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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1929)
/ dolisi protection mrf Derno ijKJJEagie. Vernonia, Oregon Thursday, October 10, 1929 Volume 8 Union Oil Donors To Is Nearing Vernonia New Station Completion Here Chest Fund Wins From Increasing The Grove Forest Grove Team The new sub-station of the Union Oil company, which is now under construction on Ne- halem street, is nearing comple tion. The installation of stor age tanks will start within the next two weeks. Is This will mean an additional Over payroll of a local manager and two truck drivers, who will make their headquarters in this city, according to K. A. McGil- livary, agent for the Union Oil company at St. Helens. 60 More Christian Church Wants Old Papers Names The Vernonia Post of the American Legion have discontinued gathering up old magazines and paper, and have turned over- all that which has been as sembled, to the Christian church. if you ; ‘ have any old pa- pers and magazines you wish to dispose of, bring them to the Vernonia Ser- vice garage, or call the Eagle ■ office, who will ar- range ! transportation to call for your papers. No. 10 Local Grade Football Successful Meeting Team Beats Scappoose ¡Football Friday, Score 21-0 Of Lower Columbia Game Here In a fast football game Fri afternoon, the Vernonia Chambers Held Here day Washington school defeated the Scappoose team, at their grounds Lateness of Meeting Unables Paper to Publish Full by a score of 21 to 0, which featured three touchdowns. Details In This Week’s Issue; Many Prominent Scappoose whose team may Speakers; Important Resolutions Are Passed have outweighed a trifle the This Week Over $850 Raised I I Be The Second To Play Clatskanie A. J. Davidson Gives To Chest ? Saturday local team, were unable to stem Outplayed League Game tide of rushes. The local Vernonia played host to 200 director of the West Coast Tel- the members of the Lower Columbia ephone company, gave an inter- team outplayed and outwitted Associated Chambers of Com- ~ esting talk on, “Nehalem Valley, their opponents throughout the game, and held the Scappoose merce yesterday. Then and Now. >» team from scoring. On account of this paper go- Dr. Clark Black of Portland, The lineup for Vernonia was: ing to press shortly alter ttie president of the Columbia val- Plumer, L.E.; Davis L.T.; Marks Dr. M. D. Cole Wins meeting started, the full details’ley association spoke on the de L.G.; Holcomb Study Club Still Active In - Expect Record Crowd For C.; Perfect Passing By Local will be given in next week’s is- velopment of the Columbia val- R.G.; Powel, R.T.J Cummings, In Golf Tournament Attempt To Put Over Roberson, The B i g Football Team Wins The 2nd ley. | sue. Big Drive Breaks Arm in Fall IR.E.; Austin, Football Game Game Jack Carlson of St. Helens Henderson, half; Q.; Cline, H.; During the afternoon the Dr. M. D. Cole, local dentist, l.umm F. From Slide At The entertained with a few whistling) board of governors were enter- won the grand flight in the golf Washington School tained by Judd Greenman at the selections. Marshall Dana, editor I Sixty new names were added The most important game With an advantage over their tournament sponsored by the Oregon-American guejit house on of the Oregon Journal was an- C. W. Reithner On American Legion at the local to the honor roll this week, of towards the county champion opponents of one point, the lo Bud Lindberg, eight-year-old the O.