evening programs from 6:30 against scarlet fever may be ef ' to 7:30, o’clock in addition to I market and weather reports, and < fected by convalescent scarlet news items from the Oregon fever serum or by scarlet fever Journal and associated press dis- antitoxin. Active immunity means patches. Insurance Jos. Scott Arcadia Park Scappoose 4 <1 Arcadia Park Lindsay Lumber Co. O utstanding F eatures of tre N ew F ord New sircamline bodies. Adjustable front seats in most bodies. Choice of attractive color3. Fully enclosed, silent four-wheel brakes. Bright, enduring Rustless Steel for many exterior metal parts. Three-quarter floating r ?ar axle. Low first cost. Torque-tube drive. Extensive use of fine steel forgings and electric welding. More than twenty ball and roller bearings. Five steel-spoke wheels. Phone 7F51 Chrome silicon alloy valves. Chrome alloy transmission gears and shafts. Aluminum pistons. Treharne F»tr Iloudaille double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers. 55 to 65 miles an hour. Economy of operation. Issi»» «« a - BLrtMlfjes Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield. Quick acceleration. Reliability And long life. Ease of control. Good dealer service. A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, -V'cVw Stated Communication •X First Thursday of each XX* month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. J. E. Tapp, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. » ? Every meal a perfect feast of lusci ous tastiness—every bite a delightful morsel of wholesomeness—it’s fun to cook and joy to eat when foods are sumptuously good like these! Real healthfulness here—and never expen sive. Shop—in person or by phone. Order of Eastern Star WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. May Mellinger, president. NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. IS ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays. Margaret Nelson, Recerder American Legion Vernonia Post Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. 119, American Regular commu Legion. Meets nication first second and and third Wed nesdays of each fourth Tuesdays month, at Ma each month, 8 p. sonic Temple. m. Connie An All visiting sis derson, Com- ters and broth mander. P. Hughes, Adjutant A ers welcome. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Mountain Heart “MONARCH FOODS OF QUALITY” Vernonia Market & Grocery — Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Freight Delivered To and Called For At Your Door Trucks Leave Vernonia 9 A. M. Daily TUB NF. W FORI) TUDOR SEDAN Roa-I.trr .... $435 Phaeton .... $440 Sport Coupe <x>upe......................... $500 Tudor Sedan . . $500 • . $530 1>e Luie Coope . . $550 Convertible Cabriolet $645 Three-window Fordor Sedan $625 De Luxe Sedan . $650 Town Sedan • • $670 Allpriett f. 0. b. Detroit, ptua frtight end delivery. Long Distance Furniture Hauling Between Vernonia and Portland W. A. Davis, Local Manager. Office Phone 1041 Res. 1052 Portland Vernonia Truck Line for Freight Orders C. BRUCE L LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia I F ord M otor C ompany FINNEY OF THE FORCE No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in Pythian Sisters W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors Vernonia Temple 61 meets always welcome. Marie O’Donnel, Vice Grand every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Edna Linn. Noble Grand W.O.W. hall. MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. Myrtle John, Secretary. DELLA CLINE, M. of R. & C. Della Cline Treasurer KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I. OO. F. HARDING LODGE 118 Meets every Monday —Vernonia Lodge No, night in the W.O.W. 246 I.O.O.F. meets every Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth at 8 o’clock, in LO.O.F. hall. Vis ers welcome. itors always welcome. James Nanson, C.C. Noel Hammack, N.G. U. A. Scott. K.R.S. John Glassner. Secretary. »