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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1929)
THURSDATCMARCH 21, 1929 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON Society News Mrs. E. E. Yeo Society Reporter THREE Clubs Fraternal Residence Phone 582 Office Phone 192 the Legion delegates at their con Elsie Fieldberg was teaching his time well occupied. The ages Japan’s requirements, Oregon suit ordered. vention. school in Canada and patiently of students attending this Acade sending that country 283,000 During this special sale the Mrs. J. W. Brown, in the waiting for Henning to come my range from 5 to 21. bushels and Washington 179,000 factory representative, C. Mush- Good Samaritan hospital, who is Mike Lynch has returned to home safe. I etti will assist Mr. Paulus. The present head of the school for total of 462,000. Treharne, Mar. 19.—Mrs. C. the I.-P. camp west of Keasey progressing, and will probably be New York leads in flour ex- J~ is Captain Carlop, a graduate about IW. Bennett entertained with a Leona McGraw was working from West Point. The students ports with 516,000 barrel, follow Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Giilchrest able to come home in t.— I -- ------ ■ - - - — Pat where he is working for the In dinner party Sunday, St. man-Poulsen Logging iompany. in the bank at Banks, Oregon. entertained at a St. Patrick's three weeks. will go to their summer camp ed by Washington district with Miss Alma Kullander, in the rick’s day, honoring the birth party with four tables of 500 during the middle part of May, 307,000 and Oregon 205,000. days of ~ Byron and Margaret Bert Hawkins journeyed to Georgina Lappe was second in near Bonneville, Wash., about 271 Flour exports from Washington Saturday evening. The rooms Emanual hospital who will be Bennett, The guests were Mr. Portland Saturday to take an eye command in a unit of the Wo ■ were prettily decorated with back in this city the later part from Vancouver. The go principally to these countries :. and Mrs. Ben Bennett and sons examination at the Veterans hos man’s Land army at Cacaville, miles green candles and streamers. of this week. Straits Settlements 176.000 bar-; Academy soon expects to add Edward Lisenby at St. Vin- Lawrence and Ralph, Miss Flor- pital. Calif., and was also active in horsemanship to their courses. Mrs. C. S. Hoffman won the rel, Philippines 78,000, Peru 14,- war camp community service. prize for ladies high score and cent’s hospital who recently was ence Santee, Mr. and Mrs. C. 000, Bolivia '."JOJ, United King-[ The regular drill period aver Legion- Harry Zimmerman, 1 Gordon R. Watt had the high seriously injured but the last few W. Bennett and Helen, and Miss ages about 50 minutes daily, dom 7000, Java 6000, Canada Margaret Bennett and Byron days reprted as having a fair ; from naire of Vernonia post Clara Schwab was going to score of the men. graduates from Hill Military 5000. Exports from Oregon:; Bennett. Westimbcr, joined with the Ver school and singing In Vernonia patriotic Academy, if fortunate enough to Straits Settlements 89,000, Ja A dainty luncheon of fruit chance to recover. Leo Violet in the St. Vin nonia Legionnaires in attending' songs, and salad with whipped cream pan 85,000, Philippines 26,000. receive an appointment to West K. P. Lodge Notes the dedication of the new hos- STOP AT green jello, little cakes with a cents hospital, who was operated Point, could enter the govern Ecuador and Netherlands each C. C. Van Doren was rein pital Monday. Marie Moe was attending high ment school without passing an 2000. mint wafer and a shamrock, on for appendicitis recently is stated to Knight Hood after an sch >ol at Portland, Oregon. coffee and tea was served. The progressing nicely. examination. absence of a few years. Loss of nearly a billion dol guests were entertained during Columbia County Valuation* Bill Warner surprised Hard lars faces World war veterans Mrs. Pete Wideman represent- the evening with radio music. Vïrs. V. Van Alstine Leads in Grain Exports ing Lodge 116 Monday night by of the country who have failed ed the Auxiliary Unit at the ded- Valuation of a essatile proper Those present were Mr. and Entertains 500 Club furnishing pie and coffee, which to apply for the federal adjusted ¡cation ceremonies and district Oregon and Washington cus ty in Columbia county, Oregon Mrs. W. A. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. was enjoyed by a large atten compensation “bonus,” unless conference at Portland on Mon- toms districts shipped more than this year $19,339,988, or about C. S. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. G. The Jolly 500 club held their dance. half of all wheat sent to for- $100,000 lower than last year. they act before January 2 next. day. M. Ogg, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Numerous applications are be- --------- | Mrs. Pete Wideman has left eign countries in January, their Of total $3,192,810 represents Culver, Mr. and Mr . Harry Cul r< ■egular meeting last Thursday at of Mrs. Virgil Van ing received by the local lodge With 4,447,412 ex-service men! for a visit with her parents at aggregate exports being 1,722,- public service corporation pro- bertson, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. the home Mrs. Alstine had and degree work is starting in to Soden, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Asp- Alstine. score Van and women estimated as eligible Yamhill ' ** be " gone ‘ two weeks. 