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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1930)
------------- --------------------------------------------- -V g a g -2------------±. ■—«■ A Fast Growing Paper, With New Subscribers Coming in Daily. ; j-1' ..... ................... s—gag Attend the Legion Carni val April 25 and 26 For One Big Time Volume 8 * Number 37 Local Edu make address here Vernonia to Welcome Delegates to Conference cators At of Evangelical Churches Big Meet Conference Will Start April 29 and Last Until May SERVICES ON BRIDGE TO Norblad] Co. Club]? Formed PRESENT MEDAL | Sunrise Easter morning, April St. Helena Man to Give Medal 20, will be the first time in To Honor Students. history that the communities of At the Chamber of Commerce Vancouver Barracks, Wash. the lower Columbia have ever meeting here Thursday, May April 11—Dr. J. H. Flynn o gathered in the center of the 8th, Senator J. E. Bennett of >t. Helens, chairman of the ( river for Christian worship. Un Multnomah county, a republican ■I. T. C. enrollment committe der auspices of the Christian or Columbia county, has foi candidate for the nomination of Endeavor union of the Vancou governor, will address the cham-t — - — — - — - varded to General Wolff, com ver district, the services are to 4; Reverend Plumer Releases Program for the be held, assisted by members of ber members present. manding this station, a hand Prof. Wilkerson writes oil Senator Bennett has requested Conference. To Inspect Mill During Visit Heep. the organization from Kelso, Meet From All Sections some bronze medal to be award d the best first year studen the privilege to talk at one of Longview, Rainier, Woodland, Of County Wednesday attending Meeting this summer’s cam] the meetings and accepted an The forty seventh annual ses G. L. Lovell. 7:30 p.m. Sermon Clatskanie, and Astoria will take from Columbia county. open date of May 8. The next sion of the Oregon conference by Bishop Stamm. part in the program. chamber meeting will be' held of the Evangelical church will Thursday, May 1, 9 a.m. con The medal, suitably engraved, Miss Sada Marie Chambers oi April 24, when the plans for the be held in this city April 29 to ference business. 3 p.m. Con the Kelso high school faculty, will be presented by Genera visit of the dairy and demonstra May 4 inclusive, should have a ference business. 7:30 p.m. Meet vice president of the west ra Wolf on visitor’s day, July 18 tion train here in June will be good turnout of delegates, ac ing in charge of the Oregon gion of Vancouver district, is to the student selected by t Fred Herman, Rainier, Elect Educators From all Sections made. cording to Rev. G. W. Plumer, Conference Missionary society, head of the committee on ar- board of officers appointed foi Other committees will report pastor of the local Evangelical Rev. Kauffman, chairman; ser rangements. The center span of ed President of New Club the purpose as being the mos Of Country give Address mon by Rev. R. B. Porter of the recently completed Colum outstanding among the basil on progress made in their re- church, At Meeting es at Big Meeting course candidates from Columbia spective departments. The program during the con Portland, a returned missionary bia river Longview bridge will I from India. county. be the scene of the open air ference is as follows: Friday, May 2, 9 a.m., confer services to begin at 6 o’clock An enthusiastic meeting of The quota of candidates allot (By J. B. Wilkerson) DIES AT HOME HERE Tuesday, April 29, first meal ence business session. 3 p.m. mpporters of Governor Norblad [served at church at 5:30 p.m. At conference business. 7:3 0 p.m. Easter morning, The principal was held at the court house in ted to the county for this year’s The meetings of the Inland speaker will be J. M. Warner of ■amp is 19. Harvard Malmsten Empire Educational association Services Held at Local Funeral 7:30 p.m. a sermon will be de-, layman's night, A. C. Knauss, Woodland. John Hill of Long St. Helens Wednesday evening of Vernonia and Edawrd Earl livered by Rev. L. H. Willard. I chairman ; Roy H. Stettler, prin- Home. are held at Spokane, in April of view, prominent as a song writer when the nucleus of a “Norblad- Wooley of Columbia City have each year. Any teacher who is Wednesday, April 30, at 10 a. ! cipal speaker. and song leader, will conduct for-Governor club for Columbia already filed their applications David Dübendorf, 44, died at a resident of Oregon, Washing his home in this city Friday m., the annual meeting of the Saturday, May 3, 9 a.m. bus the community singing. county was formed. and received notice of their ac ton, Idaho or Montana may be- morning. He had been employed Oregon conference Missionary so iness session. 