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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1930)
Friday, April 18, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Seven . *. eye of the eobst — “What Is itr* he demanded, as he followed Clements through the "Very well," ’BetUngTon an gabion door. swered. "That d—-<! Unwin boy," the oth It was eight bells when Slivers er said Impatiently. “He's a brought luncheon into the room. At nul.ance to the men. I don't think half-past twelve the lad bad re Il's anything bad." moved the dishes. i'.ob, looking very pale, had a Mrs. Judd Greenman motored “I have balf-an-hour before 1 Mrs. Isabel Warrens and Mrs. sculp wound. Examination proved need put on that damnable jacket to Portland Tuesday morning. Robert Warrens and daughter It to be kss serious than the fore aud ask Hallett if he wants a sec Joe Banzer of Mist spent Pat of — Forest Grove were guests castle had assumed. The dressing ond helping. I beg you to believe. Tuesday in Vernonia shopping. at the W. B. Lappe home in Or- of It was well within Bettington’s Doctor Orme, that I am not a range of skill. He had tied miles servant by accident but by design. .’hard Acres last Thursday. of bandages in Ills day. Frank Peterson of Natal spent “I know all that Is Interesting "Now. my lad." he said kindly, of your career," Clements went on. Tuesday in this city. Mrs. E. A. Douglas of Mc- “how did this happen?" “Do you kuow anything of miner’ Minnville spent the week end Bob explained that Sam wanted Miss Macile Roberts visited at in Vernonia visiting Mr. Doug "Absolutely nothing.” a photograph of his sister, and “Have you ever seen me beforeF’ Wilark Thursday. las, who is employed at the lo when he would not give It, had “Never. I'm sure of that. My cal Miller's mercantile store. taken It by force and In the strug Ray Early of Portland spent memory for faees Is unfailingly gle knocked him down. Bob was good." Saturday in Vernonia on busi Charles Kramer, son of __ ___ Mr. very miserable. “And yet," Clements went on, ness. and Mrs. Dave Kramer, a stu “Walt here,” Bettlngton com “my face has been tn almost every at Linfield university, manded. “I'll see what- can be big newspaper in the world. There M. E. Carkin and H. E. Mc dent have been rewards for my appre the home done." Graw attended a meeting at ,St. spent the week end _ at ____ Captain Hallett received hhn. as hension which in the aggregate ex of his parents. Helens Wednesday evening. usual, with a great deal of sus- ceed those ever offered for another If you have been missed plcion. Bettington explained the man.” Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer of nature of the accident and Its Bettlngton smiled politely, It Natal spent Saturday in this when the enumerator was tak cause. was as though he did not want to ing the census, get in touch city shopping. “If you would allow this lad, Bob awaken the other from a pleasing with Mrs. W. E. Bell today with Unwin, to take advantage of your I delusion. Judd Greenman left Friday for out fail. Phone 704. nephew's kindness and berth with "I see you do not believe me. California, where he will spend him In the wireless room, where That Is part of niy triumph, Did J. Glen Allen of Hillsboro, there Is plenty of space, I should you ever hear of Reuben Beurds- one week on business. formerly manager of the local be greatly obliged.” ley?" “That's a clever way of planting Lester Sheeley, Lee Schwab Miller’s store here, spent Friday “Not to my knowledge.” and II. E. McGraw were visitors 4nd Saturday in this city in com a spy amongst us.” sneered Hallett. “And yet you had no more sin "How am I to know what you are I cere admirer. He was in one of at Timber Friday. pany of several of the Miller saying Is true?” your classes in surgery. To him Bettlngton set a guard on his there was no such operator In the Mi r. Gehring, local high school mothers, owners of the organi- temper, lie tried to realize how teacher, has purchased a new Earl Smith has received word Hallett must he chagrined contin world as Andrew Orme.” Bettlngton suld nothing. This Oakland sedan. of the death of his uncle, D. C. ually by the authority which Clem resurrection of another man’s past Smith, at Hoquiam, Wash., from ents was allowed. was apt to prove embarrassing. Nat Perdcw, who has recover- heart trouble. The “Flit the boy is the brother of “That’s all left behind long ago," ed from a long siege of pneumo- the father of Mrs. deceased was your owner's secretary.” John Patrick he