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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1930)
Page Eight 5 % MUTINY OF THE e* WYNDHAM MARTYN“ COPVWI6HT IN THS U.S. He stopped suddenly. Ills spare form tautened. Weariness had given place to sudden, bewildering tear. He retreated stealthily, noiselessly. At the side of a rowboat, he paused. His blanched face took on something of Its normal color. The Instinct to tlee was conquered. There came yet more strongly to him the desire to know by what he was menaced. But his progres sion to a woodshed show'ed no abatement of Ids caution. From che top of a closet lie took down n shotgun. Into whose twin barrels he put No. 4 cartridges. He opened the door of his living room so softly that Bettington did not hear him. It was the cold gust that made the painter look round. He saw a tall, keen-eyed man nt whose shoulder was the butt of a twelve-bore. "Don't move,” said the fisher man. Gibbs advanced slowly Into the room. He had never, to his knowl edge, set eyes on this stranger. But he looked so senrchlngly and with such obvious menace that Betting ton broke the silence. "I ought to apologize for this, 1 suppose.” he said, "but surely, on a night like this n man may seek shelter without being threatened with a scattergun.” “Who were the two men you were with In the post office yester day?" Gibbs demanded. "I was not In any post office yes terday,” said Bettington stiffly. "I have not been In company with any two men for a fortnight.” Gibbs lowered his gut.. He tried to assume a look of amiability, but there was still anxiety written plainly Bettington, watching, noted that the gun was still tn such a position ns to constitute a threat “'Vhat are yon?” said G'bbs. Bettington related his misadven tures. "A painter, eh?” said Gibbs. He crossed the room, took down from a shelf a pencil and a piece of pa per. These lie handed to the other. “Prove it,” he commanded. “Draw something.” Bettington hesitated for a mo ment. He wits not a man who went the better for being driven. But It occurred to him that here was a solitary who was mentally unbal anced. He sketched In a few skill ful strokes a portrait of the man standing there, his gun balanced In the crook of bls am. Jonathan Gibbs looked at It In silence. “It Is good,” he said deliberately. “Whatever else you may be you are a draftsman.” "Why should I be anything than I pretend?” “You’ve never seen me before?" Gibbs demanded. “Never.” Bettington said a little Irritably, "and I shall pass a con tented existence If I never see yon agnln. What sort of a Maine fish erman are you to behave like this?" Gibbs put down his gun and as sumed a more friendly air. “I've been threatened,” ho said rather vaguely. “I've made ene mies hereabout. I have to he care- ful. I was startled.” “You certainly startled me,” said the other. “I hoped to be able to pass the night here and dry my clothes.” “You surely can,” said Jonathan Gibbs. "I'll boll the water and mnke you some coffee. I guess you're hungry.” It was after the meal that Bet tington asked him. "Why should anyone threaten you here?” •• 'Jealousy,' innt<m«y,” said Gibbs, after a pause. ~ “I’m not a state of Maine man and I don’t mix with anyone They don't understand around, that.” Plainly the man had something to conccnl. After all. Bettington told himself. It was none of his business. He had often met queer. Ingrown characters. He could not go out into the black night, now made doubly luipassnblo by the del uge of rain. Gibbs made up the fire by packing a huge armful of wood Into It. Bettington was awakened by the aroma of coffee. Gibbs was hold ing Bettlngten's shoes up. “Dried stiff ns boards," he an nounced. “They’ll need to be greased before you can get Into 'em, and your pants are torn pretty bad. I'll lend you an outfit, and you enn get grlmt you want down to Blackport The sea's calm now and you can row across the bay I d hnlf nn hour.” The summer sun hnd tanned Bet tington to a rich brown. In his aeaboots—the only ones Gibbs had to lend—hla faded blue sweater and khaki shirt, he looked the sort of fishing type he had often painted. At the