-A. hill following which “ther/Pe“ker- talkintf on the iuS Co. Budget Committee course Sunday, September 29. those who contributed towards ship, as far as the home town cal high school football team ,re development of this section O. T. Bateman had the sec the $1000 goal of Vernonia’3 ' son of Mrs. M. E. Lindberg, a che meeting of the governors was' • tu h gh school football team is con- fought through the last two Qi the country. Dean Rodgers I pupil in the second grade of the held. ond highest score, A. Childs C. W. Reithner was appointed I ce^ned, will be played“ here Sat- first community chest drive, quarters of the game against . .. . a j wir® was received during the1, , broke h>s school ¡Washington third, W. B. Lappe fourth and The meeting the* COUntv court In sit. wppli ' „ ii oi the associated meeting advising that he was un- county court last week urday at o 2 « p.m. at * n... It is hoped that before an the r ball park Forest Grove last Saturday, hold Mv«w..sxs. ias a member of the Columbia when they meet Clatskanie. other week has passed the honor ; right arm at the elbow, last chambers was called to order at abl t attend ing the much heavier team, and E. H. Heath, fifth. fell off the ! Thursday when he wrist Dr. Cole received a W. ’ wT ’ wolff, president of the ’ • ’ «»unty budget committee. the Odd Iellows hall at 6:00 ^v. w. worn, oi tne 50 additional roll will show The local high school team, winning by a segre of 7 to 6. I slide on the school grounds. watch valued at $25, donated Mr. Reithner is a member al whose speed and skillful pass p.m. by Ed. Ballagh, premdent oi local chan)ber of commerce spoke Vernonia scored its touchdown by A. L. Kullander, jeweler, as names, swelling the number who the organization. | ol- the poreat Grove-Rainier cut- so of the local budget commit ing is by this time highly re have donated to nearly 260, and and one point advantage in the a reward for his efforts. The invocation was delivered off. j tee and his appointment to the spected and feared throughout the community chest will go Movie Star To Appear second quarter, and their rapid by Rev. Plumer. over the top 100 per cent, Hon. A. W. Norblad, president county position will meet with the county, should prove a coun firing passes, perfectly executed At the Joy Theatre The high school glee club I of the Oregon Senate gave up u wtiole-hearced approval in this ter thrust for the smashing, pow The list of names presented assisted the scoring in their erful, attacking Clatskanie team, Next Thursday Night sang, “Columbia the Gem of the address on "The Roosevelt Coast city. below was turned in Wednesday favor. Ocean,” with the assembly join-! Highway.” Senator Norblad was which is one of the heaviest in afternoon, showing the complete A powerful looking aggrega the league. the first president of the Lower list of those who have donated Next Thursday, October 17, mg in the chorus. tion, considerable heavier than Another selection entitled,1 Columbia association. to date. Clatskanie battled through Frank Merrill, star of the fam the home team, even the most gave a vo- four snappy quarters with the Business and professional, Ver ous moving picture serials, “Tar- “The Little Brown Bear,” was I Mrs. W. W. Wolff ___ loyal supporter before the game also rendered by the Glee club. 1 cal selection, entitled ’ "Give Me I lit L>| I k i 1 Knappa-bvensen grid team a A. J. Davidson, general man- nonia Mercantile, Jos. Scott real zan the Mighty,” and “Tarzan started would not concede that I ii j I rl (v. urao onll ozl .... . L Trill 1 It Judd Greenman was called up- a T1 Home on the Hill Or Side. ” | J/lvo week ago Friday with the final ager of the Spokane, Portland estate, D, C. Cason, transfer, the Tiger,” will appear in Vernonia could win. on for the address of welcome j Wesley Vandercook spoke on ____ i score being 6 to 6. The Knappa The lightest team turned out and Seattle railroad, sent Judd Horseshoe cafe, Oregon Ameri son on the stage of the — “ ■“* this city .......... —a the » Longview ------ -• ■ bridge, the pr0- saying that was pleased t-am presented a fast backfield by coach Austin in years, this Greenman, general manager of can Lumber company, Columbia theatre in this city. and happy to be the host of the ‘ posed Forest Grove-Rainier cut- Mrs. Marvin Little, 33, died this year and were of equal ________ Oregon-American Lumber Utilities company, Lincoln Candy | __ eleven makes up the difference tl.e Mr. _______ Merrill ____ comes direct from associateu chambers. off and the development of thia at her home Sunday following a «eight as the Clatskanie Tigers. in weight with their speed and