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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1929)
Thursday, October 10, 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Classified Advertising First insertion, per word.... lc (No service less than 25c). Succeeding insertions, per word....... 6c (No service less than 15c) Black face headings, each word counts the same as two words. Cash should accompany the order. When a statement is required the minimum charge is 30c. 1THE TIMBER LINE 31 ... 1... — FOR RENT ' - ----------- iH NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS Notice is hereby given to the holders of the following bonds of the city of Vernonia, Colum bia county, Oregon: Bond No. 4 of General Obli gation Bonds dated May 1, 1226, said bond being in denomination of $500. ITALIAN PRUNES for sale— Bond No. 3 of Improvement NOTICE TO CREDITORS Phone 7F52, Mrs. Earl Snyder. District No. 7, dated May 1, 101* in the County Court of the State 1926, said bond being in de- r of Oregon for Columbia County! nomination of $500. Bond No.6 FOR SALE—Victor Orthoponic. In the matter of the estate of! Improvement District No. 8, ,New condition, reasonable. In- ■ dated May 1, 1926, said bond quire House 31 O. A. Hill. 9* Edwin R. Throop, deceased. Notice is hereby given that being in denomination of $500. All of the above bonds being FOR SALE—35 nice White Leg the undersigned has been ap- horns for sale cheap. See Still- pointed administratrix of the redeemable at the option of said ings at Lindsay Mill.________ 93 estate of Edwin R. Throop, de city on Nov. 1, 1929. That pur ceased, by the County Court of suant to said option, said bonds FOR SALE—Team of horses, the state of Oregon for Colum will be redeemed within 30 days weight 2750, with harness. bia county, and has duly quali from the date of this notice, to- Harness in good condition. $175. fied. All persons having claims wit: Upon the first day of No Mowing machine ... in good con- niuwiuft ------ ; agallisi against suiu said estate estate are are iieieuy hereby vember, 1929, upon presentation dition $30. hay rake $25. J. J. notified to present the same duly to the fiscal agency of Oregon Brand at Curteman place, De- j verified as by law required, to in New York City, to-wit: The lena, R.F.D. No.l, Clatskanie.93* . the undersigned at her residence National Park Bank. In ease the holders of said in the city of Vernonia, Ore., FOR SALE—Modern 3 room within six months from the date bonds fail to present same at the time and place mentioned house, terms. Inquire 1025 hereof. Dated and first published herein for the redemption there Clntsop St. ltf of, then the interest aforesaid September 12, 1929. only the Last publication October 10, will thereafter pay amount of such bond and the FOR SALE—One sack of Em 1929. interest pire plaster, $1.00. Vernonia Alma L. Mills Administratrix. the said accrued thereon up to first day of November, Eagle. W. A. Harris, Attorney. 1929. Dated at Vei-nonia, Oregon, on FOR SALE—40 acres, 1 ’A miles from Vernonia, has walnuts, I HAVE dissolved partnership in this 1st day of October, 1929. the Twin Fir service station J. C. Lindley, Treasurer, apples and chestnut trees on place, 20 acres cleared, ideal for’“"<i will not be responsible for 103 City of Vernonia, Ore. dairy or chicken ranch. Jim Em-Ialiy debts incurred on and after mom, Vernonia. 74* ’ September 23. 1929. Eugend—Ground broken for --------------------------------------------- ■' OSCAR GEORGE 83 fine arts building at University FOR SALE—Twelve unimproved ---------------------------------------------- of Oregon, to cost approximately lots in block 25, second addit-l Klamath Falls — Montgomery, $175,000. ion. Close in and sightly. 1 Ward & Company’s store opened Gaston—Streets improved in J. G WATTS, Scapoose, Ore 8tf for business on Main street. this vicinity. FOR SALE—30-30 Savage rifle, MODERN eight room house, close in. Bath, toilet, lavatory, sink, good condition. Bert Wood, Phone 9F151. 