000 but out of 3,399,000 for i perty. Taxes for schools repre of the afternoon nation. Oregon district leads all, senting about 40 per cent of to for the benefits of the so-called land, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Watt. the high Dully Stevenson receiv- full swing. and Mrs. Scotty Lauder a new member “soldier bonus” only 3,613,163 with shipments totaling 984,000 tal, are $333,600. Those for ed the consolation prize. A is very active in lodge affairs. had received adjustment compen Hale Greenman Active bushels. Galveston district takes roads, including special levies of CHRIST FOR ALL-ALL FOR CHRIST dainty luncheon of sandwiches, At Military Academy 2d rank with 797,000, while some districts, amount to $240,- All new members of Harding sation policies up to a recent fruit salad and cake was served lodge are taking an active part date. Their claims aggregated Washington district is 3d with 537. Mrs. II. G. Phelps, Mgr. by the hostess assisted by Mrs. in the welfare and activities of $3,487,384,708 or an average of Hale Greenman, who spent the 738,000. Next are New York Dolly Stevenson. the lodge.» week end at home, has been ap with 334,000 and New Orleans Take Over New Woolen Line $965 each. Members present were Mrs. pointed on the adjutant staff, with 322,000. P. Paulus, proprietor of Ver BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER Mrs. V. Powell, Mrs. Bert Nelson, ! Any honorably discharged vet-¡of Hill Military Academy, which Oregon and Washington ports nonia Cleaners, has taken over ff parent! mill have their children memo- Paul Fetsch, Mrs. Tom Turner, “Jolly 20” Met With he is attending. send all of 522,000 bushels of (the Western Woolen Line of tlxe a Bible ¡election each lOeeh, It u'lN prove Mrs. Taylor Thursday eran who served in the army, Mrs. Roscoe Babb, Mrs. Murray, Manager of the football team wheat to China, largest taker of made-to-order clothing and is j priceleu heritage to them in after peart. navy, or marine corps for more Mrs. Lloyd Baker, Mrs. R. J. than 60 days between April 5, and athletics for 1928-29 and i this grain, Oregon shipping 304,- staging a special demonstration llart, , Mrs. Sam Smith, Mrs. Worship Him Who is Supreme Mist, Mar. 19.—The “Jolly 20' I” 1917, and July 1, 1919, provid active in all student activities, * 000 bushel and Washington 242,-1 and giving a free suit or over Luke 4:8. And Jesus answer G. McKee, Mrs. Mike Miller. met on the burn with Mrs. Geo. ing he began his service before young Greenman says he finds 000. They also provide all of coat away this week with every ed and said unto him, Get thee Visitors present were Mrs. Geo. Taylor last Thursday. There was the armistice, is entitled to the behind me, Satan: for it is writ Ogg, Mrs. Leonard Graven, Mrs. a good attendance and one new benefits of the adjusted compen- member was added to the roll, ten, Thou shalt worship the Lord C. Tisdale. law. To be valid, applica- Woodmen of the World The next meeting will be held The weather being so nice out- sation thy God, and him only shalt thou tions must be filed in Washing- i W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No. at the home of Mrs. Bert Nelson door games were played for the serve. ton before January 2, 1930. 655 meets every Wednesday night with Mrs. Virgil Powell as assist amusement of some of the mem And thou shalt Mark 12:30. Congress recently extended the at 7:30, at the new W. O. W. bers. The next meeting will be expiration date from January, 1 love the Lord thy God with all ing hostess. hall. Visiting members welcome. R. C. LINDSAY, C.C. with Mrs. Ed. Reynolds on Mar. thy heart, and with all thy soul, 1928. 28. II. S. STRONG, Clerk. and with all thy mind, and with Mrs. Chas. Richardson all thy strength. Entertains Study Club Dr. Hurley was highly honor American Legion Pythian Sitters Hold Sale John 3:36. He that believeth ed Monday, when invited to ride Vernonia Post on the Son hath everlasting life: The Pythian Sisters will hold in the car with several of the Mrs. Charles Richardson en 119, . American and he that believeth not the tertained the Study club Thurs a cooked food sale Saturday, highest American Legion officials Meets Legion, Son, shall not see life; but the day at the home of Mrs. Judd March 23 in Hoffman’s Hard and state officers during the big and second wrath of God abideth on him. ware store. Veterans parade. Greenman. fourth Tuesdays Prayer: Come and let us re Comrade Hurley who is per The meeting was in keeping each month, 8 p. turn unto the Lord: for He hath with St. Patricks, and roll call sonally acquainted with General m. John Hay. torn and He will heal: He hath was answered by each member Martin, was slightly taken back, Adj utant. smitten and He will bind up. at the invitation, having figured telling an Irish joke. After the Hole should a Christian walk? business meeting ndjourned Mrs. to march in line and after the Answer, read Lam. 3:22, 23. American Legion Auxiliary parade was invited to lunch Frank Hansen, chairman of the with this group of officials who program, assisted by Mrs. R. A. Meets first and third Evangelical Church later attended the dedication of Olson, Mrs. A. C. Knauss and Mondays of each month G. . W. Plumer, Pastor the new hospital. Mrs. C. E. Richardson talked on at the Legion hall. The Sunday school meets at the life of St. Patrick. August 8-9-10, are the dates Mrs. C. J. Nance, Pres. 9:45 a.m. The ; pastor will speak Auxiliary Note* At the close of the meeting picked for the next state con- Mrs. P. Wideman, Sec. So wonderfully well made—styled on the subject of Palm Sunday St. Patrick refreshments were vention of the American Legion Contributed by Mrs. Wayne —and sized. You’ll know in a mo and its Auxiliary at Salem, Ore- Lappe. at 11 a.m. served by the hostess. 