company his personal check Mon Kitchen, John’s Shine parlor, As-! Hollywood, and will explain to Ed Ballagh responded and1 valley. long illness. Funeral services i Called the fighting Tigers at day for $50, his contribution pland Plumbing shop, Dad’s' bis sheer grit. audience, interesting fea thanked Mr. Greenman for his Edgar Burkebile, spoke of were held from the Brown un- ____ home, , Clatskanie is considered the first to the Forest Grove in Vernonia community Sandwich shop, Vernonia Bill tures in the making of the pic address of welcome. game fish as a tourist attraction. dertaking home at 2 o’clock yes-1 the biggest threat this year in iards, Nance Beauty shop, tures in which he was starred. quarter scored a touchdown, but chest. A vocal selection was render- L. N. Plamondon, spoke on terday, with the Rev. F. Claude tne league, notwithstanding the failing to convert for the ad- Mr. Davidson along with the Baker’s place, Mrs. J. L. Vail, An athlete of note, as well by Alice Dübendorf entitled, Farm Relief, how does it apply Stephens in charge of the ser-!fact___________ ' publicity - - — that much haa ditional point. company which he is general Vernonia hotel, Midway grocery, as an actor, Mr. Merrill scored ed to the Lower Columbia. vices. 1 been ___ given ___ __ St. _______ Helens ___ as being In the first quarter Vernonia manager of has always shown Goodyear Shoe shop, Kline Shoe well in the different plays in ‘Singing in the Rain.” Omar Spencer, vice president Resolutions passed and other ! - ---- ------ 'Ihise surviving are her bus- the only logical contender for had advanced the ball down to keen interest in the welfare of ¡ shop, Miller Barber shop, Ne which he was featured during of the Pacific Telephone and details will be published in the band and two daughters, Elma the county championship. Forest Grove’s 15 yard line, the this city, generously contribut- halem Market, Miller Mercantile, the past year. Telegraph company and also a following issue. Mae, and Bernice and two sons, Two new players have been visiting team intercepting a la ing when any appeal for assist- Bennett Variety store, A. E. At the Joy theatre next Tues William Carl and Eifton. __ the __ ___________ Adams, Red and White grocery, day and Wednesday^ the pic ! _____ added to Clatskanie team teral pass, running 70 yards for ance was asked. Miss Cleo Duvall was a native recently. Coach Ickes has been Probably no city along the Vernonia Drug company, Verno tures of the Pendleto'n round-up Meet At Birkenfeld a gain. Washington School of Arkansas, born February 20, drilling his boys on new plays The home town team scored S. P. & S. system receives more nia Eagle, Hoffman Hardware, / will be shown, all talking, sound To Discuss A New Meets McBride Of 1896. In her girlhood she be- an(j "strengthening the weak in the second quarter on a long favorable consideration than Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reithner, and music. identified with the Presby- ’ spots, and is out to win from Proposed Power Line forward pass, Bush to Berg. Vernonia, from Mr. Davidson. I Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McDameb, St. Helens Friday 1 came This year’s round-up promises . ferian church _i u and j until i. 1 Vernonia if possible. The game was featured by 12 Asked for a change of train I Hotel Hy-Van, Safeway Stor., to excell all others, and with 1 period __ _ until she was confined Trading eompan) the talking and sound repro- In the home town backfield, complete passes executed by the schedule some time ago, to have | Vernonia BIRKENFELD, Oct. 10.—A Tomorrow 1* • grams ,_0 ber boine ¡1], was all active the McBride Oil company, Caswell duction, perfectly reproduced, meeting was held Monday even school of St. Helens will mee. Adams, Bush, Hieber and Kirk local team, with the visiting the paenger train wait over ' Shell - f present a threat for any team gro ithe picturea win be more a_p- ing in the * J. O. Libel hall at the Washington school of this church worker. team gaining all their yardage in this city instead of Keasey, Coffee company, Riverview In 1914 she was married to in the county ami a large per- by tackle plays. the demand was immediately eery, Knights of Pythias, Verno „„-¿.