103’ hot water, garage. Good street, sidewalk. Recently painted out FOR SALE—Small saddle and side, j'ust papered inside. $25 work horse for $20. M. Ja per month. See J. C. Lindley at blonski, Verne nia, Ore. 101* bank. 40tf Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. HAULING BEAUTY SHOPS QUICK Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving, Permanent Waving. SERVICE ASPLAND Plumbing & Electric General Plumbing Phone 293 Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Phone 193 Curly Buffmire TRANSFER Bafford Brothers HOTEL Marcelling, Finger Waving, permanent Waving, Shampoo ing and Manicuring. General NEHALEM HOTEL ESSIE NANCE BEAUTY SHOP Over Corey’s Store. PLUMBING Truck For Local and Long Distance Hauling ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Vernonia’s Oldest and up-to-date hotel. Tel. 222 Mrs. Grace Scott, Manager POOL HALL BAKERS PLACE Confections LAWYERS CONTRACTOR LESTER SHEELEY Soft Drinks—Cigars Billiards and Pool Attorney-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Plumbing Vernonia most RESTAURANT Mary Kato Mason Work, Building GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law DENTISTS Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon M. D. COLE PHYSICIANS Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Chop Suey Restaurant You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. Marvin R. Eby, M. D. SHINGLE MILL Physician and Surgeon Phone 891 DR. W. H. HURLEY Dr. J. A. Hughes Dentistry and X-Ray Physician and Surgeon Hoffman Hdwe. Building Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 • Oregon Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia School News Heavy Forest Grove Team Defeated Here Last Saturday Classified columns close at 12 o’clock Wednesday noon. FOR SALE Page Seven Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Johnston & McGraw Shingle Co. VERNONIA Í i Eighth Grade Claes Selects Class Officers This directory of Vernonia lodges and clubs will give you quick information on meeting dates and officials. A. F. & A. M. I Mountain Heart American Legion Vernonia Peat Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Rebekah Lodge No. 243 119, . American A. F. & A. M. meets'No 243, I.O.O.F., meets every Meets Legion, at Masonic Temple, secOnd and fourth Thursdays in second Stated Communication w. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors and First Thursday of each ! always welcome. fourth Tuesdays >1 r. • i __ 11__ 1 Irmo TTicrrlnn CrTiinfl. Irma Higdon, Noble Grand. each month, 8 p. month. Special called Edna Linn, Vice Grand. m. Connie An meetings on all other Thurs- Marie O ’ Donnell, Secretary. derson, Com daj nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors mander. J. Covington, Adjutant moi|t cordially welcome. F. D. Macpherson, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu nication first and third Wed-. nesdays of each month, at Ma sonic Temple. All visiting sis ters and broth ers welcome. Mrs. Ramona Lindley, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. HARDING LODGE 11$ Meets every Monday night in the W.O.W. hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. W. Van Doren. C.C. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. American Legion Auxiliary ©Meets first and third Mondays ef each month at the Legion hall. Mrs. C. J. Nance, Pres. Mrs. P. Wideman, See. 1. O. O. F. WOMENS RELIEF I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. Pythian Sisters CORPS 246 meets every Tuesday night Vernonia Temple 61 meets at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Meets third Thursday of each itors always welcome. W.O.W. hall. IL E. Stevenson, N. G. month at the W. O. W. hall. MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. John Glassner, Secretary. Mrs. Lee Hall, president DELLA CLINE, M. of R. A C. Photos of Last Year’s Senior Class On Walts of Office Charlotte Green, Editor The individual photos of the According to pur custom, th« senior class of last year have J,1*»? theuir;been K>ven • P1,ce on the walls rings through Mr. Kullander, the ! of the office. Next year the local jeweler.—G.C. present class photos will occupy The first local grade school ______ I «. like position, and the office game will be played here Friday a ._________ . . then have the appearance afternoon with McBride. Last - A pennant was ordered and of a picture gallery. Friday the football team of the Vernonia grade school defeated Scappoose at Scappoose with the score 21 to 0. Although out weighed, the boys put up a good brand of ball. The lineup: Left end .... ... Plumer Left tackle ...... Davis Left guard Marks Center ......... Holcomb Right guard Cummings Right tackle .... Powell. Right end ... Roberson I Quarter ...... .... Austin ....... Cline' Right half .. Left half Henderson Full .............. .... Lumm McBride Phys Local Grade School Here The eighth B grade elected Friday (By Dwight Strong) class officers as _ follows: Presi- Holding the heavy . Forest dent, ________ Bill ______ Lumm, _____ vice _________ president, „ Grove football eleven, the local | Verna Burt, secretary and treas- teani came out on the long end|Urer, Millicent Ratkie, sergeant- of the 7 to 6 score last Satur-1 of-arms Florence Moyer. day on the local gridiron. | Carnation with maiden hair Completing over a dozen fern was chosen as class flower passes, the orangemen totally and silver and maroon as class baffled the Grove lads and more colors. than once threatened to go over 1 The eighth fi and eighth A, for a touchdown, but were held held a joint meeting in which by the heavier, frightening they elected Millicent Ratkie team. ; I editor for the Washington grade In the opening minutes of school _ '.