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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1929)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THUFSPAY, AUGUST 1», 1929 Classified Advertising First insertion, per word ... lc (No service less than 25c). Succeeding insertions, per word....... 6c (No service less than 15c) Black face heading», each word counts the same as two words. Cash should accompany the order. When a statement is required the minimum charge is 30c. Classified column* close at 12 o'clock Wednesday noon. WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE—Modern 3 house, terms. Inquire Clatsop St. room 1025 ltf MODERN 5 -room house for sale on the corner of First ave. and Clatsop street. See owner for information. 24* ---------------------------------------- FOR SALE—Team horses, good for heavy work, weighs around 1500 pounds. Inquire Otto Seidelman, Pebble creek. 14* BARRED Rock and R. I. Red chicks, 5 weeks old, at 30c each, while they last. Sunshine Hatchery, on Corey hill. 21* FOR SALE—5-room house, part ly furnished. Modern. Located on corner of Weed Avenue and Cougar Sts. For particulars in quire at Eagle office. FOR RENT MODERN eight room house, close in. Bath, toilet, lavatory, sink, hot water, garage. Good street, sidewalk. Recently painted out- aide, just papered inside. $25 per month. See J. C. Lindley at bank. 40tf t----------------------------------------------- FOR RENT 4-room modern house on First avenue. J. C. Lindley at Bank of Vernonia. tf FOR RENT 6 room house un furnished. Mrs. E. S. Cleve land, Corner Rose avenue and Columbia Sts. 21* FOR RENT — 2- and 4-room houses. Inquire at 542 Third street. 21* in the office of the county clerk. WANTED—Plain and fancy * Each bidder shall deposit, sewing or dressmaking. Coat with his bid, a certified check making and alterations, experi for an amount of at least five enced seamstress. Mrs. J. . R. (5) per cent of his bid, payable Clerk, which Cooper, 1126, Washington St., to the County J/ernonia. 5 ltf shall be forfeited to the county m case the award is made to WANTED—Any kind of sew him, and he shall neglect, fail ing, quilting or home cooking or refuse, for a period of five by Willing Workers of Chris days after such award is made, tian church. 22 to enter into a contract and file the required bond. WANTED — position as truck The right is reserved to re driver, years experience. In ject any and all bids. quire Riverview Service Station. John Philip, county judge. 21* J. N. Miller, commissioner. Notice of Administrator’s Sale T. B. Mills, commissioner NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given (hat J. W. Barney, roadmaster. the undersigned as administrator St. Helens, Oregon,, August J. W. Hunt, county clerk, 2, 1929.—Sealed proposals, ad Date of first publication Aug- of the estate of Jens Langum, deceased, will receive bids for dressed to the county court of ust 8, 1929. Columbia county, Oregon, at St. Date of last publication Aug- the sale of the Jens Langum property for cash in hand Up Helens, Oregon, and endorsed ust 22, 1929. to and including the 31st daf “Proposal for doing the follow- of August, 1929, said property ing work in Columbia county, NOTICE OF SCHOOL DIS- being described as follows: to-wit: TRICT BOND ELECTION Three corner piece of land Construction of a concrete State of Oregon, county of 172 feet on highway located Jn bridge over the i'JÄst Fork of the Nehalem river at Pittsburg Columbia, school district No. Riverview Addition Tract mark ed “C” located in Section 3 T will be received by said County 47.—ss. ** Court until Two o’clock p.m., Notice is hereby given that 4 R 4 W. of W. M. Reserve the right to reject Saturday, August 24, 1929 and' at the school district bond elec- • > not thereafter, and at that time I tion hereby called to be held any and all bids. Andrew M. Parker, ■ Adminis- will be publicly opened and read. at the Washington school in the All proposals must be made j city of Vernonia, in and for upon blank forms, to be obtain school district No. 47 of Colum- Notice of Hunting or Fishing ed from the Roadmaster, at his bia county, Oregon, on Tuesday Without A License office in St. Helens, Oregon....................... the 3rd day of September, A. Notice is hereby given that Must give prices proposed, both D. 1929, between the hours of all persons hunting or fishing