dock ho took a ten foot rowboat and set out to the village. He had gone, perhaps, half the dis tance, when a fast motor boat overhauled him. slackened speed as It passed nnd then swung round nnd waited In the path he was tak ing. There were two men In It One was a vastly broad-chested man with a trim sweater and white can vas trousers, lie had the look of a yacht snllor. The other, who was steering the boat, hnd no physical peculiarities other than that gen eral air of following the sea. "We’ve had an accident” said the broad-chested man nnd pointed to something at the bottom of the launch. Bettlngton clung to the side of the drifting motor boat nnd stood np. There, on the bottom of the other craft, was a man lying Im mobile. And as-the artist stooped over him. the recumbent sailor gave a tremendous half-arm Jab which caught Bettington on tbe point Of the Jaw. The other two grablied him as his head fell for ward and hauled him on board whore unconscious, he took the ’„„ of bls assailant, who rose grjbe broad-chested mao. who was W.M.U SERVtce called Sah>. dapped liim ou the back In approval. “Dandy." he cried. “And that rock prevents anyone seeing us from the village." Sam bent over the unconscious form und neatly trussed It up with rope. “The Boss will be tickled to death over this. Stove In that rowbout, one of you.” A man with a boat hook smashed In some bottom hoards nnd Jona than Gibbs’ dinghy slowly filled with water. Then the launch put out of the hay, past the buoys, and bended north for Bar Harbor. Bettlngton luid recovered from the knock-out within five minutes. He could see from the brightly pol ished brasswork and mahogany that Im was In a yacht's launch. He knew that tbe bum of the mo tor would make any call for help useless. He had been neatly knocked out and was now to be expeditiously shanghaied. It was Incredible. Then the real meaning of the thing flashed on him. He was mistaken for Jonathan Gibbs. He was rowing Gibus' boat and wearing Gibbs’ clothes. With a two days’ growth of beard and a face burned with the sun. he might easi ly pass for the fisherman. “This Is all a mistake.” he said, addressing himself to Sam. “You think I’m Jonathan Gibbs.” “I kpow d—n well you’re not,” said Sum, without animus. The thing was Inexplicable. They knew him for himself, nnd know ing it, they were tarrying 1dm off, bound with ropes, to the open sea. There was seemingly no sort of personal grudge In tills high-hand ed matter. The three men were currying out orders. “Listen, bo." said Sam, “we’ve got orders not to say n thing to you till the Boss sees you. it won't do you no good asking why we did It. or who we are. We hnd to get you alive and unharmed, nnd we did the best we (¡new how.” It was dark when the lights of Bar Harbor came In sight. Bet tington was carried tip the gang way, acroes a deck nml then placed In a small cabin lighted with a single porthole. Sam untied the knots nnd wntclied the victim stretch Ills stiff and ernniped limbs. “Just a word of warning,” Snm remarked. “You can’t get out of that porthole nnd you can’t get out of this cabin. If you did. It wouldn't help you. If you're wise you’ll wnlt till the Boss sends for you.” Snm turned the keys In the door and left him prisoner. As he ex amined his dungeon he heard the throbbing of machinery. From the porthole he could ace the bont was ■loving. He pulled off the heavy sbn boots of Jonathan Gibbs and flung himself On the berth. In many adventures Bettington had lenrned that fretting and fuming were han dicaps that mon tn danger should not taka open themselves. Presently he fell asleep and was awakened by Ram. “You ain’t worrying.” sold Sam. grinning. "They tell me you al ways bad your nerve with you. You won't be able to see the Boss to night He's hitting the pl|>e and It’s as much as a man's life Is worth to go tn how. 1 haven't no authority to let you out till he gives tho word, so I'll bring you a bite to eat here." Sam waddled out. Bettington was still puzzled by Ids apparent friendliness. As a physical speci men of humanity Sum did not awaken confidence. On his broad, flat face were written lust and brute