3 p.m. business. Representatives from St. Hel ceptance, while a number of oth Heretofore the Christian En f(come a member of the associa by the Oregon-American Lumber ciety. Rev. D. R. Kaufman, pres I There will be no evening ser- deavor of Rainier had held its ens, Rainier, Clatskanie, Scap ers have signified their inten . vice Saturday. tion upon the payment of the company for a number of years. ident, presiding. ,Sunrise Easter services on the poose and Vernonia were pres tion of enrolling. Sunday, May 4, 9:30 a.m. crest of Rainier heights, and the ent, all of whom gave very en- annual dues. He is survived by three sons and Prospective candidates can ob 11:30 Student Aid society, Sunday school, A. C. Knauss, The teacher who has never at two daughters. Rev. G. F. Liening Jr., president, superintendent. 10:30 a.m. morn- residents of Kelso and Long couraging reports of the sup- tain information and the neces tended one of the meetings, ha;; view have been meeting either port the governor was receiving sary application blanks from Dr. Funeral services were held presiding. i ing worship, sermon by Bishop little conception of the magni Sunday at the Brown parlors Flynn, or by writing C.M.T.C. . | | 2:00 p.m. Conference opens. Stamm. 3 p.m. ordination ser at Mt. Solo or Columbia heights, in those sections represented, tude of the organization. More with Rev. G. W. Plumer ln, Bishop J. S. Stamm, chairman. ! Opening of the new bridge gave Bar- Fred Herman, prominent at- headquarters, Vancouver ~ vice, address by Bishop Stamm. than 3000, teachers were present charge. . I Communion service in charge of 6:30 p.m. E. L. C. E., Rev. A. j opportunity for union services torney of Rainier, was elected racks, Wash. last week at the three days ses David Dübendorf was born in bishop and presiding elders. . this year. president, and R. L. Shreve, well R. Schmalle in charge. 7:30 p. sion. Utah, Nevada, and Califor Pennsylvania May 15, 1885. In known business man of Scap- A large delegation is coming 5 :30 p.m. Anniversary service m. evening worship, sermon by nia, though not affiliated with 190,1 he was married, his wife i to the meeting from1 Clatskanie, -poose, secretary-treasurer. the association, sent representa receding him in death by sev- • in behalf of the 50, years in the Bishop Stamm. An intensive campaign pro- Christian ministry of Rev. C. C. Special music will be provid as guest of the Intermediate C. tives to report on the proceed- eral years. Poliag. Rev. F. B. Culver, chair ed by the conference male quar E. of Rainier, of which Miss gram is being planned and com- ings of its sessions. man, speakers, Bishop Stamm tet and Vernonia choir. Dele i Marian Moore is president. Miss mittees are being formed to .Some of the prominent speak- and Rev. H. H. Farnham. Pre gates will be entertained in I Mariam Shirake of Clatskanie cover every section of the coun ers this year were: Wm. R. Rifa sentation of flowers, Rev. C. P. hemes with dinner and supper will head the group from that ty, working to secure the repub sei of Columbia university, New U“■ “wr y vieltes, Gates. iviusic Music D by y vonicrcnte conference indie male served in the social hall oi the city. Miss Nellie Howe of As- lican nomination for Governor BURFORD WILKERSON NEW York; A. R. Brubaeher, presi (toria, an American-born Chinese 'Norblad in the May primaries. quartet. Closing prayer by Rev. church. HEAD OF SCHOOL. dent of the State Teachers col girl who has been prominent in lege, New York; Miss Ruth Pyr- | religious work for a number of HONORED AT SCHOOL TO CLEAN HIGHWAYS I years, will be one of the speak- ¡OFFICIALS PAY VISIT Graduated from the Vagnonia tle, president of the National Educational association; Lewis MANY DEMOCRATS REREG Grade and High Schools. — era. Brown, author and lecturer; Jas. ISTER HERE. [ Amy Hughes Appointed Presi Governor Norblad Sets May 10 Invitations