__ 1 news. play Vernonia carried the pig-1 skin to Forest Grove’s 20 yard Committees Appointed For line, where Boyce, Forest Grove’s ¡High School Big halfback, intercepted a pass and ran 70 yards down a clear field Carnival before he was pulled down by The Carnival committees have Hieber. been appointed and work will Forest Grove then carried the1 begin at once. Mrs. Hammack is ball over the line by an end run.1_ in ______ charge of the following re- Manv Receive 100 In They failed to convert freshment committees: Pie, Spelling —.— for — the ---- .areanment extra point by an 1 _ ' I _____ attempted coffee and cake, Maybelle Dror- — . baugh Christine Rainy; pass. This ended the score •a at *i the Those who received 100 in first quarter 6-0. j candy, Charlotte Green and spelling in the second grade of In the second quarter the lo-' Dorothy nviuiaiu; Holtham; ■>»> hot uog», dogs, the Washington school are as cal boys opened their aerial bar-. George Laird and Arthur Nansen follows: Pete McDonald, Kenneth rage and Berg snared a long for- and Helen McNutt; ice cream -Britton, Madeline Michoff, Willa ward pass, conveying the ball ' 'j and pop, Catherine Hoffman, Mae Godwin, Gerald George, over for the count. Violet Phelps and Billie Culver. Maxine Hanna, Loren Kostur, Coming back for the extra other committees are fish pond, Elsie Duncan, Geraldine Savage, point, he again carried the ball Miss Gehring, Betty Bennett and Jean Page, Marion Wood and across, making the score 7-6,1 Margaret McDonald; fortune tel- Richard Austin. which remained the same ler, Zelma New; bucket game, In the third grade there were throughout the rest of the game. Tord Berg and Dwight Strong; 31 pupils who received 100 per dart game, Bob Holcomb and cent in spelling this week in Gloyd Adams; nigger babies, Mrs. Wilkerson’s room. Point System to Be Used In the fifth grade Lillian Up Larry Marshall and Marvin Por By the Girls Athletic terfield; scrip sellers, Joy Bush, dike won second prize on her Association Mararet Nelson, Nelle Campbell, writing paper which she sent to At the regular weekly meet Nelle Green, Edna Owens, and the county fair. The sixth 1 class is sending a ing of the Girl’s Athletic As Louise Roberson; ticket seller, floral tribute to Mrs. Little’s sociation held Monday of this Grace Condit. funeral, the mother of Earl, one week, it was decided that used the 1 yell Leader Asks For of this class. point system should be i again. Golf has been added to More Support The Rime of the Ford the list of activities which will give points, It was also announc- Yell practice has occupied the It was an ancient auto car ed that the girls could not hold fifteen minute period in the af Decrepit, old and worn. I wondered how it came that way. their regular practices until the ternoon for several days. football season closes. The students have cooperated Devoid of tire and horn. with the yell leader, Dorothy I asked this Ford the reason Holtham, in learning the yells, Ruth Lee Elected Girls but more support is needed for It why Athletic Manager was in such a state. the games. answered in a feeble voice At a student body meeting Zelma New has been appointed It _ _____ held Friday, Ruth Lee was un- i _ by __ our yell leader _ as ________ assistant. This story I relate: amiously elected girls’ athletic The two make a spelndid team. I used to be all spic and span manager.—G.C. All shiny new and neat I thought I’d have a pleasant LINCOLN SCHOOL Students of all classes are I home The first grade room of which eagerly awaiting the first six And lots of gas to eat. week quizes which will be given Miss Laramore is the teacher, is i a delightful spot this week. The Pride goes before a fall they this week. i pupils have made baskets of I They hit the nail a crack Mildred Tousley, who return fruit from colored paper cut- ’Cause from the shop I was ed from Las Vogas, New Mexico, I outs and these as a border on moved has again taken up her studies 1 the blackboard together with an And sold to a lumberjack. immense basket of maple leaves in the senior class.