courage. He would be a bad man to cross. But why should he regard Howard Bettington, painter of seascapes god mnn of Integrity, with such an air of comradeship? “Where ft re we bound for?" he asked of Snm. when a tray of food was brought In. "Noo York.” sold Sam. "Can't I go on deck?” Bettington asked. "I can't escape.” Ram shook his head. "Not till the Boss gives the word.” "Who Is the Boss? The cap tain r "The captain?” There was scorn In Sam's tons. "Him I H—I, no." “Yon mean the owner?" Sam's Scorn of the owner was Just as emphatic. “He may think he's the boss and Capt'n Hnllet may think he Is. but they don't know—yet." Snm rose to go. “Just one bit of advice, bo, don't make a noise. If yon do you’ll go to Noo York gngged." • •••••• Bettington hnd not been gone on his errand to Blackport a half hour, when Jonathan Gibbs In his motor dory went out to his lobster pots. He was returning when he saw a smaller boat. Its gunwales awash, almost across his bow. He knew It Instantly for his own. Investigation showed that some of the plnnklng hnd been staved In. He supposed that one of the needle rocks must have done It He blamed himself for allowing the stranger to cross the bny. Almost certain death would await any man dressed as Bettington had linen, In such cur rents as these. Gibbs went to Ids shack with an uneasy mind. The whole eplsoile spelled publicity to him, but he cheered himself with the hope that his guest might have been rescued. In tnat case lie would soon be back at the shack. But by midnight Bettington did not return nnd Gibbs went careful ly through the things which were In the torn coat. There was s gold watch with the Initials H. B. on It. A wallet contained almost four hun dred dollars. There were no let ters. But there was a reference on a memorandum of repairs to the skylight of ■ studio st a given ad dress and ■ reedpt for the rental of It to ths end of the current year. And there was a bunch of keys For almost an hour Gibbs sat mo- tlonltwa. Then hp roes to his feet, >«t a kettle on the oil stove and presently shaved blmaeit carefully and trimmed his hair. Tie rubbed the grease which Bettington had applied to hts shoes so carefully In to the leather that It became at length flexible nnd he was able to put them on. Hasty repairs to the torn trousers and coat enabled him to wear them. With nn Iron which had been little used of lute, he pressed them Into something of their former shape. Dawn whs breaking when Jona than Glbln. now n new man. bode farewell to the shack he had In habited for six years. None saw him as he made his way Inland to Westfield. A sleepy ticket agent gave hltn a ticket to Portland nnd forgot the occurrence Instantly. In Portland be spent only a few hours. New York received him with n thousand others at tbe Grand Central and he walked eigld blocks down to a brownstone bouse oppo cite an armory. Bettlngtou's name i-.-ns on n plate over a letter box A key on tbe bunch fitted It and he drew out some mall and wulked. having met not a soul, to the top of the house. Then, ufter a moment’« pause, be opened the studio door and found Id inself In a haven so se cure that he could hardly believe It had been attained so easily. Ills eyes brightened when he saw that the former occupant had cans of mlllr. soup and fish In abundance. There were at least two pounds of tea. Further search revealed sugar and coffee. He could live fur a week on what he found und never venture outside the door. During Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon ' Roy Nelson Wins Sensational Bout In Portland Ring Roy (Swede) Nelson, promin ent local welter weight, who last week won a sensational fight in less than two minutes in the first round of a preliminary boat at Portland, has been sign et to fight the semi-windup next week in the Portland card. Nelson is gaining a good rep utation in the ring throughout (Oregon, and is being offered several good matches. Dave Marshall, a member of the Vernonia boxing cornmis- sion, believes that smokers will not be held here until the first half of April, thus allowing the camps in this vicinity to be in full swing. Thursday, February 