have also been ex- C. Y. Bowers and Other Officials Burford Wilkerson, son of Mr. M. Gloss of Rollins college, Flor tended to C. E. workers of St. and Mrs. J. B. Wilkerson of this dent of Hendrick Hall. To Clean up Highways. Arrive Here Monday. ida; James Rogers, president of ’.76 Registrations Were Made in Helens, Vernonia, Castle Rock, city, was appointed principal of I Miss Amy Hughes, daughter Eugene, April 17 — Spring P. D. Shaw, president of the the National Playground associ Last Few Days. ! of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes, cleaning for Oregon highways Kalama, Westport, and other Washington Gas and Electric the high school at Lakeside, Coos ation; C. A. Howard, supcrin neighboring cities. county, Oregon. ith an earnest appeal to all I of this city, a junior in the has been set for May 10, when tendent of public instruction Persons attending the Sunrise company, whose company also A graduate from the local Oregon. Besides these speakers itizens eligible to vote who had I school of music at the Univer- Boy Scouts, school children, ser services will be permitted to owns the local Power company, high school, of which his father there were at least 50 expert or not registered to do so before ■ sity of Oregon, was unanimously vice clubs and civic organizations drive their cars to the approach- Ferris, assistant secretary uiivc i/iicix vais vu me apyiuaui- - near expert instructors who had the books closed Tuesday, a rec elected president of Hendricks of all kinds will turn out to es of the bridge and then go «-nd treasurer, of New York, and is principal, also graduating charge of the sectional groups. ord breaking response was real- Hall, a residence dormitory for clear the roadways of rubbish. on foot to the point of assemb- C: , Y- Bowers, vice president from Pacific university at For Backed by Governor A. W. Nor ly. The services will extend over wlth headquarters at Tacoma, est Grove and spending one when last Friday 60 reg- women at the university. It is difficult to measure tl.< -, .. ed red, year as assistant instructor in Appearing in many musical re- blad, state superintendent of Saturday 49. and up > value to a high school principal until 5 p.m. Tuesday a total of ’ citals, the local girl has received schools C. A. Howard, and other a period of about 40 minutes. I ?rrlved ln thU cltX Monday to chemistry at the University of inspect new construction work of such a meeting. Personally, I •176 registrations _________ were ___ made. , | favorable . publicity from the mu- state officials, the Oregon Fed of the Oregon Gas and Elec’ric Oregon, the younger Wilkerson would not take a great de: 1 rw.ttjrdtr Reasoner pre- tic criftes and students, and tyas eration of Garden clubs has in ■ ■ I-------- company now in progress, under is well qualified to handle his the experience. H id I gorC to diet a record vote to be cast at well known as a student of stigated the Highway Clean-up | the supervision of G. W. Ford. new position. Spokane expecting to bring hack h. May promise in this city before leav day, which it “ hopes 1------ x- to — primaries May 16. make — an- 1 i While little information is be a large stock of new methods nual. Mrs. Jessie M. Honeyman i Besides the heavy registra ing for Eugene. Nose is Broken s(t Work ing released by the officials it and ideas I would have been tion 40 registered democrats, re A graduate of Vernonia high, I of Eugene is chairman of the I John Eben, employed by the is thought that the local com greatly disappointed. Of course, registered as republicans so that always active in all school ac movement, and is assisted by' pany willi extend their lines to Koster Products company, broke there has been great progress thej could give their support to tivities, Miss Hughes’ friends are Mrs. A. E. Rockey of Portland, Charlotte Green Makes Big Timber, and also build a power his nose Monday when hit by a from year to year in education, the local candidate on the re expressing their pleasure at the while Mrs. G. T. Valiant of Os- With Governor. line to serve the Keasey coun limb of a tree while at work in but the method of presenting wegi, is president of the feder-j Charlotte Green, editor of the try covering the logging camps. camp. ticket for legislature, new honors received. the subject to a high school class publican ation. II. E. McGraw, in the May pri The injured man received Timber Line, the Vernonia high is not very different from that The officials appeared well IS COMING Calling on all civic organiza- school news section in the Ea- .