observed at length. “How could nia, is able to be about again. also of this city. "He stays where he Is,” said I ever hoi>e to get famous as a sur Hallett geon with San Quentin hanging Miss Pearl Krause visited her "One minute,” Bettlngton cried. over me?” Mr. and Mrs. C. Jackson, Mr. Sun- in Sherwood last parents and Mrs. Fred Chacker and “Ever since I’ve been aboard you’ve “You will have no need to make n hostility to me. There has money when tills trip Is done,” the day. daughter Dona B. and Mr. and shor been absolutely no reason for It. Boss reminded him. “Your pupil, Mrs. Harold Lewis and son Jack Andy Brimmer caught a 7- ie all of Gresham visited Sunday Why have- you done so?" Beardsley is dead." “Because you’re u friend of O.-A. “Too bad,” Bettlngton murmured. pound steelhead near the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clements, nod he has undermined “He was young to die." It seemed mill Sunday. T. Marion. me with Mr. Radv.ny, us I’ve no a safe comment doubt you are trying to.” “It was a very serious blow to Frank Hartwick, manager of A. G. Greenburg of the Stan- “I've not given you enough me, and It's an amazing coincidence the Gilby Motor company, spent dard Oil company of this city, thought for that,” Bettlngton an that the master can finish what the Tuesday in St. Helens on bus landed a 15-pound salmon at i swered ; "hut I may ns well warn pupil begun. I was In luck there. iness. Oregon City Sunday. His bro you, I shall ask Mr. Radway to let Listen. Orme. At a word I can ther, William Greenburg, of that boy come out of the forecas send you back for that sentence J. F. Johnson of Birkenfeld Portland landed a 25-pound sal- ' tle." which will end only when you die. lie sought out Radvvay and put Furthermore, I um not putting my I was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. mon, both men fishing from the the thing before him. self In your power. You may never Johnson is a candidate for coun same boat. “Do as you please,” Railway said know my real name. I could look ty commissioner. Idly. eulmly at the very detectives who Mr. and Mrs. E, E. Lenmann, Bettlngton went buck to his first had spent years looking for me be Fred and Geo. Miller, mem Mrs. S. G. Thompson and daugh- patient. cause I gaze at them with a differ "I've got leave for you to shift ent face. I will wuger that you bers of the firm of Miller bro- ter visited at the home of Mr. thers, were week end visitors and Mrs. Clarence Nance Sun- your quarters. The wireless opera have seen the face I wore for day. Mrs. Nance returned to tor told your sister he'd take you yeurs. When my bank failed, with in this city. In hand. Take iny advice, and such disastrous results, I was In Portland with her mother and Mrs. Peggy Ericson motored sister on Sunday and returned keep out of people’s way. I refer every paper where illustrations are particularly to the skipper, who re found. Yes, you know the real me. to Portland Friday evening and home Monday evening. sents my Interference, and the But Clements—the man you are returned to her home here Mon- owner, whose temper varies accord looking at—Is only a year old and Lawrence Kern, superintend Ing to the time of day." day afternoon. his pust is blameless. It took ent of the Eagle Lumber com-! The hoy forgot his pnlns In the Beardsley a year to re-create me Flo Sell, Grace Sell and Edna pany at Westimber, along with prospect of being able to leave the and It will take you a few minutes Portland several others from that vicinity society of the crew end see his sis probably, to rectify one mistake.” Jaeger motored to Tuesday to inspect the stores representing the Timber district ter. Bettlngton had heard, often Presently Radway went below. enough, of the comparatively new and do some Easter shopping. high school board, were the When Bettlngton came on deck it brunch of surgery which devoted guests of the Vernonia Chamber was deserted. He took the oppor Itself to the fuce. He had asso- J. II. Sell has received word of Commerce Tuesday noon. tunity to make an Investigation of elated it wlth beauty parlors and of the death of his brother, J. the Albatross. quackery In general. Now, sud- Mrs. Fred Visnaw and two C. Sell, at Kernsville, N. C., re- Metzger was not In the engine children of St. Helens were week room. Bettington looked anxlous- denly, he was convinced that what cently. said was true. Clements end visitors at the F. W. Cleve-1 I.v at Kenzle. He was planning But to And that he wus expected Born: To Mr. and Mrs. C. land