—V.P. in their autumn colors in one This lumberjack was much corner and vases of the blue same Candy Sale by Seniors michaelmas daisies, potted plants As others I have seen. To Raise Funds and hanging baskets of green He sure knew how to chew “ 'snooze. l ” The senior class has decided growing things make the room His chin was never clean. that in order to take care of a veritable fairyland. its coming activities it will be Those receiving 100 in spelling He treated me most shamefully; necessary for each senior to pay eyes became quite dim. j dues. A candy sale is also be in the second grade, of which My had a blowout on the road ing arranged for this purpose.— Miss Santee is the teacher, are as We follows: Macie Bell, Beatrice And came home on the rim. V.P. Crawford, Frankie Fitzgerald, One night he got too 1 much of Many Students From Other Harvey Holcomb, Howard Mc- “hooch.” Graw, Bessie Bell, Russell Mil- An awful sin you sigh? High Schools Enroll ler and Virgie Killian. Well, he turned out to pass a Here This Year bridge, Those receiving 100 in spell So battered Eight students from other -Il uvib aseres * lie -va , here I a noi lie. high schools have enrolled in ing in the third grade, of which —Dorothy Carmichael. the Vernonia union high school Miss Kraus is the teacher, are: Irene Weis, Charles Koto, Mon- CHEMISTRY this term. Those who have enrolled are tana French, Jane Watts, Mar- Chemistry, chemistry, Wilma Farrin, Marshfield; Wil- jorie Navinger, Lucille Miller Weights, meters, and mercury lie Potter, Sumrail, Miss.; Iola and Halco Yokota. Gold, platinum, air, and ore Lyda, Forest Grove; John Kirk, Tin, sulphur, and inumerabl« Heppner; Lucille Spooner, Hills Prof. Wilkerson Picks more. boro; and Elmer Lyda, Forest Fire Squad Grove. Water which is H-2-O, A fire squad has been chosen Arsenic, nickel, magnesium, gold, First Assembly Program by Prof. Wilkerson to see that How they will run thrrough my head everyone leaves the building in For High School good order when an alarm is Manganese dioxide, zinc, October 18 lead. sounded and to handle the fire Arrangements are now being hose in case of fire. The squad made for the first assembly pro consists of Glen Hieber, chief; Open your chemistry and you’ll be, gram of this school year. Gloyd Adams, assist.-chief; Mor About six of the puipls will ris Graves, Leonard Hall, Dwight In the world of affinity, give five minute talks but Mr. Strong, Earl Knowles, Robert Combustion, hydrogen, sulphur, Greenman has been asked to Holcomb, Howard Malmsten, Ben i chloride, And foul smelling of Bromide. make the principal speech on the Spencer, and Junior Aldrich. program. A part of the music The fire alarm is the continu Experiments and thug for this occasion will be furnish ous ringing of the bell. All pu Scares and such ed by the school and a part by pils in rooms on the lower floor Shut your book and then forget outside talent. The program will and basement must leave the All your formulas til the next probably be given the afternoon I building by way of the front experiment. of October 18. door. All pupils on the top —Zelma New. floor by way of the fire escape. The junior play for the car This squad will serve for a Pauline and Delphine Cates, nival has been chosen and work term of one semester. The sec former high school girls from will begin at once. It is “The ond semester squad will be Portland were visitors here Trysting,” by Booth Tarkington.1 chosen by the student body I Tuesday, October 8. I I RIVERVIEW Lodge and Club Notices received by the junior class. It is of the school colors, orange and black.—G.C. Murphy, James Gordon, S. A. | Mr. and Mrs. Ross Meeker Snencer, Hazel Hurley, Nannie Fannie and son Everette and daughter Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler Hall, C. M. Warm, A. V. Mowe, Marjorie of Stoney point spent and son Kenneth motored to St. E. Weed and Rilla Snyder; Miss Sunday with the H. Fielberg Helens Saturday and back Sun es Bettie Lou Kirk, Jenett and family of thia place. dr . . Maxine Johns, and Milo Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nelson mo Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Malmsten Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holmes tored to Hillsboro Saturday to of Seaside are visiting Mrs. of Clatskanie spent Monday at visit Mr. Nelson’s folks. They