^leased with the building pro- medical attention in thia city but JENKINS of 25 years ago. Innovations and maries. According to many, and in tions in Oregon to aid in this gle, received the compliments of | gram now in progress in this later was sent to Portland to fads, many of them intended to the number of clean-up day, Governor Norblad Governor A. W. Norblad Satur- cjty, remarking that few towns have his nose re-set. to make the work more interest proportion voters in the district, Verno- Well Known Police Quartet to stated, ‘,1 believe that Oregon day, in the form of a document ing for the pupils, and some ap covered during their travels, Sing at Church. the past few _ faces a real task in preserving bearing the seal of Oregon and similar in size to Vernonia, parently intended to lighten the nia’s registration Buy Mora Equipment days would compare favorably of Chief L. V. Jenkins, head the natural beauty spots along a description of the seal. burden of the overworked pupil showed any better or as good a Mathew Brothers of Mist, who other towns of similar size. the Portland police department, the highways, which make ac-' with as much as possible, have come Miss Green, who was the guest construction record. shipped and loaded their lumber A Norblad-for-Governor tide and his well known police quar cessible Oregon’s vast forest re and gone. The final conclusion .products from their mill below the tet will be at the Evangelical gions, the great plains, the val of the Eagle at the Chamber of Is sweeping this section of of it all is that the matter of county where it is predicted by Commerce meeting Thursday of Mist in this city, purchased ad- educating our young people many that Norblad will win by church Tuesday evening, April leys, the snow capped mountains, last week, was seated opposite MEMBERS VISIT HERE itional logging equipment and a 22, in the evening, where his the wonderful fishing streams, ! depends upon them more than a five-to-one shot over his men will sing and he will ad the ocean and beaches, and the the governor of Oregon and lat Members of Hillsboro Lodge donkey from Reed Holding at upon the teachers. er during the day sat with him Natal last week. nearest rival. dress the gathering. one thousand and one wonders | on the platform at the grade Visit Vernonia. Columbia Attending from Chief Jenkins and his singers of the state. One of the princi I school and high school during Elizabeth county were Supt. More than 35 members of the AT _______ have made numerous trips to THE CAPITOL Murray, H. B. Ferrin of St. Ilel- EVANGELIST IS HERE this city, where large turnouts pal methods of adding to these ’he special programs held i..',. >n [ I. w O. . O. F. lodge of Hillsboro beauty spots is to assist in keep honor of the governor ’ s visit. | visited ens, O. D. Byers of Rainier, C. the local Odd Fellows Meetings have listened to him and the ing them clean. May this splend Items of Interoat From Capitol I,. Robison of Rainier, Edwin Good Attendance at quartet. id movement not last just for ( Governor Norblad paid Miss lodge Tuesday evening, where At Christian Church. Condit of Vernonia and the writ At Salem. they assisted in putting G -een the compliment of being on de- The chief and Reverend Plum evangelistic er have been friends for a num a day, but continue the entire “a very fine type of young Am- gree work. The pre-Easter er. Salem, Or., April 17—The year. I commend it most heart ! crican girlhood.” One of the most pleasant fea Meetings which are being held ber of years. The public is in ily to the people of Oregon.” A banquet was served follow- state emergency board, meeting Charles McNutt, a guest of ing the meeting and initiation for the first time in the present tures of the occasion was a din the Christian church, conduct^ vited to attend. No admission The highway commission, the 1 by Evangelist H. E. Mow of per sponsored by Supt. C. A. is charged. h>ark commission officials, the the chamber at the banquet, who ceremonies. Many of the visitors biennium here last Friday after Howard. At the dinner were Santa