27, 1330 \ Reithner’s Harold McEntire spent week end in Forest Grove. the Percy Hewes spent the week end in Portland. The Pythian Sisters will spon Mrs. A. C. Knauss and small sor a cooked food sale Saturday son returned home Sunday. at Hoffman’s store. New x-ray equipment is being Mrs. S. Nelson, mother of installed this week at the office Dan Nelson, is visiting her son of Dr. Marvin Eby. for a short time. Mrs. V. Powell returned Fri- A. G. Greenburg o|T the Stan « day from a visit of one week dard Oil company visited in I with her mother. Portland over the week end. NEW SHOES Something New Every Day Frank Hartwick, local manag- Mr. and Mrs. M. E Moe and er of the Gilby Motor company, daughter were Portland visitors was a Portland visitor Monday. Saturday, returning to this city in the evening. C. C. Clay, local manager 4-H Club Leader»’ Mrs. D. C. Cason has been the Standard Oil company, i Conference March turned to his duties Monday i confined to her home with in 8 at St Helens . ter a vacation of two weeks. fluenza for the past two weeks but is able to be out again. Morris Bennett, who is a stu- A 4-H Club leaders’ confer- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rosa and eace ! is being arranged by Geo. dent at the Oregon Normal Mr. and Mrs. Fest and daughter A. 1 Nelson, county agent, and school, was home for the week spent the week end visiting Mi°s Kathryn M. Didtel, home end. friends in Cornelius and Port- 1 demonstration agent, for Satur J. E. Tapp, Jos. Scott, Tom land. day, March 8, at St. Helens. H. C, Seymour, state club leader, Crawford, G. W. Ford and J. L. T. A. White and son Harry Timmons motored to Portland and Miss Helen Cowgill, assist of McMinnville were visitors in Monday evening to attend a ant state club leader, will be this city Tuesday. Mr. White is meeting of the Masonic lodge. present at that time to assist owner of the building which I with this school. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willi- will be occupied by the Mac- This is the first training quette and family, formerly of Marr store. school of its kind to be held in this city, motored over from Milton Sliter, factory repre- county and all club leaders Rainier Wednesday to visit sentative of the Meadows Manu prospective club leaders friends. facturing company, spent Friday invited to be present. in Vernonia consulting with the Tom Crawford motored to Hoffman Hardware company, Portland today to bring back Ostrich-size Eggs local representative. W. O. Porterfield, who lias re- Layed by 10-Month- covered sufficiently from his re- Dave attended the Old Hen Near Here , pent illness of pneumonia to re- meeting Kramer and banquet at the | turn home. Benson hotel Monday evening A Nehalem valley hen, owned of the managers i and assistant by Frank Peterson, pioneer I Mrs. O. D. Eby returned to' managers t of Miller Mercantile farmer living several miles from her home in Oregon City Mon-' company. During the day a bus this city, woke up the entire day dav after snendine spending ’ a week visit- visit ' iness session was held in which neighborhood several days ago, ing at the home of her son and details of the Miller program with shrill cackles of mirth and family, Dr. Marvin Eby. Mrs.1 ! were discussed. Mrs. Kramer ■poa mvMti*atiag Mr. Peterson Marvin Eby and daughter Lois visited friends in the city dur- fouad that th« proud hen had returned with Mrs. Eby for a ing the period Mr. Kramer at- «dipped «ver a fast one on her visit in Oregon City. | tended the conference. sisters by doing two days work in one, when she laid a monster white leghorn egg, weighing four ounces and measuring 7% by t -J 6 H inches. Williminea, the 10-month-oid Further Search Revealed 8ug»r and hen, now holds the record of! Coffee. the upper Nehalem valley for the day he must he careful not to laying the largest double-yolk be «ee'n. But at night New York eggs. was fits own. Those who bud known Two of these large eggs were WANTED , OATS and VETCH hay for sale ¡HATCHING EGGS from Hen FOR SALE the dour, auspicious Halterman presented to the staff at the —F. R, Hyland, 2 miles from I. Acres, pedigreed. Have new would not have recognized in tbe Eagle. INCOME PROPERTY for sale— WANTED — To take lessons on alert housebreaker the same nmn. Good for $30 month. Lights, Vernonia on Timber road. 30,3* stock. Mrs. C. A. Scamman, tel. piano. Teacher must furnish Jonathan Gibbs was gone, dead 1 776. 