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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1929)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1929 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. E. Doris and family from Forest Grove were visiting here last week. son Dickie motored to Portland on Friday. C ar! Layman attended the Mrs. R. Stanton spent the Mrs. Perry Mellinger and sis- bal gsmes in Portland Sunday. day with her folks last week. ter called at the home of Mr. Everett Dukes, who underwent Baker Thursday Mr. and Mrs. E. Synel and and Mrs. S. evening. a minor operation at St Vin son were Vernonia shoppers. cent's hospital has returned to Mr. and Mrs. E. Lisenbe were Frank Smith hauled a load of his home at I.-P. camp 2. at Vernonia on Saturday. Mr. lumber for Chas. Uhlin. Lisenby is able to be at home Mrs. Holbrook of Cole creek. Wm. Brown is hauling 1 hay after his recent illness. Wash., is visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and from the Harris place. Mrs. Pete Holbrook. MIST Mr. Warfield is helping Mr. Mrs. Dudley Nickson of Port Treharne with haying. land spent the week end visit Chas. Ward was on the sick Mrs. May Doris and son mov ing in I.-P. camp taking in the list a few days last week. ed to Portland Monday. dance. Mrs. Devine and Mrs. A. Otis Hyland was in Vernonia Mrs. J. N. Jacobson and son Dowling spent Thursday shop Friday evening. Jimmie of Portland visited in ping in Clatskanie. camp over the week end taking Bert Wood called at the home Mrs. Keaton and Mrs. Yocum in the dance. of S. Baker on Sunday evening. were Clatskanie visitors on Sat Mr. and Mrs. Les Lebo of Mrs. M. Dooley went to Forest urday of last week. Kelso, Wn., are visiting at the Grove by stage on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward from home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mack the high climber from the summit were shopping in Lebo of I.-P. camp 2. Koster camp is leaving for Cali Clatskanie on Thursday. Miss Anna Devaney and Miss fornia. Homer Inman had the misfor Lucile Gosa are visiting this Mr. and Mrs. S. O’Donnald, tune to cut his knee quite bad week with Mrs. Ray Cummings and Mr. and Mrs. D. O’Donnell ly while at the shovel Saturday. in Portland. were up playing golf. Earl Holce had as his guest Miss LaVelle Gosa spent the Eugene Davis hurt his foot over Sunday, his brother’s fam week end at home visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. L. while at work at the Koster ily- Gosa. Mr. and Mrs. Gosa took camp. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers, Alberta her back to Monmouth Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallie Ben- DeRock and Mrs. Green motored Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grandstrom nett and family were Vernonia over to Longview last Tuesday. were host and hostess at a shoppers on Saturday. Mrs. M. Aamodt is having a dance given in the gym at the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prutzman short vacation and will spend Inman-Poulson camp Saturday night. Most of the camp peo and family were at Vernonia it in California. ple attended also some from Ore last week. Margie Mathews was a village gon-American camp. Some de shopper from the burn on Fri Miss Ruby Johnston is visit lightful refreshments were serv day of last week. ed. Mrs. Julian Johnson having ing at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Snyder. Mrs. Lawrence Jepson was a charge of the music. Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis from Clatskanie visitor on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Devaney also Mrs. Claud Johnson. were host and hostess to a pic Treharne are moving to Koster Mrs. Geo. Taylor and sons nic given at their picnic grounds camp. a business trip to Verno Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Omer Sheeley has bought a made Mrs. A. R. Lundeen and sons new International truck and is' nia Saturday evening. Bobbie and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. hauling logs for Lindsay’s from The A. R. Melis family had W. G. Christie and children the Ben Smith place. guests from Portland on Sun- Genevieve, Geraldine and Calvin and Mr. and Mrs. H. Harold Christie and Frances. KEASEY The Women’s club of Keasey met at the home of Mrs. J. O. Devaney, Thursday July 25. The members present were Mrs. T. L. Gosa, Mrs. Dean Duvall, Mrs. E. J. Fairhurst, Mrs. Thomas Pettijohn, Mrs. H. Harold Chris tie, Mrs. Lindsley. Some very interesting subjects were read and discussed. Swimming was enjoyed by those that wanted ■ to go in. A picnic lunch was served down under the trees. Everybody having a very enjoy able time. TREHARNE A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. P. Larson last week. Lee Engeem is clerking the Treharne grocery store. Mrs. sister Crawford’s at II. day. Miss Lena Knous’ cousin on Mrs. Ed. Reynolds on Tues Mrs. Whitby and daughters and Andra of St. Helens were The average yearly loss in and other friends. day afternoon. was visiting at the Bert Haw visiting at the home of Mrs. transit of livestock from “ship kins home Monday of this week. Mrs. L. B. Eastman was a Little Irene Holce while play Johnston’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ping fever*’ and similar ailments is estimated at fully a million caller at the Grover Devine ing on the ridge in the school Mrs. Sarah Spencer returned D. R. Fowler of this place. dollars, and in some years runs home on Friday. yard hurt her arm severly Sun last Thursday from Jennings as high as three or four million, day evening. She was taken to lodge where she attended Evan Mr. Her and Lincoln Peter- Clatskanie for medical treatment. gelical Those attending the bridal according to the U. S. depart camp meeting. son were village shoppers on shower given on Louise Sim ment of agriculture, which