in writing and in figures, and two o’clock P. M. and seven without a license will be sub must be signed by the bidder, o’clock p.m. there will be sub- ject to fine from $25 to $500. with his address. | mitted to the legal voters there No excuse will be given for Plans and specifications are of the question of contracting leaving them at home. on file at the office of the' a bonded indebtedness in the By order State /Game Warden, county Roadmaster of Columbia sum of seventy-five thousand Wm. BROWN. county, at the office of the dollars ($75,000) for the pur state Bridge Engineer at Salem,1 pose of providing funds with Seaside—State highway de Oregon, and may be examined which to erect and furnish a partment started oiling Roose velt highway south of here. Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. BEAUTY SHOPS HAULING ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Truck For Local and Long Distance Hauling ASPLAND Plumbing & Electric Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving, Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 QUICK SERVICE I’hone 293 Phone 193 Marcelling, Finger Waving, permanent Waving, Shampoo ing and Manicuring. ESSIE NANCE BEAUTY SHOP Over Corey’s Store. Tel. 222 PLUMBING General Plumbing Curly Buffmire TRANSFER Bafford Brothers HOTEL General Plumbing/ NEHALEM HOTEL Vernonia** Oldest and up-to-date hotel. Vernonia mout Mrs. Grace Scott, Manager POOL HALL BAKERS PLACE Confection« Soft Drinks—Cigar« Billiards and Pool LAWYERS CONTRACTOR LESTER SHEELEY JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Attorney-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon RESTAURANT Mary Kato Mason Work, Building GORDON R. WATT ' Attorney-at-law DENTISTS school building in and for said on a Train. Whsi hs grow up. aev- district. The vote to be by ballot up oral million man and a score of on which shall be the words billions of dollaro of capital were "Bonds............ Yes,” and “Bonds g IV a a profitable employment ............ No”; and the voter shall through his Inventions. Even In place a cross (X) between the middle life,' Thomas Edison con word “Bonds” and the word tinued to work twenty hours a day, ¡“Yes” or between the word if necessary tp achieve his purpose. Leadership Is not play. Leader “Bonds” and the word “No," ship offers «buntless positions of which iindicates his choice. varying oppdrtublty, of which the The polls for the reception of highest pinnacles will mean almost the ballots cast for or against unbearable responsibility in the the contraction of said indebted new eta. There Will bo mon with ness will, on said day and date the fire and iron to qualify even and at the plaee aforesaid, be for these places. Such men must opened at the hour of two have bad the very finest prepara o’clock p.m. and remain open tion and the most grueling tests. until the hour of seven o'clock Their reward will bo the attain- p.m. of the same day, when the moat of these highest pinnacles same shall be closed. of achievement, and the rendering By order of the district school of an Immeasurable service to their board of school district No. 47 times. Columbia county, Oregon, made this 13th day of August, A. D. 1929. Ben S. Owens, Chairman dis trict school board, Columbia county school district No. 47. Attest: W. W. Wolff, district clerk. 22 Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon PHYSICIANS Chop Suey Restaurant You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. Marvin R. Eby, M. D. SHINGLE MILL Physician and Surgeon Phone 891 Dr. J. A. Hughes Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 • Oregon Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Johnston & McGraw Shingle Co. VERNONIA YOUTH—AND THE NEW LEADERSHIP r By CRAIG B. HAZLEWOOD President American Bankers Asso- , ciatlon I EADERSHIP is a plcturesqus “ word. With It, one pictures Hannibal lighting his way through the passes of the Alps—Na poleon In his campaigns—or Wash! n g t o n holding to gether his half frozen army by the sheer magnetism of his character at Valley Forge. But I visualize some th 1 n g that Cralfl n. Hazlswood holds a more astounding spectacle In many re spects than any of these. It Is the onrush at our business life. Our economic progress plunges ahead at a rate unheard of In the htitory of the nations of the world and every industrial and financial lead er is dally