302c water, modern. Near Evangelical piano. Write Mrs. A. J. Marks, and burled. And this. too. In a Scappoose Library church. $750, % 'down, balance PIANO to store—Left my $500 sense lie did not know. Other fish Vernonia. 308* almost new Kimball piano in FOR RENT Receives Donations easy payments. A. C. Brown, 198 town. Would, like to sell for I ermen had found bls waterlogged A street. 301* about half of cost price and rowboat. And when he was not WANTED—Carpenter work. FOR RENT—Modern 4 room seen In bls familiar haunts and had Scappoose, Feb. 27—Scappoose _ give terms to suit or store it house on first avenue. See J. All work guaranteed. Geo. Bell not called at the village store to public library was presented NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT wi th respectable people until I 284* 23tf 1st avenue, House 41. exchange bls eggs for groceries, a wnn back next .............. summer. .. If inter- i C. Lindley at bank. i with six volumes “History oi of i In the County Court of the' get senreb was made. Ills home was the Oregon Country” by Mr.1 State of Oregon, for the Coun- ested to see the piano write Mrs., found unoccupied. Ills chickens fam and Mrs. Henry Collier, nine' ty of - Columbia. . A- VW'r. P„estvater’ XcM2B™°n’| FOR RENT — 3-room modern WANTED — Woman to keep house during illness of my house, close in. J. C. Lindley, ished Plainly, Jonathan Gibbs hnd child story books by Mrs. Geo. I In the matter of the Estate of ; ‘-1’1 ‘___________________ ’ Bank of Vernonia. been drowned mid bls body swirled 27tf wife. R. S. Downs, phone 112. Nelson and books of fiction bv by William McMullen, deceased. __ out to sea tn the undertow. 301c __ 2____ 1. Notice is hereby given that COMPLETE BED for sale—K. . FURNISHED apartments for At first the New York Gibbs ven ~~ Mrs. Lackey. This brings _ '2..' the A. Olson, 1117 State street. tured out only at sight within a total to 550 volumes for read- the undersigned P. Hill, Execu- rent, $22. Phone 402, Moon MISCELLANEOUS 302c light Apartments. ________ 13tf I short radius of bls annetanry. There ing. i tor of the estate of William LOST — Last week, about town, had been no mall. There had been ~ McMullen, deceased, has filed no prying Jsaher had atrnftt pair ladies lined black leather his final accoung^n accoung^gn tbe the Wounty bounty R. I. RED setting eggs for sale—j Houses for rent, furnished in- and happy. Cl was a face <>5" which four hundred dollars and almost E. R. Treharne, Timber route, quire O. H. Drorbaugh, 992 2nd] driving gloves. Finder please re-' tlie State of Oregon, four months’ rent paid. He felt as had been graven the marks of vlo- Court of Hie 301* 294 avenue. __________________ 23 tf turn to 479 Rose avenue. lent emotlons He was npmore than for the County of Columbia, Vernonia. sured that Betting!<>u was dead. feet eight Inches In height, but and that Tuesday, the 1st day It was on the third evening of five his occupancy tlMM »Ms ealai tad Ms ,-liPst was fi'.Ily forty-five Inches of April, 1930, at the hour of plensnrnble optlmbua was swept io girth, A life of ease had turned 10 o’clock, A. M. of said day, ■way. ne bad gone te tbs snbwiw some of hts once steel muscles to at the Court House at St. Hel entrance to buy an evening paper. fat, but be was still enormously ens, in said County and State, As he stood on the steps before tlie Strong, A Out und bulbous nose. front door feeling for bls latchkey, driven lato his face by some tre has been appointed as the time For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on the .. hearing of he was conscious that a policeman mendous Impact, conspired to make and , . place for .. , this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business across the street by the armory was him rejmlidve. Esseutlnlly he was objections to said final account and professional people. looking