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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1929)
THURSDAY, VERNONIA FACLE. VERNONIA. ORECON TWO Society News' Mr.. Wayne Society Reporter Lappe, Phone 573 Clubs church as usual Lord’s day July 7, will begin with the Bible school. Everybody that wants to know about the Bible school picnic had better come to the Bible school. Then at the hour of worship, we will present the subject, “Fidelity.” Let each member plan to be present. The Christian Endeavor at 7 o’clock. Preaching at 8:00. Sub- ject, "Before the Judge.” We appreciate the fine aud- iences of last Lord’s day and invite you back. Welcome is the big word. Shower In Honor Mrc. Paul McDuffy 4, 929, Fraternal Of fie. Phon. 192 Glen R. Metsker and son Glen Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn were Willing Workers Meet I Jr., were here last Friday where visiting friends at Mut Tuesday At Home of Mrs. Veal; they attended the opening of evening. the Vernonia Gulf course, and Pete Northfield, representative Mrs. J. Covington and Mrs. from Alberts Bros. Milling com The Willing Workers of the before returning to St. Helens D. Marshall were hostesses at a pany of Portland, was a business Christian church held their reg- were guests of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. A. J. Sitts gave a party shower given in honor of Mrs. visitor at Natal Wednesday. ular meeting June 26, at the (£ee Hall where they were treat- Monday in honor of Rose Sitts hnmp nf Mr« Veal, Vonl with ... 1 * .1 u: home of Mrs. with twt»nfv twenty ed Paul McDuffy, daughter of Mrs. to a chicken dinner. her granddaughter and a young Mr. and Mrs. Bell Goodnight present. W. E. Bell, Thursday, June 27. E. E. Mills was home over friend, Lolamae Smith at her After a game of bridge delicious and daughter were at the home Various committees were ap the week end from Ryderwood. home on Rose avenue. of Mrs. Lee Osburn Wednesday. refreshments were served. Those pointed and a drive for new Evan Hall is home from Ry Refreshments of cake, straw Miss Hattie Berman from members was started which will derwood and is trucking logs attending were, Mesdames Paul berries with whipped cream and Portland arrived to spend a few McDuffy, W. E. Bell, C. Nicar, continue until August 14. to the O. A. mill pond from the lemonade were served the young 11. Caton, E. Bleilie, W. Wolff, days with her sister, Mrs. Lee Refreshments of strawberry former Ratcliffe ranch. guests, who enjoyed playing M. Grunden J. Greenman, L. Osburn, and Miss Burman also shortcake with whipped cream Mr. and Mrs. Antone Madson games and music during the af Hollyfield, M. McAllister, A. made her sister Mrs. Ira Peter and punch were served by the who has an interest in a woolen ternoon. Hughes, C. Davidson, C. Ander- son a visit last week. hostess. mill at Edson, Canada, arrived , Mrs. Sitts presented each girl Reed Holding drove to Ver son, F. Wall, M. F. Wall and a beautiful bouquet of flowers Mr. and Mrs. Lappe Next meeting will be held at in this city Wednesday of last nonia on a busines strip Tues the hostesses. the home of Mrs. Tim Timmons week to visit at the home of before their departure. Many de- Entertain Friends With day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fielberg and July 10. lightful gifts were received by Mrs. William Pringle Jr. mo Dinner Party Recently Mrs. C. H. Schamen of this city. NATAL the two honored girls. Those at- tored to Scoffield Friday to join The Madsons also went to Hills tending were, Alberta Veal, 01- RIVERVIEW her husband. Mr. Pringle is work boro to visit Mrs. Madson’s par Mrs. Wayne B. Mr. and Dr. Eby of Vernonia was call- ing there at present. that DeHart, Ruth Simmons, Dor ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hines. othy June Wolff, Marjorie Hol Lappe entertained a group of ’ ed Sunday to the home of the Rev. G. W. Plumer and Marian McMullin spent Sun Mrs. tham, Rebe Adams, Margaret friends at a unique dinner party ■ William Pringles to attend Mrs. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . Sarah Spencer were visitors at Bennett, Mildred Cason, Sylvia on the beach of the Nehalem i Pringle’s father who is reported Noble Dunlap. Many Treharne folks inspected the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sesseman, Dorothy Manson, Rose river at their home in honor of ’ ill. the Golf course on the opening i Hall last Sunday. Mrs. Lee Osburn called at the Mrs. Lappe’s birthday. The i Week end visitors at the home home of Mrs. Sitts and Lolamae Smith. Reed Holding Mrs. Bert Hawkins arrived guests were Mrs. Dave O’Donnell I of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer Thursday. home last Sunday from Fort and children, Danny and Mickey, were Mr. and Mrs. George Christian Church Miss Inez Almond has left to Smith, Arkansas, where she has Miss Melba Laramore, Al Green Neurer of Portland and Willas spend a short vacation with been visiting relatives and The services at the Christian berg and Donald Hodges. Wetherbee and Miss Virginia friends. friends. Her mother who is 85 Hall also of Portland. James McMullin and his bro years of age returned home with Many Natal Grangers were ther Dave McMullin were in . [ Her. busy Sunday cleaning up and ! Vernonia Thursday. H. W. Kingsley who has been preparing Natal grove with car- J Mrs. Nels Peterson was sud- I employed E. E. Mills left for penters building tables and I denly taken ill last week and his home by benches. A concession stand was was taken to a Portland hospital Tuesday in Tacoma, Wash., last to spend the Fourth also built for the big event to for medical attention. with his family. be held on July 4 th, by the Mrs. Nobe Dunlap and Mrs. Ida Mae Hawkins was home Pomona Annual lecture confer Bob Linsey motored to Portland ence and a picnic combined and Saturday bringing home with over the week end from Hills consisting of a basket lunch them their mother, Mrs. Nels boro where she is employed in the berry fields. and games in the afternoon. Peterson. Mrs. Sarah Spencer attended Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin Mr. King is visiting with his and son Jimmie were Mist shop- ! daughter, Mrs. Wililam Pringle, the funeral last Monday in Port land of Mrs. Nancy Culper an Jr. pers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and old friend. I Mr. and Mrs. James M. Me- Kenneth White, Mildred Haw Cormick called at the home of small sons journeyed to Verno (By Mr*. Mark E. Moe) kins and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Will delight in trading Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer Mon nia Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding Driscla motored to Corvallis last day. Mark E. ____ Moe, , Ver- Address all < communications to Mrs. _______ . „ family were Sunday callers Monday to purchase strawber at— nonia, Oregon. If personal replies are desired, enclose The Reed Holding family mo and MRS. HANDLEY’S at the home of Bill Rose on ries. a stamped addressed envelope. tored to Clatskanie Tuesday. the Catskanie mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and son SHOP Bob Mathews called on Dave Mrs. Lee Osburn made a bus Jewel motored to Tillamook last SALADS 19. Banana sticks in tanger McMullin on business Tuesday. iness trip to Vernonia Saturday. Saturday to spend their vaca- Banana balls rolled in co ine slices. Mayonnaise or fruit John McMullin was a Tuesday I Alberta DeRock was visiting tion. coanut, whipped cream, mayon dressing. caller at the Reed Holding home. at the home of Millie McMullin Mrs. Nannie Hall entertained 20. Pear porcupine, halves naise or fruit dressing. her Sunday school class with a Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn Sunday. 2. Pear halves, balls of cot of pears stuck with strips of and Mrs. Edward McMul weiner roast at Treharne last tage cheese mixed with nuts in blanched almonds. Mayonnaise or were in Vernonia attending bus- lin, Mr. their son Harry and daughter Thursday evening. iness Monday. center, mayonnoise or fruit dress fruit dressing. ____ for Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer Evelyn and baby were Thursday I Elsie Parker departed 21. Tomato porcupine, med ing- evening visitors at Dave Mc Kalama last Monday where she 3. Pineapple poinsettia, ring ium sized tomato peeled. Match drove to Vernonia on business Mullin ’ s home. has secured a position. of pineapple, petals of pimento, like pieces of celery or green Tuesday. Floyd Deeds spent a few days Mr. and Mrs. Max Schmitt of center of mayonnaise, celery and peppers i in rows. Mayonnaise, Lincoln Peterson called at the at Portland last week visiting his Knappa spent Sunday at River boiled or French dressing. nuts. home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake grandmother. view. Mrs. Schmidt was former 22. Egg nnd tomato salad, Neurer Tuesday. 4. Cottage cheese and apple Vernonia Frank Peterson and his son ly 1 Mrs. Tom McDaniels and had balls rolled in chopped nuts, Peeled tomato, cut in *4 inch John McMullin made a bus Richard made a business trip to lived here several years ago. 1 hard cooked iness trip to Vernonia Monday. Vernonia Friday. Place in a box made of wafers. slices lengthwise, 5. Pineapple, cocoanut and egg between tomato slices. May Mrs. Bob Linsey spent Mon Lincoln Peterson called at the shredded cabbage. Marinate with onnaise. day visiting her mother, M rs. home of Reed Holding Thursday 23. Bird’s nest salad. Half of Nels Peterson and her sister, on business. boiled dressing. 