1. O. O. F. ment where and how they surpass The Young People meet at The next meeting of the club gon. What some of the Auxiliary 6:30 p.m. both societies. Cqpitol post has announced its ladies were doing during the war. will be at the home of Mrs. W. the ordinary dollar kind. The theme for 7:30 p.m. will R. Meyer, on Thursday, March slogan of, “Our boast some host’’ I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. be "Human Weakness.” and also “trail ’em to Salem.“ Our President, Essie Nance 28. 14 to 20 246 meets every Tuesday night Next Tuesday, Wednesday, was selling tickets at Vancouver. at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis 36 to 44 Thursday, and Friday evening Mrs. Lesray Norris The use of the senate cham Wash., and just about knew all To tell you these dresses itors always welcome. 46 to 52 there will be pre-Easter services ber and house will be tendered the boys in the Spruce division. Alfred Webb, N. G. are designed and made in Surprised at Shower at the church, beginning at 7:30 F. N. O’Donnell, Secretary. a new branch of the o’clock. The subjects will be, Riverview, Mar. 19.—A num “The Words of the Master on “Sunbeam” Factories, Mountain Heart ber of friends surprised Mrs. the Cross.” tells everything. A value Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Lesray Norris Thursday after No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every suptatae. • noon of last week and gave her Correction second and fourth Thursdays in a shower. She received many W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors In last weeks issue it was nice and useful gifts. Dainty re always welcome. stated that the Pythian Sisters freshments were served. Those Myrtle Johns, N.G. would hold a series of card present were Mrs. Clem Bartley, Mrs. Marie O’Donnell, Sect’y. parties starting March 25. This Mrs. E. Laird, Mrs. H. Fielberg, should have read Tuesday March Mrs. E. E. Mills, Mrs. A. J. Kirk, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS 26. Mrs. Oliver Graves, Mrs. Claud HARDING LODGE 11« Norris, Mrs. Lee Hall, Mrs. Meets every Monday Correction Wane George, Isola Hall, Mrs. at 8 P.M. in Grange In last week’s issue of the B. T. Hall, Mrs. K. M. Hall, Mrs. hall. Eagle, it was stated a daughter Frank Kerchlich, Mrs. Merl Cline Ralph Clem, C. C. was born to Mrs. Roy Smith liv and Mrs. R. Sims. Emil Messing, KRS ing on Rose avenue. This should Page Rank Mon. Nite March 25 have read: A daughter born to Albany—Plans proposed for Mrs. Roy Smith living on State erection of Linn county court street. house and jail. Pythian Sister» Mr. and Mrs. Giilchrest Entertain at Home With St. Patrick Party Vernonia Folk* in Hospital Portland Mr«. C. W. Bennett Entertain» With Party When Visiting NEHALEM HOTEL Room and Board Lodge Notices MILLER MERCANTILE COMPANY Indeed We oAre Glad To ¿Be First THE NEHALEM VETERAN TW-.S .Vx'iX’HT 1 Teacli Them When They are Young You cannot begin too young to teach your children the value of thrift and the equally important thing, a good banking connec tion. If you do not know just how to go about this important duty bring your children here and we will aid you. Bank of Vernonia TREHARNE Phone 7F5I Mermimg Fr©€ks Vernonia Temple 61 meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in W.O.W. hall. MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. DELLA CLINE, M. of R. 4 C. Shall We Call For Yours? A. F. & A. M. Vernonia lodge 184, A. F. & A. M., meet« at Masonic Temple, stated communications, 2nd and 4th Thursdays. Special called meetings every 1st and 3rd Thursday«. Visitors cordially welcome. F. D. Macpherson, W. M., J. B. Wil kerson, Secretary. Perhaps you are one who has never made use of our perfect laundry service. If you are we want you to be fully convinced that our service is reliable. There is but one way to convince you— a trial order. This we know will win you as one of our regular cus tomers. Serving Over 2000 In Order of Eastern Star West Coast Logger* VERNONIA’S IEADING STORE Gordon Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu nication first and third Wed nesdays of each month, at Ma sonic Temple. All visiting sis ters and broth ers welcome. Mrs. Ramona Lindley, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Surrounding Camps Your Satisfaction Means Our Success Quick Service LINDSAY LUMBER COMPANY “SPIC & SPAN” Vernonia Laundry K. Inouye Phone 711 D. O. Hood, President Portland, Oregon G. W. Ford, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. Vernonia, Oregon Otto Berg, Sec’y. and Treas. Portland, Oregon Columbia Utilities Co. Electric Light and Power SERVICE is our first consideration. The present management believes the service much improved. We have plans for the future which we hope will please our CONSUMERS.