Cruz, Calif., are being noon, authorized deficiency ap forestry service, and the Oregon represented the local Boy Scout were called on for short talks. troop, also received a souvenir nearly all of th? teachers at >ell attended. propriations aggregating $271,- State Motor association have al Tonight is children’s night, from the governor. tending the meeting from Ore 051.30 as follows: ready promised cooperation in with a special sermon “A Pres gon. Construction of a new wing the project while volunteer ent Help, ’ preached by the vis and cell block at the state peni offers of help are coming in ARt CLASS DISPLAYS iting minister. tentiary to accommodate 320 every day in larger numbers, RAID LOCAL JOINT Saturday “The Story of the prisoners, $53,000. according to Mrs. Honeyman. Sewing and Art Work of Local Two Princes” will be the topic In order that every possible Janitor and elevator service School at Miller's. Federal and County Officer» ■'or the sermon, and Sunday and general maintenance of new • Res - . A week from tonight the Fly- mile of highway can be covered, n. rning “The Power of - the Members of the sewing and the corps of workers will be or Get Liquor in Raid. evening art class at the local high scheol urrection.” 1 Sunday ____ .----------- o the >ng _ Ape circus and carnival E. S. Cleveland, 60, died Sun- state office building for which Aided by federal officers subject will be “God’s Unfolding sponsored by Vernonia post of ganized under a uniform plan will have two full windows in day, April 13, following a long no provision was made by last legislature, $35,000. Sheriff Weed and deputy raided Plan.” , the American Legion will be in which is now being outlined by the loc 1 Miller’s store donated siege of illness. the committee. Each County will the apartments of Oliver Hol For salaries of district attor The evangelist sings every ev- fuH swing. __ _ , _ through the courtesy of Dave Mr. Cleveland was bom in lingsworth in the Gene Carter ening. Services are held at 7:30 General Chairman Carl David be organized with a central Kramer, manager, to display neys, $30,00. Benvon, Mich., May 20, 1870, j building Thursday evening of p.m. every evening except Mon son has made arrangements to headquarters committee of five their work before the public. 1 and during his earlier days fol-' Interest on state bonds issued last week which resulted in ob days. secure special music, which will strong community leaders, who The pieces were on display worked t° cover interest payments on taining a quantity of intoxicat- be used mostly for publicity will choose their subordinates. yesterday and will remain until lowing his schooling ’—___ irrigation district bonds under around the Great lakes as mar A3 the dead rubbish is cleared ing liquor. work on the outside of the Le ‘ ‘1 interest guarantee law, K.P.’S VISIT RAINIER gion ine fireman on boats, later be- state away, the state highway trucks Saturday. hall. Hollingsworth has been arrest- r"" * $29,073.82. I will gather up the piles. U E- M D -V U A I I nice com,n » chief engineer on some With every ticket purchased ed previously, and this appears A Mitt in Degree Work at the M E. IN ix I MALL. LME.O of the largest vessels to sail on General operating expenses of script will be given away, so that to be the first time that the fed- supreme court depleted by Jo- the lakes. Loyal Gleaners Meet Bridge City. those entering will have funds eral department and county of- The Loyal Gleaners club met Well Known in This City; Left1 In 1903 he married Clara Lav seph-Mannix disbarment trials, The degree team of Harding with which to start the evening f cials have been able to catch For Washington in 1925. 