at him. Although tt was of the sea. There was the sailor's 1 and the settlement thereof, dark he felt stricken with the cer roll In Ids walk. A dangerous man 1 Date of 1st pub. Feb. 27, 1930. tainty thnt the offleer looked at him In a physical combat. Bettington Date of last pub. Mar. 27, 1930, alone. decided Intellectually he was be P. HILL, BEAUTY SHOPS From ths front windows af his low the normal. He was cleanly Executor of the Estate of Trucks for Local and Dr. J. A. Hughe» nnllghtsd rooms he had is miob- shaved and the shirt be wore was William McMullen, deceased. Btnicted vlow. Tbe offleer was sow new. ANNETTE Long Distance Hauling GORDON R. WATT, Attorney. Phytician and Surgeon "Wondering what I’m all dolled speaking to a «mailer ama. wh« BEAUTY SHOP QUICK SERVICE seemed to bs pointing directly at np for?” tie deiunndcd. "I'll tell Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger NOTICE OF BOND SALE the windows through which Jona- yon. We’re going to bnve skirts Phone 221 Res. Phone 664 • Oregon waving, Permanent Waving. tluin Gibbs gazed. The eolnelilmi e aboard thia trip. Metzger told me. Notice is hereby given that waa food for eotnhor thought. As There's a lady’s maid, a secretary Over Horseshoe Cafe. sealed bids will be received by Curly Buffmire though concerting some plot aimed and tbe owner’s wife. Metzger’s Phone 431 at Gibbs, the two slowly created the seen her pictures In the paper, lie’s the undersigned until the hour TRANSFER of two o’clock P. M. on the 1st street. Then hit bell rang three crazy over her." "Who’s Metzger?" times. Gibbs opened the door to day of March, 1930, and imme the landing silently and listened. “The chief engineer. Lucky for diately thereafter publicly open He heard tho front door »pen and him he don't like ’em ns young ns I ed by the district school board Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy HOTEL steps advance along tivw flagged do. Me,” aald Snm airily, rolling Local & long distance DR. R. A. OLSON passage. Then he heard the foot bls red eyes. "I’m nil for the chick of school district No. 47, Co- Chiropractor ens. Thia secretary Is some skirt j , lumbia county, Oregon, at the steps begin the ascent. HAULING NEHALEM HOTEL Washington school in the city of Tel. 671 Softly he locked the doer and from what I hear.” 1117 Sta* •' Bettington was Incensed nt the Vernonia, Oregon, for an issue stood a few feet back from H. Te Phone 923 Vernonia, Ore Vernonia*» Oldest and most the knock he returned no snfiwor. bestial glee of the recumbent man. of bonds of said school district up-to-date hotel. Office in "Do you suppose." he said, look in the amount of sixty thousand He looked about htm wflrtty. ing at Sara with a disfavor that dollars ($60,000), said bonds to "Trapped I" he «4. “After afi Mr». Grace Scott, Manager Workingmen ’s Store CONTRACTORS eentd be tell area hr die saflor. these yeast »• nsW" "that any tsA.r. wwietnry M the be dated July 1, 1930, and to Fear reused traps tnaAWen. Belong long they would hnret te the ownsr of this boat would have any mature serially in numerical or- PLUMBING door. Tlie fire ««scape et the rear thing to do with yon? How will yon der at the rate of fifteen thou JOHN A. MILLER waa his sole hops. It wax re pitch have tbe ehance to apeak to the sand dollars ($15,0,00) per an HOTEL HY-VAN dark, but he dared risk ne ■>e fight or owner's guests? Don't be foolish, num on the first day of July General Contractor make the descent slowly. Ori bad Bam." in each of the years 1931 to Modern gone but half a flight when is trod Ram looked at him ■ long tlmS 1934 inclusive; said bonds to Baffcrd Brothers Mason Work, Building upon a flower pot placed there In In alienee. Hot and cold water “I ean are what you're driving bear interest at the rate of not violation of all the etty'e fire ordi in all rooms. General Plumbing nance«.' He Clutched about him at” said tbe sailor. “You want to to exceed six per cent (6%) wildly and found only a piece of find out what sort of a trip this Is per annum, payable semiannual- _ _______ 2 1 interest ___ rotting ropa. For a motaent R going to bo. Well, yon don’t getily> p_: principal and pay- STRAND & BERG Vernonia promised to ttay his fall; then fi « ■«»tilin’ out of me." He laughed |able at the office of the county Contractors and Builder« felt ths old strands ftvlng long and loud at what seemed to, treagurer of Columbia county, On all kinds of construc The pared yard ft which ha him hts masterly discovery of the | RESTAURANT crashed waa fiRy feet Mlow. They other’s mot I res. Then he described . ure» tion, estimates given with be unconditional hts way of life and love. There was I Bids must hnd not bore wrong In Blackport out charge. The Right Place to Eat who assumed that tea man they something nauseating In It And and accompanied by a certified Box 157, Vernonia called Jonathan Gibbs waa «toad. there was something frightening, check in the amount of $1,500. Excellent Cooking too How did Sam, who berthed The approving legal opinion of Mary Kato and messed with the crew, come to DENTISTS CHAPTER IV Imagine, without good grounds, Messrs. Teal, Winfree, McCul that he would have tbe opportunity loch and Shuler will be furnish P. HILL An Amazing Adventure. to come Intimately Into contact with ed the successful bidder. POURING the long hours Betltng- the owner's guests? M. D. COLE The board reserves the right Justice of the Peace ton spent a prisoner, he There was another disquieting to reject any and all bids. thought over, nnd reject«! as im thought Snppose that he was kept Dentist W. W. WOLFF, Clerk. practical. several schema« for cs- a prisoner here nntll the boat put Notary Public ca;>e. When all was said ami done, ont to sen again and so forced to Address: Vernonia, Oregon. Vernonia, Oregon Office: 875 Second St. escape from his cabin tn the larger be a party to Indescribable acenes I You’ll enjoy a bowl prison of tlis ship at sea offered Escape was tmpoeslble. It was a Three Link Club little betterment of Ills condition. steel built boat; tbe porthole was • LAWYERS of delicious Chop To Give Dance He pondered over Sam « command small one and his only weapon ■ that he abould be quiet This pre safety razor blade. Suey after the »how. DR. W. H. HURLEY supposed that there was some per GORDON R. WATT The Three Link club, com- (Continued next week) son, or grobp of persons, unaware posed of members of the local Denlittry and X-Ray of bin detention. But whether a Attorney-at-law I. O. O. F. lodge, will give a Gardea Pointer« Broadcast SHINGLE MILL dcclamttnn of bls presence would dance Saturday, March 8, at Hoffman Hdwe. Building bring liberty was another matter. Joy Theatre Building Listening In on telephone gos ths Odd Fellows hall in this city. The hours passed slowly. It was Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia, Orego« Music will be furnished by dusk when they dropped anchor at sip about stasonal garden topics Re-Roof With the foot of East Twenty fourth is one of the newly acquired Sundland’s orchestra or Mist. street. SHINGLES Previous dances sponsored by PHYSICIANS When Snm camo In with bls eve privileges of KOAC’i radio au Three Links have proven From ning meal there was a safety razor dience each Thursday afternoon the at 3:30 o'clock. At least such very luccessful and large crowds outfit on the tray. PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. have attended. “Got to spruce up," said Sam “OwnerV coming aboard tomorrow CARDS AND Clatskanie—Lower Columbia Physician and Surgeon morning. The boss says for you to Cooperative Dairymen’s Assoc About 2,000,000 Corvallis look like ready money." j iation will construct plant here baby chicks will be shipped out LIGHT LUNCHES Phone Hospital 931 Bettington looked at Sam and Lloyd Baker, Prop. wondered what made blm so serene at cost of between $50,000 and j from here within the next few Town Office 891 VERNONIA 1 $60.000. j.A | months. Keil Goose Shoes O’Donnell Shoes A New Line of Children’s DRESSES New Skirts anti Blouses Silk and Colton Blouses Just Opened a Beautiful Line of Ladies Hats Quality Lingers Long After Price is forgotten NEW DRESSES Jhe ¡"©y Columns Professional and Business Directory • Cason Transfer Terminal Cafe Chop Suey Restaurant Johnston & McGraw Shingle Go.