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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1929)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, IMI VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO Society News Mr». Wayne Clubs Lappe, Phone 573 Society Reporter Fraternal Offic« Phon« 192 * Lten, Gilbert Miller, Roy Allen, Naw Arrival It would bring Saddle mountain Pioneer Picnic <1____ 1.1 ox:..)— ..-.I,. — I Born to Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Harold Shipley, ï-' E. Norgorden, within an hour’s drive of Sea i Hurley at the Portland Sanitar Harold Nelson, Russell Mills, side and. this city could offer Held Sunday On ium Friday August 9, a baby Norman Green, Glenn Hawkins, a combination . of . recreational girl 7 % pounds. Mother and Bevan Igou, Edward Roles, Lewis features that could hardly Cedar Mountain daughter are doing well. , William Culver and equaled in the Northwest. Charles Wall. This is Seaside’s unrivaled op- Margaret Shipley, Amy Hughes, A pioneer picnic was held at Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ritchey portunity.—Seaside Signal. Complimenting the bride-elects Burns—Structural »teel i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald Pat Moune. Betty Ann Culver, Dixie park on Cedar mountain at Edward Hines Western work Glady F Krinick, j returned Saturday from a two Miss Bessie McDonald and Miss Kenneth Lewis Gives Pine announce the engagement of Wayne Wall, last Sunday, which was attended Dorothy Holtham, Zelma a New. ’ weekj vacation trip to Califor- company sawmill plant well I un- U. S. Department of Agriculture IIazel Malmsten, Mrs. E. E. Gar- their daughter Bessie to E. J. Party For Friends by many old settles of the Ne Messrs, Charles Wall, Edward ¡nia. Leaving Portland on Sun derway. The careful livestock feeder ner entertained with an elabor Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Roles, Kenneth Whitsell, Cecil On His Birthday halem valley, among who were E. Bell of this city. ■ Burt, Tommy Bateman, Thor day, July 29, they arrived at watches each animal and feeds a‘e ^aa Wednesday afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick of Sacramento late that night af according to the animal’s needs. Miss been 1 McDonald ...... has Roosevelt highway will be this city. teaching in the Vernonia schools Roberts, Harold Shipley, Herbert ter 21 hours of continual driv Many farm animals are under- ‘ The list of those who attend Kenneth Lewis entertained a John Krinick is the son of graded between Waldport and ing. A week was spent in and fed and can not produce a pro ed was not available at the time number of his friends jin the for the past three years and is I Rolfe, and Gilbert Miller, about San Francisco visiting re fit on _........ the Eagle went to press yester- occasion of his eleventh birth the first settler who homestead Yachats. also very active in Camp Fire---------------------- the _....... feed __ they get. ed on Cedar mountain, going latives and friends. The return work, having been guardian of Mrs. J. C. Lindley The growing of one intertill- ^ay- day anniversary at his parents over a pack trail in 1881. trip mas made over the Redwood ed crop following a good clover------------------------- the Lolila group for the past home on the O. A. hill last Oscar Weed, present sheriff Entertains Bridge highway stopping at the Oregon or alalfa sod is excellent in a three years. Thursday afternoon. The guests of Columbia county taught Mr. Bell has recently return I Club at Her Home caves at Grants Pass and at rotation, but the common prac Mr. and Mrs. O. T. were, Ruth Page Simmons, Leia school many years ago in the Salem on Thursday and Friday tice of growing two or more in ed from Alaska and is at present Bateman Entertain Beveridge, Lyle and Lewis Beve vicinity where the picnic was employed by the Mellinger Hard- tertilled crops in succession after Mrs. J. C. Lindley entertain-1 at the Legion convention. ridge, Audrey Austin, Rachel held last Sunday. At Arcadia Park ware company. Leona Laver of Port- Miss the clover or alfalfa is a mis ed the members of the Bridge aid Vie Throop, Charles and The wedding will take place club on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. land accompanied Mr. and Mrs. take, intertillage inevitably Ruby Tais, Harold and Eiemora Chapel Car Here in the near future. Ritchey on their trip. causes rapid destruction of the M. Grunden receiving high score. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman Graven, Martha Middlebrook, The Catholic truth society soil organic matter. Mrs. F. I). Macpherson sub were hosts at a delightful danc- Howard McGillvary and Buster chapel car arrived in this city I Sweet-cream butter made for ing party at Arcadia park last Nance. stituted for Mrs. W. Meyer and The Short Road to the Sea Miss Laura Smith Monday noon and is located .. ................. Mrs. E. E. Yeo for Mrs. M. , Wednesday evening when they Comments on the part of peo- winter use will keep best if next to the American Legion Honored By Friends Space. The other members of , pie driving the Lower Columbia stored in brine made of one entertained many of the younger Marjorie Lange Enter hall where they will hold lec With Dancing Party the club who were present were, i hjBhway r between Portland and part of salt to three parts of people of Vernonia. The large tains Friends Friday turers and services until next Mrs. M. Ruhl, Mrs. A. L. Kul-1 Seaside are sufficient to make water, says the Bureau of Dairy open air pavilion was decorated Sunday evening. Complimenting Miss Laura lanler, Mrs. K. A. McNeill, Mrs. those interested in the welfare Industry, U. S. department of with black and white crepe pa- Father C. F. Sharp, a Jesuit Marjorie Lange and her guest Smith of McNary, Arizona, and A. J. Black and Mrs. J. W. of the city consider the prob agriculture. Hutter stored by the per streamers and red and white __ ___ The many shaded Dorothy Crow of Portland were priest is in charge of the car. lem which lias arisen regarding bureau in dry salt and paraffin balloons. formerly a resident of Vernonia, Brown. the accessibility of Seaside from deteriorated on the surface. Be lights shedding a soft glow on j pleasantly surprised by a num a group of the younger set en Astoria—Construction work Portland. The problem will be- sure to use enough salt in the the dancers. At one end in a ber of their friends last Friday will start this fall on power tertained with an I impromptu Visitors Here Inspect afternoon. Games and a sewing brine, wrap the butter in parch-¡bower of evergreens punch was come more aggravated as time dancing party at Arcadia park Oregon American Mill goes on and unless Seaside is ment butter paper, and see that served to the guests by Roberta bee for the girls were the di- house and laundry for St. Mary’s Tuesday night. the rolls are entirely submerg- Williams and Marjorie Holtham, ver.s>ons of the afternoon after hospital. Those attending were Mrs. 0. The Rev. F. H. Shaul, pastor able to do something about it ed “J in xl . - black - - and' wh’ch a dainty lunch was served the . brine. . dressed in clever T. Bateman, Mis. Drake Smith, of the First Christian church we will suffer from the situa- I by Mrs. Lange. Those present j white costumes. or “50,” “40” or “30” Mrs. M. F. Ruhl, Mr. and Mrs. of Monrovia, Calif., Mrs. Shaul tion. (were Mr. and Mrs. Newell M. Gründen, Misses Wayne Wall, /¡nd Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Taylor, It . is evident that people do Picnic ... ...« Jones i The prize waltz won by Mr. At the a smash is dead cer __ , Margaret and June Mc- Helen Hieber, Della Cline, Mar-' delegates from the Monrovia not like to drive over the Lower I a. TL J an<l Mrs- W. F. Briot and the Lucile, Marvin and June Home Last I hursday prize foxtrot won by Miss Alma Nutt, garet Shipley, Alma Kullander, church to the international con Columbia highway. They say so tain to cause serious Wood, Ellis, Homer, Florence Phoebe Greenman, Amy Hughes, vention of Christian churches and it is impossible to argue j Kullander and Roy Allen were and Dorothy Austin. property damage or Mr. and Mrs. A. E. , ___ , B Thelma Scott, Luella Williams, being held in Seattle this past that the highway is sufficient (Doc.) judged by Mrs. Judd Greenman, Gladys Krinick, Messrs, Loel ’ week were guests of Mr. and for the needs of this district and Jones, Irol and Elmo Aldrich, Mrs. ”... E. E. Yeo, Mrs. W. B. personal injury. Then Hieber, E. Norgorden, Walter Mrs. Frank Hanson last Thurs- that there is no reason why it sons of Mrs. Irol, Mrs. Emma Lappe and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Return From Trip To —claims, fees, bills. Reed, Charles Hoffman, should not be used. As a mat O'Donnell and Danny and Mick- Hughes. British Columbia Leave for Portland ey O’Donnell and John Hay en-i Tt.™ uuu Mills, Marshall Malmsten Those invited were Mrs. „ Judd | While in Vernonia they visit ter of fact people stay away joyed a picnic dinner on the Greenman, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs Morris Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes ed the Oregon-American mill from Seaside rather than make Nehalem river rt the Jcr.ce But you need not - at the Jones home W. - B. Lappe, Mr. and Mrs. A^ and Mr. Hughes’ niece, Miss I and were impressed by the size the drive down the Columbia on the Timber STAGES road Thursday J. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. worry if you carry river. The highway was built Doris Williams of Mrs. Drake Smith And Shreveport, Via St. Helens 7:00 a.m. 1 of the local mill. I Ilriot, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hart- La., returned Sunday from a ten years ago as a “sight-see- evening. daily, lli 10 daily, 5:50 I Daughter of Arizona Automobile Insurance ing” route. It does not serve wick, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Holy- four-day trip to the Rainier Na- p.m. daily. Pay Friends a Visit L-olila Group of Camp Aid Society Of The l eld, Misses Amy Hughes, Na- tional park, Vancouver, B. C., the purpose of a tnrougn route provided that insur Vi« Forest Grove 7:00 Fire Pass Tests between two points. It is dan- dine Schow, Wayne Wall, Alma and Victoria, B. C.. At Victoria a.m. daily except Sundays, Christian Church To ance is adequate for Mrs. Drake Smith and daughter Kullander, Gladys Krinick, Ma- 2:30 p.m. Mondays, 3:30 g'.-rqus when crowded or wh - several hours were spent in Meet On August 21 J eile Roberts, Zelma New, Doro- visiting Laura, of McNary, Arizona, The Lolita group of Camp and it follows an indirect routs p.m. daily except Saturdays the world famous Buc- all emergencies. were Vernonia visitors on Tues- Fire Girls under the guard ian- i etween Portland and the sea. and Mondays, 5:30 p.m. .. . ! thy Holcomb, Phoebe Greenman, hardt gardens. The sunken Jap The Aid society of the Chris- Thelma Spencer, Charlotte Green, anese garden, in these gardens day and Wednesday. The Smiths lup of Miss Bessie McDonald Saturdays. This is an age of speed. Auto Violet Phelps, is reputed to be unique of its were Vernonia residents f for. spent last Thursday afternoon mobile drivers have learned the tian church held their regular Helen Hieber, Consult us for rates several years. Mr. Smith at that and evening at Arcadia park, habit, on modern highways, of meeting August 7, at the home Margaret Shiplev, Betty Ann kind. without obligation. United Rys. Train ¡Culver, Luella Williams, Zelma time being plant superintendent After a picnic luncheon six traveling last and they demand of Mrs. R. L. Stubbs. 11:50 a.m. daily, arrive Next meeting will be held in Scott, Merle Mills, Doris Wil- of the Oregon American Lumber members of the group passed a road on which this can be Hillsboro—Building permit is- Portland 2.00 p.m. company. While here Mrs. the Pollywog and Frog swim done in safety. They want to the church parlors August 21, Hams of Shreveport, La., Messrs, ------ sued for remodeling Hillsboro Smith ami Laura were the guests ming tests and were awarded drive over the shortest route as a birthday party honoring Hale Greenman, Thor Roberts, | Christian church edifice. M. W. Mumbach, city agent Best Insurance Of of Mrs. 0. T. Bateman. the insigna of these tests. The between two points and they Mrs. Sitts and Mrs. Hyland. Mrs. Loel Roberts, Kenneth Whitsell, Burns—Welcome hotel coffee Phone 863 Rose Stankey ’ s group furnishing awards were made to the fol feel that to add 50 miles to a Walter Reed, Lowell Hieber, shop will open to public in near R. M. Aldrich, station Agt. All Kinds lowing members o' the group, trip is too much for the end in the entertainment for the after Morris Bennett, Marshall Malm- future. Mrs. Warren Goodin Railway Station noon. Katherine Malmsten, Joy Bush, view. They can find other high Phone 161 Hostess at Party On Dorothy Black, Louise Roberson, ways which will meet their re Saturday Evening Nelle Green and Gladys Garner. {Uirements and Seaside loses In the evening the girls en- in consequence, The Lower Co Mrs. Warren Goodin was the ioyed watermelon and toasted tumbia highway does not meet The Agency Of hostess at a surprise pnrty Sat- marshmallow feed. the demands of modern traffic urday evening on the occasion and that fact puts Seaside at Personal Service of the birthday anniversary of Corvallis—Monroe a disadvantage in the competit her husband. Cards and dancing ing improved. ion for the tourist and vacation ist. The short route to the sea must be built and until it is built Seaside and the Clatsop beaches Will never reach the de velopment of which they are capable. A glance at the high way map shows that a practi cable route has already been developed, with the exception of a few miles, from Portland to Seaside. Market roads extend out of Portland through Hills-1 boro and Vernonia to Mist anil j the Clatsop county line. Another route, probably even more de-' ¡ruble, is through - St. Helens I to Mist ar.d the county line, j (By Mrs. M .rk E. Moe) Clatsop county is rapidly co m- Address all communications to Mrs. Mark E. Moe, Ver pleting a market road from nonia, Oregon. 