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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1928)
THURSDAY VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO Joy Theatre "Clearing the Trail” A wholesome western with Hoot Gibson, tonight and tomorrow. "Court-Martial” “Court-Martial,” the Columbia special at the Joy theatre, Saturday, gives Jack Holt a role in which he will long be remembered, that of an army officer who sets out to rout a dangerous border gang single-handed. He is ably supported by Betty Compson as the fire-eat ing, merciless rebel leader. "Glorious Bet.y” down fine, as a moderate propor. agency aforesaid will thereafter! The Farmer Finds Middle October Best pay only the amount of such bonds j tion of the small lumps tends to A Real Champion and the interest accrued thereon i Fall Seeding Period I I prevent prevent the the surface surface from from “pud- i dling” or running together, says The most favorable eplace to the experiment station. plant fall grain is usually between October 10-20 in Oregon, finds the Cover Crop Helps Land experiment station. On land that A cover or winter crop is de- is planted much before this date there is often little opportunity for sirable for planting on ground on sufficient cultivation to destroy the which potatoes or other raw crops weed crop. The main advantage in are harvested. Clean cultivated land delaying seeding on early plowed is • subject to leeching or loss of land lies in the opportunity for plant nutrients. A good cover crop weed destruction. When planting is such as vetch will help prevent this. delayed until after November 1, un Winter crops of western Oregon favorable weather may prevent the usually yield best on soils which plants from becoming well estab have fair to good drainage. Vetch lished in the fall, and this will can be broadcast by hand, after reduce yields the following year. the potato harvest, if rains prevent Growers get best results when the use of a seeding machine. fall sown wheat is treated for smut with iopper carbonate after it is cleaned and freed frof smut balls, Oats and barley are treaten | with liquid forfaldehyde. Grain so I treated is planted as soon as the grain is dry in order to prevent killing a certain amoont of the I pledge to the seed. Glorious Betsey—the glory of all lovers! Men called her Venus re ineernated! They love, live and fight for her. Jerome, brother of Napolean, forsakes his country to worship at the shrine of her beauty. The hand of Bonaparte casts its wrathful shadow across their ro- mance. Swiftly and relentlessly Na- polean schemes to send Betsy into heart-broken exile and force Jer- ome into a loveless marriage, But the Emperor’s imperious orders are check-mated by the American girl’s charms in the battle of hearts! Dolores Costello and Conrad Na gel are ideal in the roles of the reckless sweethearts who chanced BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER all for love! See “Glorious Betsy,” If parentr will have their children memo a Bihle eeleclion each week, It wlU praee Sunday. 1 -5MS' a rise phccZsM heritage to them tn after year». “Price Fear” Gov. Smith Says— farmer, and to the people of this country that no stone will be left unturned to gite immediate and adequate farm re* » * (Hoover) wants to drive farmers enough out of business to pull down the surplus crops. The way he wants to relieve the fanner is to destroy him. A snappy western drama, Mon THE UNTAMED TONGUE:—He day only. that keepeth his mouth keepeth his "Four Son.” life; but he that openeth wide his “Four Sons,” Fox production, is lips shall have destruction.—Prov the feature — Tuesday and Wednes- erbs 13:3. • • • day at the Joy theatre, PRAYER:—Dear Lord, we know Briefly, it is the simple, intensely that the tongue can no man tame, Mr. Hoover, as the chief adviser of human story of a mother and her but Thou art both able and willing the last two administrations, upon the subject of agriculture, assumed a direct four sons. The theme is faith—the to take possession of our hearts faith of the mother in humanity. and then the tongue recognizes responsibility for the hostility and in action of the Administration, and con In spite of all the troubles that be- Thee as Master. tinues to assume the responsibility by set the old lady, her confidence re- Question:—Why is a little that his fulsome indorsement of the record mains unbroken. a righteous man hath, better than of Coolidge policies. the riches of many wicked? • • • “Inside” Information Answer:—Psalm 37:32-37. Outing flannel makes a good drip “Do you believe that liquor is the great issue of this campaign?” I cer- bag for fruit