„a Birkenfeld by property owners city in a gridiron struggle at I luurvni Murvin Little of Arkansas, they juivue m ai kuiisus , wie/ centage toward winning Satur nia Meat Market, Vernonia Precuuea’ In the third quarter, Forest granted. living between Natal and a few home. ¡coming west in 1916, and have day's game is pinned to these Laundry, Vista hotel, Mrs. May' Grove worked the ball down to | miles below Birkenfeld to discuss Like the local high school, ' res ded in this city lor the past four speedy clayers. Vernonia’s 10 yard line, but Columbus Day Program Ellis, Vernonia Bakery, Mac's Stockholders Of Old the proposed new power line Vernonia presents a light team, five years. Pharmacy, Gordon R. Watt, Dr. On the line, Lee, Christian were cheeked in their attempt of which if satisfactory arrange- but speedy. I Woodmen Building . —v-----------------——— At Mist School Hughes, Dr. Cole, C. F. Hieber, sen, Berg, Bennett, George, Cra rushes, which put an end to the ments could be made between To Get Money Back the Columbia Utilities Co. and Dr. W. H. Hurley, Gilby Motor ven and Sorlee will feature in threat. Meeting For Teachers the start of the game, with Mar- The regular lineup for the MIST, Oct. 10—Columbus day company. the land owners would be built Grade School Teachers To Be Held at Portland shall, Culver and others being A special meeting will be held from Vernonia to a few miles home team Saturday were, in program will be held tomorrow Personal—M. A. Gregory, C. To Give Play Nov. 2 Next Saturday held in reserve. the backfield, Adams, Bush, ait.inoon at the Mist school, Nicer, Mrs. Tyron, M. Owen, V. next Wednesday, October 1G, at oelow Birkenfeld. The second conference game Hieber, and Kirk, and on the the students of Mrs. E. Knowle’s G. Drorbaugh, Mrs. Trude, M. the Odd Fellows hall, by the A. R. Melis, as chairman and “ Kempy, ” a comedy, will be Building association, of the season played at home, line, Bennett, George, Lee, Gra room, taking part in the play. J. Wall, Wm. Nixon, Merle Woodmen There is to be a meeting for J. O. Libel, secretary conducted ven, Christiansen, Berg and Sor- Ruhl, Mrs. M. Grunden, E. A. for the purpose of refunding to the meeting during which esti given by the Vernonia grade all the teachers of Columbia, with Vernonia pointing toward lee, with Culver and Larry Mar- Green, Norman Green, Taylor stockholders of the Woodmen mates furnished by the Fair- school teachers November 2 at Multnomah, and the championship, deserves * Washington shall as subs entering the game Hold Basket Social Lilly, R. R. McGregor, W. E. Building association, their money oanks Morse company on the the Joy theatre, the proceeds to Clackamas counties held in the large turnout. go towards the athletic and play A large rally will be held the during different periods. At Timber Church Bell, P. L. McDuffee, Miss L. which was invested in their for cost of installing a power plant, Shattuck school, Portland, Oc- ground equipment fund. A small attendance was pres- Keehn, E. J. Bell, Ben Brickel, mer building. tober 12 at 10:30 a.m. Miss Hel- latter part of this week to pep to be owned and operated by Those holding stock are urged The teachera who have been en Hefferman, chief of the de up interest in the coming game. ent to witness the game, but it TIMBER, Oct. 10.