11 personal replies afe desired, enclose Jewell to connect with the com- a stumped addressed envelope. ploted section west of Mist. When this road is finished there MOCHA CAKES ins, each cake being cut in two will be a through highway from layers. Layers are put together Bake a sponge cake mixture is small cakes. The top is spread 1’ u-tland through Vernonia and in sheets. Shape in small rounds, inoothly With frosting, then or- Mist to Astoria, by wily of the and cut in three layers. Put lamcnted with large pieces, of Klatskanine river. That highway layers together with a thin coat candied fruit arranged in de is within six miles of the head ing of frosting. Spread frost sign, and frosting forced through waters of the Lewis and Clark and about the same distance ing around sides and roll in >astry bag and tube. from the headwaters of the Ne- shredded cocoanut. Ornament canicum. Ronds exist nt present VEAL CUTLETS top with frosting forced through along both of these streams. A a pastry bag and tube, using Uso slices of veal from leg junction with cither of the ex the rose tube. Begin at center of top and coil frosting around eut Vi inch thick. Wipe, remove isting roads would pass the base > until surface is covered, Gar- bone and skin, then cut in pieces of Saddle mountain and both | made by the nish center of top with a candi- for serving. The long, irregular mould lead almost directly to’ ■hoped pieces may be rolled, and Seaside. ed cherry. fastened with small wooden A short route to the sea would ' Sponge Cake for Mocha Cake« skewers. Sprinkle with salt and be an accomplished fact if the I Yolks of 2 eggs pepper; dip in flour, egg, and state highway commission would 4 tablespoons hot water > ruinbs and saute slowly, until take over this route and finish % cup sugar "II browned in salt pork fat the work already begun by the »A teaspoon lemon extract or butter, then remove cutlets counties. Less than ten miles of Whites of 2 eggs o stewpun and pour over two new construction (when Clatsop 1 cup flour cups of Brown sauce. Place on county finishes its share) would 11* teaspoons baking pow back of range and cook slowly be necessary. Much of the route der. forty minutes, or until cutlets would not even have to he im-1 Add yolks of eggs to hot wa are tender. proved. On the other hand some j An institution which ter and beat until thick; then Veal may be cooked first in of it would require much work ' add gradually, while beating| I m ____ |,o ..... i]|nK water until tender, then ■nd considerable exepnse before is a credit to the constantly, sugar and lemon ex-| ------------ (.rumbe<| — an<1 ........ The water it would be a first class high tract. Add whites of eggs, beat i in which the veal was cooked way... community en until stiff, and fold'in flour, I may he used for the sauce. Ar- This route would open the mix and sifted with baking pow- - raaKe „J on hot platter, strain Saddle mountain district and der. Turn into buttered and I sauce, and pour around the cut make possible the development floured pan ar bake in a mod- lets. Garnish with parsley. of the «date park on the peak. 0 minutes. erste oven fo ( Brown Sauce for Veal Cutlets Brown four tablespoons hut Frosting for Mocha Calce» | ter, add four tablespoons flour, Wash H cup butter, add one ¡and stir until well browned, cup powdered sugar gradually, Add gradually one and one-half and beat until creamy. Then cups of stock or water, or half add one cup cream filling which stock and half stewed and strain has been cooled. Flavor with ed tomatoes and bring to the Mi teaspoon vanilla and 1 Vi boiling point. Season with salt, squares of melted chocolate. pepper, lemon juice, and Wor This frosting may be colored cestershire sauce. The trimmings pink, yellow, green or lavender, from veal may be covered with and flavored with rose, vanilla, t’s cups cold water, allowed to or a combination of Hlmond and heat slowly to boiling point, then vanilla. Large Mocha Cakes are cooked, strained, and used for baked in two round layer cake sauce. Brides Elect Honored With Tea Wednesday were the pleasures of the even-1 McDonald-Beil ing after which a delicious lun-' Bet urn Home cheon was served by the hos I Engage tn cut Is tess. Guests included Mr. and, From Southern • Mrs. H. V. MbAlIister, Misses Trip Last Week Announced Here I I .Macile Roberts, Almp Kullander, At Per S. P. & s Stages and 1 rains United Railways Co. Excelled by None Kitchen Recitals Mothers bread Pastries Cakes and Pies Bakery Clearing House for the farmer EVERNONIA TRADING COMPANY! kOnmite LY SPRAY flies-mosquitoes, roaches ¿’mothslice and many other insects Of interest to all should be the fact that where possible, our feeds, ,hay, etc. are purchased from farmers in the Nehalem valley who are also our best customers. Hay, Feeds Fly Foil Spray Binders Sold in Bulk OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Twine Grain Contractors Material Vernonia Trading Company Phone 682 » Vernonia Ed. Tapp Cass Bergerson Jos. Scott «