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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1930)
Vernonia Bag!«, VtftifttJa, Oreggi Friday, April 18, 1930 Page Three The percentage of attendance was 96.1. Those in the primary depart ment neither absent nor tardy: ______________________________ Krist Sather, Aubrey Cromwoii, > Harry Goodwin, Eileen Link. inspector, called at Natal a few Robert Robertson made a trip the Eagle Lbr. Co., came out and spent the day with relatives days ago to finish up some work to Portland Tuesday. from Portland for the luncheon and friends. in this territory. Leia Cook, Florence Christian tendered Governor Norblad in Nawcom.ri from Portland Joe Cechmanek and son drove son and Estelle Burt visited in Vernonia Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Farley have to Vernonia Thursday. Vernonia Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls moved here from Portland. They Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Johnston I Miss Tessie Hudson of Hood and family drove to Vancouver, are the parents of Mrs. M. L. NEW RIJIiniNC. drove to Vernonia Thursday. I River is a house guest of Mrs. Wash., to be the guests of Mr. Nickerson. PLEASES p Tt E|ectg OPERETA Several Natal families went to Russell Burt. Ingalls’ mother, Mrs. J. E. Crites, Leonard Nelson, Herbert Root Vernonia Thursday to hear Gov Florence Chritianson and Her over Sunday. WILARK and Kenneth Poole were in Ver- Windmills of Holland Dray Big Constructing New Bungalow in ernor A. W. Norblad speak. bert Root were in Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs. Al. Love and nonia Sunday. Audience. Reed Holding made a business Monday. C. K. Christianson were in For-1 Annon Farmen and Jack Mor- Scappoose. [ Mr an(] Mrg Robert E. Kent end. I triD to Portland last week The operetta, “Windmills of ( est Grove Saturday evening. ris came over from Mill City to Visit« Friend in Hospital Waldo Bennett is building a and family and Raymond Olson Mrs. L. R. Kern and children spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Holland,” given by the grade RECEIVES REPORT OF COM- modern bungalow on his proper- made the loop trip to Astoria i Frank Peterson and his son Leia Cook and Clarence Nel I > Richard drove to Vernonia Fri- school, played to a large audi-! M1TTEES. son drove to Portland Wednes came out from Portland to be C. K. Christianson and family. ty adjoining the Bryant resi- via Jewell Sunday, calling on 1 day. with Mr. Kern over the week ence at both afternoon and ev Although there is a tempta .................................... dence. H. Hoff is also putting'relatives in both Astoria and Mrs. Geo. Taylor and son Ray day evening to call on William end. ening performances. Those in Mrs. J. G. Watt« Re-elected a« tion to use some substitutes for Peoples, who is convalescing at up a cottage on the Klumb prop- ' Svensen. I were shopping in Vernonia Sat- _ drove eggs in cakes and other batters the play were Albert Gotcher, President for Year. the Good Samaritan hospital. | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King Mrs. Chas. _ O. Marston and urday. to Forest Grove Thursday. Charlotte Olston, Donna Mag- I Annual reports of standing erty which he plans to occupy, I mother, when eggs are expensive, there Mrs. L. M. Preston, of __ _______ _ ___ _______ I Guest of Editor dt Banquet The '* site for the pickling plant Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnston | wood, Melba Boyd, James Nib- | committees were given at the is no substitute for them in Married April S Vancouver, B. C., made the up Florence Christianson was the point of food value. lock, Billy Allen, Howard Mag- regular meeting of the Parent- has been surveyed and construc- per Columbia river drive, return motored to Vernonia Saturday. Friends of Mrs. Ida Gratton, tion will begin about May 1. Mrs. Mollie Wright spent a guest of the editor of the Ver- wood. ing on the Washington side of day last week in Forest Grove. | nonia Eagle at the recent lunch- !a former resident here, received | Teacher association last