Malmr'.ten’s mother, Mrs. Sarah the home of A. R. Holmes, Les i returned Sunday evening. Spencer, and other relatives of ter's father. Thieves attempted to break in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler to Lee Hall's chicken house last T. „ ____ , _______ Kenneth ____ went over to Monday night. R. Throop motored „ to and son _______ Clatskanie and return Saturday.1 Treharne Wednesday __ j of last week and brought home a load Mrs. T. Newhouse Kessie Hall and Earl Tipton of fruit from their ranch. Is Injured At Burns left Saturday for Burns, where Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and son they expect to work and remain Mrs. T. Newhouse, formerly Lee and daughter Florence of for the winter. Wauna, Wn., were Sunday Mrs. Tony Blankenship of this Cecil Tipton of Ryderwood, guests at the T. C. Biggs home. city was sevsrely bruised and unconscious for 24 hours result Wash., was a Riverview visitor Mr. Vale is finishing up his ing from a car wreck at Burns, over the week end. logging contract on Pebble creek Ore. Tony Blankenship was driv Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mallicoat and will begin logging the Dal- ing a Chevrolet roadster at of Portland were the guests of ils timber on LaClair creek in Bums and not being used to the latter’s father, Mi. and Mrs. the near future. flat level country, did not re A. R. Holmes, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Biggs of alize just how fast the ear was E. E. Mills motored to Hills- Wauna, Wn., was visiting Mr. traveling until ready to make a boro Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. curve. The car turned over Bi«’« parente ........................ Mr. Blankenship T. C. Biggs of this place Sun- three times. was uninjured. A number of friends surprised day. Mrs. Rills Snyder on the occa- Mrs. E. Fonda celebrated her sion of her birthday Saturday. Glendale — Construction of Refreshments were served those 77th birthday one day last week. power lines to emergency landing present, which included: Mes Mrs. Sarah and Irene Spencer. field east of here and to top of Henry Mrs. M. Dunlap and Mrs. P. mountain south of landing field ds mes E. E. Gamer, Johns, Irene Smith, Lester Mowe, Terrian were her guests for th« completed by California-Oregon H. A. Wilson, A. J. Kirk, Goldie occasion. Power company. I GoodGoodo. Interest Comes High At Credit Stores What Miller’s Cash Prices Mean to You A few days ago while in land buying some Port the dresses, dress salesman asked what price that we sold quality of dresses at. We said $19.75. He said that is too low, they are selling these at $29.75 up to $35. Upon the alesman’s tip we strolled around to beautiful this ready-to-wear department. Sure enough, we saw with our own the eyes very same numbers and styles as high as $32.50. known Of this well credit bus- course store does a inecs, $5 or $10 down and the balance on payments. So we say interest is high— at the rate of $10 to $13 on a dress. When Miller's cash prices are at a saving of half and more, we believe it pays to pay cash. Compare and convince yourselfe New dresses just received, beautiful satins and crepes, all wool jerseys, priced at— .75 -------- * ,50 I *6” ’ New Coats Arrive, attractive fur trimmed garments, rich wool cloths, silk linings, well tailored, priced at........... A Real Shoe Saving Right here at Millers, we have rounded up several dozen pairs of odds and ends from our shoe stock, consisting of high grade leathers and good styles, in sizes 3ft to 6ft in B and C widths. Lot 1 consists of Oxfords, one strap and pump styles black and light leathers, medium heels, values 1 98 up to $4, choice.... A. Patent leather straps, pumps and lace ox fords, medium heels, 2 Vi to 6 in B and C widths, values up »9.98 to $6 .................... High Top Shoes Lot 3. High top shoes in brown leather. These will make splendid every day shoes for hard wear. These sold u p as high as $6.00 »1 .98 sizes 3 to 7, choice .................................................. A Lot 4. Oxfords, patent leathers, straps, satin straps, sizes 2*/g to 6 in widths B and C. Also a few »■£.00 children's sizes 5>/j to 11, choice a pair.......... Low Prices on Quality Rubber Footwear Fashionable stormproof both for rain and warmth, low and high cuts, several colon to choose from, low, medium and high heels, priced the Miller ------- II .89 -------- »9 .98 way from .... A to Women’s, Misses’ Low Rubbers First quality storm rubbers, all sizes and styles of heels, priced the C and Miller way C