juices when making CHURCH OF CHRIST tainly do not. jelly. It is preferred by some to Bible School 10:00. A week from cheesecloth. • • • Sunday the high school will have Sirup from canned fruit or sweet charge of the Bible school, Many The absolute separation of state and pickles may be combined with the interesting features planned. Come! church is part of the fundamental basis pulp or pomace left after extract of our Constitution. I believe in that Communion and sermon 11:00. ing fruit juice fSt jelly, to make separation and in all that it implies. Christian Endeavor 6:30, Helen a fruit butter of good flavor. • * • Charlesworth, leader. Junior C. E. Do not use overripe fruits for at 6:30. Concert, Charlesworth Or I can think of no greater disaster jelly-making. The acid content may chestra. to this country than to have the voters be insufficient to make jelly and Evening worship 7:30, sermon by of it divided upon religious lines. the flavor will not be so good as Mrs. Leavitt. Solo, Mrs. Lola Wig • » * that of jelly made from just ripe, gins. Bible study Thursdays 7:30. If there is any citizen of this country or underripe fruit. Third chapter Revelation. , who believes that I can promote its Either beet or cane sugar may C. E. Convention at Scappoose welfare, that I am capable of steering be used for jelly-making. A propor Friday to Sunday. Wildwood Union. the ship of state safely through the tion that gives good results with next four years, and then votes against Coming! Dixie Jubilee Quartet, fairly tart, underripe fruits is three- November 12th. me because of my religion, he is not fourths of a cup of sugar to one ■ real, pure, genuine American. Esther G. Leavitt, cup of fruit juice. Minister. Neglecting to boil the jelly glasses may cause fermentation of Providing Outet Ditches the jelly after a few weeks in some Progressive farmers are now cases. Scalding the glasses with hot cleaning out surplus runs and out MARK EVERY GRAVE water is not so good as boiling let ditches and connecting these Memorials in granite and marble them. with “dead” furrows to provide at reduced prices surface drainage before the heavy WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Poultry industry Ha. Grown rains come. Recent rains have pro The poultry industry in Oregon vided a good moisture condition in Oregon Monument Works has grown from 1,753,000 chickens most Oregon soils for plowing. The Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro in 1910 to 3,238,000 in 1925; the fall seed beds need not be forked egg production from 11 million dozen in 1910 to 20 million dozen in 1925. Although Oregon produces ony 1 per cent o2 the total eggs in the United States, it has a surplus production which is mostly shipped to eastern markets. Wm. Pringle, Sr Democratic Candidate 4NE«CAN™S[adMhHY For Sheriff The Seel of Safety in Seeing. IS YOUR MONEY WORK ING FOR YOU AS HARD AS YOU’RE WORKING FOR IT? A resident of this county for 50 years and a taxpayer for 35 years For Particuler. Write American Trust Gompi ny Deportment of Thrift 89 Fourth St., Portland Ore. DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Eye? tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit Governor Smith’s speech on the farm question at Omaha, has set the western prairies on fire with enthu siasm for the Democratic candidate. That in Governor Smith the farmers have at last found a champion who is jumping Into the fight for agricultural justice on their side is the keynote of all unbiased comment coming from the Western states. Governor Smith went to Omaha, In the heart of America’s great, farming empire, to tell the farmers that he is prepared immediately on election to take the leadership in getting the kind of agricultural legislation they have been vainly demanding from the Re publicans for the past eight years. The response to this offer of friend ship and action has been electric. The people who till the soil and supply the nation with Its food are now assured that if Governor Smith is elected they will see the standard of "Equality for Agriculture” hoisted to the flagstaff of the White House. They are expressing their enthusiasm in no uncertain terms. Especially telling has been the con trast drawn between Governor Smith’s pledges tor the farmer and Herbert Hoover’s policy of evasion. Hoover’s hostility to Agriculture has been well known ever Blnce his days as war-time Food Administrator. Now as Repub lican candidate he is trying desperate ly hard to cover up his bad past rec ord, but his heart remains the same as before, and his only plan to solve the problem of the surplus crop Is to starve the farmers out until there