Wcdncs- word of her marriage April 5 SURPRISE PARTY the Columbia I day evening. The finance com Wm. Pringle Jr. drove to Mist eon given for Governor Norblad to Roy Munro of Kelso, Wash. Celebrate Silver Wedding Double Wedding mittee reported a harvest home Has Car Accident Saturday evening. (in Vernonia. Lawrence Kern was in Coch Celebrate Birthday of Lewis The silver wedding anniver sale and library benefit tea; an A double wedding service i Mrs. Ernest Hollenbeck had a Zale Holmes was a business Mrs. Glen Peoples came home ran on business last Thursday. sary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles increase of 30 members; pro read Nichol«. at St. Luke’s church, Van-| car accident Friday. She was ra caller in this community patur- from the Vernonia hospital on Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe Wikstrom April 19 will be es .grams for each meeting; eight couver, Wash., joined Stanley. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday. I day. ther badly hurt, broken arm and went to Portland Thursday ev- Lewis Nichols was the scene of pecially featured by the mar 1 II clubs organized. Large and Viola Soderberg, and head injuries. Mrs. Hollenbeck is Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Poole of Census Tafcer Busy u. rooie or „ing t0 see Mr Wolfe>g Kra nd- riage of their son Gilbert ~ to • a pleasant surprise Wednesday Mrs. J. G. Watts was re-elect- 'La Center, Wash., 1_., Novak and Nellie Doran ¡n the jSt. Helens hospital. Mr. ___ and ___ Mrs. mother Mrs John Dale, who has evening, the occasion being Mr. Miss Ethel Brown, prominent , ed president, Miss Leavenworth ¡ Frank Lincoln Peterson is still on Chas. * Poole n marriage, and son Kenneth had a stroke of parlysis. • virgii newivv, sun ui xut. «» mm , . , . wiv nuu own zvcimcun _ . I Virgil Hewitt, son of Mr. and young Scappoose couple. Nichols’ birthday. The evening ¡vice president, and Laura Wil-j Both young men are employ-'Mrs. Harry Hewitt, is back home , e n? ce.nsUs ln hls ter" of Portland were ;Sunday guests | liams secretary. Following the ed in the City Garage and are after several weeks in a hospital r „y- jlsJ* hl7 s?Cui wee , of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Root and I Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nichols was spent playing games and a motored to McMinnville Sunday. dainty lunch was served. Silver Wedding April 27 meeting members viewed a do good business men. Mrs. Large' recovering from a mastoid op- “r' Bnd Mr*' .Earl Ho‘ceKIa'1, family, Invitations have been issued mestic art exhibit. Refreshments is a St. Helens girl and popular eration, The friends who came to wish ’ |children were visiting at Natal, ‘" m £ Graf0 Henderson of Ver-' Estelle Burt and Lola Wright to friends of the family and • were served. ' nonia is staying with her sister,1 drove to Forest Grove Sunday Mr. Nichols many happy returns in the younger set. Mrs. Novak Mr. and Mrs. Hanson were Su"day- of the day were: Mr. and Mrs. relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest | Mrs. James McCormick spent Mrs Glen peoples. I has grown to young womanhood visitors in Wilark Sunday, Reed Ingalls and family, Mr. and Johnson to be present at a cel- TO VISIT SCOTLAND in the vicinity. a few days with her husband at M„ c K Christianson, Chas.! j Mrs. A. F. Baker and children Life’s Surprise Mrs. Wm. Krebs and son Eu ebration of their silver wedding em the Uie week wee* end vnu in m Wilark. n j Ostrander, Wash., where he is an(1 Florence Christianson and --------- | Mr. and Mrs. Large will go spent gene, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wal surprise of life always anniversary April 27. The nernert noot attended a show Passage for Edinburgh, Scot- to housekeeping at once in the < Guests __ _____ at __ the _ _____ home of ZZ__. Mrs. <aI7p £o° , . .. , . 1 Herbert Root - - . E. D. Johnson called to see in Vernonia Saturday evening. I comes In finding how we have ters and family, Mr. and Mrs. .'•■nd. has been booked for J. Jamieson cottage. Mr. and Mrs. I Geo. Plumb Sunday evening for missed the things which have Wm. Furlock. Mr. and Mrs. Al Hold Initiation .