1 ender and in 1919 arrived in this $2,500. at the home of Mrs. C. W. Lind Knights of Pythias, mo in a gay, reckless manner. lodge. h m with damaging evidence. For salaries and general oper Henry Hall, 63, formerly of city where he has made hia home sey Wednesday afternoon of last even- From all sections of the coun to Rainier Monday Information received from St. ating expenses of new eastern week. The time was devoted to this city, died Saturday evening ever since, class of 22 in in j to initiate a ty, many have promised to at Helens related that Hoilings- tend and this year’s crowd prom discussing business and plans of at Ravensdale, Wash., following He is survived by his widow Oregon tuberculosis hospital at worth was fined $500 with six the page rank. the club after which the hostess an illness covering from ises to break all records. Those making the trip a period of and his sister, Mrs. Bessie Ben- The Dalles, $28,500. at the months imprisonment For payment of state’s share served refreshments. several years. L. Side shows, concessions, eat Vernonia included N. Soden, i son of this city, a brother, county seat, and Gene Carter, in care of orphans, dependents Those present were Mrs. Ray Henry Hall was Collins, Earl L. Smith, Larkin and soft drink booths, with ma engaged in Frank Cleveland, who is general v ho operates the apartments, Nelson, Jesse Shanks, James ny other attractions, will be of Charlesworth, Mrs. J. T. Brady the logging business in Vernonia freight and passenger agent at and homeless children in state fined $250. aided institutions, $49,977.48. N-anson, W. H. Van Doren and fered for the approval of those and children, Mrs. J. A. Lind- for many years and left here in Seattle for the N. P. railroad. For the employment of two sey, Mrs. C. W. Bennett, Mrs. 1925 to make his home in Wash Emil Messing. The work was put who patronize the carnival. He was a member of the Evan- marketing specialists in the ex I Knight A. C. Hunter, Mrs. E. in;.on. on in its usual impressive man- The Legion paper, the “ Fly HOLD POPPY DRIVE gelical church. tension service of Oregon State ing Ape,” will be distributed and Mrs. Phil Taylor. He is survived by his widow, ner. Funeral services were held college to promote organization be at The next meeting will two daughters, a son, and four A large number made the trip several days before the carnival, Annual Event, Proceeds go to1 Wednesday at the Brown par- ■St. Helens, Avon lodge. The and several thousand copies will the home of Mrs. Phil Taylor brothers. Interment was at Che- lore, with Rev. G. W. Plumer in of farmers’ cooperative associa tions to comply with require Disabled Veterans. on C street April 23. •alii, Wash. and lodge was represented by be sent to other towns in the charge. Interment was at the ments of federal farm relief Mrs. H. E. McGraw was ap-1 W alter A. Gleason, grand keep- county and state. local cemetery. measure, $14,000. pointed chairman of the poppy I er of records and seals, S. Har-I Arrangements have been made Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lenmann, A. G. Greenburg of the Stan- drive which is held annually dur-[ fi; : past grand chancellor, and to secure girls who will sell Mrs. S. G. Thompson and daugh- dard Oil company of this city, Cheskumau Group Moats. ing May by all the units of the [ }J, Soden, grand inner guard. I I ___ script on the _____ floor _ of the hall ter visited at the home of Mr. landed a 15-pound salmon at TO VIE FOR HONORS r.______ American Legion Auxiliary lary ! Among the speakers were Mr. during the carnival with prizes and Mrs. Clarence Nance Sun- Oregon City Sunday. Hi« bro The Cheskemae Camp Fire throughout the nation, at the | Glen-on, Mr. Soden, and Supt. being offered to those selling day. Mrs. Nance returned to ther, William Greenburg, of Zones to Meet alt Clatskanie to group will give a candy sale Sat urday afternoon at 1 o’clock. regular Auxiliary meeting held [Zeigler ef the Uregon-Washing- the greatest amount of script Portland with her mother and Portland landed a 25-pound sal- j day, April IS. Afterward they will return to at the home of Mrs. W. H. Hur- ton Pythian home. Dancing can be enjoyed, mu sister on Sunday and returned mon, both men fishing from the The county high school de the Camp Fire cabin where Mrs. ley Monday evening. Refreshments were served af- sic to be furnished by a regular home Monday evening.’ same boat. Mrs. E. A. Douglas of Mc Mrs. Isabel Warrens and Mrs. clamatory contests will ba held Condit will have ridden Easter An unusually large nt I her of ter lod'-e by the Pythian Sisters dance orchestra. Friday and Saturday, April Minnville spent the week «nd Robert Warrens and daughter today at Clatskanie with tha five eggs. The following Saturday all members attended and a deli- of Rainier. An invitation was ex- Scappoose, Vernomr, the groups will meet at 10 eious lunch whs served by the tend’d to Vernonia to come and' 25 and 26, are the dates of the in Vernonia visiting Mr. Doug- Pat of Forest Grove were guest« zones, hostess after the business meet- I watch Avon lodge put on the circus and carnival of the Am- las, who is employed at the lo- at the W. B. Lappe home in Or-1 Clatskanie, Rainier and St. Hel o’clock to clean the cabin yard. Afterward a lunch will bo served. ens being represented. erican Legion. cal Miller's mercantile store. chard Acree last Thursday. ing. second next Monday night. Will Talk at Meeting Here on Thursday, May 8 Held At Spokane Intensive Program Local Boy To Head School Record Vole Is Honored By Governor Legion All Set For Carnival E. S. Cleveland passes Away On Sunday Cooking School On May 13-14 Auspices of Oregon Gas and Electric Co. Have Expert Here Sponsored by Westinghouse Electric Company Each Year A cooking school will be con tacted for two days, May 13th and 14th, at the offices of Oregon Gas and Electric com pany by Mrs. Irene Clara Kerr, home economist of the Westing house company. Mrs. Kerr conducted newspa per schools throughout Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Utah, Mon tana and parts of California, where large turnouts greeted her demonstrations. During her schools here Mrs. Kerr will prepare oven dinners, cakes, and prepare other dain ties, and also make frozen des serts in an electrical refriger ator. During the time school is con ducted, the home economist will answer all questions and assist those wishing any help, when her time is available. Each day of the school, usable electrical appliances will be giv en away as prizes to those hold ing a number chosen from those attending the school each day. Through the interest and co operation of G. W. Ford, super intendent of the local company, the school was obtained for this city. The demonstrations will be conducted between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m. each day. During the demonstrations Mrs. Kerr will use a Westing house rang«. All are invited, and starting in the next issue of this Jpaper April 25, and the issues of May 2 and May 9, further notice of th« school will be prints«. PLANE LANDS HERE Hundreds Watch Plane Malte Landing Here. Les Meadows, chief pilot for the Shields Flying service at Swan Island, Portland, and How ard Puariea, of the Portland Sand & Gravel company, also a pilot, flying a Travelair plane landed at the Vernonia aviation field shortly after noon Satur day. The plane was seen flying about 200 feet above the houses near the field shortly before noon and after several attempts the plane, piloted by Les Mea dows, made a perfect landing directly opposite the hangar. In a few minutes fully 10,0 persons had gathered to see the plane, a Traveta’ir, J.R., and equipped with a Wright whirlwind 200 H. P. motor. It was one of the prettiest ships ever seen on the Vernonia field. When asked how they hap pened to land here, they said they were flying for the fun of it and were looking over the field. After stretching their legs for about 15 minutes they took off in a northeasterly direction, af ter taxying to the extreme south end of the field. HOLD FIELD MEET Trials Successful la This County, Say Officials. “Columbia county has been chosen as the most desirable place in Oregon for potato nur sery trials of certified potatoes of the state, by the Extension Crop department of Oregon State college,” stated Geo. A. Nelson, county agriculturist. “This nursery contains 33 plantings from a number of cer tified potato growing counties in the state. Varieties included are Burbanks, Netted Gems, Earliest of All, Bliss Triumph, Cobbler and some common stock which is being grown in comparison with the certified stock.” “These trials were put out on Than Brown’s pdace at Yxnk- ton. who grows the largest amount of certified potatoes in this county. Mr. Brown is also president of the Columbia Coun ty Potato Growers* association. A field meeting will be held in June to look over these vari eties to see if they are free of disease and compare them with the common stock. Will also hold another meeting this fall at digging time to check the yield and quality of the pota toes. J. Glen Allen of Hillsboro, formerly manager of the local Miller’s store here, spent Friday and Saturday in this city in com pany of several of the Miller brothers, owners of the organ!-