is no more surplus. On such cruel and unjust policies, Governor Smith has turned his back. He offers the farmer prosperity and equality through the McNary-Haugen principles and the farmers are show ing that they know him now as their best friend and chief hope. NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS Notice is hereby given to the holders of the following bonds of the City of Vernonia, Columbia I County, Oregon: Bond No. 4 of improvement dis trict No. 3, dated May 1, 1926, and bond No. 3 of General Obliga tion Bonds dated May 1, 1926, said bonds being in denomination of $500; the above bonds being re deemable at the option of said city on Nov. 1, 1928. That pursuant to said option, said bonds will be redeemed within 30 days from the date of this notice, to wit: On the first day of June 1928 upon pre sentation at the fiscal agency of Oregon, in New York City, to wit: I The National Park Bank. In case the holders of said bonds fail to present same at the time and place mentioned herein for the redemption thereof, then the1 interest thereon shall cease and the up to the said first day of No vember 1928. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon on this first day of October 1928.) J. C. Lindley, Treasurer, i City of Vernonia, Oregon. ) 93 Paid Advertisement By F. O. Alexander 1928 18, Eagle Clasified Ads Pay. DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry and X-Ray Evenings by appointment. Office over Hoffman Hardware Co. Vernonia, Oregon SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. LEORA WHARTON, Plaintiff, vs. LEON L. WHARTON, Defendant.) To Leon L. Wharton, the above entitled defendant: IN THE NAME; OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to ap- pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en- titled suit on or before the ex- piration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which said first pub lication is made and dated the 27th day of September, 1928, that being the time prescribed by the Court in an order for publication of this summons; and if you fail to appear and answer the com plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: for a decree of absolute divorce dis- existing between plaintiff and de- fendant and such other relief as solving the bonds of matrimony to the court may seem proper. This summons is published by order of the Honorable John Phil lip, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Colhmbia, duly made, dated and entered this 26th day of September, 1928. LESTER SHEELEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and Postoffice Ad- dress: Vernonia, Oregon. S27N8 “SURE AS SHOOTING Sewing MACHINES Rented by the week or month Full assortment of the best needles for all makes of sew ing machines. Machine. For Sale EASY TERMS SINGER OIL FOR SALE Sewing 4 Vernonia Cleaners GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law « Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon Lodge Notices Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec ond and fourth Thursdays in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors al ways welcome. Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G. Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 116 Meets every Monday at 8 P.M. in Grange hall. R. M. Aldrich, C. C. Harry Culbertson, KRS Woodmen of the World THE NEW ZEROLENE the modern oil K STANDARD OIL PRODUCT W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No. 655 meets every Wednesday night at 7:30, at the new W.O.W. hall. Visiting members welcome. ROBERT LINDSAY, C. C. L. M. ESCUE, CLERK. A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. A A. M., meets at Grange Hall every Second and Fourth Thursday nights. Visitors Welcome Levert Goodin, Secretary. American Legion Vernonia Po.t 119, American La- gion. Meets second Do You Know? That in 1927 there was shipped from Vernonia nearly 70C‘0cars of forest products? This makes Vernonia one of the largest shipping points on the entire S. P. & S. sys= tem. Economical Administration "Enforcement of all Laws to the Best of Mv Ability” Wm. Pringle, Si OCTOBER and fourth Tues- days each month, 8 p. m. Lee Schwab, Commander. Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 1S3, O. E. S. Regular communi- cation first and third Wednesdays of each -Il month. All visiting sisters and brothers wel come. Catherine McNeill, W. M. American Legion Auxiliary Meet, first and third Mon. day. of each month at the Legion Hall. J. Nance, President. Wideman, Secretary. I. O. O. F OREGON-AMERICAN LBR. CO. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis itors always welcome. John Glassner, N. G. H. E. Stevenson, Sec.