-- “ • several farmers in this commun- ipoose confec- confcc- Novak Novak will will live live with with his his parents parents tea were Mr. and Mrs. Marston sevefai rarmers in mis conn L. R. Kern was in Portland McPherson, Scappoose lain nearest us—how we have Love, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Chris Scappoose Review 52 held in- tinner, and Mr. i Aiken of Gar- until his own home is finished.', and Mrs. Pr.eston of Vancouver, jlty,,,la3t ,7®, on bus,ness- . Sunday. gone fur away to seek thnt which tianson, Mrs. Violet Winans and itiation of candidates April 15. den City. They will will sail and Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh Twitch- „ Wm'. Me_adow», made a * trip trl to Mr. and Mrs. Burt Nelson of was close by our side ail the sail from Joe Winans. Plans were made to attend the New York on the . Adriatic Adriatic June .Tone ------------------------- cl Rainier time.—Phillips Brooks. Vernonia were guests of Mr. and el nf of Rainier. i I Vernonia Thursday. Hold Potluck Dinner district rally in Portland April 14. Both will visit their aged Mrs. Rube Nelson Sunday. County Craw Works on Fill Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Rube Nelson Refreshments were served. parents for several months. The Christian Endeavor held entertained Saturday evening for Wm. Miner 111 Old English Railroad were in Vernonia Sunday after The county started working a potluck dinner at 5:30 Friday I Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Shields, on the road last week where the Wm. Miner, who was operated Electrification of the Swansea A noon. T q Give Operetta Legion Dance Well Attended evening. Plans were made for a I Mrs. E.lizabeth Yarder and Mr. viu Mary Ellen Ahlgren is re iucb cruBiirr lllcj on ....... for — appendicitis at St. Vin- Mumbles railway, the oldest line in old rock crusher atyuu. stood. They sunrise prayer meeting and Condint of Portland, and Mr. and The Legion dance at the High school will give an op t were blasting and making prepa- cent's hospital in Portland, is the world, has been completed The ported ill with measles. Swansea A Mumbles was opened tn special Easter services. Dete Mrs. Geo. Plumb of Wilark. eretta “Pepita,” portraying Mex- Florence Auto park Saturday rations to put in a fill and reported to be in a very serious 1X07, and f >r the first 70 years <*ican Mean characters, characters April 25. Prac- for the benefit of the junior gates to the state convention | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stendal , straighten out the road in the condition, Brownsville — 48,000 baby was operated by horses. Sten'ii lo tise is well under way under the baseball equipment fund was at Marshfield this week were and family drove the loop Sun- near future. chicks hatched at Hedlund hatch- Joe Wheeler at B.nquet comotives hogan to run In 1877. — Iday via Mist, Jewell and Astoria, instructed. direction of Mrs. Eva Bolster. , well attended. Miss Kathryn Didtel, home Wheeler, manager Loudon Tinies. ______________________________ I climbing the Astor column, and demonstration agent, held a i driving back the Columbia high- meeting at the Natal hall Tues-1 was a visitor at the Lee Hall1 birthday was celebrated at the way. day which was well attended. home of his grandmother. j A. W. Hanson is attending the home Tuesday. TREHARNE Honored on Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Condit mov- Sunday a delightful birthday convention of the Royal Arch | ed from Riverview to Rose av- dinner was served. I Masons in Corvallis this week. Miss Annie McMullin __ ________ .... .... BAKER ' enue in Vernonia Tuesdoy. ! TREIIARNE honored by a surprise birthday To Hospital for Treatment | Miss Katherine Hall of Raven-1 E. E. Holman, proprietor of party Saturday night. The even Mrs. M. J. John and Mrs. Cur- dale, Wash., was visiting at the the Wave Kink Radio shop of NATAL ing was spent playing cards and tis John accompanied Eben John home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mor- Portland, will