6. Pineapple, cocoanut, mar- large tomato, hollowed out, may Mrs. Noble Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Delaplain shmallow, cottage cheese, fruit onnaise; three balls of cottage Mr. and Mrs. James McMul- and two sons Lester and Ord, cheese. dressing. lin were here visiting friends left last week and moved their 24. Celery, cheese, large and relatives hist week. 7. Lighted candle salad. household goods to St. Helens. celery stalks. Slice canned pineapple Beatrice Perry and her grand Cream cheese 'A banana cut crosswise mother, Mrs. Oliver Burris mo and Walter Barnes spent Chopped walnut meats Strip of green pepper tored to Vernonia Tuesday. last week visiting at Tre- Minced green peppers. Brazil nuts Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin Stuff celery and cut in 1 and family spent Wednesday Maraschino cherry John called at the home Fruit dressing or mayon- inch lengths. French dressing. evening at the home of Mr. and daughter Mrs. R. Stan- 25. Stuffed cherries. naise. Mrs. Carl Eilcr. Red or white cherries pitted 8. Tomato poinsettia, mayon- Filberts, fruit dressing. naise. See salad No. 3. 26. Asparagus in rings of tomato, 9. Stuffed dressing or mayonnaise, pineap green or red pepper, french ple, cucumber, celery and nuts. dressing. 27. Asparagus Stalks. 19. Head lettuce, thousund is Chopped egg white land dressing. Chopped pickles 11. Rice and peanuts, 3 table i Chopped pimento spoons rice cooked in orange French or mayonnaise dress- juice. cup finely chopped pea ing. 28. Cucumber cup with rad ish nuts rose-buds. Mayonnaise. Balls of cream cheese 29. Dates, French lima beans, French dressing. cottage cheese, French dressing. 12. Lettuce Rolls 30. _ Tuna salad, 1 head lettuce 2 cups tuna fish 1 cup cottage cheese 1 cup celery cup raisins 1 pepper W cup chopped walnuts M cup olives, chopped cup mayonnaise salt 1 apple diced. Spread lettuce leaves with French or mayonnaise dress- mixture. Roll like n jelly roll. Tie with nasturtiums or clover ing. 31. Egg apples.—Hard boiled blossoms or lay strips of pimen eggs colored in beet vinegar or to around each roll. 13. Spring salad. Slice of to red vegetable coloring. Boiled mato, half of stuffed egg, may dressing. 32. Rice, banana, cucumber, onnaise. 14. Salmon and celery, cu grapes, mayonnaise. 33. Pineapple, cucumber cumber or cabbage may be used instead of celery. Boiled or gelatine, mayonnaise. 34. Combination " ' vegetable mayonnnise dressing. 16. Potato salad with pimen salad, peas, diced enrrots, string to, olives, celery, cucumber, nuts, beans. French dressing. 35. Butterfly salad, boiled dressing. 2 flat lettuce leaves 17. Carrot and raisin, pickle 1 stalk asparagus garnish. Thousand Island dress 2 strips pimento ing. 2 slices canned pineapple 18. Stuffed prunes, nuts, 2 stuffed olives. French cheese, olives. Whipped cream or dressing or mayonnaise. mayonnaise. Mrs. A. J. Sitts Gives Party In Honor Two Girls At Her Home JULY Shower Given In Honor Of Mrs. Dan Nelson ley, J. Rachael, F. Rumbaugh, G. Terrian and the hostess. Mrs. H. W. Froembling gave a shower in honor of Mrs. Dan Nelsqn on the afternoon of June 27th. Those attending were Mes dames Dan Nelson, Bert Nelson, Lewis C. Martin, W. Nixon, J. Covington, V. Powell, L. Baker, G. Ogg, Boyd Nelson, A. Buck- Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Stanton left for Lost Creek, , Wn„ last Saturday to spend the I Fourth with relatives. Kitchen Recitals Mr. and Mrs. II. Condit and son will leave on a motor trip to Idaho, this week. Anti-Thirst Headquarters Milady Every Cooling, freshing drink served you here— amid spotless sur roundings. SANDWICHES —Dainty and de licious. Try —and like ’ Gifts Mrs. L. Handley NOW OPEN Arcadia Park 3.5 miles from Vernonia on Timber and Forest Grove road 40=acre Timbered Park Old Sheeley Grove Ideal Place Buy New 40x80 Dance hall Radio Piano Stoves Wood ■ Swimming' Pumps ■ Tables ElectricWy DANCING * A. in th« YES, * íeWd vegeta«®» a» telephone- From O»;MarKet the Choicest of M< Market & Vernonia Phone Phone Since Ben Franklin said ‘Save and Have’ many level-headed person« have opened saving« account«. And many have bles sed the adage that showed them the way to financial solidity Bank of V ernonia Vernonia DAY AND NIOHT One of the Beauty Spots of the Nehalem - -