—A basket J. G. Allen, E. J. Douglass, Special efforts will be made is expected that this Saturday’s social will be held at the Tim- Judge Reasoner, Mrs. Harry to bring their certificates and the property owners was receiv selected to take part in the Play partment of rural education of ed. are: Miss Davis, Edward Con- California, will give demonstra to furnish transportation, from game against Clatskanie played her Community church tomor-' Kearns, H. V. Holcomb, Mrs. receipts, when presented will be The plant run by diesel en dit, Misrf Kizer, Miss Taylor, W. at home will see a record turn- row evening. _ The _ proceeds ____ ____ rais- Ellis, Mrs. Gordon Watt, Mr 4. paid par to the amount which lessons on individual in- their homes to the gridiron and gines, with the cost on construct W. McCrae, Miss Von Boenc, a tion out from the students and foot-' ed will be used in purchasing French, E. A. Ritchey, truction. School board members i I return, to those students living Lee they show as invested. Those who are unable to at ing the line would reach around Wilfred Thomas, and ball fans. new song books. Schwab, F. E. Dixon, Emil Mes- 11 red or other people interested in ' in the vicinity of Natal and sing, Earl M. ----- Bleile, Carl E. tend the meeting, may leave their $25,006, according to the Fair Spring. education are urged to attend. Mist who wish to lend their port by attending the game Davidson, C. L. Anderson, Mrs. certifcates and receipts at the banks Morse people. ______________ Mrs. M. D. Cole will coach Saturday. The feasibility of having the the players, Mrs. Neil in W. W. Wolff, Dave Marshall, Miller barber shop, where Every student attending the power company at Clatska- if ticket sales. Mrs. Rogers Local Creamery Hale Greenman, Judd Greenman, Miller former secretary of high school who possibly can • Installs - Frank Hartwick, Mrs. Ethel Ray, association will handle their de- nie build a line from Clatska- handling advertising, Mrs. Bell 1 New Bottle be urged to attend the game. W. McCrae, C. L. Brock, Louis tails for them. nie to Mist and Birkenfeld was staging, and Mrs. Knauss in Washer At Plant Being Saturday and on a pay The Woodmen building was also discussed. Laird, C. C. Lewis, P. B. Ro- charge of the special number. day, the business men will be chel, H. S. Fielding, H. E. San recently purchased by the Odd Chairman Melis apopinted a The Nehalem Valley Ice and unable to close their stores, but ders, Peter Billones, W. Alman, Fellows association of this city. committee of six to canvaB those Creamery company will install a large turnout from the town- The following is a report of While the bacterial counts, Mrs. Roberson, Mrs. Dan Nelson, living along the proposed new Reception Held At an automatic bottle washer in ' folk, especially those who have the f ndings of the recent health with one exception, were low, Mrs. Ben George, Mrs. Boyd line, to get full data as to cost Timber For Teachers their plant, the latter part of children attending school, ia survey, conducted by the State indicating honest effort on the Nelson, K. F. Norby, Mrs. Ira Sunday School Rally of construction, and also get tne this week, according to llarry asked to lend their support to board of health under the sup- part of the dairies to produce Mann, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. At The Evangelical information, as to the number of TIMBER, Oct. 10.—A recep Kearns, manager. | their home town team by attend ervisiin of Dr. William Levin: good milk, there was sediment ....___ 1 Hughes, Mrs. O. D. McCabe, Church Next Sunday consumers and the approximate tion was held at the Timber This is being installed to give ing the football game this Sat To the Honorable Mayor and in every bottle tested. G.,„.. r_ Given' ----- Mrs. ------ Adolphe Nelson, Pearl amount of power each prospec school house last Friday in non- the most careful consideration urday afternoon at 2 p.m. at City Council, clean surroundings and proper ' Krause, Mrs. D. Spofford, Mrs. or of the teachers at that school. in the handling and sanitation the ball park, and cheering the Next Sunday at the Evangel tive consumer would use. Verncnia, Oregon, equipment the dairies supplying ■ H. A. Moultan, Mrs. A. L. De While all seemed interested Each teacher was called up ical church, a Sunday school ral of the milk. j Vernonia high school team on to Dear sirs: Vernonia should produce as clean Hart, Mrs. Fish, Mrs. George C. _ ___ for __ a __________________ talk. Refreshments . and victory. The health survey of the city and pure a milk as is produced Johns, Mrs. P. H Browning, Mrs. ly will be held at 