be a visitor in games. Refreshments were serv to the St. Vincent hospital where gnn Friday. camp Sunday. ; Ross Duncan called at the ed. he is receiving treatment for a, Francis Burnham of Clatskan- H. S. Goodwin made a busi- ___ Jake Neurer ranch on business broken nose and other facial in- ¡e visited at the home of his,ness trip to Portland Tuesday. ¡Tuesday, juries received Monday while at sister, Mrs. Merl Cline, Sunday. | Miss Frances Martin of - Port-1 cc - - - The county is grading the Ne- WEST TIMBER work for Koster Products com Mr. and Mrs. H. Fielberg and land visited ’ ‘ her brother __________ _ halem highway this week. and children were Portland visitors family here Tuesday, returning! Clyde Johnson drove to Ver pany. Dave Ellis ikid Charles Chris Chas. Schmidlin was delivering Saturday. j , the next day. >She was accom- nonia Monday for a load of i IF-»'o zi Ti zi C' In tile to drain his land. tianson drove to Vernonia Sun Mrs. Nannie and Molissie Hall| ' noninrl panied Lo by Mra Mrs. TXT Wilfred DeClu- seed potatoes to local farmers and Mrs. J. M. Morgan went to I sion. last week. Wesley Duke was a Natal day for a few rounds of golf. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Christian- St. Helens and Portland Tuesday. business caller oMnday. Buys Treharne Store Returns to Portland Home Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osbourn son and family and Herbert Treharne Grocery Company, Vi«it« on Wa(y to Washington Root were in Vernonia Thursday Grandma Martin returned to spent Monday in Vernonia. owned by Mr. McDonald, was Mr. and Mrs. Newt. Trussler her home in Portland Monday, Harry McMullin drove to Mist evening. sold to Mr. Gillchrest of Verno of Ravensdale, Wash., went England came out Lillian after spending several weeks at to do some shopping Wednesday. nia. They are putting in a new through here Friday on their the home of her son, A. from Portlasd to be with her E. stock of groceries. Set Telephone Pole« parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. way from Salem, where they Martin. Earl Shay of Vernonia has were called to the bedside of Just suppose your husband should read this ad to choose your food supplies! He Bob Linsey, Harry McMullin, England, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peterson purchased the Frank O’Connor her father, Henry Hall, who died have sold would be sure to notice the wide variety, the seasonable items, the well-known Frifz Iler and Dave McMullin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baird their household et home and intends to move his Saturday at his home in Ravens fects here guaranteed brands, and of course, the economical prices would catch his eye. to Art Miller. Mrs. were setting telephone poles on and family and Mrs. Brady and family here soon. children of Vernonia were in And if you told him of our courteous se-vice, excellent values and consistent ale. Henry Hall was well known Peterson will go back to her the Natal line last week. Miss Beatrice Perry and her Newberg Sunday. Hear Governor Talk in Vernonia, as he was a resi home in Portland for medical savings he would most surely compliment your splendid judgment on selecting Misses Emma Stephens and _________ „„ „„„ will grandmother, Mrs. Oliver Bur- treatment. Her son, who Pleasant Hill school bus took dent here several years. our stores as your food buying headquarters. Mrs. W. B. Templeton and graduate from the University of/is, were Vernonia shoppers Sat- Alice Hillyard of Portland spent the pupils to Vernonia Thursday Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. ■ to hear Governor Norblad speak. sons Wendlc and Wayne, who Oregon in June, will be with her. | urday. Mrs. James McCormick was a Stephens. A number of parents attended. has been visiting her sister, Mrs. After graduation, Mr. Peterson Timely Food Features Effective Sat., & Mon., April 19*21 David England went to Spring Mrs. F. O’Donnell, who has Harry King and family here a will continue his work as a Vernonia business caller Thurs- field to stay over the week end few days, returned to her home trainman here for the O.