home in Orchard Acres. ahead and needed allies. He won to undertake some of it was horri Tackett of Timber, Wednesday, I Mrs. Visnaw was a former resl-i dered what hold the Boss had upon fying. He shrank from the idea, at the Vernonia hospital, an 8-¡dent of Vernonia, her husband this engineer who seldom, or ever, but would not permit Clements to left tits engines, except to sleep. It. pound boy. He has been named being one of the former part- The cook welcomed the chance see “Beardsley must have cut a Richard Claude. qers of the Vernonia Bekery. to tall; “What's good for a sick i nerve, for suddenly I found myself stomach. Doc?" he Inquired. with this damnable smile. It never “FustIng.” he was told. This leaves me. Orme, I haunt my Hine BeGirgton hud n good look nt self. I think I the cl of. He was a very fat man cannot . . go . Sometimes on living, unless the mid Ids eyes were too close togeth I curse is removed from me. I er The first I glance showed him a I thought everything was well done. gross. Jovial ■nan; a closer lnspec- I I had finished with Beardsley be tlon showed him to be scheming, fore I knew.” sensual and vain. Bettlngton wondered what was Bettlngton went from the galley the cause of Beardsley's death. depressed. In I order to feel us- "He died of pneumonia," said sured of success In case he find to Clements, as though he had read declared open war ugninst Sam, the doubt in his companion's mind. Metzger and their commander, lie "It was a sad blow to me." had at least to remove the dispar “He was never strong," Betting ity In numbers by recruiting some ton found himself saying, vylth of the men to Ills cause. So fur gravity. ! he could only tlduk of Slivers, mi Reluctantly Clements rose and nute representative of the Insulu- put on the steward’s livery coat. brious Cherry Hill district which "In this drawer,” he said, “you lies along the lower east side of will find some of the most recent New York’s waterfront. Bettlng books on operative surgery, They ton knew the gamins of that dis may refresh your memory, Take trict. Silvers had probably started them to your room." life feeling the hand of t'.ie law They proved of no benefit to C0PYRI6HT IN THE US. W.N.U. SERVICt was against him. He would read Howard Bettlngton. Their idioms Under the Influence of the old ily fall in line with those who ar were beyond his comprehension. "Clements!" he called. “A little rayed themselves ugalnst estab He put the books aside and went of that old cognac; not a pony— French brandy. Radway's discom lished ! out on deck. order. fort was dulled. He was beginning bring It in a cocktail glass." On Ills way to his own quarters I Mrs. Railway was sitting In n “Clements seems a remarkable to find Bettington was an enter Bettington saw Clements. chaise longue, writing letters. She num,” Betilngton hazarded. He taining talker when he chose, and the way.” he began, "I want- looked up at Bettlngton and smiled was anxious to know inure of him. frowned when Clements said that ed “By to ask you about meals, Atn I passed. “A disbarred lawyer.” Railway a trifling accident to a member of supposed to dine with the Rad- as “I he am driven to writing letters answered. “Had a gambling place the crew demanded the doctor's ways?” to people I have almost forgotten. of the highest class at Saratoga, attendance. “ No," said Clements. “ You mess I'm afraid this Is going to be a once. He must have lost It nil or Bettlngton followed Clements with the officers. That Is Hallett, very dull month, doctor." he wouldn't need to attend to the with justifiable misgivings. Sup Leary, and Hallett's neph “Dull I” he said to himself, as he catering and so on. and wear a pose he should find that some bad ew. 1 Metzger mess In my room. took a seat and looked out at the livery. Odd smile of Ills, Isn't It? accident called for skill not at Ids I’d like usually to share lunch with placid ocean. “If she only 1 believe it’s a kind of paralysis. command. Would Ills crude flrst- me today. you There are certain busi guessed I" Reminds me of that old phrase we ni-1 methods betray Idin to the alert ness« m ilters I want to discuss. ” Never, he supposed. In the hls- used to hear of the smile that wouldn't come off." tory of yachting had such a com pany been assembled by the design of one man. He was tempted to cross the deck to Todd and tell him to wireless to the government what was afoot. If any accident happened to him, what could save Evelyn Radway and Unwin's chil dren? "The other night,” Mrs. Radway began, "it