9:45 a.m. with in securing power and lights on along this stretch of the Ne- { entertainment was furnished, preaching services held in the of Vernonia has been completed. anywhere in the state. Milk McAlister, Mrs. Hollyfield, Mrs. Tom Magoff Injured nalem valley, the fact that those ‘ morning at 11 a.m. and in the The task of compiling all the I from each of the producers sup- ! ” ’ Caton, Mrs. M. F. Wall, Mrs. Cuts Foot While At Oregon-American who would connect up to the data gathered by our staff will ! plying the pasteurizing plant1 Richardson, Mrs. Gene Shipman, evening at 7:30 p.m. The young people’s meeting new line would have to stand Chopping Wood Mill Last Week require considerable time; hence ’ was also tested, and in most 1 Mrs. A. J. Schultz, Mrs. F. Moak, a complete report will not be ' cases their facilities for the pro- Mrs. Portter, Mrs. George Bell, I will be at 6:30 p.m. with special one third of the cost of con 1000 severely injured; Mrs. Echo Snyder of Koster Tom Magoff _ presented to you until possibly 1 duction and handling of the Mrs. George Woods, Mrs. H. H. numbers held for the various struction which in this case would reach around $8000, has his left knee last week at the {camp, cut her right foot last at ths end of the year. Certain milk were investigated. Here, Hera IV illiams, Mrs. Fred Sowers, services. caused considerable discussion Oregon-American mill, while j Thursday while chopping wood findings, however, are of suf | again, conditions were found Fred Spring, Miss Marie Kirk among those interested and the at her home. handling some machinery. 900 ficient importance to bring to among some of the producers patrick, Miss Charlotte Hilts, No Smoker In This idea* of digging their own holes First aid was rendered by a Magoff will be unable to re your immediate attenton, with which were not conducive to Mrs. Alta Neil, Miss Myrtle Pye, City October 12 and furnishing the polea seems i local doctor. sume work for two weeks. the nope that your honorable the production of clean milk, Ed Condit, Mrs. R. W. Duncan, to lose favor with most of the body will take such action as The bacterial count on the L. D. Taylor, Mrs. J. W. Gib 800 will protect the health and lives I samples from these producers son, Mrs. Lillie B. Foster, Mr. No maker \vill be held by the property owners. Another meeting will be held of your citizens. was as follows: and Mrs. N. S. Rogers, Ben Ben boxiu-» commission October 12, 1. Milk Milk specimens for Nehalem nett, Noble Dunlap, Grant Thay the dale previously announced within the near future. 700 Vernonia is a milk-drinking Creamery, Vernonia, Oregon. er, Mrs. A. J. Sitts, Wilfred for the next smoker when Swede city. A rough estimate would Producer Bacterial B. Coli Thomas, and A. J. Davidson, Nelson and Battling Schaffer of Excavation For place this cty near the top when Count Count general manager of the S. P. & Portland were to have fought Tapp Building Soon i computed to other cities in Ore (col. per cc) (per cc) S. Ry. the main event. eoo gon, in the per-capita milk con ' Eastman No reason for postponing the 10,000 0 To Be Completed In next week’s issue, other Two active leaders of the not been reached as yet will be sumption. Vernonia, however, Her event was given by the boxing 288,000 3,800 names of those who contributed Vernonia Study club, Mrs. W. E. covered. has no fontpol over the purity : Amnie Ek commission. 10,000* 1,200 I will be added. Excavation will be completed With their 18 members, the 500 Bell and Mrs. Judd Greenman, of its milk supply, and depends IC. Checkmonik 283,000 75,000 soon for the new Tapp building - • the Community Study club has carried on the captains of entirely upon the infrequent in McCormick 8,000 100 which will be constructed next Good Results Chest drive, reported the total work in a well organized Sf- spections of the state dairy and Ben Smith 40,000 0 Jim Green Family to the new Columbia building, amount of funds solicited up fort, and at the completion ot food commission. : Houghtaling From Class 818,000* 350,000 400 is the intentons of Mr. Tapp It Injured In Accident the drive will turn the funds io 8 p.m. last night as $850. The milk supply of Vernonia A. Amodt 40,000 1.500 ified Ad to have his building completed over to the trustees of the Com is furnished by one pasteurzing F. R. Hyland More than $100 was collected 11,000 — 0 by the end of the year. plant and five raw milk dairies. ; C. Barrett 61,000 from the Oregon American res munity Chest. 