brought face to face with new and perplexing problems re quiring the highest courage and in telligence for their solution. Ninety billions a year, they tell us, this country Is now producing in new wealth. The rate of In crease is even more staggering than tbe amount It is difficult to say where it may lead us la efea ten or fifteen years. We are moving exceptionally fast. Our economic and Industrial structure Is placing before us prob lems of greater and greater magni tude. Few men can see tar ahead. Few are in complete control, for this Is a changing world, aa even the most Inexperienced business man will readily testify. Our meth ods of adjusting ourselves rapidly to economic changes and of cooper ating are far from perfect. What an opportunity the leader ship of five, ten or fifteen yean from now preBente! What an ad venture It will be! What responsi bilities It will lay npon the broad est shoulders that may be found! Thia la the challenge to leadership aa I see it In the hands of the young men must rest the respon sibility for this leadership. Beys Who Reachsd the Plnnaelee Lodge and Club Notices This directory of Vernonia lodges and clubs will give you quick information on meeting dates and officials. A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. F. D. Macpherson, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. Order of Eastern Star Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu nication first and third Wed- of each at Ma- Temple. visiting sis ters and broth ers welcome. Mrs. Ramona Lindley, W.M. Mrs. Grace Rjberger, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors always welcome. Irma Higdon. Noble Grand. Edna Linn, Vice Grand. Marie O’Donnell, Secretary. American Legion Veraonia Poet 119, American Legion. Meets second and fourth Tuesdayi each month, 8 p. m. John Hay, Adjutant KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE IIS Meets every Monday night in the W.O.W. hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. W. Van Doren. C.C. E. Messing, K. R. S. American Legion Auxiliary Meets first and third Mondays of each month at the Legion hall. Mrs. C. J. Nance, Pres. Mrs. P. Wideman, See. I. O. O. F. WOMENS RELIEF I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. Pythian Sisters CORPS 246 meets every Tuesday night Veraonia Temple 61 meets 8 o’cloela in Grange hall. Vis •vary 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in Meets third Thursday of each at itors always welcome. W.O.W. hall. month at the W. O. W. hall. H. E. Stevenson, N. G. MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. John Glassner, Secretary. Mrs. Lee Hall, president DtLLA CLINE, M. of R. A C. Business Is full of the romance of youngsters whoso chief char acteristic was working hard and keeping at IL There was a green farmer boy who decided ho would rather stand behind a counter than follow a plow. He seemed so ob viously lacking in sales ability that for a time no merchant would hire him. He failed In his first position, and In bls second bls salary was reduced. He sveb sgreed thst he was a misfit—but he stuck. Out of bls first five stores, I believe, three failed. But he persisted and worked hand. And that boy, Frank W. Wool worth, became ths greatest retail merchant In the world with a store in every city of eight thousand or more population In this country. There was another lad wbo clerked In a grocery store slxteea hours a day and studied mathe matics In his odd moments. Ho became Interested in the doings of the steel plant whose emnloyoee traded at this store. Ho began to study steel and sought a position la tbe plant Ho carried a sur veyor’s chain and drove stakes. At night he studied mathematics and engineering. He did not doopair. He could not bo diverted. Ho kept tbe pressure oa for seven yean. And that boy, Charles Schwab, mastered the Iron Industry and be came one of the country’s groat industrial loaders. Thors was g lad jrh* RM papers MAIL BOX THEFTS AID CHECK FORGERS Amprican Bankers Association in Nationwide Warning Ex* poses Methods and Gives Rules to Combat Them. NEW YORK—Actlvs operations la many cities of mall box thieves, who open bank communications to customers, containing details of their accounts and cancelled checks showing their banking sig natures, and use this material In perpetrating check forgeries, have led the American Bankers Associa- tlon to