was as a friend I spoke to you. 1 felt you were friendly to me.” "Indeed, you were right," be said earnestly. “Now it’s to the doctor 1 am speaking.” He hoped bls fuce did not show his alarm and disap pointment. "It's about Mr. Rud way. I am horribly disappointed In his behavior. He came here to get himself Into good physical con dition und he bus given wuy to absinthe. Doctor Wuite, you must help me." "How r he demanded. He was overcome with the layuiau's feel lug of hopelessness in the presence of illness. "After all, you are a physician, aren’t you?" “Yes,” he found himself forced to say. It seemed horrible to ha>e to tell her a deliberate lie. “Then it is your duty to go to him and tell him he's killing himself. And couldn’t you see that that hor rible Cleuieuts offered him drinks all the time?" She sighed. "It isn't very pleasutu to have to confess that my warnings or pleadings have no longer any effect" “You wish me to go now?" “If you Would.” “I’m afraid there is very little 1 cun do," he said rising. “1 have no sort of authority except what he gives me. If warning him Is any good, I’ll certainly do that.” He went below and then to the bow of the boat, feeling he was going on a useless errand. Radway looked Bp as though he had been expecting such a visit. Except that a purple hue was spread over his face more deep than anything Bettlngton hud ever seen on humun visage, be hud no air of intoxication. Years before in Faris, Bettlngton had noted how absinthe acts. It is a curious prop erty of the spirit that its effects vary wIWi the Individual. It gave Rudway the delusion of incredible powers and predisposed him to acts of physical violence. “I should like to have them all down here,” he said in mordant tone. “I am not sure that a man has lived unless he has actuully squeezed the life out of the throats of men he hates.” “What particular Ilves do you want to end?" Bettlngton asked. "The Gibbons gang. Alfred Gib bons first. He and bls group have I tried for years to hate me to death; It's quite possible." “They're succeeding apparently,” Bettlngton replied, and pointed to the bottle of absinthe in the rnck. “Have you ever thought that they may all be concentrating on you to Rt'nk this stuff? I don’t know any surer way of death. You better lie down, you look all In.” “It’s my constant headache that knocks me out,” Radway returned, and pressed his temples as though in pain. "Sometimes it Is so bad, I actually am blinded. . . . It's their concentrated hate." Bettlngton J urn cd cwnv In dis- B* WYNDÏJAM MARTYN“ For County Commissioner 1 respectfully announce my candidacy for the re publican nomination for county commiuioner at the primary election, May 16. If nominated and elected, 1 pledge myself to ata eco nomical and progressive ef fort for the taxpayers. I have been a resident of Columbia county for more than 40 ye^rs and as road supervisor of the Rainier district for a number of years and mayor of that city, my record for econ omy and good work is open to inspection. I will appre ciate your support and en deavor give., faithful service, if I am elected. gi;—. -me spectacle or tms wreck, drifting toward destruction and blaming others for his disaster, seemed pitiful. “Don’t go." Radway said queru lously. “Stay here.” Bettington, paid no heed to him. Mrs. Radway was waiting for him anxiously. "Were you able to do anything?” she demanded eagerly. For the moment he did not an- swer. He wanted to ask her a question and did not desire her to feel the humiliation of having to endure his guze us he asked it. “Have you any reason," he said gently, “to fear physical violence from him In this state?" There was a perceptible pause before she answered. “The possibility exists, but It’s most remote." "If you like," he said, “I'll take one of these forward staterooms to be near him." He hoped she would construe this to mean that ho was merely exhib iting the physician's readiness to be at Ids patient's side In danger. He did not want her to realize that Itadway's safety meant noth ing to him. He felt she would be frightened to learn that his only concern was to protect her from the violence of a man almost sane. “I think there Is no need ’hat,” she returned gratefully, fact, it might anger him if found It out. He hns a hatred of being spied utsin. ns he calls it.” Mary Unwin came up at this mo ment with Crosby Todd. Miry smiled pleasantly, but the wireless operator paid no attention to the, slilp's surgeon. Bettlngton watched Mary with the artist's admiration as