1,200 I never realized what Natal, Oct. 9—A Chevrolet It is understood that several 300 Several famlies buy milk from P. Bergerson quick results a person idential section alone, which 3,000* 100 dan driven by Jim Green of could get from a classified one-cow dairies, of which there I A. Wallace S.P.&S. Ry. Appoint made the best showing of any organizations will hold benefits 1,100 0 Pittsburg, accompanied by his ad inserted in the Eagle. this fall and winter, the pro are, lortunately, but a few. Not 1 H. H. Wilson I" “* 7,000* part of the city. 0 wife and small son, left the road Dr. Eby Company Two weeks ago I insert one cf the dairies inspected was I Hansen 10,000 300 j near Gales Creek Saturday even Monday, Judd Greenman tel ceeds to be applied on the com- 200 ed a classifie 1 ad, offer Physician This City fund. in a sanitary condition which Van Doren 23,000* 100 ing. going over the embankment ephoned the Community Cheat munty ing some prunes and plums To date the only lodge in this would make the production of Johnson 155,000 3.500 and turning completely over. headquarters that his friend, A. for sale. That same day Dr. Marvin R. Eby, who re- which has contributed to high-grade milk possible. Only ! E. Wallace 47,000 2,400 ! the paper was distributed J. Davidson, general manager city is tbs | cently was appointed, Oregon- the Community Chest < one nad a safe water supply. McMullin 100 2.300 1 The Greens were on their way 11,000 in the post office, people of th< s. P. & S. railway, with i American doctor was also ap- Harding lodge of ! the Knights drove out to our ranch Bacterial counts made on milk Carmichael 3,000 0 ' to 'Hillsboro to visit relatives. at Portland, had headqutu t< rs pointed physician for the Spo- and by 3 p.m. we had sold Pythias. ■pecir.tens collected from the The need for a milk ordin-j Mrs. Green was severely cut ma ilea his personal | check for of With our stock. kane, Portland and Seattle Ry.. to be only $150 various dairies were as follows: ance is at once apparent. The 1 about the face and head, and $50 to swell tne chest fund. For several days follow 1 in this city. raised to go over (colonies per ee) Hiatt Dairy, citizens of Vernonia are entitled I-her baby suffered a broken arm,' inc uiries were ing, many ‘ ---- — --------- It is predicted that before an committee in charge of the 7,000, Joe Maurer 640,000, Ne- to the protection which a milk while Mr. Green received bruises received from people who ClM«d Col.«bo. Day other week the goal of $1000 drive are coniident of success. halem Valley Ice A Creamery ordinance, properly enforced. on his head and body. had read the ad. will be reached. Several busi Down town headquarters, at Showing C.mmanily company 4,000 The Bank of Vernonia will be (pasteurized would give them. Typhoid fever, I am convinced that a The Greens were picked up ness houses are not yet solicited Mac’s Pharmacy, receives dona classified ad gets results. Chest Drive closed all day Saturday, October milk), Weed dairy 6,000, H. C. septic sore throat, diphtheria. by a passing tourist, and taken and different sections of the tions from those who wish to H. M. CONDIT. S P.M. Wednesday, Oct. 12, in observance of Columbus Gray 6,000, Rock Creek Dairy scarlet fever, tuberculosis and to the Hillsboro hospital for residential district which have leave their offerings. day. Please turn to page 8 10,000. medical aid. Final Score 7 to 6 > “ Library. ’ Mrs. Marvin Health Department Submits First Report To City Council; Shows Milk, Sewer Ordinance Need r — 1 Only Need $150 To Reach Community Chest Goal; Will Try To Complete Drive Soon a d