issue a nationwide warning to its members with instructions for oombating Inis form of crime. The warning aa sent out by James E. Baum in charge oi the associa tion’s Protective Department says: ‘‘Heavy losses are being sus- taiaed through cancelled vouchers and statements stolen from tbe mall boxes of bank depositors in apartment and office buildings, thus divulging the aeposltors' bal ances and supplying models for tqrged checks. As a step to put customers on guerd against these methods, banks are urged to In- Struct every depositor to whom they mall statements of deposit ac counts on the last business day of each month to notify them prompt ly if such statements sffe not re- ooived by ths close of the next day. “Also banks should educate de positors to safeguard blank checks and cancelled vouchers as they would money. Such paper stolen by forgers soon puts real money is their hands. It all bank checks and cancelled vouchers were se curely kept tn safes Instead of fil ing eabinets or desks, the check crooks would be denied their chief stock tn trade, namely, genuine blank checks and signatures. Warnings to depositors against leaving blank or cancelled checks accessible to sneak thieves or bur glars should be sent out at once. “Estimates broadcast by surety companies Indicate tbat Individu als, merchants, hotels and others outside of banking are shouldering mors than »9 per cent of the total amount of forgery losses. Ths bulk of forgery loss on checks Is sustained by those who are willing SEVEN to risk accepting them without re BANKERS DEVELOP liable proof of Identity or title of NOVEL INSTITUTE the presenter. “Years ago the Protective De The Oeorgis Bankers Associa partment of the American Bankers tion In cooperation with the State Association adopted the slogan, College of Agriculture has sponsor ‘Strangers are not always crooks, ed a aeries of tai mere’ Institutes but crooks are usually strangers.’ in various parts of the State of If those outside of banking could an entirely new character. The be prevailed upon to observe this principal feature la a large and rule and think about It when con comprehensive exhibit transported sidering accepting a check for their in four large trucks and set up at merchandise or services, tor which each stop. When set up It fills a they are Slso asked to give a sub space 40 by (0 feet and consists stantial sum In cash In change, one of panels, charts, and modela on of the biggest aids to the forgery practically every phase of agricul business would bo denied the tura. crooks.” BIRKENFELD have aa their guest this week their daughter and children of Salem. Lewis Stanton left by train for Oakland, Calif., last Thurs day, he was accompanied to Portland by his father A. R. Stanton. Miss Doris Limm is spending a couple of weeks with her fa ther and grandparents at Ridge field, Wn. Mrs. Wm. Prutzman was pleasantly surprised when her brother Virgie Williams of Van- couver brought Mr. and Mrs. Don Wililams and Mr. and___ Mrs. Edwin Wililams from Indiana to visit them. SCROD BULL IS Mr. and Mrs. L. Monnie mo- __ New Zealand spinach stands tored to Portland last Friday. -he heat better than ordinary HALED TO COURT Miss Helen Beach is spending ing ipinach and so is obtainable dur the hottest months. Strip the week with Mrs. Larson at the leaves from the stems, wash Placed on Trial for Hindering Buster camp. well, and cook in an uncovered Development and Prosperity Mrs. Frank Ridley and daugh- pan with only enough water to ter Goldie motored over ___ ____ from prevent burning. Add salt when of Dairy Industry. ,the spinach has wilted sufficient Castle Rock last Friday. ly, chop, and mix with butter Indicted tor robbery, larceny Link Lilac of Vernonia has before serving. Serve vinegar or and a few other such charges, moved his family to Birkenfeld diced lemon with spinach. Scrub Bull went on trial for his He is now working for the Bir lite at Laurel, Mississippi, recent kenfeld Lumber company. Purses Paid Local ly. It seems tbat for some time Dan Matthews and family people had suspicions that Mr. Bull from Portland Equal That Paid In spent Sunday was hindering the right and law with Mrs. Mathew’s sister, Mrs. Most Other Cities ful development of the dairy Indus P. H. Skaling. try, thereby “maliciously and wil Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilkie, Lloyc fully lowering production