has Saturday. The Wm. Bridge» family and Mrs. Charles Justice of Pleas mons George Mondsy from this recently published Leaflet S8-L the Miss Alberta and Irene De ant Hill visited at the home of place were Oleva Norris, Bessie Maintaining the Health of Live Mrs. Meri Lane and Mr. King Rock went to Portland Saturday Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hall Friday Norris, Irene ^ee, Isola Hall and stock in Transit. This leaflet were- Portland visitors on Mon to attend the funeral of Mrs. of last week. eah be secured free from the N. B. Halt day. Bridgers father, P. DeRock who department of agriculture, Wash Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap died at the home of his daugh E. E. Mills returned from ington, D. C. Mrs. J. George took care of ter, Mrs. Bridgers at Mist Wed pf Natal were business callers ____ .Ryderwood, Wn. Sunday and the Ivory búngalo on Saturday nesday morning. in Riverview Friday evening of jnoved his family up Beaver while Mrs. Johnson was in Port- Forest Grove—Bids opened last week. .creek to the Condit and Parker I for construction of two-story Louis Carmichael and daugh land. ters, Ruth, Grace and Billie mo Chas. Wilson motored to Bir camp, whore he is going to run memorial Legion building on cor Mrs. Wm. Bridgers brother P. tored to Seattle last Thursday kenfeld Monday to get some re the tractor grading for Condit ner of First avenue north and DeRock spent a few days at the and brought Mrs. Carmichael pairs for the shingle mill and and Parker. Main street Bridgers home over the week home with them. She had been returned the same day to River end. visiting with her parents for the view. A jolly house party was past 10 days. This neighborhood is over-run given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Marswell from Estaca Mrs. Claud Johnson on Friday da, has been visiting her sister with dogs which are running at large, and some of them are evening. Mrs. Wm. Keaton for the past chicken thieves and considered The Keaton children Gol week. a nuisance. Mrs. Holmstrom and daughter Olga, visited with the Zale die and Buddie returned home with their aunt for a visit •t Red Lindberg drove the truck Home’s family at Vernonia Sun Estacada. over to Ryderwood, Wn., Sat day. urday and brought back the Miss Dorothy Wallace is at Fordson tractor belonging to E. RIVERVIEW home from Monmouth where E. and C. A. Mills. she has been attending Normal school for the past year. Mrs. Wm. White of Medford __ Mr. ________ and Mrs. ___ A. B. _____ Counts is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. 1 and sons, Johnathan and Hallev Mrs. Chas Sundland and Mrs. Geo. Terrian of Pebble creek. and daughter Eva Jene of Rock W. R. Johnson motored to Port creek visited at the home of land on Saturday and attended Cecil Tipton motored to Ry Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hall last the funeral services * of P. De derwood, Wn., Friday of last Sunday. week to run the donkey for E. Rock at that place. E. and Clive Mills on their right- Mr. and Mrs. Estron Johnston Mrs. W. R. Johnson and Mrs. of-way job. and daughters Wilma, Thelma Chas, Sundland were dinner guests of their daughter and sister, Mrs. G. McCormick on Saturday evening of last week. The regular meeting of Natal1 grange was held Saturday night in the hall at Natal. It was a | social evening and a large crowd was present. Mrs. L. E. McGee, Mrs. C. I Enneberg and Mrs. J. O. Libel I and daughter Fay were calling' Save the Parts We’ll Weld Them Our electric and acetylene welding «eFvice saves hundreds of dollars every month in buying replacement* for broken machin ery. Sava the part*; we can weld them and make the part a* strong a* new. The cost is small compared to expensive part* and loa* of time. INSURE See E. B. Miner Phone 284 for that Insurance Our «hop is equipped to handle repair* of Health, Fire, Auto or Life cars, machinery, etc. Covering all of Columbia county. District manager of Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association. Representing only the largest and best Insurance Company. “Have you your health and accident Insurance’* ^REFRIGERATORS j Vernonia Brazing & Machine Works “See Hoffman About It” IT PAYS Ed. Salmoncen, Mgr. Hoffman Hardware Agent for New Dodge Brothen Six Vernonia I II and Z juujt Uil » the Proverbial Tied "HERE TODAY and GONE TOMORROW Consider Ye, the Flea and the Bee-How They Operate The flea flits in. takes his fill of your good rich blood and leaves you only irri tation and contamination in his wake— he is gone probably forever. The bee also has the capacity to sting— but never does so except in self defense. He’s too busy, too industrious. He estab lishes for himself a permanent hive; he is • - - fifrs- * Consider Ye, The Transient Trader and Your Local Merchant part of an organized community of bees. He applies himself diligently to the gather ing of rich honey and stores it into combs for the enjoyment and nutrition of man- kind. What he garners from your gardens he returns to you in useful form. The former, like the flea, is here today and gone tomorrow, and what he draws from you he takes out of circulation— away from the arteries of local exchange. Your home-town merchant, like the bee, stays on the job. He gives to you and your community’ the fruits of his industry and the fruits of your patronage. He lives among you; pays rent, pays taxes; con tributes to community affairs and funds; promotes the commercial progress of your town, thereby making property more val uable. And—because he is permanent, he aims to make your patronage permanent—by selling only reliable goods, by according fair treatment to all and by extending a friendly, neighborly service as a founda tion and a structure upon which he can perpetuate your good will. X In Your Own Interest BUY AT HOME a FIRST Vernonia Chamber of Commerce a