-A. Co. (day. been ill, was presented with a Mrs. Hugh Dunlap, who was' C. f E. Wickland of Clatskanie with his grandmother, Mrs. C. lovely potted plant by members in Spokane, Wash., Friday. spent Wednesday in this com- G. Gorrie Sr. Ralph Peck called on old ill last week, has recovered. of the Mountain Heart club. Ralph Root, Henry Furlock munity on business. Best Foods, Pint Jar Geo. Holt made a business friends in Riverview Sunday. He Entertains in Honor of Son Pete Knowles made a trip to and Fred Miller were in Ver- motore 1 over from Kelso on his trip to Corvallis Sunday. nonia Sunday, Mrs. Wm. Smith entertained a Vernonia Wednesday. Mrs. Austin was unable to motorcycle, returning Monday. CANDY—Fancy large jelly CANDY—Fancy large gum SNOWDRIFT— W. R. Johnson of Mist called Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens K. M. Hall moved his family number of little friends Friday teach school Friday. Mr. Gordon beans. 1 A drops. 1A_ taught the pupils in her room. to Birkenfeld Tuesday, where he ! in honor of her little son Bobby, at Natal to visit his daughter drove to Vernonia Sunday even- Per pound ............ 1W Per pound............ MW Mrs. J. Patrick is teaching the I has employment as a truck driv whose fourth birthday was cel last Wednesday. (No sale to dealers) and Mrs. R. L. Ott and ebrated. Wm. Bridgers drove to Verno er. primary in her absence. (No sale to dealers) PRESERVES— Strawberry Montgomery visited David Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and; A dainty luncheon was served. nia Friday. The Everyday Market is now Pure fruit. Made in Port RAISINS—Seedless, choice friends in Westimber Sunday. Game Warden Wm. Brown Those present were Bobby Gran- sons, Ole and Oral, visited ati open at Treharne. land. AQ. quality. 9C- MARSHMALLOWS— quist, Billy Thompson, Roy was in this community Friday. the Dave McMullin home at Na Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White 3-pound jar..---- Visitors Hero From B. C. 4 lb bag ............ **»JC Campfire 97z* | Nord, Pauline Sather, Sonny called at the home of Mr. and tal Sunday. Attend Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gibson 1 lb. package Zi 4 C WESSON OIL— Mrs. E. D. Johnston and Bradford, Virginia Lee Martin I Olie and Oren Estes of River Mrs. Harold Smith Monday ev SPINACH— Libby’s IE- ,, were here Quart daughters Audrey, Wilma and and Pat and Margaret O’Donnell. view attended the birthday par- of Vancouver, Free with each package of No. 214 cans... IOC ening. week, the cans........................ Misses Upson and Patrician ty of their cousin at Natal Sat- several days C. Renels was unable to go to Thelma of St. Helens is spend Cdmpfire Mallow«, 1 4-oa. guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. work Monday on account of ill ing the week with old friends were week end visitors in Port urday evening. CORNED BEEF — Libby’s MILK—MacMarr or Libby, can Campfire Mallow-Whip Stephens. land. and relatives in Riverview. tall cans 9 C « ness. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bush and No. 1 of children and Mrs. Brady 3 for..................... ¿OC Miss Lavene Riley of the son were Friday business callers Free. cans......................... “VV Hurt« Shoulder at Play Vernonia spent the week end _____ I------------------------- —— cook house force expects to at Vernonia. Floyd Lindsay got his shoulder with Mrs. Arthur Baird. CAMP McGREGOR spend her Easter vacation with Miss Margaret Bennett and hurt while at play Friday and Mrs. A. F. Knight and son her mother in Portland. Miss Helen Bergerson of Verno I was taken home. Douglas are visiting in Portland nia spent Saturday evening at for a few Jays. c^e 0^ Returns to Work Mrs. E. Dearberry of Portland Mrs. H. J. Redman is expect Natal. spent Wednesday at the home of ing her father back again soon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Klein and Geo. Link who has not been Floyd Deeds and Clarence family were in Portland over Mrs. S. Baker. from Baker, where he