and de From page 6 creasing profits in ths dairy busi Beach and Bud Larson left Sun boxers and especially beginners ness,’’ says the Bulletin of the day morning on a motor trip would battle their fights in the to northern Saskatchewan. They American Bankers Association Ag intend spending a few days in ring before a crowd of apprecia tive fans, than listen ' to a lee- ricultural Commission in comment Spokane, Lake Louise, Banff .ture by a so-called manager, on ing on the case. and Calgary. They will then mo how good his boxer is, and the This, it says, was the first trial tor on to north Battleford reason he shouldn’t meet this of Its kind ever held In tbat sec where Mr. Wilkie will oversee and that scrapper ., _______ __ because the tion and was attended by several the harvesting and threshing of other bird is not in his man’s his crop. He owns 2000 acres of hundred people. Tbe jury, repre class, and, Oh yes, that flat senting every vocation within the choice farm land in that district. guarantee, and get this, he They expect to return in about boundaries of the Laurel trade ter wishes his man to fight away ritory, rendered a unanimous ver 60 days. Mr. Wilkie will then from home, bigger chance for open up a garage and service dict of “guilty." Tbe death sen a sep, don’t cher know, and all tence was pronounced, “but during station. that sort of rot. But they forget the nigbt, before the sentence an important factor, in fact the KOSTER CAMP could be carried out, friends of the most important one that we convict secretly spirited him away know of. What chance as a rule Nick Engen and brother have has a boxer who is trying to and he has not been seen since." Tbe arraignment came during the been ill the past week. build up a rep, by good fighting, Milk Products 8how Sponsored by etc. if he begins like a man S. O ’ Donnell and family have the banks of Laurel. People at without a country, and doesn’t been on the sick list. tending the show had tbe opportu even care for the support of nity of also attending the bull’s Eben Johns is employed at his home town. Some pretty fine "trial'’ and went away firmly con the Lindsay mill now. fighters have lost a chance in vinced of the seriousness of lax the big fight racket because a Wm. Lindsay of the Lindsay community has failed to get in and out-of-date methods In the pur suit of dairying. Ths purposes of Lumber company has been sick back of their man, because he both the Milk Products Show and the past few days. had some time or other during the trial were threefold, namely: --L Bls VIIVIll, *’* — s. .w...fss> camPa>8 n assess high I1HVVCU hatted them, T. II. Lines visited his folks i r~ J 1x » - ..... to develop public sentiment for at Sandy over Sunday and re and the best kind of publicity more and better Jerseys; to foster ports they like their place fine. that any fighter can receive, is a more cooperative spirit for dairy that from his own home town, ing and livestock growing, and to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hodge, that he is their choice, etc. they promote tick eradication. Mrs. Al. Webb and Mrs. Wm. are in back of him and all that. The banks of Laurel entered Prutzman motored to Astoria on But when we see these un- Into a cooperative arrangement In Monday. kosher scrappers struggling along their efforts tor fostering agrlcul- I big ideas, outgrown their home turai development and successful I Lee Kirk and H. W. Kingsley can get farming In the community, offering have contracted the falling and town, thinking they along without even favorable $2,165 aa premiums to the out- i bucking job for the Lindsay publicity, it reminds us of a standing farm workers throughout ! Lumber company. remark made a few days ago the territory during 1929. An in Wesley Vandercook, the Mrs. J. C. Jones and sons by structive booklet baa been Issued, showing the agricultural activity of the Monmumental Works at builder of the Longview bridge, ------ ------ end one of America’s foremost bridge of the banks, together with an Salem visited over the week —*------ . ’ who " said, “favorable nouncements of contests for farm with her sister Mrs. C. W. Ben-I®"?!?**™ publicity staked up maybe in ers, exhibits In the bank lobbies nett and family. small quantities, makes a won- and offered. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Meiski'derful reserve in time of need.”