she went off with Todd. She seemed to embody youth. “I hardly realized the child was so beautiful." he muttered. "She's in love," suit! Mrs Itad way. “1 don't think she Ims ever been In love before. She tms found a new heaven and a new earth." Clements passed by. “There's the man Captain Hill I lett particularly dislikes.” Mrs Railway said, when he had gone. I Bettingtou de- “Don’t you?" ~ mended. Mrs. Radway hesitated. ''I'm never quite sure, He Is so Courte ous and has such au agreeable voice . . . and yet, I sometimes feel afraid. Perhaps it Is that set tled smile which prejudices one. Yes, It His features are good, must be that smile.” Bettington wondered what the real Clements had been like. a voice had been cultivated to avert suspicion that the fuce gave rise to. And now the face was gone and one had been created to match the voice. “Why do von st'th?” Mrs Rad 0T pity, was crossing file Heck slowly, watching Crosby ~ Todd leaning over the * side " talking “ to Mary. Bettington wondered If there could be a better example of a beautiful woman, beautifully gowned and exquisitely _______ _____ cared „ for. than the lovely Mrs. Radway. She had never been deprived of the luxuries of her class and country. Everything about her was beauti ful and rare. What a morsel for M'dzyer! I (Continued next week) It is pointed out that labor turnover is very low. The move ment from city to city and from district to district, seeking work, has begun in earnest. SAFETY for MOVING DAY Unusual speed here for the handling of your moving problem . . . expert pack ing . . . perfect shipments of the most frag ile articles . . . utter safety in long or short distance transferring of big or small jobs. Experienced and cautious workmen move your furniture and other goods speed ily—modern equipment protects from the faintest possibility of scratches or break- age. Portland-Vernonia Truck Lines Safeway Savings for Friday, Saturday and Monday, April 18th, 19th, and 21st Flour Fruits and Vegetables ASPARAGUS The margar ine of quality. Try this rich tasty spread. Corona brand. An ideal fam ily patent. Fresh, green, tender stalks 5iba 79c 25c pounds Rice Bananas Blue Rose Brand, Long grains, highly polished. Fancy, golden ripe fruit Kp Pound... tlV 5 pounds 100,,'i $6,29 Rhubarb Finest quality Toilet Tissue it $1.57 Per Barrel....... $6.20 Best Foods Mayonnaise Gold Medal Brand. 29C Ph!! Jar............ 1 Solid Head of Lettuce FREE with each pint 4ital0c Silko Brand. Soft absorb ent and safe. Full count 1000 sheets. Milk Maximum Brand. 37c Respectfully, T. J. FLIPPIN (Paid advertisement) way asked curiously, sne noCCSa that there was a look of sadness, almost of despair, on his face. He was far too good looking, she had often told herself, to have escaped the attentions of her sex. “Some thing has upset you. doctor," she exclaimed. He realized suddenly that he wus nervous. Suppose the role he had set out to pluy was one beyond his ability or courage, He thought of Sam and Metzger aud Leary, and the lesser men they controlled. Somehow he felt that Clements was only money-mad and could be satisfied only with money. But Metzger and Sam I Metzger who liked what he culled “class,” and Sam who loved youth. Even at this moment Sam. enormously broad, prodigiously strong, and in his licnrt free from ill sentiments PURE CANE FINE GRANULATED SUGAR SSJ ’5.29 The Berry Season will soon be here. » Retain ____ Governor' Prunes Macaroni Cheese NORBLAD Fancy quality, large 40- 45 size. Made from genuine Semoline Durham hard wheat. Finest grade. Rich and mild. 5 pounds 3 pounds MAC’S PHARMACY announces it is now The R exall Store for Vernonia Cwrwr A. W. NORBLAD Coats off for the Future!” Constructive Progressive Dynamic NORBLAD ft GOVERNOR COMMITTEE ZENNETH D. HAUSElt. Gnl SAMUEL POWELL W mbm > Dmarm Un. G. J. Frankel. tAewwna M ra. M. H- Lamo«, Snraknra Hra4fM«Wra. 209-10 Multnomih Botri AT wmm 2504 ; PORTLAND, OREGON 29C Xa................ 25c Meat Market Specials Bacon Nuggets These are sugar cured, from mild Eastern Ba- con. One to three lbs. each. LB. •‘Hats off to the Past.. 49C Boneless Beef Stew Little cubes of solid beef. Fine for braising. 26c Sliced Bacon Eastern sugar with rind off. cured 42c 29c Rexall Remedies and Pure Test Remedies May be Purchased at Our Store MAC’S PHARMACY “In Business for Your Health CASH FOR EGGS FREE DELIVERY We are now in a position to handle eggs at the top market price. Regardless of the size of your or der we deliver- We Pay Cash Free Vernonia, Ore Store 225