went able to work since December 20 Harold D. Gill of Portland some time ago to look after his on nccount of his injured hand, Linsey attended the senior play the week end. was at Peasant Hill school Tues t ranching interests. Lon Knight is here for a few went to work with the surveying at Vernonia Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer days visiting his son A. F. day. I John Wornstaff went to Port- force Monday. shoppers in Vernonia Sat Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner lan(j w- Wednesday for medical Mrs. Jennie Scott and daugh were urday. and son Harry of Buxton called attention, Elmer and Russell Burt went ter Bertha and Avis, were Ver- Herd Inspector at Natal at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. to Hood River to spend the ¡nonia visitors Saturday and Sun- Recovering Injured Man Baker Sunday. Dr. F. G. Rankin, county herd week end with relatives. ( day. F. N. O’Donnell and family Wilfred DeClusion. who was Honor Pupils Named motored to Hillsboro Sunday to ¡njUred recently while at work I The following named pupils of I I in the woods, is reported im visit with their parents. Jasper Berry has moved his proving. It will be necessary for the advanced room were neither family to their home at Battle him to remain in bed some absent nor tardy for the month weeks yet. He is at St. Vincent’s ending March 28: Lloyd White, ground, Wash. Florence White, Altha White, hospital, Portland. Party for Jeannette John Frank Faught and his son Ruby Faught and Pearl Faught. A party was given in honor of Jeannette John Saturday with Jimmy went to Portland on bus 12 girl friends present Refresh iness Tuesday. The Johnsen and Sather fam-, ments were served. Mrs. H. A. Wilson, Mrs. H. E. ¡lies motored to Rainier Sunday John and Marvin Holt motored where they spent several hours visiting relatives. to Newberg Friday. Stock up at these prices—Pure Vanilla and Lemon Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Link and daughter Patricia returned from 1 oz Bottles 10c — 2 oz Bottles — 19c — 4 oz. Bottles 37c RIVERVIEW Portland Friday, where they have been visiting friends. No Sale To Dealers Motor to Brownsville Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Snider re i Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler, turned from Portland Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fowler and : where they enjoyed several I am a candidate for Kenneth Fowler all motored to days vacation. County Judge on the Brownsville Saturday to visit Spend Week End in Portland Republican ticket, and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler’s Joe Wornstaff and family daughter and family, Mrs. Jack would appreciate your spent the week end in Portland Smith. EASTER HAMS, Armour’s Star, The Ham What Am support at the May pri Mrs. Fred Johnston of Clats and Carver, visiting relatives. maries. If elected I will New Fixed Flavor, whole or half, per pound.......... kanie was the guest of her sis Mr. Wornstaff and sons also ter and family, Mrs. Merl Cline, do my best to give Co CENTER SLICES STAR HAM, two slices for.............. visited the whale exhibit. Saturday. lumbia a clean and eco Harvey Wornstaff’s seventh EASTER LAMB, shoulders or chops, per pound............ Mrs. A. G. Pearson of Timber Scappoose and Vicinity ----- New Officers I I Suppose your husband should read this ad Mayonnaise S°“"d........ i 29c 65c 44c I 20c Peaches e ..,. 2 lbs. 29c Let us give you an estimate on a feed of For County Judge EXTRACTS REAL CHILI for that next gathering MACMARR MARKET SPECIALS Special privileges for nomical administration of all affairs of the of ice. C. BRUCE LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia Lodge, Church, or Civic Meetings SPRING CHICKEN, Fresh dry picked, per pound................ HENS, medium weights, per pound ........................................ BEEF ROASTS, Prime Ribs baby beef, boned and rolled. “A united Columbia County, betterment lor all sections.” / Ross W. Daniels Rainier, Oregon. (Paid advertisement) Turk’s Sandwich Shop MACMARR STORES